The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 1187 - The white feather that inherits the wings

Chapter 1187 – The white feather that inherits the wings

There will be a proposition that can be discussed here, that is, if ordinary people eat {喰species}, will the kernel of the pack become {喰species}.

In fact, this doesn’t work. If an ordinary person swallows the Hebao of {喰种}, the body of an ordinary person is different from that of {喰种}. It is impossible for Hebao to implant in the bed, but it will cause the body in the end Adverse reactions, such as diarrhea or vomiting.

Even if someone does not experience these conditions, the human body is not suitable for Hebao to survive. Hebao will still be completely and gradually necrotic because he escapes from the living environment.

And {Ghoul} has its own body, so the body is absolutely suitable for survival. Therefore, if {Ghoul} swallows other {Ghoul} hebags, it will not appear in rejection. The swallowed hebags will not appear. Absorbed by the new body, and then reimplantation.

The Garner’s transformation operation is through organ transplantation, rather than direct transplantation of Hebao.

The principle is to strip out a part of the Heba core as an embryo without causing irreversible damage to the Heba. This embryo can still become a new Heba through cultivation. This is one way to mass-produce Kukin.

After all, powerful Hebao is hard-won. If you want mass production, you can only cultivate more Hebao through this method.

However, the Hebao cultivated by this method must be carefully cultivated before all aspects can reach the original state.

But as mentioned earlier, the human body cannot support Hebao implantation, not to mention the Hebao embryo, which has more fragile vitality, so it is not feasible to directly plant it on the human body. Therefore, there is an organ transplantation method to solve the problem. Hebao had the problem of implantation.

Jiana planted the embryo of Hebao on the organs of {喰species}, and then transplanted the organs into suitable recipients, which can reduce the probability of rejection of the donor’s organs by the recipient. After that, the human body was transplanted {喰After planting the organs, under the influence of the {喰species} organs, the biological environment and various indicators in the body will gradually become {喰species}-like, and the Hebao germs planted in the organs can also While developing, adapt to the new body, and finally mature, implant in the body of the recipient, and become a complete Hebao.

Although this whole process is a bit complicated, it is like the process and result of a drop of ink dripping into a glass of clear water.

That drop of ink is the {喰species} organ planted with Hebao germ, and a glass of water is a person.

The clear water turns black, just like a person has become a {Ghoul}.

The fact that Shendai Lishi can be used as a donor to transform a large number of artificial {Ghoose} is because of this kind of experiment and will not put the donor {Ghoose} in any life-threatening situation.

After all, without organs, Hebao can still regenerate new organs.

Someone may ask here again, since {Ghoul} can regenerate brand new organs after harvesting, will {Ghoul} resell their organs to make money?(Read more @

Although this idea is good, it is clear that these organs cannot be sold to the same kind, because there is no demand for the same kind. If they are bought to humans, there will definitely be problems.

If someone had transplanted an organ of {Ghoul}, the situation would be the same as that of the failed experiments in Jianan.

So this is extremely easy to expose one’s own behavior, no {Ghoul} will stupidly resell their organs on the human black market.

But why it is said that this experiment still has a lot of failed products, and why the failed products have lost their intelligence and have all kinds of deformities. That is a deeper level of discourse.

In short, even if human beings swallowed the pack of {Ghoul}, it is not absolutely impossible to become {Ghoul}.

Even if you eat {Ghoulon} alive, it is impossible.


Just after Bai Yu ate the store manager’s Hebao core, the two Hebao cores were quickly swallowed by Bai Yu’s body, and then the two Hebao cores quickly re-implanted on Bai Yu’s body, and then all of a sudden The kernel grows into a complete Hebao.

Then Hebao released Kazuko out of Baiyu’s control, and then he saw that Baiyu’s back suddenly grew many crystal thorns, and the crystal thorns suddenly became more and more like a pair of wings, and finally completely. The blooming is coming.

But at the same time, Bai Yu felt his body as if being emptied, and the whole person hurriedly put away the uncontrolled Kazuko.

I have to say that the store manager’s Kazuko is really overbearing.

However, the pair of wings was not completely retracted by Bai Yu, but kept the same form that the shopkeeper had when he was fighting.

If it wasn’t for the store manager’s Yu Hyuk no more, then it is estimated that two {枭} would really appear this time.

At this time, the store manager’s daughter saw Bai Yu’s appearance, and she probably wondered if Bai Yu was the store manager’s illegitimate child.

At this time, Shinohara Yuki and others also rushed to the top of the building at the fastest speed, and then stood a few meters away from Shiraba and the shop manager.

When Kuroiwa saw the shape of Shiraiwa, his heart tightened, and then shouted to Shinohara Yuki: “Shinohara, there really is a second {枭}! My original guess was correct!”

Heiyan now believes that Bai Yu has SSS-level strength even more, and at the same time treats Bai Yu as the child of the store manager.

“Two {枭}!?” Yujing’s whole person was also very nervous at this time. One {枭} already made them very tricky, two {枭}, it is estimated that they will have to be destroyed!

Shinohara Yukiki remained silent at this time. Yuuki Shinohara, who had talked with Kozen Yoshimura last night, did not think that Shiraba was the {枭} from ten years ago.

Because Kozen Yoshimura and Yuki Shinohara had talked about gangs, if Bai Yu was the second {one-eyed owl}, the movement would not be so small, and his actions would not be so low-key.

Kouki Shinohara looked at Kozen Yoshimura again soon. After seeing Kozen Yoshino’s Yukiku disappeared, Kouki Shinohara seemed to understand it, but Yuki Shinohara was also affected by Kozen Yoshimura’s behavior. Moved to.

Obviously, this young man is carrying Fangcun Gongshan’s ideals, Fangcun Gongshan gave his wings to the other party, maybe it is a kind of inheritance of ideas!

“You deal with that white-haired {枭}, and the other person will just leave it to me!” Shinohara Yuki immediately stated his arrangement.

The reason why Shinohara Yuuki chose this way was to send Yoshimura Kozen to the last level, because Yoshimura Kozen’s current behavior was already clearly telling him that he would never run away. But Yuki Shinohara knows that Shiroha will definitely stop him, but only by ending Kozen Yoshimura’s life, Shiroha can completely let go of his obsession, and CCG can also have a better reason to stop.

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