The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 386 - Inosuke injured for Kujo

Chapter 386 – Inosuke injured for Kujo

Baiyu followed Inosuke’s direction and looked at it, then walked to the corpse of Hagenji, and then took out Yushiro’s blood collection tool to collect Hagenji’s blood.

The blood of one of the lower strings has been collected by Baiyu in the train, and because one of the lower strings is integrated with the train, the carriage is covered with sarcomas that can swallow people. This makes the collection of Baiyu extremely convenient. Without any effort, the blood of one of the lower strings was collected.

In addition to the second part of the last string and the blood collected by the courier meow earlier, all the blood of {下线鬼} in the twelve ghost moon has been collected by Bai Yu.

As long as the blood of the {winded string ghost} is also collected, Zhushi’s mission will be completed.

However, the blood horror of {上弦鬼} is not so easy to collect. From this first contact, Bai Yu can already feel the power of {上弦鬼} different from {下弦鬼}.

Even if the deification of ghosts is turned on, it cannot be completely crushed. Even if {上弦鬼} really can’t beat himself, there is definitely a chance to escape.

Taking the blood collection tool for the collected blood back into his arms, Shiraito came to Inosuke again, and then said to Inosuke, “Inosuke, if you don’t want this arm to be crippled, let Kujo handle it for you!”

Hearing this, Inosuke was also shocked by Bai Yu’s words, and then said in a panic: “Big Brother Bai Mao, don’t scare me! Is it really that way?”(Read more @

Inosuke is not afraid of the pain, but the consequences of the pain.

If one arm becomes crippled, Inosuke can no longer use double-sword flow, only one-sword flow.

“The scapula and clavicle were severely fractured, several nearby ribs were also broken, and the forearm bones were also cracked.” Shirai quickly touched Inosuke’s injured arm, and then faintly explained Inosuke’s injuries. .

In fact, Bai Yu also admired Inosuke. This kind of injury would have to be replaced by someone else, and it would have been painful for a long time, but Inosuke was like a okay person, except that his injured arm could no longer move, he still moved freely.

“Now you can’t fight anymore, because that would make your bones misaligned. In severe cases, the bones will pierce your server.” Bai Yu continued to say to Inosuke.

Hattori Kujo didn’t expect Inosuke’s injury to be so serious, so he felt even more guilty.

“Awesome! Brother Bai Yu! Actually, he can analyze the injury so accurately!” At this time, Apricot Shou Lang from Purgatory praised Bai Yu again.

“Thank you! It’s just a little bit of fur that I learned from a little girl in the butterfly house!” Bai Yu replied.

The little Nizi Bai Yu was talking about was not Kanzaki Aoi, but Ninja Butterfly.

While living in the Butterfly House, Bai Yu also learned a lot from Butterfly Ninja, and Kanzaki Aoi’s skills are probably also learned from Butterfly Ninja.

For this kind of fractured injury, Shiraba’s Ki no Essence did not immediately heal him effectively. In addition, Inosuke has not yet performed the reduction, so it is not the time to treat him, otherwise it is easy to cause Inosuke’s bones to grow crooked.

After listening to Shiraba’s words, Inosuke immediately said to Hattori Kujo: “Hurry up! Help me deal with this arm, I don’t want my arm to become crippled!”

Inosuke’s attitude turned one hundred and eighty degrees, making Hattori Kujo stunned, and then he began to temporarily fix Inosuke’s arms.

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