41 cups of green tea

Ma Mei and the man looked sneaky, and Ma Mei kept making detours before coming. Their behavior is really unbelievable.

After autumn, the days became shorter and the sky was getting darker, but there was still no one in the alley here.

Tong Xuelu took a look around, and found that the lights of the man's next door were not turned on at the moment, and he didn't know whether he hadn't returned home or was unoccupied.

She catted in the corner for a while, and got several mosquito bites on her face and body.

It was so itchy that she wanted to go crazy, she used her fingernails to make a cross and a tic-tac-toe on the mosquito bag on her hand, and then dropped the eggs.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Ma Mei still hadn't come out of the house, so Tong Xuelu came out from the corner.

The wall of the man's yard is a bit high, although he can climb in, but if someone finds out, he might not be able to escape.

So she only glanced at the door and went to the back of the house.

To her surprise, there was a window at the back of the house. The window was an old-fashioned wooden window, and it was tightly closed at this time.

She tiptoed over and put her ear to the window.

I could only hear the sounds of humming and ahhh coming from inside from time to time, as well as the creaking sound of the bed shaking.

Woo, her ears are dirty.

As an old pervert who has read countless films, I can tell that a luxury car is being driven inside as soon as I hear it.

After confirming that something was going on inside, Tong Xuelu stopped listening and went back to the corner to feed the mosquitoes.

After another ten or twenty minutes, Mamei finally came out.

The moonlight is very bright tonight, shining on Ma Mei's face, her face is full of spring and her eyes are full of charm, as if a dead tree has been moistened by spring rain.

Ma Mei glanced around, there was no one there, but she still said, Aunt Mei is gone, I'll see you next time!

This time the man came out with a little girl in his hand.

The little girl looked like she had just woken up, and waved to Ma Mei listlessly: Goodbye, Aunt Mei.

Goodbye, big girl. Ma Mei said and winked at the man, Brother Fu, I'm leaving.

Man: Well, be careful on the road.

Mamei smiled at him, turned her hips and walked away.

After Mamei walked out of the alley, the man closed the door and carried the little girl into the house.

Tong Xue kept her cat in the green and didn't move. When the surroundings became calm again, she came out from the corner and went home.

According to the information she inquired, Ma Mei was married and had two children, a son and a daughter.

The man had a child in his hand just now, and he was obviously married, which means that both of them cheated!

These days, the consequences of breaking shoes are very serious. Once people find out, they will be ruined. If it were a few years ago, they would be criticized and paraded.

If she wants to expose Mamei, the next thing she will do is:

1. Check the work unit of Ma Mei's husband and get the unit's phone number.

2. Clarify the situation around the man's house to facilitate the next deployment.

3. Find out the relationship between the man and Mamei, but it doesn't matter if you don't figure it out.

Tong Xuelu was walking home while thinking, when she turned into the alley, she suddenly saw a tall figure standing in front of her house

Looking over through the streetlight, she saw the other person's face clearly - it was Park Jianyi.

Why is he here?

Tong Xuelu was startled for a moment before walking over.

Park Jianyi raised his head when he heard footsteps, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Tong Xuelu: Comrade Tong, you are finally back!

Tong Xuelu became more and more curious after hearing this: Is there anything Comrade Park wants from me?

Pu Jianyi was about to answer, but when Tong Xuelu approached and took a look, he was startled: Comrade Tong, what's wrong with your face? Why are there so many bags?

Tong Xuelu: ...

It's really a pot that can't be opened!

Park Jianyi grinned: One, two, three, four, five, good guy, you actually have five mosquito bags on your face! Your swollen eyes are too funny, hahaha...


Listening to Pu Jianyi's gloating laughter, Tong Xuelu's eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Park Jianyi obviously had something to say when he came over, and the two of them standing by the side of the road were not the same thing, so Tong Xuelu took him home.

Entering the room, Tong Jiaming's brothers and sisters hadn't eaten yet, and were waiting for her to come back to eat together, but when they saw Pu Jianyi behind her, they couldn't help being stunned.

Tong Xuelu explained: This is my friend, I have something to come to me, you can eat first, don't wait for me.

Because Tong Jiaming and others were in the living room, Tong Xuelu had no choice but to take Pu Jianyi to the study.

Park Jianyi walked in while looking at the study.

