The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 616 - Back Carbine of the Devil of Music

Chapter 616 – Back Carbine of the Devil of Music

Because when Tanjiro came back from the killing, he didn’t see {Le Zhigui}. At that time, Tanjiro thought that {Rakuzhigui} was going to deal with Genya Undead, so he didn’t care too much. As a result, when he suddenly saw {Happy Ghost} in the air, Tanjirou couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

And {Rakuzhigui}, who returned here again with the help of the hurricane fan fanned out, while still landing, slammed the fan at Tanjirou and Nidouzi in the room in the air.

As soon as Tanjiro made a move with his front foot, the powerful hurricane had already crushed it, making Tanjiro unable to make any dodge movements at all.

The strong wind pressure immediately pressed Tanjirou and Nidouzi on the ground, and then the strong wind pressure immediately crushed the floor of the second floor, and shot Tanjirou and Nidouzi severely. The floor on the first floor and the floor on the first floor were all cracked by the aftershock.

It can be said that the wind was not as simple as blowing people away, but was completely invisible, slapped heavily on Tanjirou and Nidouzi, and directly slapped them in the room downstairs.

On the second floor, a huge leaf-shaped hole appeared on the ground, and {Rage Ghost} was next to that hole, and Tanjirou and You Douzi did not fall down the floor.

The attack of {Happy Ghost} can be said to be cleverly avoiding {Angry Ghost}. You can see from the fact that You Douzi fanned {乐之鬼} away, {乐之鬼}’s fan is not without Bound to yourself, that is to say, anyone who gets the fan can use the fan to fan out a powerful hurricane.(Read more @

Of course, this may be the reason that you think that Nidouzi is {Ghost}. There are guiwu Tsuji’s miserable cells in the body, so Nidouzi can use the fan of {乐之鬼}.

If humans get the fan, it’s unclear whether they can fan out the hurricane.

The fact that {Ghost of Music} can be attacked by his own weapon means that he is not immune to it. Obviously the same is true for {Ghost of Rage}, otherwise {Ghost of Music} will not deliberately avoid it. {The ghost of anger}.

Therefore, the fan of {Ghost of Music} and the tin rod of {Ghost of Rage} are two types of weapons.

“Angry, why did you make it like this as soon as I was away? It’s so funny!”

{Happy Ghost}, who fell next to {Angry Ghost}, said with a smile. Although his emotions were like this, the words of {Happy Ghost} undoubtedly made {Angry Ghost} stronger. .

Although {Ghost of Wrath} had recovered the damage caused by the Ghost Slasher in the first place, the injury that was later burned by Nidouzi’s blood has not recovered immediately.

Because the blood of Nidouzi also has the effect of inhibiting the recovery of {ghost}, Fallen Ji had already tasted that kind of taste at that time.

The face has been burned, making {the ghost of rage} even more ferocious and angered, and he said to {Happy Ghost} uncomfortably, “Stop talking to me, get rid of them quickly! If it’s because of your playful heart It’s difficult for all of us to explain things about adults. Working with you is really irritating!”

Hearing that, {Le Zhigui} didn’t dare to neglect anymore, he was still afraid of Guiwu Tsuji’s miserableness.

Especially the mission has failed twice. If it fails for the third time, it means that it is not the problem with Yiwozao and Fallen Ji, but the whole Twelve Ghost Moon winding problem.

So, once again raised the fan in his hand, intending to once again hit Tanjirou and Nidouzi, who were photographed downstairs, and there was no movement for the time being.

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