Chapter 70 – Tanjiro’s battle alone

Hesi took the girl from Tanjirou’s hand in a daze.

At this time, Bai Yu said to Tanjirou: “Tanjirou, this {gui} will be dealt with by you alone!”

Hearing this, Tanjiro suddenly didn’t understand Bai Yu’s intentions, so he asked, “Senior Bai Yu, don’t you want to make a move?”

Bai Yu smiled, and then replied: “If I make a move, you will only have to watch the show! It’s a trial for you!”

Tanjirou, who had seen Shiraue’s strength in Fujiakiyama, knew Shiraue’s horror.

It was impossible to grow under Bai Yu’s protection all the time.

Knowing this, Tanjirou didn’t continue to say anything, but focused on the battlefield.

Tanjirou had no scruples at this time, because he knew that if Bai Yu was present, his life would never be in danger.

In order to get in the way of Tanjirou, Kazumi quickly stepped aside.

Tanjiro stared at the alley with high concentration, and analyzed the characteristics of {水鬼} in his mind. It was when Tanjiro couldn’t hold back because he couldn’t see ghosts, Tanjiro recalled his absolute advantage. , His nose.

Absolutely sensitive to breath!

Immediately, Tanjirou began to capture the movements of {Water Ghost} from his breath.(Read more @

“Come on! Back!”

In the next instant, Tanjirou made a move, turned and attacked behind him.

“The breath of water, the type of Wu…”

Just when Tanjiro was about to take the knife, three black water shadows appeared on the ground. Three {水鬼} with the same appearance but different forehead horns emerged from the ground.

“There are actually three!”

Tanjirou was very surprised, and the attack he was going to cut out suddenly stopped. At this time, Tanjirou couldn’t help but glanced at Bai Yu, as if seeking Bai Yu’s help because of the changes in the situation.

Seeing Tanjirou looking at him, Shiro Yu shook his head at Tanjirou, saying that he would not make a move.

Seeing Bai Yu’s statement, Tanjiro had to give up asking for help, and then bent his knees to the ground with a hard kick, and Tanjiro volleyed into the air.

“Calm down, since Senior Bai Yu doesn’t make a move, it means that he can handle it!” Tanjirou said to himself secretly.

“The breath of water, the shape of Ba, the kettle!”

At this critical juncture, Tanjiro made a choice to change his moves. He chopped down a teapot, and suddenly a large amount of water was chopped by the blade, splashing a lot of water.

The arms of the three {Water Ghosts} were chopped off by the breath of water, the shape of the teapot.

“Damn it! Because he changed his moves halfway, none of the {ghosts} hit the key.” Tanjirou felt a little upset that he didn’t make a single shot.

After the severed arm fell to the ground, it was immediately swallowed by the black water emerging from the ground. And the three {Water Ghosts} were also temporarily submerged in the black water.

“Two of these three {Ghosts} are clones split from the main body. The clones will greatly affect the strength of {Ghost}’s single body, so in addition to their superior numbers, they will not pose too much threat to you.” At this time , Bai Yu said to Tanjirou leisurely.

“Is it a clone? No wonder the breath of the three is exactly the same!” After listening to Bai Yu’s words, Tanjiro was even more sure of his own guess.

“Go to Mr. Womi!” Tanjiro felt the violent fluctuations in the aura of {Water Ghost}, and immediately called to Kazumi, “Mr. Wazumi, disperse!”

After speaking, Tanjirou also rushed in the direction of Hemi, and at the same time launched an offensive again.

“The breath of water, the type two, the waterwheel!”

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