Chapter 41 – Bai Yu’s rescue

【The breath of water, the shape of wanton, the tide of blow】

Throwing out the wave of knife path, continuous and uninterrupted slashing at the enemy, can be used to deal with multiple enemies, is a move that can cause group damage to the enemy.

Tanjiro was in an emergency, using the swift shape of the breath of water. The sun-wheel knife that Lintaki Sakon gave to Tanjiro for the second time, under the dancing of his arm, set off waves visible to the naked eye. These waves are The rhythm of water produced by the breath of water.

“Seize the opportunity and get out of here!” Tanjiro screamed to the young man with a broken leg under pressure as he slashed the coming {Ghost} tide.

Although the situation was temporarily controlled by Tanjirou and my wife Zenyi, the number of {Ghosts} is too much, and the situation will get out of control again after a while.

Seeing that the situation was under control for the time being, the Weijiao boy gritted his teeth, stood up, and limped to a safe place, holding back the pain in his ankle.

However, {Ghost} was too much, and a {Ghost} who slipped through the net suddenly threw him down again.

“not good!”

Tanjiro wanted to pull away to help the young man with weak feet, but with this distraction, the situation began to get out of control. Many{} had bitten Tanjiro’s thighs, so that Tanjiro’s breathing was suddenly out of control. .

“It’s over!”

Tanjirou was also desperate.

On my wife Shanyi’s side, he was madly dodged by {Ghost}’s attack.(Read more @

“The breath of thunder, the shape of one, a thunderbolt!”

“The breath of thunder, the shape of one, a thunderbolt!”

“The breath of thunder, the shape of one, a thunderbolt!”

However, as my wife Shanyi continuously released the breath of thunder, the shape of one, and the thunderbolt, my wife Shanyi’s physical strength was exhausted extremely quickly, and finally with the fall of the fourth attack, my wife Shanyi also inexplicably fell into it again. Fainting.

At this very moment of crisis, Bai Yu arrived in time.

“The breath of water, the shape of three, the flow dance!”

Shiraue, who came in the critical moment, used the breath of water that Tanjirou had used before, and the type of three, Yuryuwu.

Compared with Tanjirou’s Liuyuwu, Shiraba’s Yuyuwu is more crisp and neat, and at the same time it is faster than Tanjirou’s.

“The breath of water, the shape of wanton, the tide of blows!”

While using Liuliuwu, Bai Yu used the breath of water again, the style of wanton, and the wave of strikes. The two moves are activated at the same time. This is just right for the accuracy of breathing control and the change of breathing rhythm. Just work.

Tanjirou, my wife Zenyi, and the {Ghost} around the boy with a foot were completely disintegrated under Baiyu’s offensive.

After Bai Yu temporarily controlled the situation, he grabbed the Young Man with Foot, and then threw it out into the distance.

Then, Bai Yu threw my unconscious wife Shan Yi again in the same way.

Finally, Bai Yu came to Tanjirou and asked, “Is it all right! Tanjirou?”

Tanjirou shook his head, a look of hope was revealed in his desperate expression, and he was relieved at the same time.

“Tanjiro, control your breathing again, the battle is not over yet!” Seeing that Tanjiro’s injury was not serious, Shirai reminded Tanjiro to control his breathing again.

After regaining control of his breathing, Tanjiro soon entered the fighting state again, and the blood from the wound was also restrained by his breathing and stopped.

Bai Yu’s shot caught all {Ghosts} by surprise. Many {Ghosts} felt rational and scared when they felt the aura radiating from Bai Yu’s body and witnessed the death of the same kind.

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