75 cups of green tea

Sun Manrou waved her hands again and again: No, third brother, it's not good for us to do this! I just want to like Comrade Wen silently. I just couldn't help crying because I was too uncomfortable. It would be great if I knew him earlier.

Then she covered her face and cried again.

Sun Wuyang's heart was about to be cried to pieces: Xiaorou, don't cry, I said I would help you stay together.

Sun Manrou shook her head, tears were thrown out: I can't let third brother do this, if someone finds out, third brother will be criticized by everyone, how can I bear it?

Besides, doing that will definitely hurt the person who feels like home, so let's forget it. I don't plan to get married in this life. As long as I can look at Comrade Wen from a distance, I will be satisfied.

Sun Wuyang hates iron but not steel: Xiao Rou, you are good at everything, but you are too kind and too timid! I have already decided on this matter, you don't have to worry, if someone finds out later, I will say it was my idea alone ,Nothing to do with you!

Sun Manrou bit her lip: Third brother, why are you being so nice to me...

Sun Wuyang rubbed her head: Fool, you are my sister, if I don't treat you well, who should I treat? You don't have to worry about this, I'll go out and inquire now.

Sun Tzu's Art of War has a saying, know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

He already knew enough about Wen Rugui, all he had to do now was to inquire about Rugui's partner.

Only when they have cleared up all the other party's news can they discuss the next step.

Sun Manrou watched Sun Wuyang's figure disappear at the door, then raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, then washed her face and returned to the agency.

Tong Xuelu didn't know the plans of the two Sun brothers and sisters, she was shopping with Secretary Zhuo at the moment.

Secretary Zhuo showed a shy look on his face: Manager Tong, can you help me match the clothes, I think you look good in any clothes.

Tong Xuelu said in her heart, That's because I'm good-looking, and said with a smile on the surface, Of course it's okay, but Secretary Zhuo is naturally beautiful. At most, I'm just helping out and giving advice.

Secretary Zhuo blushed even more from the praise, but raised her eyebrows, obviously very pleased with it.

When I came to the department store, because today is not a weekend, there are not many people.

Secretary Zhuo hadn't been on vacation for a while, so she only got the day off today.

Tong Xuelu has been here for so long, and speaking of it, she hasn't visited a department store yet. The main reason is that she was too busy before, and then she went to work in a restaurant, and she had to ask for leave every time she came out.

However, wages would be deducted for any leave, which made her feel pained.

Secretary Zhuo was obviously no stranger to department stores, and as soon as he entered the door, he took Tong Xuelu to the counter selling cloth and ready-made clothes.

The salesperson obviously knew Secretary Zhuo, and he smiled when he saw her: Secretary Zhuo, you are finally here. There are new styles in the past two days. I'm worried that if you don't come again, the clothes will be sold out!

Secretary Zhuo's eyes lit up: What's new, show it to me!

The salesperson hurriedly brought out the new style. The trousers were khaki flared trousers, and the coat was a long coat with a nylon shirt lined with cotton.

Secretary Zhuo couldn't put it down when he saw it: It's so beautiful, Manager Tong, what do you think I bought this set?

not so.

Secretary Zhuo is relatively petite. Putting on a long coat, the whole person suddenly becomes shorter, and the bell-bottom pants make her eyes hot no matter how you look at it.

Tong Xuelu said with a smile: Secretary Zhuo naturally looks good in anything, but I think this style is similar to the one you bought before, Secretary Zhuo, and it can't give people a sense of freshness. Why don't you change the style this time?

As she spoke, she asked the salesperson to bring out a short coat, a white shirt, and a pair of black ladies' suit trousers.

Although the style is still a bit earthy, black and white will never go wrong, and the short coat will not make her figure appear shorter.

Secretary Zhuo looked at the clothes she chose, with a hint of hesitation on her face: I've never matched them like this before...

Tong Xuelu: It's because I haven't matched it before, so I have to try it. At the last meeting, Minister Lin also said that we should actively innovate and not blindly keep the old. Dressing is actually the same. If Secretary Zhuo wears this outfit to work tomorrow , will definitely be refreshing.”

When Secretary Zhuo heard that it was Minister Lin who said such words, the hesitation in his heart immediately dissipated, and he took out the ticket and money and said, Okay, I bought it!

Secretary Zhuo originally only wanted to buy one coat, but now he wanted to buy a whole set, and the cloth ticket he brought was not enough.

Without further ado, Tong Xuelu immediately took out a stack of cloth tickets from the military satchel: I have them here, Secretary Zhuo can use them.

