96 cups of green tea

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

Everyone present did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Especially Xiang Peng, he was completely shocked.

At that time, Fang Jingyuan fell over to him, and he subconsciously pushed her away. He didn't expect that she would fall down, let alone that her head would be bloodied.

Xiang Peng came back to his senses, and went to help Fang Jingyuan with trembling hands: Jing, Jingyuan, how are you?

Don't touch her!

Tong Xuelu rushed forward and kicked him.

Xiang Peng was unprepared, his whole body was kicked to the ground, gasping for air in pain.

Tong Xuelu didn't bother to pay attention to him, she raised her head and said to Tong Jiaming: Ride your bike to the hospital to call an ambulance now, hurry up, but pay attention to safety!

Tong Jiaming came back to his senses, nodded and rushed out: Okay, I see.

After Tong Xuelu finished speaking, she ran to the room and took a clean handkerchief to wrap Fang Jingyuan's forehead.

At this time, Fang Jingyuan had passed out. She could carry Xiaojiu to the hospital last time when he had bleeding from the back of his head, but she couldn't hold Fang Jingyuan now.

Even if she could carry her, the bicycle couldn't carry the two of them.

Tong Mianmian was so frightened that her eyes widened, because she was so shocked that she even forgot to cry, and now she came back to her senses and burst into tears with a wow.

Tong Xuelu raised her head to comfort her and said, Mianmian is good, it's okay, sister Jingyuan just fell down, can you and brother go to Grandma Shen's house next door?

Xiaotuanzi was obviously very scared, but he still nodded obediently: Okay.

Tong Xuelu said to Tong Jia who was also panic-stricken: Jia Xin, take your sister to Grandma Shen's house.

Okay, I'll go now.

Tong Jiaxin nodded with staring eyes, then took his sister's hand and turned to leave.

Seeing that Tong Jiaxin was going to call someone, Xiang Peng couldn't help panicking: Comrade Tong, I didn't do it on purpose...

Tong Xuelu interrupted him: I know, you mean it.

Xiang Peng: ...

Xiang Peng wanted to explain, but Tong Xuelu looked at him with the eyes of non-recyclable garbage, exuding an aura——

Shut your dog's mouth, don't hit me!

Xiang Peng was so shocked that he couldn't say a word, his face was pale.

When the Wei family heard what happened here, Wei Zhiguo and his grandson Wei Ran ran over immediately, and they were shocked on the spot when they saw the blood on the ground.

Snow Green, what's going on?

Tong Xuelu: Grandpa Wei, my friend was pushed down. I have asked Jia Ming to call an ambulance. Could you please go to my friend's house and inform her family?

Wei Guozhi nodded: Let Xiaoran go, I'll go to the hospital with you.

Wei Ran nodded again and again: Sister Xuelu, tell me quickly, I'll go there right away.

Tong Xuelu told him the address of Fang's house, and Wei Ran memorized it a few times, then went home and rode a bicycle at high speed.

Twenty minutes later, the ambulance finally arrived, and Tong Xuelu and the medical staff took Fang Jingyuan to the hospital together.

Xiang Peng was twisted by Wei Guozhi and went to the hospital.

Today is Fang Jingyuan's birthday. When Fang Jingyuan went out in the morning, Fang's mother told her to go home early, and her family would celebrate her in the evening.

Who would have thought that within a few hours after leaving the house, he would be taken to the hospital with a bloody head.

Shocked and worried, the Fang family hurried to the hospital with money and tickets.

Fang Jingyuan had a big gash on her forehead and needed seven or eight stitches. The doctor said she had a mild concussion and she had to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.

Fang's family came over as soon as the doctor finished speaking.

Mother Fang's eyes were red, she grabbed Tong Xuelu's hand and said, Xuelu, how is Jingyuan doing? Is she okay?

Tong Xuelu asked the doctor to explain to Fang's family.

Fang's mother heard that her daughter had seven or eight stitches, and she burst into tears: The child has fainted from blood since she was a child. She must have been scared to death after bleeding so much.

