The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 662 - Bai Yu and Butterfly Ninja in Blacksmith Village

Chapter 662 – Bai Yu and Butterfly Ninja in Blacksmith Village

“It will take three hours at the earliest!” Replied Butterfly Shinobu.

Butterfly Ninja knew that Bai Yu was in a hurry, but Forging Dao Village was too far away from the ghost killing team, and no matter how much he hurried, it would not take much time.

Hearing this, Bai Yu felt a sense of suffocation that he couldn’t help but three hours later, it would have dawned long ago! {Ghost} Immortal must have been hidden.

“Then it will be dawn when we pass by?” Bai Yu said helplessly.

“There is no way, we definitely can’t help! And the battle in Forge Knife Village has been going on for a long time!” Replied Butterfly Shinobi.

It’s more than two hours before dawn. Obviously, the invasion of {上弦鬼} has occurred for a long time, because the news of the crowing came back from the Forge Knife village, which must have been delayed for a long time. of.

In other words, if something happened to You Douzi, then Bai Yu must have been affected now.

Since Bai Yu is fine now, it means that Nidouzi must be no accident.

Although I don’t know what the specific situation of Forge Knife Village is now, it should have resisted the invasion of {上弦鬼}.

However, Bai Yu still wanted to get there as soon as possible, so he suddenly held the butterfly in his arms, and said: “Butterfly, you are responsible for showing me the way. Where are we going before dawn!”(Read more @

Suddenly being held in her arms by Bai Yu during the fast running, Butterfly Ninja immediately clasped Bai Yu’s neck with his uninjured left hand.

After holding the Butterfly Ninja, Bai Yu’s speed has accelerated a lot.

Bai Yu at this time was like a race against time.

In order to speed up, Bai Yu not only turned on [Transparent World], but also turned on [Breaks].

The Butterfly Ninja, who was hugged by Bai Yu in the princess’s arms, could feel the heat radiating from Bai Yu’s body. Especially the Butterfly Ninja’s arm that hooked Bai Yu’s neck, already felt a touch of hot feeling.

Bai Yu’s desperate appearance made Butterfly Ninja a little distressed, but Butterfly Ninja knew that it was useless to persuade Bai Yu now, and just reported the route to Bai Yu very seriously.

The reason why Bai Yu worked so hard was because if he didn’t work hard, he probably wouldn’t have a chance to work hard.

With the blessings of [Transparent World] and [Striking], Bai Yu’s speed has once again increased to a level. At this time, Bai Yu’s speed can be described as fast as a streamer.

If it weren’t for the strength of Ninja Butterfly, at such a fast speed, Ninja Butterfly would have been unable to distinguish the route.

If the team that led Bai Yu this time was a member of the {hidden} department, at such a fast speed, he would definitely not be able to see the path clearly, let alone give directions.


Seeing that Bai Yu has maintained this speed for nearly an hour, Butterfly Ninja is also a little worried about whether Bai Yu’s body will be eaten away? ! If you still maintain this speed, it is really possible to rush to the forging knife village before dawn!

If this is the case, maybe it can really stop them when {上弦鬼} is about to evacuate.

As Bai Yu and Butterfly Ninja were getting closer and closer to the Blacksmith Village, on the way, Bai Yu and Butterfly Ninja saw the survivors who seemed to have escaped from the Blacksmith Village.

However, Bai Yu did not stop, because these survivors obviously had no information worth asking. After all, they had escaped, and they certainly didn’t know what happened after the village.

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