The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 314 - Have you touched enough

Chapter 314 – Have you touched enough?

When Tanjiro and Chanahu said goodbye, Butterfly Ninja and Baiyu were also on the second floor of the house to bid farewell to them. Naturally, the bridge between Qingqing and I was indispensable.

“Who knows! It’s impossible to say about feelings! Isn’t that the way you and I are!” Bai Yu replied, stroking Butterfly Ninja’s waist.

“Then have you touched enough? It’s time to set off!” Butterfly Shinobi joked to Bai Yu at this time.

Hearing that, Bai Yu withdrew his hand, then squeezed Butterfly Ninja’s small nose, and also joked: “Who has been holding me and refused to let me go!”

Although Bai Yu and Butterfly Ninja did not confirm their relationship for a long time, because they were in a passionate love period, the two of them were naturally crooked together in private.

Butterfly Ninja released Bai Yu, then stood on tiptoe and kissed Bai Yu’s mouth. Then the virtuous helped Bai Yu tidy up his clothes and said, “Go!”

After that, Bai Yu didn’t say anything more, and disappeared in front of Butterfly Shinobu.

And the reason why Bai Yu can be favored by Butterfly Ninja, without Bai Yu’s own strong strength, if Bai Yu is a weak chicken, it must be unable to attract the attention of Butterfly Ninja. In this way, the following things will naturally not happen.

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At this moment, outside the Butterfly House, the members of the {Zhanyue} Team 2 were already here early, waiting for Bai Yu’s arrival.

Xiaoqing, Xiaosumi, and Xiao Nasui are already waiting outside the butterfly house, preparing to send the final farewell to Tanjirou, my wife Zenyi, and Inosuke.

“The fellow Tanjirou has been there for so long and haven’t returned! I don’t know if it’s because of Chanahu or Kanzaki Aoi!” My wife Zenizu couldn’t help but complained to Tanjirou.

My wife Zenizu and Inosuke walked outside the butterfly house while talking. At this time, both of my wife Zenizu and Inosuke had finished dressing and put on their previous outfits.

Inosuke did not pay attention to my wife Zenitsu, because of the character of Inosuke, he has no interest in what my wife Zenitsu said.

When my wife Zenizu and Inosuke came outside the butterfly house, Xiaoqing, Xiaosumi, and Xiao Naho asked them, “Zenyi, Inosuke, and Tanjirou others?”

“He’s still bidding farewell to Chanahu and Aoi Kanzaki! I guess he is reluctant to let him go!” My wife Zenyi replied indifferently.

“Why are there three giant gourds here?” Inosuke’s focus was on the three giant gourds placed outside the butterfly house.

“This is the final test we prepared for you. As long as you blow up this giant gourd, it means that you have truly mastered {Complete Focus·Normal State}! So we can also rest assured!”

“Zen Yi, Inosuke!” Shinji greeted my wife Zen Yi and Inosuke who came out at this moment.

My wife Zenyi followed the voice and looked over, and soon saw Murata Shinji, but my sharp-eyed wife Zenyi also noticed Hattori Kujo next to Murata Shinji.

In an instant, my wife Zenyi was fascinated by Hattori’s nine perfect tall figures and charming long legs.

After looking straight at the body of Miuman in Hattori Kujo, my wife Zenyi’s nosebleed spurted out directly, and then my wife Zenyi’s nosebleed was unstoppable!

Seeing the changes in my wife Shan Yi, Xin Er suddenly slapped his face and shook his head, regretting going to say hello to my wife Shan Yi.

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