Fang's mother asked the nurse to take her to see her daughter quickly.

Although Fang's father loves his daughter very much, he is obviously calmer than Fang's mother at the moment: Xuelu, tell uncle, how did Jingyuan fall down?

Tong Xuelu pointed to Xiang Peng who was standing in the corner and said, Jingyuan slipped and fell. He not only failed to catch Jingyuan, but also pushed her away, and Jingyuan fell to the ground.

The blood on Xiang Peng's face seemed to be drawn away in an instant. Seeing Fang's father glaring at him, he faltered in fright: Uncle Fang, listen to me...I...


Father Fang stepped forward and punched Xiang Peng in the face.

Xiang Peng's face was distorted, and blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth, but before Fang's father could punch him a second time, the members of Xiang's family rushed over.

What are you doing? Why are you beating my son?

Xiang's mother rushed over and grabbed Fang's father's hand, and used her body to block her son.

Fang's father's eyes were red with anger, and he stared at Xiang Peng and said, Your son caused my daughter to break her head. I didn't beat him to death, and I already took advantage of him!

Xiang's father ran over, and seeing his son's bruised nose and swollen face, his eyes turned red with anger: If you have something to say, speak up, my son has always been well-educated, how could he do such a thing?

After talking to his father, he turned and asked his son, Xiao Peng, tell my father what happened.

Xiang Peng gasped in pain as soon as he pulled the corner of his mouth: Dad, I didn't push Jingyuan on purpose, she fell suddenly and I was startled and wanted to catch her, but I didn't expect to catch her and fell to the ground .”

Tut tut.

I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones!

Tong Xuelu was amazed at the side.

Fang Jingyuan's character is really bad!

When Xiang's mother heard her son's words, she suddenly became confident: Did you hear that? My son didn't push your daughter. Your daughter fell down by herself. My son kindly tried to help her but failed. Why did you hit him?

Fang's father flushed with anger: Xiang Peng, do you have the guts to say it again?

Xiang Peng trembled in fright, and hid behind his mother: Anyway, I didn't push Jingyuan, and I still said the same thing when I went to the Public Security Bureau.

Pushing his mother's chest, he suddenly burst into a rage: I will let you beat my son, I will let you beat my son, I will fight you hard!

While scolding, she reached out to scratch Father Fang's face.

If the other party was a man, Fang's father might fight him openly, but now it was a woman, Fang's father couldn't stand it immediately.

He retreated while dodging backwards, and accidentally scratched his face with several red marks.

Tong Xuelu walked over and said, Uncle Fang, since the other party said that he is not afraid to go to the Public Security Bureau, then I will report to the Public Security Bureau now.

As she said that, she was about to walk out.

Hearing this, Xiang Peng trembled with fright, and quickly shouted: Dad, stop her quickly, don't let her go to the Public Security Bureau!

Responding to his father, he chased after him and wanted to grab Tong Xuelu's hand.

But as soon as his hand touched Tong Xuelu's sleeve, Tong Xuelu turned around and slapped Xiang's father on the face with a slap, and said righteously: Old rascal, you want to enter the house with your son. Is it the police station?

Father Xiang's face was turned sideways by the slap, and the left side of his cheek was burning hot.

What was even more embarrassing was that the people around looked at him, pointed at him, and Xiang's father's face turned red and white.

Seeing this, Xiang's mother stopped attacking Fang's father, turned around and rushed towards Tong Xuelu: Little bitch, I will beat you to death!

Behind him, Xiang Peng was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out, and he shouted loudly: Mom, don't hit her, her grandpa is the commander!


When Xiang's mother heard this, she came to an emergency stop when she rushed over, looking very funny.

Oh well, things got interesting.

Tong Xuelu raised her eyebrows.

When Xiang Peng suddenly mentioned Tong Zhenzhen during dinner, she felt something was wrong.

It's just that something happened to Fang Jingyuan before she could react, and now hearing him mention her identity, Tong Xuelu felt more and more wrong.

