33 cups of green tea

Unexpectedly, such a small restaurant is no less than Gongdou.

It's really interesting.

Here I have to introduce that in a state-run hotel, the manager has the highest status, and is mainly responsible for purchasing and other work, which is equivalent to the head of the state-run hotel.

The second place is the master chef who is in charge of the spoon, which is equivalent to the second in command of a state-owned restaurant.

Now the number one and the number two are clearly at odds. They can't urinate in the same pot, and there is a fight.

Liu Dongchang was somewhat scrupulous about Master Meng. After staring dryly for a while, he turned his head and glanced at the faces of Tong Xuelu and Tan Xiaoyan, and finally went shopping alone with a dark face.

Tong Xuelu was so good-looking, and she was born in the melon field, so it was not convenient to take her out to buy things.

Coupled with what happened just now, he doesn't want to see her at all right now.

As for Tan Xiaoyan, let alone, he wished to transfer her away immediately so as not to drag him down.

As soon as Liu Dongchang left, Master Meng also stood up: Xiao Guo, follow me in, and I will teach you how to chop vegetables.

Yes, master.

I heard from Su Xiuying that Guo Weiping has been here for two years and is still a temporary worker.

And in the past two years, his so-called skill learning has only learned how to cut meat.

That is, Guo Weiping did all the work of cutting or chopping the meat after buying meat from the restaurant.

Today Master Meng started to teach him how to cut vegetables, Guo Weiping was so happy that he followed Master Meng to the kitchen.

Tong Xuelu was very emotional when she saw it, if she was allowed to learn art like this, she would have slipped away long ago.

After Master Meng and Guo Weiping went to the kitchen, only Tong Xuelu and Tan Xiaoyan were left in the hall.

Tan Xiaoyan stared at her: Why are you still standing there? Why don't you clean the hall quickly?

Tong Xuelu gave her a cool look: Half for each person, I will clean the other side, and you will clean this one.

Tan Xiaoyan stared so hard that her eyes almost fell off: You are new here, you did all this, I am only responsible for collecting money and tickets!

Tong Xuelu curled her lips into a smile: You reminded me that we will take turns collecting money in the future, and half of them will clean and wash dishes. If you don't want to, you can tell the manager yourself.

As a waiter in a state-run restaurant, in addition to carrying the dishes and clearing away the dishes, you also have to collect money and tickets.

When Su Xiuying was here before, Su Xiuying was responsible for sanitation and serving dishes, and Tan Xiaoyan was only responsible for collecting money and tickets. Su Xiuying was also very dissatisfied, but because Tan Xiaoyan was a related household, she had to swallow her anger.

Before Tong Xuelu came, she also wanted to get along with Tan Xiaoyan, but she didn't expect that she would be so cheap and invincible as soon as she came. If this is the case, then she doesn't need to be polite to her.

Tan Xiaoyan's cheeks puffed up, turning into a frog with a puffed mouth.

If it was before, she would take the initiative to complain to Liu Dongchang without her saying, but after what happened in the morning, how would she dare?

Tong Xuelu didn't bother to pay attention to her, and started to clean and scrub the tables and chairs on the east side.

After cleaning up, she sat on a chair in a daze.

Seeing that she really didn't clean this side, Tan Xiaoyan was so angry that she wanted to scream, but she was also worried about being scolded by Liu Dongchang, so she began to clean up after cursing.

Master Meng saw this scene in the kitchen, and grinned: Finally, a smart man came.

Guo Weiping carefully cut the white radish in his hand: If she does this, isn't she afraid that Tan Xiaoyan will sue the manager?

Master Meng touched his bald head and said: The girl is a smart person at first glance. Since she dares to do this, she naturally doesn't worry.

Guo Weiping felt that it was not so easy.

Tan Xiaoyan is selfish and lazy, only because the manager is her brother-in-law, other people turn a blind eye. When Su Xiuying was around, she was always so angry that she cried secretly.

But after Liu Dongchang came back, Tan Xiaoyan didn't go forward to complain, and she didn't dare to approach Liu Dongchang all day long.

