Chapter 676 – Its daybreak

At this time Tanjirou’s heart also became anxious, because Bai Yu’s Ghost Slashing Blade was still embedded in Bantiangu’s neck! If Bantiangou ran away, then Tanjirou really didn’t know how to explain to Bai Yu.

In fact, without a weapon, Tanjirou could not activate the [Water Breath, Type of Taki, Taki Pot] to quickly descend under the cliff.

If you jump directly, the legs must be broken. In this way, let alone chasing, whether Tanjirou can stand up is still a problem.

In a panic, Tanjiro quickly saw the area in the middle of the cliff, with branches growing out of the wall. Although these branches are not thick, they also serve as a buffer for falling.

So Tanjiro didn’t think much, and jumped off.

“The breath of water, the shape of Nine, the droplets of water and chaos!”

In the process of falling, Tanjiro used the breath of water movement. This movement was exactly what Bai Yu used to step into the air when he was dealing with Fallen Ji.

Because Tanjirou could not be as proficient as Baiyu, and used it to such a sophisticated level, Tanjirou didn’t use much of this move.

It was the same time I met my wife Shanyi again, and used it against Xiangkai, who was the sixth of the first last string.

Although it can’t be like Shiraba, Tanjirou is absolutely no problem with branches as a foothold.(Read more @

After all, when he dealt with Xiangkai last time, Tanjiro used the paper scattered in the air as his foothold. It is conceivable that this difficulty is compared with that of tree branches.

When Tanjiro’s toes touched the branch, a ripple appeared, and then Tanjiro leapt out lightly.

Finally Tanjirou fell to the ground and rolled, and then stood up again.

“It’s human! It just happens to be able to eat them to add some power!”

Then, for a long time, the dog saw a place more than 20 meters in front of him, there were two villagers who were carrying a lot of things and preparing to escape from the village.

As a result, the dog can’t wait for a long time, even the pace hastened a lot.

“The round dance flashes!”

And Tanjirou, who was behind Bantiangu, used a round dance without a weapon. Without weapons, Tanjirou could not initiate a slash, and could only simply accelerate the action of the body.

However, Tanjiro had already had a plan in his mind. Tanjiro planned to use [round dance for a flash] to get close to Bantiangou, and then allow himself to touch the ghost sword embedded in Bantiangou’s neck, before finally attacking Bantiangou. Unfinished beheading.

At this time, the state of Bantiangou did not run as fast as before, so as soon as the [round dance flashes] started, Tanjirou almost instantly stuck behind Bantiangou.

Immediately afterwards, Tanjiro stretched out his hand to hold the ghost-cutting knife embedded in Bantiangu’s neck as he had thought before, and then used the 【round dance】

This time, Bantian Dog’s neck was finally chopped off.

But Tanjirou’s figure just flashed from behind Bantiangou to Bantiangou’s front.

“Successful!” Tanjiro couldn’t help Yisong in his heart, and said with sincere emotion.

But at this moment, the sky was already bright, and the early morning sun slowly emerged from the other side of the mountain.

The sun also spread a little bit in the direction of Tanjiro, which made the relaxed Tanjiro tense again, and immediately Tanjiro ran back in the direction where Youdou was in desperation.

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