Seeing the commotion here, a nurse came over and scolded: This is a hospital, not a place for you to fight. If anyone dares to make any more noise, get out!

Xiang Fang and his family stared at each other with fear in their hearts.

Xiang Peng said: Dad, Mom, I think about it, I was probably too flustered and accidentally pushed Jingyuan, but I really didn't mean it, she is my object...

Damn you! Fang's father said furiously, From today onwards, you and my daughter are no longer the target!

No matter how much his daughter likes this object, he will never allow them to be together, otherwise he would rather break her legs and raise her for a lifetime.

Mother Xiang puffed up her chest: If you don't have a date, you don't have a date. Treat your daughter as my son. My son is good at work and good-looking. Many girls want to marry him, but your daughter has no education at all!

Fang's father stared: You have the guts to say it again!

Xiang's mother was extremely tough, and she didn't give in to a tall man like Fang Fang's father at all: Say it again, say it again, your daughter farted in front of my son on the first blind date, which family A well-bred girl would do this? Why stare, hit me if you dare, hit me!

Fang's father really wanted to fight, but no matter how reasonable the fight was, it became unreasonable, and his chest heaved with anger.

Tong Xuelu reminded: Uncle Fang, should I report it to the Public Security Bureau, or let them pay?

Only then did Father Fang come to his senses: Your son pushed my daughter, if you don't pay me, I'll send you to the Public Security Bureau!

In fact, Xiang Peng would not be arrested if he went to the Public Security Bureau. Neither the Fang family nor the Xiang family wanted to make trouble in the Public Security Bureau.

After a final tussle, Xiang Jia compensated Fang's family one hundred yuan.

Mother Xiang took out the money from her body and spat on the ground: We are unlucky to meet people like you!

After speaking, she took her son and left.

Fang's father was holding the money, his chest was full of breath, he couldn't move it up and down, his face turned green with anger.


After Fang's mother found out about Xiang's behavior, she was also so angry that her chest hurt: If I had known that the other party was such a person, I shouldn't have let Jing Yuan go on a blind date!

Fang Jingyuan woke up just in time to hear this, and after a moment of stunned, two lines of tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

Fang's mother saw that she was awake, and immediately stopped cursing: Jingyuan, are you awake? Why are you crying? Is there something uncomfortable?

Fang Jingyuan pursed her mouth and cried, Mom, how could he be like that? He was obviously not like that before!

Fang's mother hurriedly comforted her, but Fang Jingyuan was still crying. Fang's mother hated iron and felt distressed, so she had to go out and ask Tong Xuelu for help.

Tong Xuelu walked into the ward, looked at Fang Jingyuan who was still crying, and said, If you don't cry, I'll give you two bags of jujube and walnut candies later.

Fang Jingyuan's tears stopped abruptly, she blinked and said, Add red date cake, my heart is hurt, I need to eat some sweets to soothe my heart now.

Tong Xuelu nodded: No problem.

Fang Jingyuan raised her hand to wipe away her tears, sighed and said, All right, then I won't cry.

Mother Fang standing at the door: ...

Father Fang with a blushing face: ...

If they had known that their daughter was so easy to coax, why would they have wasted so much saliva just now?

Tong Xuelu said: You should be thankful that before you get married, you can see clearly that the other party is a piece of trash. Otherwise, you will only find out after you get married, and you will suffer even more?

Fang Jingyuan still had tears on her eyelashes, she blinked twice and said, You are very reasonable, that is, I will never find a good-looking man again.

I was once bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. When I go on a blind date in the future, I don't look for good-looking ones, I only look for ugly ones.

Tong Xuelu: ... There is no need.

At this moment, Fang Wenyuan rushed to the hospital in a sweat: Dad, Mom, how is Jingyuan?

Fang's mother: I'm already awake, but my head has been stitched several times. I don't know if there will be scars in the future?

Thinking of Fang Mu, she wanted to slap Xiang Peng to death.

Fang Wenyuan walked in with a sullen face, but he met Tong Xuelu's face and was stunned.

