Chapter 329 – Shan Yi’s help

Tanjiro watched the purgatory Kyo Shouro instantly beheaded five targets by the sword, and he took a breath of cold air in his heart.

Although Tanjiro mastered {Complete Focus·Normal State}, Tanjiro couldn’t achieve the level of seckill at the level of Purgatory Kyojuro.

At the fastest, Tanjirou also needs five seconds.

“Senior Baiyu, help! A lot of {ghosts} have climbed into the carriage! It’s damn scary!”

But at this moment, my wife Shanyi was frightened and ran from the sixth car to the fifth car to ask Bai Yu for help.

My wife Zenyi didn’t know that Shiro Yu-senpai and Tanjirou had changed cars, nor did he know that Yanzhu Purgatory was also in the fifth car.

Hearing the sound, Tanjilang looked at my wife Zenyi and found that the sixth car he was on duty was in chaos.

This guy still couldn’t get rid of his timid character, he was not weak in his own strength, but he still didn’t dare to fight.(Read more @

“Sen Yi, what are you doing! You walked away! Who will protect the passengers in your compartment!” Tanjirou was extremely dissatisfied with my wife’s unauthorized resignation.

My wife Shanyi, who is timid and timid, has faced such a situation alone. If it is a {ghost}, it would be okay. Four of them popped out. The number of them has already made my wife Shanyi feel scared.

Because my wife Shanyi is not self-confident in herself, facing four {Ghosts} at the same time, my wife Shanyi doesn’t think she can handle it anymore.

“Tanjirou, don’t talk coldly, four {ghosts} appeared in the carriage I was in! Four! You thought there was nothing like you here!” My wife Zenyi reached out to Tanjirou. The gesture, for fear that Tanjirou would not know the urgency of his situation.

“It’s not the time to argue, let’s solve the danger first and then talk about it!” Purgatory Kyōzuro came to Tanjirou and my wife Zenizu, and after speaking to them, he rushed to the sixth quarter guarded by my wife Zenizu. car.

“Tanjirou, who are you guys? And why are you here? Where’s Shiroba-senpai?” My wife Zenyi doesn’t know Yanzhu Purgatory Kyōjuō, so when he sees him talking to herself, she asks Tanjirou a series of questions. Threw it out.

“It’s not the time to talk about this, let’s go to other carriages to see other people’s conditions!” Tanjirou also did not have a leisurely chat with my wife Zenitsu now, but chased him in the direction of Purgatory Kyoko.

“Hey! Tanjirou, don’t leave me!” Seeing Tanjirou’s ignorance, my wife Zenyi ran away, suddenly a little panicked.

But when my wife Shan Yi was about to catch up, one of the windows of the carriage climbed into an ugly {Ghost}, and then she blocked my wife Shan Yi.

“Ah~~~ Appeared again!” My wife Shanyi suddenly yelled, her figure also involuntarily backed up, and when she backed away, my wife Shanyi bumped into something.

Immediately, my wife Shanyi’s footsteps stopped, and then my wife Shanyi saw an extremely long tongue hanging in front of her, and suddenly my wife Shanyi felt something was wrong! Another one appeared behind him!

My wife Shan Yi leaped forward abruptly, distanced herself from the things behind her, and at the same time she turned abruptly and looked behind her.

This is indeed the case! Another {Long Tongue Ghost} appeared behind my wife Shan Yi!

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