The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 532 - Reconnect the broken arm

Chapter 532 – Reconnect the broken arm

In order to speed up the efficiency, Bai Yu raised the breathing rhythm of the wood to a very high level this time, so as to squeeze more wood essence with healing factors from the nature faster.

But this is also extremely effective for Bai Yu’s physical strength, and it also increases the burden on Bai Yu’s dantian and lungs.

After about a few minutes, Yujia Tianyuan’s injury temporarily stabilized.

After stabilizing the situation of U髄 Tianyuan, Bai Yu said to Butterfly Ninja: “Butterfly, sit down in front of me and stretch out the broken arm!”

Hearing this, Butterfly Ninja sat in front of Bai Yu, and then stretched out his broken arm unwillingly.

As a girl and a woman of Bai Yu, Butterfly Ninja naturally didn’t want Bai Yu to see herself like this.

Bai Yu didn’t think much about other things, but just wanted to quickly pick up Butterfly Ninja’s arm.

Fortunately, the wounds of Butterfly Ninja’s severed limbs were very flat. Obviously, it should have been chopped down by Black Death Mou with a ghost knife, but this also made Bai Yu’s connection work less difficult.(Read more @

Bai Yu took the broken limbs of Butterfly Ninja in his hand, and then aligned with the fracture of Butterfly Ninja. After roughly adjusting the lower angle, Bai Yu grabbed the broken limb of Butterfly Ninja with one hand, and the other hand still kept That part of the arm, and then at the same time at the same time to the Butterfly Ninja conveying the essence of wood.

Suddenly Butterfly Ninja felt a tingling sensation in his arm and the feeling of countless currents flowing through it. This feeling continued for a while. The reason Butterfly Ninja felt this way is because Bai Yu first started to connect with broken limbs and fracture The nerves of the place, so Butterfly Ninja can feel that way.

The process of connecting the nerves took about five minutes for Bai Yu. Although Bai Yu did not connect all the nerves back, Bai Yu connected all the main nerves back.

After that, Bai Yu started to reconnect the muscle tissue. This was also because of the tight time. Therefore, if Bai Yu took too much time on the Butterfly Ninja, it is very likely that Purgatory Kyrgyzstan and U髄 Tianyuan did not receive the severed limbs. Opportunity.

Therefore, Bai Yu first chooses to start with the strong nerves, and then to the muscle tissue, so that the severed limb has at least reconnected with the body. As for the subsequent connection of the bone tissue and the rest of the nerve connection, it can temporarily go back. Let it go.

The connection between the bones is the most difficult and time consuming, so Bai Yu planned to do it till the end.

It took another seven or eight minutes to connect the muscle tissues, and Bai Yu only reconnected about 30% of the muscles.

“Just lie down and don’t move this hand!” Bai Yu slowly dragged Butterfly Ninja, letting her lie down.

Although Bai Yu couldn’t move, Butterfly Ninja still tried to move his fingers. Under the stimulation of some of the nerves, Butterfly Ninja really saw his fingers tremble slightly.

Bai Yu noticed Butterfly Ninja’s behavior and couldn’t help but said again: “Butterfly, stop making trouble! Your broken arm has not been fully connected back yet!”

After Butterfly Ninja knew that his arm was really hopeful to take it back, he couldn’t help but become happy, and the blame for Bai Yu disappeared.

After that, Bai Yu did exactly what he had done, and reconnected his arms to Apricot Juro and Ura Tianyuan.

Because Yu髄 Tianyuan had both legs and one hand cut off, the situation was the most serious. Bai Yu also ranked Yu髄 Tianyuan last, which was a relatively safe choice.

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