Chapter 311 – Unlimited train

At night, a brow flew into the room where Bai lived, and said to Bai Yu with his throat: “Emergency change! Emergency change! The casualties of the Infinite Train are expanding, and several people who boarded the Infinite Train have disappeared inexplicably. Order Bai Yu and {Zhanyue} squad to go to the infinite train and meet with Yanzhu Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang as soon as possible!”

The emergency order from the crow was not only passed to Shiroha, but Tanjirou, my wife Zenith, and Inosuke from the first team of {Zangetsu}, and Hattori Kujo, Shinichi, Shinji, Seiichiro, and Kenta from the second team all received this infinite The task instruction of the train.

For this, Xinyi is the most experienced, because after all, this mission has two great gods, Bai Yu and Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang, so the danger level of this mission is definitely not lower than that of Spider Mountain.

After receiving the mission of the Infinite Train, Tanjirou got up to bid farewell to Chanahu, Aoi Kanzaki, Xiaoqing, Xiaosumi, Xiao Naho and others.

Tanjirou was the first to meet Kanzaki Aoi who was drying the sheets outside the yard, so he took the initiative to explain to her that he was going to have a task today.

After hearing Tanjiro’s account, Kanzaki Aoi’s eyes were filled with sadness, and there was not too much emotional fluctuation on his face, because as a professional medical staff of Butterfly House, he saw too much of this kind of thing.

After all, the ghost killing team is not a nursing home, Tanjirou and others recovered from their injuries, so naturally they have to leave the butterfly house to complete a new task.(Read more @

Because Kanzaki Aoi has never seen the team members who left the butterfly house come back again, Kanzaki Aoi also knows that they should never come back, so Kanzaki Aoi who knows the result will be so indifferent.

“Really? I’m leaving now? I’m glad to spend this short and fulfilling time with you! Be careful on the road!” Kanzaki Aoi said to Tanjirou indifferently.

“Thank you! Thanks to your caring care, we can continue to fight {Ghost} now!” Tanjiro thanked Kanzaki Aoi sincerely.

“Don’t thank me! I, a coward who was lucky enough to survive the selection, left a psychological barrier and didn’t dare to continue fighting {Ghost}. This is the only thing I can do!” Kanzaki Aoi opposed Tanjirou There was no hint of happiness in his thanks, but rather said a self-deprecating one.

Whenever I see these players who have recovered from their injuries return to the battlefield, Aoi Kanzaki will think of the hurdles he can’t walk through, the cowardly and cowardly side.

“This is not important, you healed my injury, so we can say that we are inextricably linked! I will take your share and fight for you. If I get injured again, please do it! ”

“Then, goodbye! Kwai sauce!”

After Tanjiro finished speaking, he turned around happily and ran away.

Hearing this, after hearing Tanjiro say such silly things, he turned around and looked in the direction Tanjiro was running away. Seeing Tanjiro had run away, Kanzaki Aoi could not help but shouted to him: “That Don’t die easily!”

“I see!” Tanjirou immediately turned around and assured Kanzaki Aoi.

Later, after bidding farewell to Kanzaki Aoi, Tanjirou searched the butterfly house several times before finding Chanahu sitting in a daze outside the backyard house in the backyard.

“Found it!” Tanjiro was overjoyed when he saw Chanahu. Then he ran to Chanahu and greeted him: “Chanahu, thank you for training with us, but we will leave soon. Complete the mission of the infinite train!”

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