The fruit of regression.

It can continuously reduce the age of living things.

The original owner, Ain, has developed the fruit to the point where a touch can make the creature regress 12 years.

Xia Zhu has just obtained the fruit, so it is reasonable that the ability should be developed slowly.

But don't forget that Xia Zhu has put most of the attribute points he has obtained into his spirit.

This has led to his abnormally strong mental power, which is many times stronger than that of ordinary people.

The higher the mental power, the stronger the learning ability.

Theoretically, if Xia Zhu has 5,000 or 10,000 points of mental power, he can instantly awaken any devil fruit ability.

So Xia Zhu, with the blessing of his powerful mental power, has developed the ability of the fruit of regression to a very high level in just a few days.

Just a touch can make the other party regress up to 15 years old.

It is even deeper than Ain's development!

Spandam is not very old.

Xia Zhu just slapped him three times in a row in an instant, which means that he will be directly regressed 45 years.

It has exceeded his current age limit.

Therefore, he degenerated rapidly, from an adult to a child, a baby, and even a tadpole.

Finally, he turned into nothingness and completely disappeared from this world.

Where he once stood, there was only a pile of clothes left as evidence of his existence.

This horrific scene completely shocked everyone.

"It's a devil fruit ability!"

Lucci's face changed drastically, and he stepped back subconsciously, keeping a distance from Xia Zhu.

He didn't know whether Spandam was dead or not, but under his observation, the other party's breath had indeed disappeared in this area.

What kind of ability does Xia Zhu have?

Could it be that Admiral Akainu was also killed in this way?

It's too scary!

Devil fruit abilities are extremely rich and ever-changing. Except for some people with strong backgrounds who deliberately check the devil fruit illustrations, many people don't know about the fruit abilities.

This backward fruit ability is weird. As long as Xia Zhu doesn't say it, no one present can recognize it.

"When did the commander-in-chief have this ability?"

Crocodile and Hawkeye looked at each other and saw each other's shock.

They had been with Xia Zhu on the ship for so long.

They thought they had understood all of Xia Zhu's abilities.

But today, they found out that they were wrong!

Very wrong!

This man's trump card is hidden too deeply, and this terrible ability has never been shown. He didn't even use it when fighting against the admirals of the navy.

If Xia Zhu had suddenly done this when fighting with Akainu, the opponent would have been caught off guard and would definitely have ended up like Spandam!


Is it disdain?

Or is it that at the level of the commander-in-chief, in his eyes, he only desires a real battle?

At this moment.

Xia Zhu is in the minds of the two Shichibukai crew members. In the story, her status has been directly raised by who knows how many times!

As for Tornado... no matter what Xia Zhu becomes, her feelings for Xia Zhu will not change, and she is absolutely 100% loyal!

When the ability of the Retrograde Fruit first appeared, Xia Zhu not only shocked CP9, but also scared her own people.

It can be seen how powerful this fruit is!

Just touch you and you can turn back into a tadpole.

Almost no one is willing to endure such a horrible end.

After getting rid of Spandam, Xia Zhu, like nothing happened, dragged Fujitora in the sack and left the port with his subordinates.

The tense atmosphere did not ease until the figures of Xia Zhu and others disappeared completely.

A group of people suddenly collapsed to the ground as if they were exhausted.


"I thought I was going to die!"

"The Daxia Pirates are so scary."

"The feeling of having one foot at the gate of hell is something I never want to experience again!"

"With such an opponent, how could the Navy Headquarters possibly win?!"

Many Navy officers and conscription experts were feeling lucky to have survived a disaster.

Even many people who were planning to join the Navy had a retreat at this moment, saying that they would not be suitable to be Navy officers.

This scene made many Navy commanders angry.

Judicial Island, one of the important bases of the Navy Headquarters, was actually frightened by a pirate. If the news got out, it would be a disgrace to the whole family.

"Oh no, the Demon Slayer Order is still being issued!"

At this time, Lucci's expression suddenly changed, and he jumped onto a warship and headed towards the Navy Headquarters.

After the Demon Slayer Order is issued, it will cause indiscriminate devastating blows to the target area, even the Judicial Island is no exception.

So the Demon Slayer Order must be stopped!

And I don't know which general will lead the team this time...

Lucci thought to himself, and he accelerated his sailing. Not long after, he ran into the oncoming Navy warships, a large and dense

"That's... Admiral Aokiji!"

Lucci looked towards the main ship, and when he saw the leader clearly, he flew over directly using the Moon Step.

After a brief contact,

Aokiji showed a surprised look.

"Are you saying that your troops stationed on Judicial Island encountered Xia Zhu?"

"The other party came to the island and robbed a blind man in public? In addition, he only killed one Spandam?"

After listening to Lucci's report, Aokiji's charcoal-like face was full of confusion.

According to Xia Zhu's rumored notoriety, shouldn't this be an unforgivable pirate?

When anyone heard about his landing on the Judicial Island, the first reaction was to go to war with the navy.

But in the end, it was just a robbery.

The only loss of the navy was CP9's commander Spandam.

Speaking of which, Aokiji was still optimistic about Spandam. The other party's golden Den Den Mushi was given by him.

Unexpectedly, after only a few months of not seeing each other, Spandam died.

Moreover, his death was so strange!

Killed by a power that seemed to be a devil fruit, this ability was not in the navy's intelligence data.

"It's such a headache. It seems that we still know too little about Xia Zhu."

"Forget it, let's cancel the Demon Slayer Operation first, and retreat!"

After thinking for a while, Aokiji waved his hand lazily and conveyed the order to cancel the mission.

At the same time, he kept Lucci, and the two will return to the Navy Headquarters to report to Marshal Sengoku in detail about Xia Zhu's landing on the Judicial Island.

And the other party's weird ability, see if the corresponding fruit can be found in the devil fruit encyclopedia.

There is no doubt that the World Government will be shaken again.

Not to mention the death of a senior official, the pirate Xia Zhu has gained a new ability.

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