Since he was ill last time, he has accepted the fact that Tong Xuelu no longer likes him, but for some reason, he often thinks of her instead.

Fang Jingyuan said: Brother, don't stare at Xuelu, she already has a partner, and she doesn't like you!

Fang Wenyuan: ...

All right, seeing that his sister's mouth is still in need of a beating, I know she's fine.

Tong Xuelu stood up and said: You have a good rest, I will come to see you later.

Fang Jingyuan looked at her eagerly: Remember to bring something delicious.

Tong Xuelu couldn't laugh or cry, and when she walked past Fang Wenyuan, she said, Comrade Fang, I have something to ask you, can you come out?

Fang Wenyuan was stunned again, and then his heart beat wildly: Okay!

Tong Xuelu went out first and came to the small garden outside to wait for Fang Wenyuan.

Fang Wenyuan quickly followed.

The spring sun shone warmly on Tong Xuelu's fair face, the spring breeze blew up the thin hair on her forehead, and the red mole under the corner of her eye was fresh and charming, making people's hearts pounding.

Fang Wenyuan used to hate the red mole at the corner of her eye, but now he thinks that red mole is very beautiful.

Tong Xuelu turned her head when she heard footsteps: Comrade Fang, I have a few things I want to ask you.

Fang Wenyuan forced himself not to look at the red mole at the corner of her eye: Say it.

During the meal before, Xiang Peng said that Tong Zhenzhen has become a prostitute Lei Feng, do you know about this?

Fang Wenyuan thought she was going to ask about his own affairs, but he didn't expect it to be related to Tong Zhenzhen.

I know, it was reported in the past two days that Tong Zhenzhen rescued a pair of drowning mother and son on the farm. In order to save people, she was almost caught in a whirlpool. In order to thank her for saving her life, the mother and son went to the newspaper office to find a reporter to report This thing.


Will Tong Zhenzhen sacrifice himself to save others?

She wouldn't believe it even if she was killed!

For Tong Xuelu, who came through the book from later generations, Tong Zhenzhen's operation is too familiar.

A villain transformed from a farm turned into a female worker Lei Feng, tsk tsk, Tong Zhenzhen is trying to use public opinion to whitewash herself!

Taking a step back, even if Tong Zhenzhen really saved someone, how would ordinary people think of going to a newspaper to find a reporter?

She dared to pat her chest and said that everything from saving lives to finding reporters at the newspaper office was all arranged.

It's just that Tong Zhenzhen is at the farm, and with her ability, she definitely can't control so many things, so she doesn't know who is helping her behind the scenes?

Seeing her silence for a long time, Fang Wenyuan thought she was worried that Tong Zhenzhen would embarrass her when she came out: Are you worried that Tong Zhenzhen will regret revenge on you when she comes out? Actually, you don't have to worry, I...

Tong Xuelu shook her head: I'm not worried, I just wonder how she suddenly became a living Lei Feng, Xiang Jia, especially Xiang Peng is a bit strange, you'd better go and investigate this person.

Fang Wenyuan looked puzzled: What do you mean by strange?

Tong Xuelu paused and said: I suspect that the surname Xiang is deliberately approaching Jingyuan, and I also suspect that he may not like women.


Fang Wenyuan was even more confused, with question marks all over his face.

Tong Xuelu gave him some popular science and said, Have you heard of the Duanxiu in ancient times? I suspect that the surname Xiang is Duanxiu.

When she saw that Xiang Peng had no love for Jing Yuan, she didn't think about homosexuality. After all, some people's feelings are more restrained.

But later, when he saw Fang Jingyuan turned towards him, his expression seemed to be frightened, and he seemed to have seen something disgusting, so he subconsciously pushed her away.

The angle she was standing at that time was just right to see Xiang Peng's expression clearly. At that time, she was sure that Xiang Peng not only didn't like Fang Jingyuan, but also might be a homophobic woman.

As for him looking for Fang Jingyuan, it may be because of the pressure from his parents and the surroundings that he had to find a woman to marry, and on the other hand, he suspected that his approaching Fang Jingyuan had something to do with him

Fang Wenyuan: ...

