The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 1260 - Conversation between Takasho Arima and Hisyo Sasaki

Chapter 1260 – Conversation between Takasho Arima and Hisyo Sasaki

After the guards had registered, Sasaki Hisy was entered into the villa area. Because Sasaki Hisy often came to see Takasama Arima, the guard already knew Sasaki Hisy, so he was kind to Sasaki. of.

Then Sasaki Heisei came to the home of Takasho Arima, and the two sat down in the living room. Sasaki Heisei brewed coffee. Although Sasaki Heisei has forgotten how he learned to make coffee, but For Sasaki Hisei, he did not lose this skill.

Kisho Arima also spoke highly of the coffee made by Sasaki Hiyo, so every time Sasaki Hiyo comes to Kisho Arima’s house, he will personally make a cup of coffee for Kisuke Arima.

“Hisei, the management of the QS class has to be strengthened, and many special class members have great opinions on your management of the QS class.” When Kiyo Sasaki was brewing coffee, he opened the topic and said.

“Milling talent, you can’t let it go, otherwise the headquarters will stop granting her subsidies. Next is the child in June. Although she is hardworking, she is still too weak. You have to start from her psychological aspect. , Let her become stronger first.”

“As for the two people, Linshi and Guajiang Jiusheng, strengthen his fighting and control and use of Kazuko.”

“Especially Gua Jiang Jiusheng, who is seriously lacking in teamwork.”(Read more @

“Fish, you have to show your majesty, you are not their nanny, you are the {Ghoul} search officer, the one who wants to inherit my position.”

In the end, Ma Guijiang spoke earnestly.

Hearing Mr. Arima’s words, Sasaki also knew that his performance had not met Mr. Arima’s expectations, and he knew that he had not managed the QS class well.

But after all, Sasaki Hisei was also due to his personality and not very self-confidence. As a manager, he did not show what a manager should be, but instead let his team members.

“I see, Mr. Arima! I will re-manage the QS class according to your requirements!” Sasaki promised.

“Fish, you remember, you, as my designated heir, you have to have the arrogance of me and Ma Guijiang, your strength is not weak, you don’t need to put your position too low!” Arima Ki will continue to speak.

“Mr. Arima, would you not be able to make friends in this way? I don’t think you have any friends!” Sasaki Hisei asked cautiously.

In the world of Sasaki Hiyoshi, Takasho Arima is a cold-faced Buddha without friends, so Sasaki Hiyoshi does not want to be like Hiyoshi Arima, so lonely.

From the performance point of view, Guijiang Arima seems to have no friend who can talk and laugh, but in fact, Guijiang Arima had such a friend when he was young, but he died later.

But Guijiang Ma still has friends. Ibyin, Ui, Hirako, and the members of the {0 team} are all friends of Guijiang Ma.

“Make friends is not blindly humble and tolerant of each other. Moreover, making friends is a private matter, and when you work, you have to show what you are doing, not when you are working. Get along with people with your identity.” Takasho Arima is still teaching Sasaki Hiyo.

“In addition, I have more friends than you believe. The entire {0 team} are all my friends. My first partner when I was a search officer, Hirako was also my friend. , Special Class Ujing is also my friend, and Class Yi Bingjin is also my friend.”

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