“Keuheum, it looks like I put on a useless sagittarius.”

In a situation where an awkward atmosphere was created, Denver cautiously cleared his throat and said with a smile.

“No, but I still see them often. In particular, I watched all of the 20-kilo spray series that I did before.”

As if to appease Denver, Choi Seong-hyun added,

But it wasn’t just empty words. In fact, I enjoyed the series very much, and there were quite a few things to learn as a sports medicine student.

“Oh yeah? A lot of people are introduced to the series.”

“I saw a lot of people around me. It’s fun, and actually useful information comes out.”

20Kilogram Splashing is, as the title suggests, a full-fledged diet series that aims to lose 20kg in one month by recruiting What Tubers and celebrities who have health problems due to obesity.

A series widely known for diet-related knowledge, such as full-fledged exercise plans and diet control, as well as correcting eating habits and lifestyle patterns to prevent overeating.

In addition, it contains a lot of useful information, such as improving posture in daily life and preventing injuries during exercise, and the video itself was quite interesting as it contained all kinds of happenings during the diet process.

“You must be famous.”

“It’s quite like that, isn’t it? First of all, I wonder if you are still ranked in the top 5 among health whattubers.”

Choi Seong-hyun nodded and answered Kang Tae-han, who was asking a question from the side. At one time, it was often on airwaves, so it wasn’t completely wrong.

‘What Tube… … .’

The world’s largest video platform, both in name and reality, where anyone can freely upload videos and anyone can freely view the uploaded videos.

As a window of information that is emerging the most these days, it is a place where you can find not only fun or interesting videos, but also videos containing practical and academic knowledge and information quite easily.

Naturally, Kang Tae-han was aware of its existence, and he often came in and out. If you look at internet news, there are many situations that naturally lead to that.

“You are doing a great job.”

I don’t know the details, but from what I’ve heard, this person seems to be the one who uploads health-related information there. Kang Tae-han opened his mouth in a calm yet sincere voice.

“Ahaha… that’s great I guess this is the first time I’ve heard that.”

“It’s a great thing. Isn’t it about sharing the knowledge you know so that it can help people’s health?”

A word so unfamiliar that it sounds like flattery at first glance. However, perhaps because his voice was so plain and simple, it was hardly flattering or empty words.

Is it because of that? Denver was rather embarrassed.

When it comes to what tubers, they usually say ‘how much do you earn per month?’, ‘do people recognize you a lot?’ The same words come out often, but this kind of reaction was the first time I felt it.

‘by the way… It’s not a bad feeling.’

However, if that embarrassment is a negative feeling, it is not. Do you feel like you have been recognized for something? As if embarrassed, he rubbed the bottom of his nose once and coughed.

“Hmm, hmm. anyway… To get back to the beginning, I’d like to give you two something in return right now. Do you have any time?”

Kang Tae-han glanced at Choi Seong-hyeon. Choi Seong-hyun shrugs lightly as we make eye contact. It’s a gesture that he doesn’t care either way. Kang Tae-han looked straight ahead and opened his mouth.

“I think the time will be fine, but where are we going?”

“I don’t know if you already know this, but there’s a really cool place in this building that’s been getting a lot of buzz lately. Should I call it a hot place among hot places?”


Kang Tae-han tilted his head slightly as he answered.

It’s a very popular place… Was there such a place

Come to think of it, it seemed like there were quite a few people flocking to the new meat restaurant recently. Every time I passed by, there were people waiting outside.

“It seems that it has been famous on social media for a long time, and people who have been around have all been favorable. Apparently, a lot of celebrities go there too.”

Was it that famous?

Kang Tae-han rested his chin on his chin and thought for a moment. I didn’t see it to that level, but it seems that you can’t evaluate something just by looking at it.

“But I was going there today. I couldn’t make a reservation for the artisan course, but I did make a reservation for the general course… … .”

“… Well?”

Artisan course or general course?