When Secretary Zhuo saw that she had brought so many cloth tickets, she couldn't help being surprised: Manager Tong, why did you save so many cloth tickets?

Tong Xuelu: It's also saved. It was sent to me by my partner. He works in the scientific research center and usually has a lot of subsidies.

So that's how it is, then treat these cloth tickets as if I borrowed them from you, and I'll return them to you later!

It was the first time for Secretary Zhuo to hear her mention her partner, and she immediately felt that the distance between the two had gotten a lot closer.

Tong Xuelu waved her hand: What do you pay back, you just take it and use it.

Seeing how generous she was, Secretary Zhuo had a better impression of her.

After buying clothes, the two went to the shoe cabinet to buy shoes.

Tong Xuelu chose a pair of women's leather shoes with T-shaped buckles for her.

A pair of leather shoes costs ten yuan, which is considered a luxury. Tong Xuelu originally wanted to buy a pair, but there was only one pair left in the shoe cabinet, so she gave the shoes to Secretary Zhuo.

Coming out of the department store, Secretary Zhuo took Tong Xuelu's hand and expressed gratitude: Xuelu, thank you so much today.

She noticed just now that Tong Xuelu also liked those leather shoes very much, but she gave them to her.

She remembered this love.

May I invite you to a state-run restaurant for dinner?

Tong Xuelu smiled lightly and said, I work in the restaurant myself, why would you pay me to hire me? By the way, is Minister Lin worried about anything recently? Last time I went there, he seemed to be frowning all the time.

Secretary Zhuo pouted: Minister Lin is worrying about his father-in-law's family.


She just asked casually, but she didn't expect there to be gossip.

Tong Xuelu said calmly: How do you say that?

Secretary Zhuo was wary of Tong Xuelu before, but after going shopping today, she has already regarded Tong Xuelu as her best friend.

It's Minister Lin's wife who wants him to get his younger brother into the Ministry of Commerce, but the positions in the department are full of carrots and pits. Even Minister Lin can't help it.

Minister Lin can only transfer posts, but has no right to increase posts.

For example, Minister Lin wanted Tong Xuelu to come over to be his secretary last time. If Tong Xuelu was willing, it would be equivalent to switching positions between her and Tong Xuelu.

But she didn't know anything about restaurant management, so she didn't want to change, but fortunately, Tong Xuelu refused.

Tong Xuelu nodded: It turns out that's the case. Minister Lin is also quite embarrassed. Now many factories and departments are not recruiting workers.

Secretary Zhuo nodded with deep understanding: There are so many graduates every year, but there are only so many jobs. It will only become more and more difficult for everyone to find a job in the future.

Tong Xuelu denied her words in her heart, but agreed with her superficially.

After the two separated, Tong Xuelu went back to the hotel directly.

Before, she wanted to let Minister Lin open the back door to get her a qualification by giving the profit to the Ministry of Commerce.

But that approach is not the safest.

After all, the profits of beef balls and fish balls have to go through the Ministry of Commerce. If Minister Lin directly asks for profits without mentioning the competition, she has nothing to do.

After listening to what Secretary Zhuo said just now, she had a new idea.

This time, she wanted Minister Lin to hand over the qualifications to her personally.


When I got home at night, Tong Jiaxin had already done the housework at home.

After he regretted it before, he went on strike for a day in protest.

She said at that time that she would send him back to Beihe's hometown, which frightened the brat so much that his face turned pale.

Then he got up to do housework obediently the next day. After these few days of studying, the bear boy looked a lot haggard, and his face also lost a lot of weight.

After washing the dishes, Tong Jiaming took Tong Mianmian to study in the study.

Tong Jiaxin awkwardly walked up to Tong Xuelu, and awkwardly called out sister.

Tong Xuelu looked up from the plan: What's wrong? Tell me what you have to say.

Tong Jiaxin picked his fingers, kicked his toes on the ground and said: Sister, I really know I was wrong, so you can let me go back to school, I promise I will study hard in the future!

Tong Xuelu raised her eyebrows slightly: Why should I trust you, what if you can't do it?

Tong Jiaxin was stunned for a moment, and his brows frowned: I will definitely do it, if I can't, you will punish me not to eat meat!

Tong Xuelu shook her head: Then it will be the same as before, how about this, I can let you go back to school to study, but if you still fail the final exam this time, then go back to Beihe's hometown.

Tong Jiaxin: ...

Tong Xuelu: Don't you dare? Didn't you say it with confidence just now? Or did you just say it just now, trying to trick me into letting you go back to school, and then don't study hard?

Tong Jiaxin said loudly: I didn't, I was just worried that I would not be able to pass the exam after studying hard!

