Chapter 658

It can be said that if it weren’t for the arrival of Kanlu Temple Mili, then Tanjirou’s ending would definitely be mortal. Even if Mili of Ganlu Temple comes for a while, Tanjirou may be killed.

Because the crisis has not been resolved, Ganlu Temple Mili did not dare to go forward to check Tanjirou’s situation. If Ganlu Temple Mili came forward to check Tanjirou’s situation, it would be to expose her back to the enemy.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous move, maybe it will make Ganlu Temple Mili fall into the same situation as Tanjirou.

The Ganlu Temple Mili was on the front guard against the wooden dragon and the phoenix, and could also stop the attack of the wooden dragon and the phoenix for the first time.

Tanjirou’s consciousness has been very blurred. Although he heard the voice of Ganlu Temple Mili, Tanjirou was unable to respond.

Seeing that Tanjirou hadn’t answered, Miri of Ganlu Temple said to Nidouzi: “Nidouzi, take Tanjirou to a safe place!”

Without any hesitation, Nidouzi picked up Tanjirou and walked away.

“Female hooligan! Dressed like this, you can see how filthy and unbearable you are!” He said to Ganlu Temple Mili in disgust.

The reason why Hou Potian said that Mili of Ganlu Temple was because he saw that the dress of Mili of Ganlu Temple was exposed.(Read more @

Although Ganlu Temple Mili’s clothes are a bit revealing, it is also because of her good figure. In fact, Ganlu Temple Mili is a very innocent girl without any thoughts.

“What!? Female hooligan!? I’m nasty!? The kid actually said such things to me, but {Ghost}’s actual age does not match his appearance. Maybe this guy is actually an old man!”

“But I still think it’s too much! How can I say such things to girls! I’m still a virgin girl who has never been in love! It’s very clean, OK!”

When Ganlu Temple Mili was disgusted, she suddenly felt a little unbalanced in her heart.

However, the shy Ganlu Temple Mili didn’t say anything to scold Hupotian, but coldly said: “I’m angry! Even if you look like a handsome boy, I still want to get rid of you!”

As soon as the voice fell, the wooden dragon, who had regained his head, launched another attack on Ganlu Temple Mili.

But this time, all three wooden dragon heads launched sonic attacks, not different attacks.

As a result, the sound wave’s attack range has not only increased, but its power has also been superimposed and enhanced.

“The breath of love, the shape of three, the dance of love!”

【The breath of love, the shape of three, the dance of love】

Ganlu Temple Mili’s own self-defense attack style incorporates some brisk dance moves, which can make Ganlu Temple Mili’s posture more light and dexterous.

Then, Ganlu Temple Mili flashed gracefully and gorgeously. When the sound wave touched the body of Ganlu Temple Mili, Ganlu Temple Mili fiercely waved the Sunwheel Knife that could be twisted at will in his hand.

The attack of Ganlu Temple Mili really saw through the sound waves, because the sound waves were intermittent, so what the Ganlu Temple Mili broke was only one sound wave shock. From the Mulong’s mouth, there was still a steady stream of sound waves radiating. The Ganlu Temple Mili can only hide and fight.

The sound waves of the disgusting sky can’t help the Ganlu Temple Mili, so I slapped the other taiko drums behind him, and then the huge wooden dragon grew more heads, and some of the newly grown heads were used to attack by thunder and lightning. , Some use this hurricane attack.

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