Tong Xuelu: You are Jingyuan's eldest brother, I will trouble you to investigate this matter.

Fang Wenyuan came back to his senses and nodded quickly: Okay, I will investigate.

Tong Xuelu said: I'm going back, my brother and sister are still at home.

After sending him to the hospital, she asked Wei Zhiguo to go back. She was worried that Shen Wanrong would not be able to manage several children by herself.

Fang Wenyuan watched her turn and leave, feeling an indescribable panic in his heart, and suddenly shouted: Tong Xuelu!

Tong Xuelu turned around and looked at him: What's wrong?

Fang Wenyuan looked at her misty almond eyes, and his heart beat like thunder: You, why don't you like me all of a sudden?

The corner of Tong Xuelu's mouth twitched: Who wants to put a hot face on a cold butt every day?

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked away.

Fang Wenyuan looked at her slim figure, feeling lost in his heart.

He also wanted to ask if he hadn't treated her like that, if he said he regretted it, would he still have a chance.

But when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say a word.

Tong Xuelu ignored Fang Wenyuan's entanglement.

Speaking of Fang Wenyuan is the male protagonist in the book, it may be because of her arrival that a butterfly effect has been created. Tong Zhenzhen and Fang Wenyuan have no intersection, and it seems even more impossible to be together now.

I don't know who is helping Tong Zhenzhen.


Back home, Tong Mianmian had already fallen asleep.

Tong Xuelu told the Wei family about the situation and went home with Tong Mianmian in her arms.

The blood in the house has been cleaned up by Tong Jiaming, and Tong Xuelu praised the two brothers.

In the middle of the night, Tong Mianmian woke up crying and developed a low fever.

Tong Xuelu got up quickly and gave her antipyretics, and coaxed her for a long time before Xiaotuanzi fell asleep again.

The next day, Tong Xuelu went to work with dark circles under her eyes and yawned frequently.

The Tong family in the compound of the General Logistics Department is full of joy at this time, even more lively than New Year's Eve.

Tong Zhenzhen was surrounded by his family and walked into the compound. When other people in the compound saw Tong Zhenzhen coming back, they immediately surrounded him enthusiastically.

Zhenzhen is back? Zhenzhen, I saw the story of you saving people from the newspaper. You are so brave!

I've seen it too. Zhenzhen's spirit of self-sacrifice to save others is really a living Lei Feng, and it's also the pride of our headquarters!

Really, what did you think at the time? The water is so fast, aren't you afraid?

Tong Zhenzhen smiled modestly: I saw their mother and son washed away by the water, and I only thought about saving them, and I didn't think about anything else!

In fact, these words have been reported in the newspapers, but everyone still asks them over and over again, only to be satisfied with hearing what she said from Tong Zhenzhen.

Tong Zhenzhen has always been very humble in the face of everyone's problems, without a trace of impatience.

Seeing her like this, everyone couldn't help but have a better impression of her.

Zhenzhen is really kind-hearted. I think our general logistics should reward Zhenzhen for his brave behavior!

I agree, such a glorious thing should be publicized more!

Aunt Tong, you have such a kind child, you are lucky in the future!

Hearing everyone's words, Tong's mother blushed with joy: Don't praise her, this is what she should do. We have taught her to help others since she was a child.

Since childhood?

Some people seized on the grammatical flaws in the words, but no one dared to speak out directly on this occasion.

Everyone asked Tong Zhenzhen for a long time before leaving satisfied.

Back at Tong's house, Tong Zhenzhen was once again surrounded like stars.

Cai Chunlan personally poured a glass of water for Tong Zhenzhen: True, you must be thirsty after talking so much outside, right? Drink some water.

Tong Zhenzhen was full of pride in his heart, but showed a modest smile on the surface: Thank you, Second Sister-in-law, I happen to be thirsty.

Seeing this, Cai Chunlan glanced at Chen Yueling proudly: Then you drink it quickly, and the second sister-in-law will pour it for you after drinking.

