Navy Headquarters.

The highest-level conference room!

All the high-ranking naval officers were present, just like the previous meeting.

Holding two emergency meetings of the highest scale in a row within ten days is unprecedented in the history of the Navy.

Not to mention that both times were because of the same person!

Unlike the last time, the atmosphere in the conference hall this time was obviously much more depressing.

Everyone had a serious expression, some were silent with their arms folded, and some were puffing away at their cigars.

The atmosphere was very depressing!

At the top table, Marshal Zhan Guo gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger.

"A great admiral of the navy died at the hands of a mere pirate!"

"Are you going to make our Navy Headquarters a laughing stock in the world?"

The news brought back by Kizaru was really hard to accept.

A peerless warrior, Sakaski, the top combat force of the Navy, fell at the hands of a rookie pirate who had just risen.

This kind of event is rare in a century! It's simply like a fairy tale!

But the facts are in front of them, and they have to admit it!

"That new guy is so scary. Sakaski is no match for him. He can also control the sea water. He may have an unknown devil fruit ability."

Kizaru sat on a chair below, crossed his legs with Aokiji, and said slowly.

"I have said that this guy is very strong and Sakaski will die if he goes alone. But I did not expect that if you two go together, you will still end up with the same result."

"It seems that he is far more terrifying than we expected."

Garp, as one of the only two people present who had fought with Xia Zhu, also began to speak and express his opinions.

After hearing his words, all the strong men present were silent.

Although they had never seen this newcomer in person, from the few words conveyed by Garp and Kizaru, he was undoubtedly a monster-level figure.


After a long time,

Sengoku calmed down and said,"Borsalino, Garp, tell me the information you two know."

Hearing this, Garp and Kizaru looked at each other and began to summarize.

Everyone present took a breath of cold air after hearing what the two said.

Even Sengoku felt it was very tricky.

The number of abilities of this man is simply terrifying.

The degree of strength is no less than that of Roger back then!

When the two finished speaking, a gleam of light appeared in Sengoku's eyes, and he sorted it out:"Now, let's introduce the target's information again."

"Xia Zhu, male, 19 years old, leader of the Great Xia Pirates. He appeared in Xiluobu Village three years ago. A month ago, he got 8,000 elite gunners and ships from somewhere and set sail."

"After that, they met Vice Admiral Garp's fleet, killed a Celestial Dragon accompanying them, and entered the Grand Line."

"There is no record of the other party entering or leaving Upside Down Mountain, so they should have crossed the doldrums to enter"

"Then, the information brought by Borsalino"

"The opponent has strong personal combat capabilities, is proficient in the six styles and swordsmanship, and possesses the highest level of armed color domineering, as well as the ability to control seawater."

"The shadows of Shichibukai Hawkeye and Crocodile also appeared beside him, calling him the commander-in-chief, and he was suspected to have joined the Great Xia Pirates."

After summarizing Xia Zhu's information, Sengoku picked up the teacup on the table and drank a sip of water, then looked at the silent naval generals and continued:"Now, the danger level of the pirate named Xia Zhu has been raised to the highest level, and the file is top secret!"

"If you encounter them on the sea in the future, do not take action, just report to the headquarters!"

"Finally, it’s his bounty… From today on, it will be increased to 4 billion berries!"

Zhan Guo finally finished speaking, but when he put down his teacup, everyone was indeed silent.

Because everyone’s face was filled with shock at this moment!

Marshal Zhan Guo actually asked them to retreat without fighting!

How ironic is this for the navy who shoulder the banner of justice?

And what kind of man can make the navy not even have the courage to fight?

Not to mention, Xia Zhu’s bounty has risen again, directly doubling to 4 billion berries!

You know, it’s only been a week since he confirmed the bounty last time.

In one week, from 0 to 4 billion, this is almost a miracle. The bounty is rising at a speed as fast as words!

It also indirectly shows how terrible this man is!

After all, the Whitebeard, who has been famous in the sea for decades and is known as the strongest man, has a bounty of only 5.046 billion berries.

And Xia Zhu is just a newcomer. He is almost approaching Whitebeard!

It is really too shocking!

Zhan Guo actually didn't want to adjust Xia Zhu's bounty so high, which would make the navy look incompetent.

But there is no way, who made him kill the Celestial Dragons and the Navy Admiral as soon as he debuted.

This record is too terrifying, he must increase the amount to remind people all over the world how terrible this man is.

"Marshal, should we suppress the news of Admiral Akainu's death?"Vice

Admiral Kanser of the Navy Headquarters, holding a big cigar and wearing sunglasses, suddenly asked.

Sengoku heard this and shook his head:"No need to hide, we can't hide it."

There were too many people who witnessed this battle, and the Navy had no power to cover it up. It would be better to be open and honest.

When everyone heard this, they didn't say anything more.

""Garp, what do you think about Akainu's departure and the vacant seat of the admiral?"

At this time, Sengoku suddenly looked at Garp on the side and asked meaningfully.

Garp seemed careless, but he was actually very smart. When he heard this, he picked his nose as if it had nothing to do with him and said,"I'm old now, don't expect to be an admiral."

"Besides, isn't there Momotobuki?"

Zhan Guo saw Garp, who was as shrewd as a ghost in this matter, and cursed the old man inwardly, then glanced at Momotobuki and Chaton, who were candidates for admiral, and shook his head in his heart.

He always felt that the time had not come yet to promote these two to admiral.

The admirals of the navy represent the face of the navy.

Not only must they have strength, but they must also have deterrence, and there are certain requirements in appearance.

The three current admirals, whether it is Kizaru, Akainu or Aokiji, are all very tall, have a strong aura, and possess natural fruits that can produce terrible

The two candidates for the general, although they are strong enough, are somewhat lacking in aura. Momosagi is okay, her height and figure are enough, but she looks more delicate because she is a woman.

But Chatun is much worse, he is short, has splayed legs, and has a wretched face.

Although Kizaru is also wretched, he is wretched with temperament, more like a kind of cynicism.

Invisibly suppressing the enemy.

Chatun can't compare with this.

Due to the above reasons, after Akainu's death, these two were not directly appointed.

"Marshal, why don't we hold a world conscription and select a civilian master with both good character and strength to be the general!"

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