The study room is not big, but because there are few furnishings, it looks empty. There is a set of old tables and chairs in the room. On the table is a chipped vase with a few wild flowers in it.

The simple study room suddenly came alive because of these wild flowers.

Tong Xuelu went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of water over: What can Comrade Park want from me?

Park Jianyi took the water she handed over, raised his head and drank several mouthfuls before saying, I've heard about your family's affairs, what are your plans next?

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

And since everyone is in the south of the city, Pu Jianyi will know about the two brothers Tong Jiaming, Tong Xuelu is not surprised at all.

Take one step at a time.

Although Pu Jianyi is Wen Rugui's friend, Tong Xuelu doesn't fully trust him.

As soon as Pu Jianyi heard this, she knew that she was perfunctory: I went to the state-run hotel where you work today, and the hotel said that you have asked for leave for several days. Comrade Tong, what are you going to do?

He didn't want to be nosy, but before Wen Rugui left, he called him specifically to ask him to take care of Tong's family.

He and Wen Rugui grew up together, and this was the first time he had seen him pay so much attention to a lesbian. Before that, he had always thought that Wen Rugui would end up alone in this life.

The thousand-year-old iron tree is blooming.

Naturally, he would not refuse, not to mention that he would have to borrow money from Wen Rugui in the future.

He heard about the Tong family's affairs from his brother-in-law, who works in the Education Bureau.

After he found out, he deliberately asked the bureau for a long time off and ran to the state-run hotel to find her, but he didn't want to hear that she had asked for leave for many days.

Then he found out where she lived from her colleague, and it was only when he came that he learned that she had gone out.

He waited outside for a long time and finally waited for her to come back, good guy, it took a long time to go, and he came back with a full face.

Thinking about how she sent Tong Zhenzhen to the farm before, and then sent the mother and son of the He family to the farm as a witness, he thought with his toes, and he could also think that she wanted to make trouble!

Tong Xuelu raised her eyebrows slightly: Comrade Park, is this trying to help me?

Park Jianyi: I don't want to be nosy, isn't Rugui asking me to take care of you? I've known Rugui for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen him take care of a lesbian like this. Do you think I can't help? ?”

An ordinary woman would surely flush with shame when she heard this.

Tong Xuelu blinked and said with a smile: It turned out that Comrade Wen asked you to help me, so I believe you.

Park Jianyi: ...

Dare she didn't say anything just now, did she treat him like a thief?

Tong Xuelu said: What I want to do is very simple, that is, to allow my two younger brothers to go back to school.

Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin were expelled from the school for challenging the teacher, being stubborn and difficult to teach. As for the part of the fight, they didn't say it, it was to protect Jiang Ming, the grandson of the director of the Education Bureau.

In this way, if Tong Jiaming and the others want to go back to school, they must prove that they are not stubborn and difficult to teach.

And the best way to prove that they are not bad students is to prove that the teacher is a bad person.

As long as Ma Mei's reputation is ruined, she can use this to get Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin to return to school.

Park Jianyi was silent for a while and said, So you are going to deal with that female teacher surnamed Ma?

Tong Xuelu: It's not to deal with, but to uphold justice. Such a teacher is not worthy of being a teacher.

Park Jianyi: Then what do you want to do? Maybe I can help if you tell me.

Tong Xuelu thought for a while and said, I think you'd better not get involved in this matter, it will not affect you well.

Park Jianyi is the captain of the criminal investigation team, not a small public security officer who handles civil disputes. If he gets involved, it is easy to make things worse.

Moreover, one of the two of them is unmarried and the other is unmarried, and the two families are not related. When the news spreads, everyone will definitely have various speculations.

She thought about using Ma Mei's corruption method to report her before, but she quickly rejected this method because it was not easy to operate.

If someone wants to get the stolen goods, there must be a public security officer on the scene, but in this way, Park Jianyi must be dragged into the water. If there is no public security officer, it is easy to be bitten back.

Park Jianyi said: Then can you handle it yourself?

Tong Xuelu nodded: I have already thought of a way, but then again, there is one thing you can really help with.


I would like to trouble you to find out about Ma Mei's husband, including information about his work unit.

Park Jianyi will not be able to figure out what she wants to do for a while, but it is not difficult for him to find out about it.

He nodded and said: No problem, I will give you the information as soon as possible, but you must promise that you must not do illegal things!

