The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 434 - First Entry to You Womens House

Chapter 434 – First Entry to You Women’s House

Afterwards, Shiraba and Tanjiro walked around the triangular area formed by the three places of [Shininya], [Ogi Honya], and [Kyokokuya]. Among them, Tanjiro’s sensitive nose did not smell any suspicious odors, so Shiraba and Tanjiro basically had nothing to gain, and they could only be regarded as familiar with the environment of Xiahuajie.

Bai Yu and Tanjiro and Ura Tianyuan met at an agreed noodle restaurant, and they both talked about their own situation. According to U髄天元, Hattori Kujo was the most successful, relying on his own conditions, it was easy to sneak into the [Kyogokuya].

Inosuke was also considered smooth, and was arranged in [Ogimotoya].

My wife Zenitsu had spent a lot of energy, and was arranged by U髄天元 at [Shiren House]

Speaking of Shan Yi, Yu Yu Tianyuan couldn’t help but complained: “That kid Huang Mao, not only can’t sell the price, he doesn’t even want to give it away for nothing. If it’s not for the surrender of the money, it will cause suspicion. He has to be sold! Fortunately, after my persuasion, people reluctantly accepted him, and the dust has settled down. When the time comes, we will wait for their news.”

After speaking, Ugami Tianyuan took out the money collected from the sale of Hattori Kujo and Inosuke, and then handed it to Shiraba and said, “This money is the selling price of the tea shop. One is from Kujo and the other is from Inosuke. , Shan Yi gave it away for nothing, so there is no more. When the matter is over, you can hand it over to Kujo and Inosuke!”

Bai Yu didn’t have any opinions either, and took the two stacks of money that was not too thick in his arms, and the money was regarded as their hard work for breaking into the interior.(Read more @

After a while, the three bowls of seafood udon noodles ordered by Shiraha, Tanjiro, and Ura Tengen were already served by the boss. The boss habitually said very politely and politely: “Please take your time, three!”

After eating the udon noodles, U髄天元 paid for the noodles. The three quickly left the noodle shop, and then squatted around the three shops to see if they could catch any clues about {Ghost}.

However, on the first night, Bai Yu, Tanjiro, and Ura Tianyuan had nothing to gain, so the three returned to the Wisteria Flower family to rest.

When the sun sets, a new round of squatting continues, but this time, Bai Yu plans to take Tanjirou into the tea shop to see if he can find clues that cannot be found outside in the three tea shops.

Shiraba and Tanjiro first chose [Kyogokuya] as the first shop to investigate deeply. Ura Tianyuan did not intend to do so, but Ura Tianyuan did not stop Shiraba and Tanjiro, but just stayed outside the store.

In fact, there is actually a more skeptical candidate in U髄 Tianyuan’s heart, and that is the oiran of {Kyogokuya}-Fallen Hime. This is also the reason why U髄天元 has been staring at [Kyogokuya].

As for my wives Zenizu and Inosuke, who stayed at [Torinya] and [Ogimotoya], they were prepared to keep a few hands.

After all, the other two wives of Ugaki Tianyuan are also missing news from [Shirenya] and [Ogimotoya], so it is not ruled out that those two also have the possibility of {ghost}.

As soon as Bai Yu and my wife Shanyi walked into the [Kingji House], they immediately crowded with groups of different wandering girls.

“Ouch, what a handsome little brother!”

“Come on, I’ll spend the Spring Festival evening with you, little brother tonight!”

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