Chapter 648 – Stalemate

At this very moment, Nidouzi, who had already gotten rid of {Ghost of Sorrow}, kicked {Ghost of Music} with a flying kick, and then kicked {Ghost of Music} to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Nidouzi’s will protect Tanjirou’s front.

“You beans~”

There was also Tanjirou, who was so painful in his head, that he couldn’t help but murmured the name of You Douzi, and at the same time he got up with difficulty.

At this moment, Tanjirou’s nose sensed the movement of the dog’s body smell for a long time, so he immediately yelled, “Xuanya, that guy moved to the south!”

Bantiangu’s refusal to show up made Tanjirou even more sure that the fifth {ghost} hiding in hiding was the weakness of Bantiangu.

Undying River Genya is nearby, so Tanjirou’s deliberate yelling can be heard. Although the sound spread and the volume became much weaker, the content of Tanjirou’s words could still be heard more clearly.

Therefore, Undying Chuan Xuan Mi had to fumble to the south.

But Undying Chuan Xuan Mi, who had never seen any ghosts, felt a little anxious in his heart.(Read more @

If Bantiangu’s body is nearby, such a big target is obviously easy to spot, but Undying Chuan Xuanya hasn’t even seen a shadow, the situation is indeed a bit abnormal!

However, Undying Chuan Genya didn’t doubt Tanjirou’s judgment, because the emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy were all actively gathered here. Obviously the main body was here, otherwise they had no reason to guard against it.

“Damn! Damn! Damn! It uses blood ghost art, so people can’t see it?!” Undead Chuan Xuanya was extremely anxious, because he hated this situation the most, compared to peekaboo, immortality Kawamiya still liked confrontation.

Tanjiro, who got up, immediately reported another direction to Undying Chuan Genya: “It’s in the right direction to the west of you, and it’s near you!”

As soon as Tanjirou’s voice fell, {Kizhigui}, whose wings had been cut off, immediately launched a sonic attack on Tanjirou.

Without its wings, {Hey Ghost} can no longer fly, and the limbs of {Hey Ghost} are still in the state of eagle claws, so there is no way to move at high speed on the ground with the eagle claws, let alone go to Tanjiro. Stand up front.

Even if {Hey Ghost} can change his eagle claw form to normal limbs, but {Hey Ghost} has long been accustomed to this method of air combat, even if he gave up the half-man and half-beast form, it would be difficult to deal with Tanjirou.

Because in the fighting direction, in addition to {Sorrow’s Ghost} who is good at fighting with a spear, the three of joy, anger, and joy are not good at it.

{The ghost of anger} is the one who can’t fight close at all, while {The ghost of happiness} uses the acceleration of flying to initiate a blitz strike at the enemy, that is, a trivial style of play that opens the distance after a single blow. There is no fighting skills in it.

{Ghost of Music} is not very good at fighting physical skills, but Ye Luzi’s close combat is still good at {Ghost of Music}, that is to say, {Ghost of Rage}’s fighting style is like a gangster. Fight like that.

The sound waves of {Hey Ghost} suddenly made Tanjiro’s head more painful, and Tanjiro immediately covered his ears, trying to weaken the stimulation of the sound waves on the eardrum and brain.

If the Yinzhu Yutianyuan were here, it might be able to easily dissolve the sound waves of {喜之鬼}. After all, the breath of sound can produce high-frequency vibrations. High-frequency vibrations can also emit high frequencies when they act on objects. Sound waves.

In other words, if Yujia Tianyuan confronted {Xizhigui}, it would definitely not be affected by sound waves.

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