Chapter 277 – Kanzaki Aoi

“Really? Can it be cured? How is it cured? Tell me in detail! Will I become a human head spider if I don’t smear it?” My wife Zenyi couldn’t stop talking. Tao.

The little girl who couldn’t stand it, walked into the room immediately, and then slapped my wife Zenyi who was tumbling on the hospital bed with a slap. Of course, what the little girl took was not Shan Yi’s face, but Shan Yi’s ass.

Actually, the little girl didn’t want to slap her ass, but my wife Zenyi kept rolling around, so the slap that was supposed to be slapped on the stomach was slapped on the ass under the rolling of my wife Zenyi.

When my wife Shanyi was shot like this, her whole person was like a computer jam, and she kept twitching.

“If you are not being treated honestly, I will tie you up!” The little girl warned my wife Shanyi unceremoniously.

Bai Yu also came to Bai Yu’s bed, then looked at my wife Shanyi with a slight smile, and said, “Shanyi, it seems that you have other plans, are you ready to marry another girl?”

My wife Shanyi, who was in twitching, suddenly stopped her twitching suddenly, and then waving the two hands that were already showing signs of atrophy, awkwardly explained to Bai Yu, “Senior Bai Yu, how is this possible! My that. Just to scare them, I didn’t say it all at the end, my soul and body belong only to You beans!”(Read more @

Naturally, Bai Yu would not believe what my wife Shanyi said. After all, what this guy said, nine out of ten, are all nonsense.

“Then stop talking nonsense, and accept the treatment honestly. If you are disabled, you will not be able to protect your beans. People who cannot protect your beans, Tanjirou will not accept it! Because your beans need to be protected!” As Bai Yu said, he couldn’t help but patted my wife Shanyi’s ass.

After speaking, he looked around the room, and Inosuke lay there on the bed next to my wife Zenizu. There were no people in the other beds around the room. Obviously, it happened that my wife Zenizu and Inosuke couldn’t be squeezed in the same ward with the others, so they were separated.

Immediately, he said to the two {hidden} team members carrying the stretcher: “Put Tanjirou on the hospital bed, and your work is complete!”

Hearing that, the two put Tanjiro on the hospital bed very neatly. After doing this, the two said to Bai Yu, “Master Bai Yu, then we will leave first!”

After speaking, the two bowed to Bai Yu, and then left the ward in a hurry.

At this time, the little girl who hit my wife Shanyi’s ass came to Bai Yu, and said to Bai Yu, “Take off your clothes!”

Hearing this, Bai Yu looked at the little girl in surprise, and couldn’t believe that a little girl about twelve years old actually told herself to undress.

If Butterfly Ninja tells herself to undress, then Bai Yu can understand, but a little girl who has not yet come to puberty lets herself undress, which is very abnormal.

“Little sister, why are you undressing?” Bai Yu asked puzzledly.

“Of course it is to check the wound, and my name is Kanzaki Aoi, not my little sister.” Kanzaki Aoi explained, and also told Bai Yu his name.

Seeing this quite individual Kanzaki Aoi, Bai Yu couldn’t help but smile at her.

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