The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 364 - One of the first strings

Chapter 364 – One of the first strings

On the other side, Inosuke ran into the woods, chasing the second of last string, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

Kujo, Shinichi, Shinji, Seiichiro, and Kenta from the second team followed closely behind them at a distance of fifty meters.

The Purgatory Kyōzuro was already close to the five members of the second team, and then suddenly came to Hattori Kujo, and said to them: “You kids are too reckless. You choose to pursue it without thinking about it. What if you encounter an ambush? ?”

“It’s the wild boar head, he wanted to chase after him, so I didn’t worry about leading the team to follow it!” Hattori Kujo explained to Purgatory Kyoju.

One of the reasons that Hattori Kujo chose to pursue was what was said in the words. She was really not at ease leaving Inosuke alone, and secondly, she did not believe that Inosuke alone could kill the second of the twelve ghosts.

The Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang didn’t mean to be held accountable, so he said, “Okay! Since it’s chased, it can’t be allowed to live anymore!”

The second of the last string stopped when he ran to a lake, and then said: “The first of the first string, the little ghosts of the ghost killing team have been attracted by me!”

At this time, on the reflection of the full moon on the lake, there was a person standing on the water quietly, and the bright full moon in the sky hit him.

Through the moonlight, you can see that it is a person wearing a long sword around his waist, wearing a traditional kimono, the main color of the kimono is purple, and there are black block patterns as embellishments.(Read more @

His gaze continued to move upward. The man had long hair and tied up part of his hair. He looked like a swordsman who wandered around the world.

Although it has long hair, from the physical point of view, it can be seen that it should be a man.

The man is not very tall, he is a lot shorter in front of the burly second of last string, and he should be about the same height as the height of the purgatory Kyrgyzstan.

However, from the second part of the second to the man’s name, this guy should be the first of the first to the first.

After the second voice of the second string fell, the first one turned around with his back facing the second string of the second string.

The turn of the first one, the most eye-catching thing is the six eyes on the face, which is three more eyes than the god of Erlang!

One of the six eyes of the first one is in the normal position, the other two pairs of eyes, one is on the forehead, and the other is on the sides of the cheeks.

The two sets of characters, the upper string and the one, are engraved on the eyes in the normal position, one on the left and one on the right.

Seeing the first one of the upper strings turned around, the second one of the lower strings suddenly bowed his head, not daring to meet the eyes of the one of the upper strings.

In addition to fear of the first wind, the most fundamental reason is the deep-rooted class relationship.

“Retreat temporarily!” The first one said lightly to the second one.

But at this moment, Inosuke also rushed to the lakeside cursingly. Seeing that the second string was not running away, Inosuke suddenly shouted: “Korosuke! Run! Run again, I will chop off your legs! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Inosuke’s heart suddenly tightened, and a kind of anxiety quickly spread to his whole body, and then Inosuke saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and that dark shadow was one of the strings.

The first one was more decisive than the third one, and without a word, he slashed the knife at Inosuke’s neck.

Inosuke didn’t have time to react at all, he could only watch one of the winding ghost swords approaching his neck a little bit.

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