These are words you hear a lot. And of course, it’s a combination that doesn’t go well with the meat restaurant he was thinking of.

“The Cheonma Massage is located on the 20th floor. Would you like to come with me? Of course, I will bear the cost.”

“… Aha.”

Only then did Kang Tae-han, who grasped the situation, let out a brief exclamation. Then, he slightly turned his head to Choi Seong-hyun. Sure enough, he was quietly watching this side with an amused expression on his face.

‘I’ll say something in between.’

Seonghyun Choi’s expression, wondering how this conversation will end. Seeing that, Kang Tae-han sighed lightly.

“uh… Is there something wrong?”

“No, not like that.”

When Denver asked if he thought the sigh was a response to his suggestion, Kang Tae-han shook his head lightly from side to side and said.

“I am the director of the Cheonma Massage.”

“… Yes?”

Denver’s face and gaze changed in real time.

A face that slowly hardens with surprise and bewilderment. He looked at Kang Tae-han with a slightly dumbfounded expression, then opened his mouth in a low voice.

“That, the one who was also listed in Fermo Guide 3?”

“For now, it is. It’s not like I got 3 stars.”

“Even a person who has been up for several nights can get rid of the fatigue of the whole body with one acupressure! To be washed away… … .”

“It depends on the condition of the guest and the situation, but there have been times like that.”

“It raises the lame and raises the dead!”

“… Anyway, the latter is nonsense.”

Denver’s words to list the stories he heard.

After Kang Tae-han corrected the words one by one, he paused again before opening his mouth in a low voice.

“… It’s been a lot longer than I thought.”

The image that came to my mind after hearing rumors was the feeling of an old man. I thought it would be someone who had been in the industry for a long time, but… … .

Seeing Kang Tae-han, who was unexpectedly young and in his mid to late twenties at most, showed a look of surprise inside him.

* * *

“Would you like some of this?”

“Oh, thank you.”

After a while.

Kang Tae-han offered him a cold drink, and Denver lowered his head slightly and took it with both hands.

It was a very ambiguous picture to keep talking in front of the sauna, so the three of them changed their clothes and moved indoors. Denver, who immediately took a sip of the drink he had received, burst out with a small exclamation, saying, “Big.”

“Oh, maybe it’s because I collapsed from exhaustion earlier, but the banana milk is particularly sweet.”

“I thought you might need it.”

“Iknow, right. It seeps into the body.”

Tilting his head in wonder, he completely emptied the bottle with the second sip. Kang Tae-han, who watched the scene, shed a smile.

“Are you the one who said you were coming to shoot last week?”

“Ah yes. you’re right.”

In the middle of a moment of silence, it was Choi Seong-hyun who spoke first. At that, Denver nodded in response.

“Looking at it, compared to the popularity, there are not many related videos on What Tube. Even if there are not many views… So I thought I would leave a review.”

Denver Jung’s channel sometimes uploads videos of visiting certain businesses. Newly opened fitness clubs are the main target, but the scope is not particularly limited, and any facility related to health can be used.

Swimming pool, futsal field, stadium, gym… and so on.

In the meantime, after hearing the story of Cheonma Massage, I decided to visit the massage parlour.

‘Come to think of it, the manager said that… … .’

Meanwhile, Kang Tae-han was following the conversation he had with Chief Hwang a while ago.

In fact, Cheonma Massage had already gained considerable popularity, and when it was just mentioned in the Fermo Guide, there were quite a few related articles as well as SNS.

As a result, various proposals such as filming and coverage are coming in. However, they refused to appear on full-scale broadcasts, and were only allowing personal What Tubers and reporters to cover.

However, not too long ago, Chief Hwang made a separate comment, saying, “This time, it seems like a rather famous person is coming,” and that was probably this person. Perhaps this is also what Seonghyeon Choi said.

“Hmm… Have you made any other course reservations?”