Guo Weiping was dumbfounded and felt that the new waiter was too good.

Tan Xiaoyan was settled on the first day.


Their state-run restaurant only serves lunch and dinner, not breakfast.

After Liu Dongchang bought vegetables and meat, the kitchen started to get busy.

Tong Xuelu has already torn skins with Tan Xiaoyan, and the rest of them will naturally have to establish a good relationship.

She took the initiative to go to the kitchen and asked, Master Meng, do you need help? I can help wash the vegetables.

It is the job of the master chef to cut vegetables and handle the spoon. Without his permission, no one else can touch it.

Tong Xuelu just came here, and she didn't want to let other people know that she can cook, which would make Master Meng hostile to her.

Just as Guo Weiping was about to shake his head, Master Meng said, All right, then you and Xiao Guo will wash the vegetables together.

Guo Weiping opened his mouth wide again when he heard this.

Usually, Master Meng would not let other people into the kitchen. Once Tan Xiaoyan wanted to come in to watch Master Meng's cooking, and was scolded bloody.

Unexpectedly, on the first day this newcomer came here, he not only managed Tan Xiaoyan, but he also managed Master Meng.

It's really awesome.

Guo Weiping looked at Tong Xuelu with eyes full of admiration.

Tong Xuelu:?

What's with those sparkling little eyes?

Tan Xiaoyan saw Tong Xuelu go into the kitchen, and wanted to wait for her to be scolded, but after waiting and waiting, nothing happened, and there were chatter and laughter from inside.


She was extremely curious, as if countless ants were biting her heart.

Although Master Meng had warned her that she was not allowed to come into the kitchen while he was cooking, she was too curious at the moment.

She walked towards the kitchen, and just as soon as she stepped into the kitchen, Master Meng came over with a fierce look: What are you doing here?

Tan Xiaoyan's hands trembled, but she still stuck her neck and said forcefully: Then what about her, how can she go in?

Master Meng held a kitchen knife and said fiercely, I am happy!

Tan Xiaoyan: ... She was so mad!

After washing the dishes, Tong Xuelu voluntarily left the kitchen and returned to the lobby to stare at Tan Xiaoyan.

Liu Dongchang left after buying, and it is said that he will not show up until evening.

The kitchen was chopping vegetables all the time. First, get out the dumplings and braised pork, and wash the other dishes for later use.

At half past eleven, Tan Xiaoyan stood up suddenly, picked up her rice bowl and rushed to the window.

Tong Xuelu didn't know it was time to eat until she saw that she had taken the rice bowl, so she quickly picked up her own rice bowl and walked over.

Master Meng first gave Tan Xiaoyan a spoonful of rice and vegetables, three dumplings, and then a spoonful of braised pork, and then began to perform real techniques.

He saw his hands trembling and shaking, as if he was having an epileptic seizure, until there were only two pieces of meat left in the pot and spoon, and he put the meat into Tan Xiaoyan's rice bowl.

Tan Xiaoyan: ...

Tong Xuelu almost let out a goose cry as she watched from the sidelines.

Tan Xiaoyan was so angry that her nose was almost crooked.

But she didn't leave immediately, she wanted to see how much the other party would get Tong Xuelu.

Master Meng was still painting gourds, but when he was scooping up the braised pork, his hands suddenly stopped shaking, and a spoon full of braised pork was just dunked into Tong Xuelu's rice bowl.


Tan Xiaoyan gritted her teeth angrily: Master Meng, you are doing this unfairly, why does she have so much meat, I only have two slices!

Master Meng tilted his mouth, and exhaled from his nostrils: I am happy, but hold back!

Tan Xiaoyan: ...

In the three years since she came to the State-run Hotel, Tan Xiaoyan has never been so aggrieved as she is today!

Holding the rice bowl, she cried out with a wow.

Master Meng: Cry while you cry, don't block Lao Tzu's light.

Tan Xiaoyan walked to the side holding the rice bowl and continued to cry.

Seeing this scene, Tong Xuelu immediately made a decision: she will stand in line with Master Meng, and follow Master Meng to eat and drink spicy food (**).