Tong Xuelu: Your class teacher said that you are a smart person, but you just didn't put your mind on your studies, and if you don't try, how do you know you can't do it? Only useless people will keep making excuses for themselves !

Tong Jiaxin's fighting spirit was aroused: Okay, I'll bet you that if I fail the final exam again, I'll go back to Beihe's hometown!

Tong Xuelu tore off a piece of paper from the notebook, wrote the bet on it, and asked him to sign his name.

Tong Jiaxin just yelled out in a breathless breath, but now seeing that he wanted to sign, his heart was pounding.

But there was no turning back. He knew that his sister was serious. If he didn't sign it, he might be sent back to Beihe's hometown tomorrow.

Thinking of the group of people in Beihe's hometown, he couldn't help shivering.

He gritted his teeth hard, picked up a pen and signed his name.

Tong Xuelu folded the gamble blankly and put it in the notebook: Okay, the bet will come into effect from this moment, I will go to school tomorrow to ask the teacher and the principal to let you go back to study, it depends on you whether you can go back life.

When Tong Jiaxin heard this, he became more and more uneasy.

What if the school doesn't let him go back to study?

The head teacher will definitely not speak well of him. After all, he always talks and doesn't listen in class, fails the exam every time, and cheated last time.

The more Tong Jiaxin thought about it, the more he felt that he was too scumbag, and he wanted to slap himself twice.

Tong Xuelu ignored him and continued to make a new proposal.

When he went to bed at night, Tong Jiaxin was still thinking about going to school.

He tossed and turned on the bed like spreading pancakes, making Tong Jiaming so noisy that he couldn't sleep.

What's wrong with you?

Tong Jiaxin: Second brother, I may be sent back to Beihe's hometown.

Tong Jiaming turned over to prevent him from seeing the smile on his mouth: Didn't you always want to study? Then it would be a good choice to go back to your hometown to pick up pig feces, at least you can exchange some rations.

Tong Jiaxin: ... Second brother, you don't love me anymore!

Tong Jiaxin still wanted to talk, but Tong Jiaming said that he was going to class tomorrow, and then ignored him.

Tong Jiaxin looked at the dark ceiling, raised his hand and secretly wiped away his tears.

He is such a pig, why did he find it painful to go to school before?

In the darkness, Tong Jiaxin regretted it for the thousand and first time.


Tong Xuelu naturally wouldn't go to school the next day.

She asked Tong Jiaming to tell Tong Jiaxin's class teacher, saying that Tong Jiaxin's body has recovered and he can go to class tomorrow.

Tong Jiaming naturally had no response.

She had already made the plan last night, but she only met with Secretary Zhuo yesterday. She went to the Ministry of Commerce to find Minister Lin today, which was obviously not very good.

So she planned to go there in two days.

The beef balls and fish balls were sold out yesterday, and I am going to buy them again today.

Tong Xuelu took Guo Weiping to buy beef.

The beef seller took out a piece of top-quality beef shank and said to Tong Xuelu, Manager Tong, why hasn't there been a new interview on your honor list for a long time, can you find no one to interview?

Tong Xuelu looked at the beef shank in his hand, and immediately understood: It's not that you can't find anyone, it's just that you can't just find someone on the street to interview and get on the honor roll. I will interview only after I am qualified.

Master Huang was stunned: It's so complicated? Then I have no chance?

Tong Xuelu held back her smile: Master Huang is too unconfident in himself, right? After this month's investigation, we feel that you, Master Huang, just meet our standards. I was just going to tell you, Master Huang. I reminded you when I thought of you.

Master Huang originally thought that he was hopeless, and he didn't want to make a bright future, so he suddenly burst into joy: Manager Tong, when do you interview, I'm free anytime!

Tong Xuelu said: Tomorrow, I'll come over tomorrow afternoon.

The wrinkles on Master Huang's face melted into laughter, and when he weighed beef shank for Tong Xuelu, the weight was much heavier than usual for the same price.

Back at the restaurant, several people started making beef balls and fish balls.

At noon, diners came to the door one after another.

Mr. Wen often came to the restaurant before, but after hearing from Uncle Zong that he had high blood sugar, Tong Xuelu persuaded him not to come every day, but only once in a while.

If someone else said this, Mr. Wen would definitely not listen, but because it was Tong Xuelu who said it, Mr. Wen immediately became a very obedient and good student.

The one who got number one today is a tall young man.

Tong Xuelu didn't notice him at first, but his eyes seemed to fall on her body.

She was always sensitive to other people's eyes, so when the young man cast his eyes on her for the third time, she was immediately sure that the other party was looking at her.

