Chapter 12 – guide

“Hahaha!” {Ghost} smiled triumphantly. With the hostage in hand, it has the capital to be arrogant in front of Bai Yu.

“Look at what I have? If you don’t want them to die, hand over the knife in your hand!” {Ghost} directly ordered Bai Yu.

From its point of view, the most threatening thing is the Ghost Slashing Knife, so it feels that as long as Bai Yu loses the Ghost Slashing Knife, it is just food for it to slaughter!

If Bai Yu is disobedient, it will naturally eat the two brothers and sisters, then make itself stronger, and finally kill Bai Yu.

Of course, this is all {Ghost}’s conjecture. In fact, Bai Yu didn’t take the threat of {Ghost} seriously at all.

First: Even if {Ghost} eats Tanjirou, it won’t affect him.

Second: You Douzi is also {Ghost}, so there is no need to be afraid that this {wild ghost} can easily kill her.

Third: As a {ghost} Nidouzi, her fighting power can’t be underestimated, although she has never eaten people.

“You use them to threaten me is the most stupid behavior.” Bai Yu said lightly.

As soon as Bai Yu’s voice fell, Nidouzi suddenly rioted, and Linkong kicked {Ghost}’s head abruptly.

——”How is it possible! This girl is actually a ghost! Why does she mix with humans!”(Read more @

“The breath of water starts!”

Just when Nidouzi moved his feet, Bai Yu used the water breathing method obtained from the task reward. Using the white feather of the breath of water, all aspects of the body’s functions have been significantly improved.

After a breath of time, Bai Yu came to the headless ghost, and then the ghost sword slashed towards the ghost hand holding Tanjirou’s arm, and finally Tanjirou fell along with the ghost hand that was chopped off. To the ground.

The rescued Tanjiro pulled the ghost hand off at once, and then said to Bai Yu, “Thank you, senior!”

Bai Yu didn’t pay attention to Tanjirou’s thanks, but said to him: “The ghost head kicked down is left to you to deal with, and it is a trial for you! Don’t let him run away! Otherwise, more people will be harmed, just like your family!”

Hearing this, Tanjirou was startled. He didn’t expect that Bai Yu would let himself deal with {Ghost}, but the words behind Bai Yu did touch him.

“Senior, what about you?” Tanjirou asked curiously before acting.

“Of course it is to deal with this ghost, and at the same time you have to protect your sister.” Bai Yu replied.

Tanjirou quickly understood that Bai Yu could not take care of {Ghost}, who had already separated from his head and body, and Bai Yu alone would most likely miss some of it.

{Ghost}’s regenerative ability is very strong, as long as it is not completely killed, even if only a small part of the body is left, it can be recovered.

“I see!” Tanjiro didn’t ask any more, picked up the axe he had used for many years, and went to deal with the ghost.

Bai Yu used the breath of water again and swung dozens of knives against the headless ghost. Bai Yu’s attack was not strong enough, the blade only left scars of various depths on the ghost body, and did not disassemble the ghost body.

Of course, this is the effect Bai Yu wants. After all, this ghost body is not the main body of the ghost. If it is decomposed, it will only increase the clone of {Ghost} and increase the probability of success for {Ghost} to escape.

The reason why Bai Yu didn’t directly kill {Ghost}’s main body was because of Tanjirou.

After all, he is the protagonist of this world, this is what he should experience originally, if Bai Yu does everything for Tanjirou. That will trigger the butterfly effect, and then cause unpredictable serious consequences.

So Bai Yu knew that his existence could only be used as a guide, not as a leader.

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