Chen Yueling on the side didn't say anything, and Tong's mother was a little dissatisfied when she saw this: Why are you standing there? Didn't you see Zhenzhen come back? Why don't you go to the dining hall to buy some meat and vegetables?

Chen Yueling said, Mom, it's not time for dinner yet.

Tong's mother still wanted to scold, but she heard Tong Zhenzhen say: Mom, I'm not hungry yet, just let my sister-in-law beat me later.

Chen Yueling didn't expect Tong Zhenzhen to rescue her, and she was very surprised.

Cai Chunlan saw that Tong Zhenzhen was treating Chen Yueling well, so she quickly flattered her: As the saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice are born to make holes. If Xuelu hadn't framed us, Zhenzhen, where would we go to a place like a farm?

As soon as these words came out, the hall was silent for a few seconds.

Tong's mother remembered that time when she said that Tong Xuelu was arrested, she said with embarrassment: It's fine, why did you mention that person again?

Cai Chunlan curled her lips and said, Mom, I'm just so angry. She made Zhenzhen go to the farm, but she worked as a manager in a restaurant to eat and drink. If Zhenzhen didn't fight for herself, our whole family would be regarded as a joke!

A flash of jealousy flashed in Tong Zhenzhen's eyes as if poisoned, but he said on the surface: The past is over, and it was a misunderstanding at the beginning. I don't hate Xuelu anymore, and you don't want to mention the past again.

Everyone looked at her in shock when they heard this, and felt that Tong Zhenzhen seemed to be a different person.

Cai Chunlan asked cautiously: You really don't hate Tong Xuelu?

Tong Zhenzhen shook his head: I never hated her, it was just a moment of anger at the beginning, in fact, Xuelu and I are also destined, and I want to be good friends with her later.

Everyone: ...


Tong Xuelu wanted to talk to Minister Lin about setting up a factory, but because of Tong Zhenzhen, she had to postpone the plan again.

It is still a collective economy, and it is easy to be labeled as a capitalist if the factory is not properly managed.

If it wasn't for Tong Zhenzhen, she would be sure to do it well. Now that Tong Zhenzhen came out early, and there were people behind her to help, she felt that she had better be more cautious.

Now several people in the hotel still worship and respect her as the manager, but in order to strengthen people's hearts, Tong Xuelu decided to reward everyone with the profit earned from selling seasoning packets during this period.

First of all, the two master chefs work hard every day to cook so many delicious meals. They are the backbone of our restaurant. Today I will reward them with 20 yuan each!

When Master Meng and Master Lei heard that there was a bonus, one was stunned, and the other flushed with excitement.

Master Lei's eyes were slightly red: Thank you Manager Tong, I will work harder in the future!

When he resigned his job in his hometown and came to Beijing, he was always worried, worried that he would be rejected by his new comrades, and worried that the food he cooked would not suit everyone's appetite.

He really didn't expect that he was not only accepted, but also received a bonus.

Master Meng came back to his senses and his hands were trembling: Me too!

He has worked as a cook for so many years, and this is the first time he has received a bonus!

Tong Xuelu nodded, and then looked at the three waiters: Meng Qingqing, Guo Chunyu, and Wu Lizhu, the three of you clean the restaurant every day, and serve the people wholeheartedly, making our restaurant the best restaurant. This is your credit, and I will reward each of you with ten yuan!

The three of Meng Qingqing also blushed with excitement.

Although the bonus is not as much as that of the master, ten yuan can buy a lot of things.

This is an extra bonus, which makes people happy like pie falling from the sky.

Finally, Tong Xuelu looked at Guo Weiping and Xiaotian: You two are very attentive to learning cooking skills from the two master chefs. Take turns to go shopping with me. I will reward each of you with seven yuan!

Guo Weiping was so excited that he almost cried: Thank you Manager Tong, I will definitely work hard in the future and treat the restaurant as my home!

He is still a temporary worker until now, and he thought that such an award must not be his own, but he did not expect that Manager Tong did not forget him.

