The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 339 - Confrontation with one of the last strings

Chapter 339 – Confrontation with one of the last strings

Assuming that you have started the deification of ghosts in your dreams, even if one of the last strings can control your own dreams, in any case, in the spiritual world of dreams, it is Bai Yu who dominates.

“You should be surprised! I cut my neck clearly, but I am not dead! I tell you secretly, no matter how many times you cut my neck, I won’t die!” One said to Bai Yu in a playful tone.

“Look at you who are proud of you. Even so, can you kill me again?” Bai Yu said to one of the next strings ironically.

The triumphant smile of one of the last strings froze all at once, and Xuan even used the blood ghost technique on Bai Yu.

“Blood Ghosts·Slumbering Curse!”

I saw one of the lower strings stretched out one of his hands towards Bai Yu, and on the back of the hand that it stretched out, there was a weirdly growing mouth.

And that mouth made a strange sound, like singing the so-called sleeping spell.(Read more @

One of Bai Yu saw the end of the string and initiated the blood ghost spell·Slumbering Curse on himself, which made him fall asleep. Suddenly he was even more sure of the speculation that he was not in a dream state. Then one of the reasons for the end of the string was not afraid of beheading, but it was probably due to other reasons. Up.

One of the last strings chanted the Sleeping Mantra for a long time, Bai Yu was completely unaffected, just like facing the {Nanli Gui} that manipulated the mind at the beginning, completely ignoring any control and negative states.

“It’s so ugly! Such rubbish blood ghost art, how did you get the first place in the upper and lower strings! I think the fourth of the lower strings is much more powerful than that!” With the deity of ghostly dominance, Bai Yu continued to taunt one of the lower strings. .

It is true that this kind of controlled blood ghost art is really rubbish and cannot be rubbish in front of Bai Yu who has turned on ghosts and deification.

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu shot a spider silk on one of the lower strings, and then violently pulled it over, and then very brutally tore off his hand with a mouth, and the last one The arm was completely burned by Bai Yu with the power of ghosts and gods.

Then, Bai Yu squeezed the neck of one of the lower strings, and ordered it: “Now, relieve me of the sleep of everyone in the train, or you will be deadly ugly!”

“Hahaha~ this is not my body, you are the me who can’t kill!” One of the last strings laughed at Bai Yu, it seems that the stronger and domineering Bai Yu is, the more excited this guy is.

Hearing this, Bai Yu knew why this guy was not afraid of being beheaded. It turned out to be such a thing!

“This is the end of our game. Now I’m going to eat everyone in the train. Just wait to collect the bodies of these people!” After one of the last strings, the whole person turned into a bloody bath. In the floor of the carriage.

Then, I saw that many sarcomas had grown on the seats in the carriage, and these things seemed to swallow the people in the seats a little bit as if they were alive.

Seeing this situation, Bai Yu probably guessed something too. Since one of the last strings could emerge from the car at any time, and even threatened to eat everyone in the car.

It is possible that one of the last strings used his body to establish a certain connection with the entire train. In other words, the body of one of the last strings may have been integrated into this train, and now the whole train is its body.

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