Chapter 44 – Fighter Ghost

After Tanjiro finished speaking, he immediately hid in the woods.

{Hand Ghost} Seeing this, an arm on his body became like a sharp arrow, which instantly grew longer, and then shot towards Tanjirou’s back.

Bai Yu immediately drew his sword and slashed, and he chopped off {手鬼}’s arm that was attacking Tanjirou.

“Your enemy now is me!” Bai Yu said lightly.

“You guy!” {Hand Ghost} was so angry that the roots of his teeth were itchy by the arrogant Bai Yu, {Hand Ghost} wanted to tear off Bai Yu’s tongue, and then tortured him a little bit.

“go to hell!”

{手鬼}The innumerable arms on the body suddenly shot at Bai Yu, and Bai Yu immediately leaped towards the height. Many arms on the body of {手鬼} were too late to change direction and hit the ground directly. Suddenly the ground burst open.

And all the arms that had changed directions shot towards the white feathers in mid-air.

“The breath of water, the shape of Ba, the kettle!”

【The breath of water, the shape of the 捌, the teapot】

It is a top-down, powerful slash. Form: The teapot activated by the proficient, the rhythm of the water will form a water dragon; the teapot activated by the non-proficient, the rhythm of the water will form a powerful water flow.(Read more @

I saw Bai Yu using the breath of water, the shape of the bar, and the teapot. Bai Yu swung the ghost knife and slashed down heavily. The next moment, a blue water dragon flew towards the sea like a dragon. The ghost hand bites off.

Wherever the water dragon went, the ghost hands were bitten off.

Because of the huge inertia of Bai Yu’s figure, he violently fell towards the ground. In this gap, Bai Yu launched another blow.

“The breath of water, the type two, the waterwheel.”

Seeing Bai Yu volley around, the Ghost Slashing Knife in his hand drew a circle following the rotation of Bai Yu’s figure.

In the arc traversed by the blade, a sharp water blade produced by the rhythm of water also appeared.

Finally, Bai Yu quickly returned to the ground under the acceleration of the offensive.

While cutting off the white feathers of a large number of arms of {手鬼}, {hand ghost}, who thought that the wound could not grow and heal quickly, would lose the opportunity to continue attacking. I did not expect that {hand ghost}’s cut off arm wound was violently squirming and Under the process of swelling, it grows out again.

This situation surprised Bai Yu slightly. Could it be that the characteristics of Ghost Slasher have failed? Why is the healing power of {Hand Ghost} not suppressed at all?

wrong! Bai Yu, who was extremely observant, quickly discovered the abnormality. Although {手鬼}’s arm grew again, it was not completed in an instant, but took about three seconds.

The most important thing is that {hand ghost} doesn’t look easy to heal his wounds.

It seems that it is not that the Ghost Slashing Blade does not exert its characteristics, but that the healing power of {Hand Ghost} is too strong, so the suppression effect of the Ghost Slashing Blade is extremely weak.

Obviously, after eating more than a dozen similar {hand ghosts} at once, all aspects of himself have been improved.

This is the case with Ghost Slashing Blade, and the Sun Wheel Blade is even more helpless to these ghost hands.

“Three seconds? Tanjirou, can you catch it in three seconds?” Bai Yu murmured in his heart.

“Although I don’t know what kind of black art you used to make it so difficult to heal my wounds, but now your black art is no longer useful!” {手鬼} smiled triumphantly.

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