Oda was also very excited. After all, he had only been here for a short time, and usually he didn't talk very much in the restaurant, so he was not at all conspicuous.

After the bonus was distributed, Tong Xuelu said: As a member of the hotel, I hope you can treat the hotel as your own home and take care of it. Our hotel is becoming more and more famous and popular, and some people will definitely be jealous We, so we have to be more cautious in the days to come.

Seeing that Tong Xuelu suddenly became serious, everyone didn't react immediately.

Tong Xuelu: First of all, our hygiene is our hygiene. We must ensure hygiene and safety. We must not give customers food that has expired or has been broken. Do you remember what happened in the restaurant last time?

Everyone nodded in unison.

I hope you will take warning, and if anyone asks you about the hotel, I hope you can tell me, if someone gives you money to do things that damage the hotel or hurt me as the manager, I hope Think about Liu Dongchang in the past, but you must not do stupid things!

Master Meng stared and said, Don't worry, Manager Tong, I, Meng Da, will be the first to swear that if I do something that is sorry for the restaurant and Manager Tong, I will be struck by lightning!

Seeing Master Meng swearing, the others rushed to swear.

Tong Xuelu doesn't believe in such things as oaths, but at this moment she showed a very moved expression: Seeing that everyone is so united, I feel relieved. If we are united, what else can defeat us?

Guo Chunyu said loudly: No, nothing can defeat us!

Others followed suit, startling people passing by the hotel entrance.

Tong Xuelu nodded in satisfaction, feeling that she is also very capable of doing pyramid schemes.

After Fang Wenyuan separated from Tong Xuelu that day, he has been investigating Xiang Peng's affairs.

Then it really made him discover some clues.

Xiang Peng is 28 years old this year, but he has never had a date before.

It can't be said that I haven't dated someone before. I seem to have dated two before, but they broke up within half a month.

Such a short period of time is not considered an object at all, it can only be regarded as mutual understanding.

Xiang's family conditions are not bad, and Xiang Peng's personal conditions are considered superior, no matter how picky he is, he shouldn't even have a date.

The Xiang family said to the outside world that Xiang Peng concentrated on his work and served the people wholeheartedly, so he delayed his personal problems.

Fang Wenyuan had also heard this statement before, and he didn't think there was a problem at that time, but now that Tong Xuelu reminded him, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

It's just that he quietly inquired for a while, but he didn't catch any evidence of Xiang Peng's broken sleeve.

It's not easy for him to inquire about this kind of thing. Once it gets out, he can easily be bitten back by the other party.

There is no evidence for Xiang Peng's broken sleeves, but he has found out whether he has anything to do with Tong Zhenzhen.

At this time, he was sitting in the hall of Tong's house, looked at Tong Xuelu and said, Xiang Peng is the secretary of the deputy director of the Education Bureau. This deputy director Weng has a cousin who is the principal of the No. 1 middle school. The principal of the No. 1 middle school is Yan. A witness who witnessed Tong Zhenzhen saving lives.

Tong Xuelu frowned slightly: Principal Yan? How old is he?

Fang Wenyuan: Around thirty-five or sixteen years old, he is still a capable person, but I heard that his temperament is relatively impetuous.

People who do big things are most afraid of being unsteady, which is why the other party failed to win over Su Yueshen to enter the Revolutionary Committee.

Tong Xuelu couldn't understand why Tong Zhenzhen would suddenly get involved with such a character.

But as a reborn person, Tong Zhenzhen is now associated with powerful people, so she has to be more careful in the future.

Tong Xuelu didn't ask Fang Wenyuan to continue the investigation. After all, there were too many things involved. Now that the other party has no next move, she had better stop silently.

Fang Wenyuan didn't go home immediately when he came out of Tong's house, but ran to sit and wait.

During this period of time, he had mastered Xiang Peng's schedule and knew that the other party would work overtime today.

After waiting for half an hour, I finally saw Xiang Peng coming over, playing a ditty.

Fang Wenyuan burst into flames with a crack in his heart.