Tong Xuelu assured: Comrade Park, don't worry, I am a good citizen who abides by the law and will never do anything illegal!

It's true that she is green tea, but there are good and bad green teas. She never does anything illegal, and she never poachs people's corners to be a mistress.

It's wonderful to be alive, why do you want to die?

Pu Jianyi nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly there was a gurgling sound from his stomach.

He grinned: Comrade Tong, Rugui said that your cooking skills are very good. You see, I didn't even eat dinner to wait for you to come back...

If you want the horse to run fast, you have to let the horse eat more grass. Even if Pu Jianyi doesn't ask, she will ask.

She stood up and said, What would Comrade Park want to eat? Are there any taboos?

The corners of Pu Jianyi's mouth almost reached the ears: I can eat anything, and I don't want to eat anything!

No wonder it grows so big, it is really easy to raise.

Tong Xuelu thought in her heart, while going to the kitchen.

In the past few days, Tong Xuelu not only asked the two brothers Tong Jiaming to review the text every day, but also taught them how to sprout bean sprouts with soybeans and mung beans.

At this moment, there are soy bean sprouts in the kitchen.

There were dried noodles from the Wei family next door at home, and she made two bowls of green vegetable and egg dried noodles with the dried noodles, and quickly made a plate of cold soybean sprouts.

Because there are ready-made dried noodles, it is very fast to make, and it will be ready in less than 20 minutes.

In fact, Pu Jianyi had never heard Wen Rugui mention Tong Xuelu's cooking skills, but last time Wen Rugui didn't give him a piece of red date cake, which made him brood to this day.

At this moment, he is slurping his noodles and eating the fresh, tender and crispy soybean sprouts, feeling so satisfied in his heart.

When Wen Rugui comes back, he must tell him about it.

Tell him not to eat jujube cake for himself, hum.


For the next two days, Tong Xuelu went out to inquire about news.

Finally on the third day, let her inquire about Mamei's adulterer.

When she came two days ago, the door of the house next door to her adulterer was closed. When she came this day, the door of the house was finally opened.

An old woman in her sixties lived next door, and the adulterer's daughter was playing in the old woman's yard at this time.

Tong Xuelu approached the old woman under the pretext of buying a house, and then extracted information about her adulterer from her mouth.

Adulterer: Duan Wenfu, a skilled worker in a steel factory.

He has a daughter and his daughter-in-law is an educated youth who went to the countryside. He lives alone in Beijing with his daughter. During the day, he entrusts her to the old woman next door to take care of her.

The old woman has no children, but she has a nephew in the country. She visits him every Saturday afternoon and returns on Sunday evening.

Hearing this, Tong Xuelu's heart skipped a beat.

If she guessed correctly, Mamei and the adulterer should meet and drive every Saturday night.

Because the old woman went to the country, and the house on the other side was empty, so that no one would catch them doing something wrong.

Upon hearing the news, Tong Xuelu retreated immediately.

Immediately afterwards, there was news from Park Jianyi,

Ma Mei's husband works in the well-digging team of the Water Conservancy Bureau. He is usually very busy at work. He often works overtime at night until eight or nine o'clock. Because the Water Conservancy Bureau is not in the urban area, he only goes home once a month.

Ma Mei's parents-in-law did not live with them, but lived with the eldest son, so no one would question Ma Mei when she came home late every Saturday.

Tong Xuelu tsk tsk in her heart, planning to do it this Saturday.

Tong Xuelu couldn't do this alone, so she asked Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin to participate together.

General rear compound.

The Tong family also belatedly found out about Tong Xuelu's affairs.

Brother Tong and his wife said: Little sister doesn't know how to deal with this alone, why don't we go and see her sometime.

Just as Chen Yueling was about to say yes, Mother Tong came in and asked, What are you going to do? Can you help me if you go?

Brother Tong scratched his head and said, Whether you can help or not, you have to ask.

Tong's mother said with a dark face: What can I ask? You see that she changed her job and moved to the hotel. Did she tell us? Did she come to see us at home?

Chen Yueling: I heard that the state-run hotel doesn't have holidays. Xuelu probably won't have time to come over.

Tong's mother's expression was still ugly: Anyway, you are not allowed to go there. When something really happens, we dare not use power for personal gain. Now that it is an outsider, are you planning to use power for personal gain to help her?

