The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 1227 - Really known shooting

Chapter 1227 – Really known shooting

Only by cutting off Gua Jiang Jiusheng’s arm can this affect him in a short time. Of course, if Gua Jiang Jiusheng’s resilience is strong enough, then Bai Yu’s attack is still insignificant.

However, it is a pity that Gua Jiang Jiusheng is not Jin Muyan. His Hebao has the limitation of the framework, and his framework is still only 20% in the first stage. Therefore, Gua Jiang Jiusheng’s recovery ability is naturally unable to match without the framework limitation. Compared with Sasaki Hisyo.

Although the chopped arm can regenerate, it is unlikely in a short period of time, at least one week or half a month.

After seeing his arm flying into the air due to inertia, Gua Jiang Jiusheng gradually reacted, but he didn’t scream at all, the only thing was shock, because Bai Yu’s shot was so fast, fast. The instinct of Gua Jiang Jiusheng’s body is frozen in place.

A sense of fear spreads throughout Guajiang Jiusheng’s body. This is an instinctive reaction that the brain cannot control. Even if Guajiang Jiusheng can restrain it later, it is because the effect of fear is already in effect, so wait for Guajiang Jiusheng to restrain it. By the time it was too late.

If Bai Yu had a murderous intention to Gua Jiang Jiusheng, the stiffness of Gua Jiang Jiusheng just now was the moment of his death.


Sasaki Hisei, Ignorish, and June were also shocked by this scene. The three of them called out the name of Kuae Hisou.


At this moment, with a gunshot, a bullet suddenly flew past Bai Yu’s ear. Although this one was very close to Bai Yu, Bai Yu knew that the bullet was not aimed at himself, but at Nishio Nishiki.

After the bullet passed by Bai Yu’s ears, the bullet flew quickly towards Nishio Nishiki, who had just stood up. Nishio Nishiki’s state at this time, I don’t know if he can dodge this most likely deadly bullet. .

Bai Yu suddenly turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, and then turned into a straight cold light flashing out.

“Purgatory Meteor!”

“Dang~~”(Read more @

Then only a very crisp impact sound was heard, and it was clear that Bai Yu used Daohe to block the bullet, and the bullet bounced off to other places after hitting Baiyu’s Daohe.

At this time, Bai Yu’s figure stopped in front of Nishio Jin, and at the same time, Bai Yu’s Dao Hyuk was right in front of Nishio Jin’s eyes, and the harsh cold light reflected from the blade’s face passed through the holes in the eyes of the snake head mask. Nishio Nishiki couldn’t open his eyes.

Nishio Nishiki did not dare to move and stood still. Nishio Nishiki naturally knew that Bai Yu was not going to hurt himself. Although Nishio Nishiki did not have time to see the bullet clearly, he heard the sound of the bullet and the bullet flying in the air. The sound of breaking through the air, and the crisp sound of bullets hitting Baiyu Daohe.

At this moment, a group of investigators who came to support had already surrounded Bai Yu and Nishio Nishiki.

One of the investigators is still an old face. He is a superior investigator who participated in two major operations in the 11th and 20th districts-Hirako. The most dazzling and natural identity of Hirako is naturally not the position of superior investigator, but Ma Guijiang’s original partner.

However, after so many years, the status of Hirako and Arima is already very different, and Hirako is unable to continue to partner with Arima.

There are a total of four people in the Hirako squad led by Hirako. One of them is to stop Ito’s squinting eyes. This Ito is the deputy squad leader. In short, he is the second child.

The other is Kuroiwa’s son-Kuroyuki.

As the descendants of the special investigators, the Black Takeshi can be said to be the second generation of officials, because the performance of the Black Takeshi is naturally often compared with that of Kuroiwa when he was young. It can be said that the Black Takeshi is only the special search officer. And if he chose the same profession as his father, it would definitely not be a shame for his father, so Black Takeshi worked very hard.

Although the father of the black warrior was a special search officer, the black warrior did not receive any special treatment. He, like other search officers, speaks entirely on strength. The rank of the search officer is also his merits of relying on himself in the past few years. Although it was only a second-class superior, even the Black Takeshi wins in his youth, this is his capital.

Hei Wuchen did not undergo the QS operation, which was more or less affected by his father, because Heiyan himself was not very able to accept this operation, so he naturally would not allow his son to undergo this operation.

And the black warrior did not have much interest in QS, because his father is already a good role model, and his father can have his own ordinary flesh and blood to be promoted to the special investigator, then the black warrior feels that he does not need to choose these outsiders. .

The other two of Hirako were senior investigators who had relatively old qualifications and had little room for improvement. They were all in their thirties, and their positions were second-class superiors, just like Black Takeshi.

There is another class led by another superior search officer, with a total number of five people. One search class is no longer necessary for introduction. They are all obscure and silently dedicated existences. Their existence is like many stars. One is the same, no matter when, it cannot be the most shining one.

And the investigator who fired the gun was not someone else, it was Madoto. The reason why Madoto was here was because she was the guardian of Sasaki Hisae and also the superior of Sasaki Hisae. This was also because of Sasaki Hisae. Caused by the particularity of the world.

After all, Sasaki’s situation is different from other QS surgeons. Sasaki’s Hiyoi has no frame, so Sasaki is more likely to get out of control than others. After all, Sasaki’s situation is Kana’s surgery, not The ground line A and B.

In this regard, CCG also used the first lack of experience to explain the slightly different Sasaki Hoshiyuki, letting Sasaki Hoshiyoshi know that his bag is not framed, so it is easier to lose control, and it is also unable to eat human food normally. After that, QS learned his lesson and perfected it.

The reason why CCG did not make up the frame for Sasaki Hisy is because Sasaki Hisy’s body has been completely {cannonized}. Even if the frame is added later, it will no longer be of any use. Sasaki Hisy The body’s Rc value will not decrease due to the supplementary framework.

It is also due to the physical relationship, so the frame will also fail because of the high Rc value of Jin Muyan’s body itself.

To put it bluntly, it is Sasaki Hisyo’s current physical condition. Even if the frame is supplemented, it will not be effective in restricting it. At the same time, Sasaki’s Rc value cannot be reduced.

Even if the Rc value is forcibly decreased by the Rc inhibitor, Sasaki Hisy’s body itself is already completely diseased, so Sasaki Hisy can no longer accept human food, because Jiana’s experiment is on the human body. The impact is irreversible.

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