“Ah, maybe it’s because it’s so popular, it was hard to catch anything other than the general course. So, I tried to make a video after receiving them in turn.”

We decided to give permission for a simple filming, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to cooperate. Reservations must be made the same as other guests, and there is no difference in service.

In the first place, I didn’t even announce to the masseuses, ‘Who is this person’?

‘However… It might be quite helpful in the current situation.’

However, that is because Cheonma Massage has nothing to ask for from them. Conversely, in situations where cooperation is necessary, we can cooperate as much as we like.

for example.

Read at readwn. com

Like promoting something new in the store.

The size of the channel, the number of views of the videos that I just took a quick look at… It’s not a bad feeling. Kang Tae-han, who was lost in thought for a moment, opened his mouth in a low voice.

“Mr. Denver.”

“Ah, yes. Please tell me.”

“I couldn’t tell you before, but this guy is also in charge of the artisan course, and in his own way, he is the second best masseuse in the store.”

“Ah, Seonghyun, you’ve been a masseuse too, right?”

“Yeah, what… But why are you talking about that all of a sudden?”

At the words that suddenly lifted him up, Choi Seong-hyeon scratched his head with an embarrassed expression and asked as if protesting. Either way, Kang Tae-han continued his story.

“The Cheonma course is full of schedules, so it’s impossible, but if you don’t mind the artisan course, I’d like to help you advance the shooting schedule. How about it?”

“… Is that true? Of course I like it!”

Denver speaks straight away with a smile.

In response, Kang Tae-han smiled and took out his smartphone from his pocket and said.

“I just want to ask you one favor.”

“What is it?”

“In exchange for some cooperation from our side… There is one reservation application that our shop is introducing this time. I would like you to mention this.”

Denver received Kang Tae-han’s smartphone. What appears on the screen is the reservation application just mentioned. It has a very clean and sophisticated interface.

“That’s good. One more thing to talk about.”

At that, Denver nodded happily.

It was a situation where the filming schedule was vaguely delayed, but it was a welcome story for him. It’s not a monetary reward, so there’s no room for a problem.

“good. then… When is a good time?”

“… huh? Why are you looking at me and talking?”

Choi Seong-hyun, who was drinking sikhye next to him.

He asked in a puzzled voice at the question that suddenly came to him. Then Kang Tae-han added, as if it was natural.

“You said you couldn’t catch the Cheonma course because it was full. For a while, there are schedules even after work hours… So you should be in charge.”

“I’ve never filmed anything like this before?”

At Kang Tae-han’s words, Choi Seong-hyeon pointed at himself and said with a clear tone of embarrassment.

“You can do well.”

“It’s ridiculous… … .”

Kang Tae-han puts his hand on Choi Seong-hyun’s shoulder and smiles. At the seemingly soft yet firm voice, Choi Seong-hyun let out a strange laugh.

* * *

A terminal located in a corner of Gimpo Airport.

It is completely separate from other terminals and is mainly used for landing and taking off of privately owned planes, not large passenger planes of airlines.

“Can you keep walking?”

“Yes. I can still do this much.”

And in the hallway connected to the terminal, a man was taking one step at a time, relying on a walker.

A muscular body with a coppery glow.

However, unlike his large size, his gait was weak enough to be compared to that of an old man. Both arms and legs trembled as if they would fall at any moment.

“… I could just use a motorized wheelchair.”

“If you just ride it every day, you might not be able to walk for the rest of your life.”

At the words of the man, the coach, Caliber smiled faintly. Then he added, as if it were important.

“And they say that massage is only effective when you have some muscles. We’ve come this far, but wouldn’t it be better to receive it most efficiently?”

The coach stood still for a while, as if he had forgotten words for a moment at Caliber’s words. Then, with a grin, he passed him and followed Caliber, who was walking forward.

‘I hope this effort will be rewarded…’ … .’

At the same time, a small hope that comes to mind without me knowing. However, he was well aware that that hope was literally vague.

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