After dinner, it will be twelve o'clock soon.

A large number of people poured into the empty and quiet state-run hotel just now.

Those people scrambled to be the first, more excited than the sheep let out of the fence.

They filled up the seats all at once, and some of them came in late, so they could only stand aside and wait, and one or two people almost fought for the seats.

Tan Xiaoyan was so angry all morning, and now seeing these people making a scene, she cursed with a dark face: Why are you arguing, if you dare to quarrel, get out of here, and no one will even want to eat!

As soon as these words came out, the two tall and burly men suddenly became silent, and they didn't dare to resist a word.

These days, state-run restaurants are just so awesome.

When she was reading materials, she heard that the Public Security Bureau specially put up a sign in the state-run hotel to prevent them from beating guests. At that time, she thought it was incredible and funny.

It now appears that this situation is indeed very likely to happen.

Because Tan Xiaoyan was collecting the money and tickets today, Tong Xuelu was in charge of registering and serving the meals to the guests.

Everyone saw such a beautiful waiter in the state-run restaurant, especially standing beside Tan Xiaoyan, she was as beautiful as a fairy.

From time to time, everyone couldn't help but look at her face, then moved away, and couldn't help but look again after a while.

Tan Xiaoyan noticed it, and Liu Mei raised her eyebrows and scolded: If you dare to peek at me again, I will report you to the Public Security Bureau for hooliganism!

Everyone: ... They are not blind.

The supply of state-run restaurants is rationed, and some dishes have to be reserved for evening use. When they are used up at noon, Master Meng will put away the food brands.

Some people come late, even begging is useless.

If you don't do it, you don't do it, and you don't make money if you have money.

At this moment at the base, Wen Rugui and Zhou Yan were also eating at the state-run restaurant.

Zhou Yan was still brooding over the jujube cake that night: Rugui, why didn't you give me the jujube cake that day? I thought about it all day and all night, but I still can't figure it out.

Wen Rugui: ...

He really didn't expect Zhou Yan to be so entangled.

Fortunately, the food came soon, and Zhou Yan immediately forgot everything when he saw the braised pork.

Wen Rugui put a piece of braised pork into his mouth, and then remembered Tong Xuelu's braised chestnut chicken.

He used to think that the taste of this state-run restaurant was very good, but now with the comparison, he felt that it was dull.

Zhou Yan ate hard, and after eating a bowl of rice, he was free to continue talking.

The experiment some time ago finally came to fruition. The base is going to give each of us a prize. I heard that the prize this time includes 'Zeroliang' cloth. I have already told the dean that I want 'Zeroliang' cloth.

Wen Rugui didn't say a word, and there was no reaction on his face.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Yan knew that he didn't understand: You don't have a date, and you definitely don't know. If you can give your partner a 'Zhenliang' skirt, it will make them happier than giving them malted milk. I plan to take it. Then give it to me!

Wen Rugui's dark eyelashes trembled slightly, but he remained silent.

The two went back to the base after eating.

On the second day, the prizes were handed out.

Zhou Yan was full of anticipation, but when he saw his prize suddenly, it was replaced by two enamel jars!

He froze for a moment.

He clearly promised the dean that he wanted definite cloth, and the dean agreed to him. Why did he suddenly become an enamel jar?

He didn't understand very much, so he ran to the dean's office to ask what happened.

Dean, what's the matter with my prize? You clearly said to give me the cloth of 'Zhengliang' before, why did you change it to an enamel jar now?

Zhuang Zhenghui raised his head and rubbed his temples: I did promise to give it to you before, but Rugui said later that he wanted it too, and you also know that he never asked for any prizes, so I'm too embarrassed to refuse him, in the future I will Indeed Liang', I will leave it to you.

Zhou Yan:?

Wen Rugui took it away?

But when he said this before, he didn't say he wanted it!

Besides, he doesn't have a partner, so what does Que Liang Lai want?

He has boasted in front of his partner, but now he can't show it, what will his partner think of him?

It's too much!

Zhou Yan left with a dark face, and decided to ask Wen Rugui for clarification.

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