Chapter 368 – Fierce fight

After being ignited by the flames, Hei Si Mou suddenly turned into a burning man all over his body.

However, these flames burned Hei Si Mou’s clothes and hair in the end, and did not pose any threat to Hei Si Mou at all.

Of course, the purpose of the Purgatory Apricot Shoulang was not simply to burn Heishi Mou with fire, but also to increase the power of his Sunwheel Sword to withstand the attacks of Heishi Mou.

Then, hearing a clang, the blades of Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang and Hei Si Mou collided again, and this time the sparks were even more dazzling in the dark night.

And those sparks that splashed out of the purgatory Kyrgyzstan’s sun-wheel blade suddenly gathered together, and then gathered around the Purgatory Kyrgyzstan’s sun wheel, forming a flying phoenix, the fiery phoenix turbulent Hovering, it instantly shattered those crescent-shaped sharp curved blades.

It can be said that in this confrontation, Apricot Juro of Purgatory has a slight advantage.

Regardless of the flames burning on his body, Hei Si Mou suddenly exerted force on his arms. The ghost knife in his hand was against the blade of the Purgatory Apricot Shourou Sunwheel Sword, a heavy horizontal pull, and part of the blade at the tip of Purgatory Apricot Shourou’s sword was hardened. Mou was cut off to death.

Purgatory Kyrgyzstan’s figure is also under inertia, backing a few steps.

At the same time, Hei Si Mou’s whole body shook suddenly, and an invisible energy wave gushed out of Hei Si Mou’s body, and the surrounding air also showed violent fluctuations. A gust of wind centered on Hei Si Mou, blowing towards For four weeks.(Read more @

Then, all the flames burning on Hei Si Mou’s body were extinguished.

The process of the encounter between Purgatory Xing Shou Lang and Hei Si Mou did not last long, only three or four seconds, so the flame did not burn Hei Si Mou so severely, but there were some obvious burns on the skin. .

The burned skin was tight in an instant, and under the strong recovery of Black Death Mou, it recovered as before.

And the hair that had been bare also regrown all of a sudden, but now, Black Death Mou spread out as a shawl.

“The breath of the moon, the shape of the land, the long night and the lonely moon are perfect!”

[The breath of the moon, the shape of a land, the lonely moon in the long night, infinite]

Hei Si Mou performed a staggered and rapid staggered cut to a certain place, and when the sword energy pounced on the opponent, it would also be accompanied by dense crescent blades that rotated at a high speed.

This move is very similar to Bai Yu’s water surface slashing slash, except that what Bai Yu slashes out is water blade sword energy, and the form of the two moves is not the same.

After Hei Si Mou extinguished the flames on his body, he immediately launched a new round of attacks on Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang, as if he did not intend to give Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang a chance to breathe.

As soon as the retreating apricot Shoulang stabilized his figure, he saw the dense sword aura with countless rotating crescent blades hitting him. The purgatory Apricot Shoulang immediately danced like Tai Chi, slowly dancing in his hands. The Sunwheel Knife, and rhythmically drew circles in front of him.

“The breath of inflammation, the shape of wanton, Sheng Yan scroll!”

[The breath of inflammation, the shape of the spur, the swirling scroll of the inflammation]

The user of the Breath of Flame uses himself as the center to mobilize the rhythm of the flame generated by the breath with the Sunwheel, forming a dense spiral of sharp blades in front of him, and finally these sharp blades will form a solid in front of him. Protection, and with a certain degree of offensiveness.

Then, Hei Si Mou’s dense sword aura hit the spiral-shaped wall of flames of the Purgatory Kyung Shou Lang.

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