This made Brother Tong and Chen Yueling silent.

Tong's mother came back from Yanqing County with a sprained foot, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Tong Xuelu moved to the urban area, but she didn't take the initiative to come to her door. She is an elder, so why should she take the initiative to visit her?

It doesn't make sense!

So she held her breath and didn't go to Tong Xuelu. Now that this happened, she didn't want to go there even more, and at the same time, she didn't allow her son and daughter-in-law to go there.

She was afraid that Tong Xuelu would ask her son and daughter-in-law to help.

Because Tong's mother gave orders, Chen Yueling and his wife had no choice but to give up.

The illness came like a mountain, and Mr. Zhong's condition was once very dangerous, and the hospital issued a critical illness notice.

Fortunately, it finally survived.

It's just that his body is like this, and no one dares to let him take a long-distance bus back to Beijing.

So Wen Rugui's trip was postponed again.


Arrived Saturday afternoon.

Tong Xuelu handed Tong Mianmian over to the Wei family to help take care of her, and then took the two brothers Tong Jiaming and Tong Jiaxin out.

She asked Tong Jiaming to go to the post office and call Ma Mei's husband's unit, saying that a house had collapsed and Ma Mei was crushed under the house.

The person who answered the phone was taken aback and didn't ask who was calling. He just asked the address of the collapsed house and hung up the phone.

Tong Xuelu and Tong Jiaxin went to Duan's house ahead of time to guard, and they put aside the dry firewood and branches they had picked up.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

It was getting dark.

There was no sound in the alley.

Tong Jiaxin had several stings on his face, scratching all the time: Will that woman come or not?

Tong Xuelu was bitten all over her face last time, but this time with Tong Jiaxin beside her, the mosquitoes stopped biting her.

She glanced at the bag on Tong Jiaxin's face, and said sympathetically, Should come, let's wait.

After another ten minutes, when Tong Xuelu suspected that Ma Mei might not come today, Ma Mei finally appeared.

Compared with the last time, Ma Mei seems to have dressed up specially, wearing a Jia Liang skirt, and her waist is twisted like a wicker.

Mamei knocked on the wooden door a few times.

The adulterer quickly came out to open the door. Seeing her outfit, his eyes lit up and he said, Amei, you look so good today.

Ma Mei shot him a look: What are you talking about, go in quickly, by the way, is Da Ya asleep?

Sleeping, she won't wake up later.

With that said, the two entered the house.

Tong Xuelu had even heard the sound of a luxury car, so naturally she had no feeling for their conversation.

But Tong Jiaxin's eyes widened, as if his three outlooks on life had been subverted.

Tong Xuelu pushed him and said, Don't be in a daze, let's act.

Only then did Tong Jiaxin come to his senses, and together with Tong Xuelu, they took Ganchai to Duan's house.

Tong Jiaxin climbed the wall and jumped in, while Tong Xuelu gave him the dry firewood outside.

Then she went around to the back of the house, waited for the sound of humming and ahhh from inside, then walked back and asked Tong Jiaxin to light the dry wood.

Then, Tong Jiaxin climbed the wall and jumped out of the yard, went to the back of the house, and put his hands against the wooden window at the back, in case they would escape through the back window later.

Tong Xuelu ran out to the alley to call someone to put out the fire.

Help, a house is on fire!

Come and put out the fire, the yard of a family is on fire!

Now that autumn is dry and everything is hot, once the house catches fire, it is easy to burn to other places.

When everyone heard that there was a fire, they rushed out of their homes with buckets to fight the fire.

Tong Xuelu led the way for them and brought them to Duan's house accurately.

Everyone saw that there was indeed a fire in the yard. Although it hadn't burned to the house, it would burn soon if it wasn't extinguished.

Everyone was about to knock on the door, but they were stopped by Tong Xuelu: Stop taking pictures, the people inside must have had an accident, I called a lot just now but no one came out, you all climb the wall and knock on the door to save people!

Everyone did not doubt Tong Xuelu's words, after all, she was the first to discover the fire, and she must have called the people in the house before calling everyone.

So everyone gave up knocking on the door, jumped into the wall directly, and opened the wooden door from the inside.

After everyone rushed in, they quickly extinguished the fire in the yard.

Two of the men ran to knock on the door.


