Chapter 1258 – Cold sweat

Perhaps Yukiyuki Shinohara, as the investigator, is now sitting down and negotiating with {Ghoul}. This is a historic moment in itself, or it is a good start.

However, wanting all human beings to do this is not something that can be accomplished in a few words. After all, human beings are emotional animals. Those who have been hurt by {Ghoul} still bear hatred in their hearts. Perhaps they will not forget their inner wounds so easily.

Secondly, the world of {Ghoul} is much more complicated than that of humans. At least there are leaders of the Z house on the human side, while {Ghoul} has a lot of large and small forces. It can be said to be difficult to manage. Up to the blue sky.

What CCG knows on the bright side is that there are only two biggest {Ghoul} forces, {Bronze Tree} and {Clown}. For regional organizations like {White Suit}, basically every district will have, the most The trouble is those organizations that have always been hidden in the dark.

“In exchange, I would also like to remind you that CCG is not as simple as it appears on the surface. It was not Kano who started the artificial {Ghoul} experiment first, but CCG!” Sifang Ren Shi sees Shinohara Kouki sinking into it. Contemplation, then continued.

Hearing this, Shinohara’s thoughts were immediately brought back, and I saw Shinohara Yuki looking at Sifang Renshi with a very serious look. Sifang Renshi’s words were like saying that CCG is actually a bad person. general.

“What do you mean?” Shinohara Yuuki asked again, wanting Sifang Renshi to speak more clearly.(Read more @

Suzuya is also serious about making things. Naturally, Suzuya is curious about things like secrets.

“This is what the Anjuna sisters said. They lived with Jiana for a while. This was what Jiana told them. Jiana said that he was fired by CCG because he knew that CCG was working in secret. Kind of experiments.”

“Don’t you think it is very suspicious that Jiana was able to carry out this experiment after being dismissed for many years?” Sifang Lianshi said more clearly.

At this time, Shizuo Suzuya interjected excitedly: “Are you saying that someone behind Jiana was helping him with the experiment? Let me guess, you meant to say that CCG was secretly helping Jiana with this experiment, right? Right? Interesting! So interesting!”

Bai Yu nodded, and then said: “Our guess is that there are two factions within the CCG. Because the experiment has great flaws, the experiment was stopped, and Jiana who discovered the secret left CCG. ”

“The strength of one person of Jiana is obviously unable to support this kind of research. Perhaps he himself doesn’t know how to transform it. Because someone in CCG still wants to continue this experiment, he found Jiana and cooperated with Jiana , Let Jiana experiment secretly.”

After hearing what Shiraba said, Yuuki Shinohara started to sweat on his back. What Shiraba and Sifang Renshi said was too much information.

If CCG secretly conducts artificial {喰species} experiments with Jiana, then who is controlling all this? All the special investigators obviously have no reason to do all this. Are they from the Hexiu family?

The reason why he thinks so is because the Hexiu family has a very deep foundation in the CCG, which can be seen from the positions of the chairman and director of the chairperson and the directors of the Hexiu clan.

The other special class are almost all generations, and most of them are even single, like Ari Ma, Kiyoko Anura, Maru Tesai, Wang Yuan, and Yukiki Shinohara are all single, and they do not exist in CCG development at all. Own foundation.

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