During this period of time, Fang Jingyuan still suffered from headaches from time to time, this scumbag lived very comfortably!

The more Fang Wenyuan thought about it, the more angry he became. Seeing the other party approaching, he threw the brick in his hand at him forcefully.


Xiang Peng was unprepared and was hit, and his head was bleeding immediately.

He screamed loudly in fright, and by the time other people came over, Fang Wenyuan had already run away.

Xiang Peng suffered a big hole in his forehead, which was much more serious than Fang Jingyuan's. He was sent to the hospital and had more than a dozen stitches.

Doctors said his wound was too large and would surely leave a scar in the future, in addition to having a moderate concussion.

Xiang Peng had a splitting headache, accompanied by vomiting symptoms, and was unable to return to work for a short time. The Education Bureau saw him like this and asked him to rest at home, and then assigned the secretary's job to someone else.

The Xiang family suspected that the Fang family did it, but there was no evidence or witnesses, so they had nothing to do with the Fang family.

Xiang's mother and Xiang's father fell ill one after another, and the whole family of three was admitted to the hospital.


Wen Rugui's waist has healed very much, and he can sit and stand without any problems, but it still feels a little sore after sitting for a long time.

This day Wen Rugui called Tong Xuelu at noon.

After the two talked about some daily things, Wen Rugui asked what he was most concerned about.

What did your grandfather say about the proposal?

Tong Xuelu: My grandpa said let me make my own decisions.

Wen Rugui's heart beat like thunder: Then what do you mean?

Tong Xuelu: Back then, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage in order to ask Zhuge Liang to be a teacher to help him. You wanted me to spend the rest of your life with you, so you brought Grandpa Wen over to ask me. Don't you think this is a bit unromantic and hasty?

Wen Rugui blinked: Do you want me to visit Tong's house?

Tong Xuelu curled her lips: There is no need to visit Tong's family three times, but I want to have a romantic proposal. As for what is considered romantic, you have to think about it yourself!

After hanging up the phone, Wen Rugui frowned.

What kind of marriage proposal is considered romantic?

Wen Rugui thought about it all day and still couldn't come up with it. This is much more difficult than doing experiments in physics.

After get off work, he went to ask Huang Qimin with questions, who would have thought that even Huang Qimin would be stumped this time.

Huang Qimin scratched his head and said, Isn't a marriage proposal just to buy two catties of pork and go to the partner's house to say that you want to get married? How else do you propose?

When he first proposed marriage to his partner, he brought two catties of pork with him. The parents of both sides sat down to discuss the date and things like that, and the marriage proposal was successful.

What romance do you want, is pork not fragrant?

Wen Rugui: ...

Wen Rugui hadn't thought of a romantic way to propose marriage yet, and Zhou Yan had already got the leave slip and went home to propose marriage.

According to the method taught by Huang Qimin, he bought two catties of pork and took his parents to the object's house to propose marriage.

Needless to say, it was a success just by mentioning it.

The Wang family and the Zhou family felt that they had been dating for a while, and it was time to get married.

Now both of them are interested, so they decided to get married.

Zhou Yan was so happy that his mouth almost reached his ears.

But thinking that he hadn't held hands with his partner before, he felt itchy in his heart, and wanted to take this opportunity to hold hands.

Knowing that the two were getting married, Wang Xiaoyun lowered her head and blushed.

Zhou Yan looked up and looked outside, then took a deep breath and reached out to her hand——

Just when his hand was about to grab the opponent's hand, there was a sound of footsteps outside: Xiaoyun, ask Zhou Yan if he wants to have lunch at home.

Zhou Yan was taken aback, and slapped Wang Xiaoyun's hand hard: What a big mosquito!

Wang Xiaoyun was also startled, and at the same time, there was a burning pain in the back of her hand.

She looked down, but she didn't see the dead mosquito, but saw the back of her hand red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Xiaoyun: ...

Zhou Yan: ...

The two looked at each other, and the room was silent for a few seconds.

Soon Zhou Yan's shrill screams resounded in the room.

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