But if the enemy does not move, I will not move. Since the other party has not made a sound, she will not go forward to ask.

Sun Wuyang came forward with the sign: I want a Mala Tang, all the vegetables and meat, and I want it spicy.

Meng Qingqing immediately reported the price: Eight taels of food stamps and six taels of meat stamps, green vegetables total 73 cents, meat and vegetables total 80 cents, a total of 1 yuan and 54 cents.

Sun Wuyang took out the ticket and money, walked in and found a seat.

When Meng Qingqing brought him Malatang, he smiled at Meng Qingqing: Which one of those outside just now is your manager?

Meng Qingqing said proudly: The young one, our Manager Tong is not yet nineteen years old this year, but she has already become the manager of our restaurant, she is a very remarkable person!

Sun Wuyang smiled: It's really amazing.

Tong Xuelu happened to see this scene from the window, and when Meng Qingqing came out, she asked, What did the guest ask you just now?

Meng Qingqing answered truthfully.

The other party was not the first person who came to the store to inquire about her.

Because she was the first woman to become a hotel manager and she was young, people often inquired about her.

Tong Xuelu thought about it, and felt that she might be too sensitive, so she put the thought behind her and stopped paying attention to the young man.

The young man did nothing, ate and left.

Sun Wuyang returned to the military compound at night, and talked to Sun Manrou about the news he had inquired in the past few days.

The object of Rugui's surname is Tong, and his name is Tong Xuelu. He is nineteen years old and is the manager of the Chengnan Hotel.

Sun Manrou froze for a moment: The restaurant manager? Isn't he the cook?

Sun Wuyang shook his head: That woman is quite capable. At first she worked as a waiter in a restaurant, and later she took the place of the master chef. In less than two months, she became the manager of the restaurant.

Sun Manrou frowned: Does her family have any background?

Sun Wuyang sneered: Bullshit background! Both of her parents died, but her former adoptive parents worked in the unit, but they didn't have any special background, and I heard that their relationship is not very good now.

Sun Manrou: From this point of view, it should be the Wen family who helped her become the manager.

Sun Wuyang also thinks so: As long as a woman has a good-looking face, she is the best skill.

Sun Manrou raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: Is that woman beautiful? How does she compare to me?

Sun Wuyang said with a smile: You are comparable to Xiao Rou, but she has no father and no mother, and she has three younger brothers and sisters who are oil bottles. How can she compare with our family?

Besides, you are Commander Xiao's granddaughter. You have talents and skills yourself. Comparing her to you, you really think highly of her!

Sun Manrou's eyes suddenly turned red: But Rugui treats her so well, and even uses her contacts to help her become the manager. I'm afraid I'm hopeless.

Sun Wuyang: How do you say such frustrating words? Rugui chose her before because he has not met you. If Rugui knows that you are so good, he will definitely reconsider!

When Sun Manrou heard this, a smile appeared on her face.

Sun Wuyang said: How did you do with Grandpa Wen's interview? I heard that Grandpa Wen likes to eat. You'd better cook some food yourself and send it over.

Sun Manrou frowned: How can I cook?

Sun Wuyang said: I remembered, I have a friend's grandma who makes delicious dim sum. I asked my friend's grandma to make dim sum. You can treat it as if you made it yourself, and then send it to Grandpa Wen.

Sun Manrou frowned: Isn't that bad?

Sun Wuyang: What's wrong with this? If you don't tell me, who will know?

Sun Manrou frowned and didn't agree. Later, she reluctantly agreed under Sun Wuyang's force.

The next day, Sun Manrou took the freshly made dim sum to Wen's house.

It happened that Tong Xuelu came to Wen's house, because Mr. Wen said that Xiao Qi had grown up, and asked her to take it back and slaughter it to make braised chicken.

Tong Xuelu knew that Mr. Wen actually wanted to eat it himself, so he came here today and planned to cook a delicious meal for Mr. Wen and Uncle Zong at Wen's house.

Uncle Zong slaughtered the chicken before Tong Xuelu came over: I'm afraid you won't dare to kill the chicken, so I asked Xiao Wang to kill Xiao Qi for you.

Tong Xuelu smiled and said: Thank you Uncle Zong, I really dare not kill chickens, Uncle Zong took me to the kitchen...

Before he finished speaking, he saw Sun Manrou walking over.

Sun Manrou also knew that the Wen family had two chickens named Xiao Qi Xiao Ba, and when she heard Uncle Zong's words, her eyes immediately turned red.

She covered her mouth with an unbelievable look: The dick is so cute, how can I eat it?

Tong Xuelu: ...

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