The two people who were working hard inside were taken aback.

Ma Mei turned pale and said, What's going on here?

Duan Wenfu was frightened by the knock on the door just now, and immediately died: How do I know?

Ma Mei stretched out her hand and pushed him: Then get up and go out and have a look...

But before the words were finished, there was another loud bang of bang.

The wooden door, which was not very strong, was knocked open all of a sudden.

Everyone rushed in, expecting to see the people inside fainted on the bed, but they saw two big living people overlapping on the bed with nothing on.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Mamei yelled, and pulled up the quilt beside her to cover herself.

Duan Wenfu's buttocks were exposed, and he quickly pulled the quilt to cover himself.

Tong Xuelu mingled outside the crowd, squeezed her throat and shouted: Oh my god, didn't Comrade Duan's wife go to the countryside to become an educated youth? Who was that woman just now? They couldn't be making broken shoes?

When everyone heard this, they immediately came back to their senses.

That's right, I remember his daughter-in-law went to the countryside to become an educated youth, and she will only come back during the Chinese New Year. That woman is definitely not his wife!

No wonder you didn't open the door all the time, so you were doing something shameful!

Don't be dazed, everyone, quickly tie them up and send them to the Public Security Bureau!

Broken shoes in this day and age are very serious. Not only will you lose your reputation, you may even be arrested and paraded.

Ma Mei under the quilt was so frightened that she almost fainted. She pinched Duan Wenfu with trembling hands.

Duan Wenfu cried out in pain, and then said with a pale face: Everyone misunderstood, I didn't have a broken shoe, and the one under the quilt is my wife!

Tong Xuelu squeezed her throat and shouted again: I don't believe it, you asked your wife to show her face for everyone to see!

Duan Wenfu had no choice but to pat Ma Mei with his hands: Daughter-in-law, come out.

Now he just hopes that he lives in a remote place and doesn't have much contact with everyone. His wife only comes back once a year, so everyone won't recognize him.

Mamei thought the same in her heart, she slowly revealed her pale face from under the quilt.

Not many people knew Duan Wenfu's daughter-in-law, and one or two people had seen her before, but Ma Mei only showed half of her face at this moment, and she couldn't tell the difference for a while.

Tong Xuelu spoke up again: I know her, she is not Comrade Duan's wife, she is a teacher of Chengnan Elementary School, her name is Ma Mei!

As a teacher, Ma Mei actually made broken shoes, everyone go to the Public Security Bureau to report!

Ma Mei's husband heard that his daughter-in-law had an accident at work, so he immediately asked for leave and hurried over.

It takes two hours to drive to the city from the Water Conservancy Bureau. The leader of the bureau sympathized with him and asked the driver of the unit to drive him here.

He and the driver stopped the car outside and rushed over, only to see a group of people gathered in front of a house.

He only thought that something really happened, and squeezed in hard.

Just when I entered the yard, I heard someone shouting: She is Teacher Ma Meima from Chengnan Elementary School, and she is making broken shoes!

His head thumped suddenly.

Everyone moved very quickly, and some people ran to the Public Security Bureau to report.

After a while, Comrade Public Security came over and arrested Ma Mei and Duan Wenfu.

When Ma Mei was escorted out of the house, she looked up and saw her husband standing at the door, looking at her with a livid face.

Ma Mei's husband rushed up and slapped her several times: Bitch, how can I, Wang Baoguo, be sorry for you? Are you going to do this? I'll beat you to death!

Ma Mei's cheeks tingled, but she couldn't care less about the pain at this moment: Old Wang, I was framed by someone, and I didn't do anything to offend you!

Wang Baoguo slapped him again: At this point, you still want to lie to me?

Ma Mei's face was turned away by the slap, and when she tilted her head, she suddenly saw Tong Xuelu standing in the crowd.

In the dusty crowd, she was like a white crane standing out from the crowd, standing there tall and straight, very conspicuous.

Mame's eyes widened.

is her!

It was that bitch Tong Xuelu who harmed her!

Ma Mei screamed, struggling to rush towards Tong Xuelu: Bitch, I will fight you hard!

But before she jumped up, her arm was twisted by Comrade Public Security, and she couldn't move at all.

She was like a trapped animal in a cage, staring at Tong Xuelu with red eyes.

Tong Xuelu blinked at her, and silently said two words——


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