Chapter 689 – Post-war report

“Adding to the previous solution, the sixth of the first string was dropped, and now there are only four {上弦鬼} left on the 12th ghost month. The situation on Wuichiro’s side is still unclear. If he also encounters {上弦鬼}. , There are only three left on the twelve ghost moon winding.”

“Excluding the Undead River, which can no longer fight in the future, as well as Purgatory and U髄, which cannot be restored in the short term, our remaining fighting power is me, Shiraiba, Beimingyu, Tomioka, Ganlu Temple, Wuichiro, and Butterfly, seven on three. , The winning side is still great.”

Yihei Xiaobani began to analyze the current situation.

At this time, Meimingyu Xingming interjected: “Little Ba, don’t forget that there is Guiwu Tsujimu. He is more powerful than any other winding. Besides, the twelve ghosts and moons are Guiwu Tsujimu. It was created tragically, so the now dead {上弦鬼} will most likely be replaced by other {ghosts}.”

“So, I don’t think our situation is too optimistic in the long run. As long as the ghost dance Tsuji survives, {Ghost} can’t be killed, and {上弦鬼} is just a step position of {鬼}, just like a column. same.”

Hearing this, Tanya Shiki Yoshiya agreed with him, so he said, “Xing Ming is right. We are not as good as Oniwu Tsuji Mimei in terms of recovery of wear and tear. Every sacrifice of a pillar may not be able to fight anymore, yes. Our influence is huge.”

His own analysis was overturned, and Yihei Xiaobanei did not feel any anger, but after hearing the analysis of Yihei Shiki Yaoya and Miyingyu Xingming, Yihei Xiaobanei felt that she was not far-sighted enough and did not think deeply enough.(Read more @

“However, we don’t need to be so pessimistic. After all, the successive deaths of {上弦鬼} have already broken the curse of being defeated by {上弦鬼} for a hundred years. Therefore, our generation will be the most hopeful of the ghost dance Tsujimura. A generation that was tragically eradicated.” Yuya Shiki, Yoya, said with great confidence.

After reporting the situation, Bai Yu, like Tomioka, did not participate in the discussion.

Soon, the short meeting was over, and everyone dispersed.

Bai Yu was also the only person to return to the butterfly house. At this time, the butterfly house was very lively, or busy. Even the sisters and brothers of Shiki Keiko and Teriya Shiki, both of whom set out to take care of the surviving villagers of Forge Sword Village. .


After a few days of recuperation, the poisoned Shitowuichiro had already regained consciousness, and Ganlu Temple Mili was also able to move freely after these days of recuperation, and Shitowuichiro also had Ganlu Temple afterwards. Miri was summoned by Yoya Shiki, Shitou, and Shito Wuichiro and Kanluji Miri personally made a summary of the information about the forging knife village.

And Butterfly Ninja’s attitude towards Bai Yu is still somewhat indifferent, but Bai Yu still restores and treats Butterfly Ninja’s arm regularly every day. After all, this is an opportunity for Bai Yu to get close to Butterfly Ninja, and it is also a good opportunity to coax Butterfly Ninja. .

Butterfly Ninja did not refuse Bai Yu’s recovery treatment because of Tong Mo, because she still couldn’t let go of the hatred in her heart.

After returning to the headquarters, Bai Yu acted as a therapist again, treating people with more serious conditions one by one.

Therefore, Bai Yu is very full every day.

After half a month, Tanjiro woke up again.

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