The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1258: Mom, don't mention summer homework, you're still a good mom

"Where do you want to go to play?" Xia Zekai asked the sisters.

But a year later, the sisters couldn't remember the fun in the capital at all. They thought that as long as they didn't stay at home, it would be fine.

It's finally summer vacation. They feel that even going to the mall is better than here.

Luo Xiyun came over and said, "Zekai, don't fool around with the two of them. You should call the hospital first and ask Dr. He to check on your grandfather and grandfather, and then you can go play."

"Sure, I'll call Dr. He and ask." Xia Zekai thought that his wife was right, and without delay, he called He Guoming first.

At this time, the girl and Tongtong knew that their father had other things as soon as they heard it. Although they both wanted to go out, they also knew that father's business was more important.

Xia Zekai called He Guoming two times in a row, but the other party didn't answer one of them. Xia Zekai knew that He Guoming should be busy, and he was likely to perform surgery in the operating room, otherwise he would not have time to answer his own. Telephone.

Putting down the phone, Xia Zekai lowered his head and asked the two girls, "Girl, Tongtong, have you two decided where to go to play?"

But the sisters really couldn't think of it.

Xia Zekai finally made a decision for the two of them: "Let's go, I'll take you to Ocean Park to play."

It's covered by a huge amount of seawater, it's cool!

Luo Xiyun was quite puzzled and asked him, "Didn't you call Dr. He?"

"No one picked up, maybe he was busy with surgery, let's go to play for a day today, and do the examination without delaying the day." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun heard him say that, so he didn't say anything else.

After having a goal, Xia Zekai and the others didn't waste any more time and took the whole family to the Jingcheng Ocean Park directly.


At the Xuanwu Hospital in Beijing, Dr. He Guoming, the chief physician of the Department of Neurology, is still performing an operation. This is an interventional stent operation. Part of the patient's blood vessels have been completely blocked, which is very dangerous.

After finally finishing the operation, He Guoming watched the medical staff push the patient out, and he finally took a breath.

In this operation, the patient's condition was rather troublesome, and there was a little accident in the middle. It took three consecutive hours to complete the operation. He Guoming is in his fifties, and his current physical strength is really difficult to support him standing for a long time. After work, there was obvious tiredness in his eyes.

The assistant also advised him to go back and have a rest. He Guoming really needs to rest. In his current state, he cannot perform continuous operations at all.

Back in his office, He Guoming opened the drawer and took out his mobile phone.

Taking a glance, there were five missed calls, two of them were from my wife, two from Xia Zekai, and one had a note on the China CITIC Bank Credit Card Center, which seemed to be selling credit cards or insurance.

But why did Xia Zekai call him?

"Could it be that someone is not feeling well again?" This was the first thought in He Guoming's mind.

But he still called his wife first and explained the situation to her just now. After the old couple hung up, He Guoming called Xia Zekai back.

Asked to understand what was going on, He Guoming asked them to come directly to Xuanwu Hospital tomorrow to find him.

"Mr. Xia has come to the capital again?" He Guoming thought to himself.


At the Jingcheng Ocean Park, the girl and Tongtong were running inside, making all kinds of funny expressions in shock, but they didn't make any noise. Children, they were cute everywhere, but they weren't annoying.

The three little guys, Qingyu, Chenchen, and Jingling, will also leave now. They don't ride on the stroller anymore. Which one fell without standing.

Xia Zekai also asked Wang Yi to arrange a bodyguard behind him to prevent accidents.

He and his father, Xia Weicheng, pushed their grandfather and grandfather in wheelchairs and walked behind.

Just after the summer vacation, there were a lot of people in the Jingcheng Ocean Park today. They were not in a hurry and just walked slowly.

Not to mention grandfather and grandfather, even his father Xia Weicheng came to Beijing Ocean Park for the first time in his life. Through the transparent glass, he could see all kinds of marine fish in the water, even sharks, etc. They Amazed.

"Zekai, why did this big shark come to the city? It's just such a layer of glass. It's not afraid of eating people." Grandpa Xia Shande asked.

"Haha, grandpa, this is high-strength special glass, it won't come out." Xia Zekai said casually.

"That's really amazing, or our country is amazing." Xia Shande sighed with emotion.

After Sun Tzu became prosperous, he saw too many new things that he had never seen before. Sometimes when he chatted with Zhou Lin, he would say that even if he died in this life, it would be worth it.

He really looked at it, but also looked down on it.

Zhou Lin had similar thoughts to him.

Grandpa pointed to the other side and asked, "Zekai, someone was feeding the fish in the water. He wasn't afraid of being bitten to death."

At the place where my grandfather pointed, a man in a diving suit was throwing food out of the iron cage, and occasionally a piece of meat was thrown out. At this time, a ferocious big fish swam over to grab food.

