The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 1276 - What are the amazing bell houses

Chapter 1276 – What are the amazing bell houses

Even if the [V] organization thinks that Nishio Nishiki, who placed the order, may be a better breakthrough, if the [V] organization monitors the coffee shop, it is impossible to have that great opportunity without any action.

After all, Bai Yu had been out for a long time, not just a few minutes.

If the [V] organization did not monitor Kirishima Touka, then there would be no [V] organization obtained the intelligence of its own return through surveillance.

So how does the [V] organization know that it will show up again for the first time? [V] The organization has targeted Nishio Nishiki. Why is this? Why did the [V] organization choose Nishio Nishiki as the hostage object?

If Bai Yu is the leader of the [V] organization, after knowing that the target he wants to contact has appeared, it stands to reason that he should immediately take surveillance, and then stand still and find the right time to attack.

However, the behavior of the [V] organization does not seem to be the case. If it is to be explained, the only possibility is that the [V] organization does not know the location of the coffee shop or its whereabouts, so the [V] organization cannot take surveillance. Therefore, I can only choose the breakthrough point as Nishio Nishiki, who has left the coffee shop.

But Nishio Nishiki has been away from the coffee shop for five years. Obviously, it is even more impossible for the [V] organization to know the whereabouts of Nishio Nishiki. Otherwise, the [V] organization knows the whereabouts of Nishio Nishiki well, it is impossible not to Kirishima Dongxiang. They know everything well.

So why can the [V] organization find Nishio Nishiki?(Read more @

Seeing that Shiraba seemed to be thinking about something, Shinohara Yuki asked, “Brother Shiraba, did you think of something?”

Upon hearing this, Bai Yu said all the arguments and inferences he had just thought.

Regarding how [V] organization knew that Shiraba had reappeared, this was something that Shinohara Yuki was rather puzzled and wanted to know, because as long as he knew this, Shinohara Yuki would be able to know that [V]’s intelligence network was How it works.

After listening to Shiraba’s words, Shinohara Yuki was lost in thought. At this moment, Suzuya Shizo suddenly interjected, “Is this Nishio Nishiki a big snake?”

As soon as Suzuya Shizao said this, everyone’s eyes were focused on him, Bai Yu suddenly seemed to understand something, and then he couldn’t help but recall that night Ling He pointed to Nishio Jin and said he was Big snake.

So Bai Yu nodded to Suzuya.

Then, Suzuya, who was affirmed by Shiraito, continued:

“If Nishio Nishiki is a big snake, according to CCG’s intelligence, it seems that the night you appeared was to save the big snake. So if the [V] organization also knew about your appearance, it would obviously also know this. So it can explain why the [V] organization regards the big snake as a breakthrough.”

“Orochi seems to be quite famous in District 18. If the [V] organization is really as powerful as you said, it should be very simple to find Orochi.”

After hearing what Suzuya had made, everyone fell silent. And Baiyu can already know what Suzuya Shizao can express. In five years, the [V] organization may have forgotten everyone in the previous coffee shop, even if the [V] organization has all their information, but It will take some time to investigate the whereabouts of the coffee shop.

Therefore, the [V] organization chose the fastest method after knowing the information about Bai Yu’s appearance, and that was to start with the snake.

Perhaps it was because Bai Yu appeared to save the big snake, giving [V] an illusion that the big snake was very important to Bai Yu.

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