Fortunately, the iron cage is specially made, and occasionally a big fish will push it up, at most it will shake it.

"Grandpa, it's okay, they're all in the cage!"

But there are also underwater dance performances in the water, and there are some gentle fish swimming around, as if to cooperate with the performance of these underwater actors, attracting many people to stop and watch.

Even the girl and Tongtong were watching from here. The two of them put their toes on their toes and looked in. The girl shouted, "Auntie is so amazing. You can dance under the water, so I'm going to jump in too."

"Sister, as far as the dance of your three-legged cat is concerned, don't go in and be embarrassed." Tongtong immediately exposed her sister's "true face".

There were people watching the underwater performance next to them, and when they heard the conversation between the two sisters, they all showed kind laughter.

But Luo Xiyun was very busy. She had to look at the girl and Tongtong, as well as Qingyu and the three siblings. Although there was a nanny to take care of them and bodyguards to follow, as a biological mother, she was still worried.

Since entering this ocean park, she has not stopped for a moment.

When they came out from the other exit, the girl and Tongtong had a great time playing. Even the three brothers and sisters in Qingyu were very happy. The three little guys kept jumping and venting their feelings.

But Luo Xiyun and Xia Zekai were exhausted.

It was already very hard to walk in and out of the crowd. After taking care of the elderly and children, neither of them bothered to take a serious look at the marine species in various areas.

It was getting late when they came out of Ocean Park. At this time, even the third youngest, Qingyu, who usually didn't eat much, was screaming that he was hungry, so they went to the nearby Lanhai Bell Dinglou restaurant together.

When Luo Xiyun saw this hotel, he also mentioned: "Zekai, a new Blue Ocean Hotel has been built in the northern part of Qicheng. They are one family."

"Yes, all of them belong to the Blue Ocean Group. Speaking of which, it's still a hotel in our province!" Xia Zekai said.

After entering, Xia Zekai went to order the special dishes, and then added a few dishes according to everyone's taste.

It was Wang Yi, the bodyguards, Jiang Ningning and the three nannies who ate the same dishes as Xia Zekai's family.

After eating, Xia Zekai said to the second old man, "Grandpa, grandpa, I will take you to Xuanwu Hospital tomorrow to find Dr. He for a physical examination, and it will be over in the morning."

Since Xia Shande and Zhou Lin lived with this grandson (grandson), they have two physical examinations every year, and they are used to it and have not rejected it.

Xia Shande nodded: "Look at the arrangement!"

Luo Xiyun was busy distributing a herbal baked pumpkin to his grandfather and grandpa. This thing was steamed very soft and glutinous. After removing the pumpkin skin, the remaining pumpkin flesh shattered when you put it in your mouth. It's good for them to eat.

"Grandpa, grandpa, and this bird's nest, you can try it." Luo Xiyun took two small bowls the size of a palm and put them in front of the second old man.

"Grandpa, try this original donkey meat, it tastes pretty good to me." Xia Zekai brought a piece of donkey meat that looked crystal clear for his grandfather.

His grandfather was no good, his teeth were almost lost, and he couldn't eat these slightly chewy meats.

But it's okay to drink some seafood nugget soup and some steamed grouper, but the millet sea cucumber has to be crushed for him to Zhou Lin watched his grandson busy and pushed him away with his hands. : "Zekai, if you eat your food, don't patronize me. You make me so many dishes, and I can't eat it."

"Hey, eat slowly, we're not in a hurry." Xia Zekai went to take care of his daughter and son again.

The girl and Tongtong can eat it by themselves, don't worry about them, but the three of them, Qingyu, Chenchen and Jingling, who just started to eat normally, can't do it. You must pay special attention. If you don't pay attention, you might eat something. got stuck.

Before she finished eating, Tongtong came over and asked her father, "Dad, where are we going to play after dinner."

"Aren't you tired? I'm thinking of going home and resting for a while." Xia Zekai said, he was really tired.

Tong Tong then shook his little head like a rattle: "I'm not tired, I'm not tired at all, good dad, let's go play."

"Have you finished your summer homework?" Luo Xiyun asked abruptly.

Hearing this sentence, it was like a spell, Tong Tong immediately stopped talking, turned his head and looked at his mother with a resentful look: "Mom, if you don't mention your homework, you are still a good mother."

"Pfft!" Xia Zekai couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing.

The girl shouted: "Mom, I didn't do my homework, the teacher is so annoying, let's copy a, o, e ten times a day"

"Good guy, your teacher is ruthless." Xia Zekai smiled very proudly.

But then again, such a little homework is still incomparable to when they were young. At that time, they copied the text ten times at every turn, and their hands hurt when copying, but they could memorize them as they copied them.

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