The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 819: confusion

It's really rare for the two forces in the fight to ask Liang Yan to ask at the same time.

   It's just that Liang Yan smiled slightly, and didn't mean to do anything.

   Meng Qibai, while parrying the blue and white swords in mid-air, had to resist the sneak attack by the six envoys and their monks. At this moment, he was already a little weak.

   Seeing that Liang Yan didn't even mean to do anything, he couldn't help but exclaimed angrily: "Liang Zun is watching the fire from across the bank at this moment, does he still want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit?"


   Liang Yanhu laughed loudly and said: "Why Meng Meng leader pretends? Until now, he still refuses to show his true strength?"

   When he said this, everyone was taken aback.

   The current situation on the court is obviously that Meng Qibai is suppressed by a large array of six envoys, and has been passively defending. Where does it seem to hide his strength?

   "Well, since the leader Meng feels that the fight is not enough, then Yunyanhui will reluctantly do it and cheer for the leader!"

   As soon as Liang Yan's voice fell, the monks behind him shot at the same time.

  With a pinch of the Wuxin Fa Jue, nineteen "wheels of indulgence" whizzed out, like a purple full moon, and cut towards the location of Meng Qibai.

   At the same time, the Blood Swordsman had already jumped into the air, the long knife in his hand ran across the air, and he also cut his head towards Meng Qibai.

   The two shots at the same time. Although the Blood Swordsman is slightly inferior to the six great envoys, Wuxin is much stronger than them, and the magical power is even more incomparable.

   Seeing the "wheel of indulgence" and the shadow of the long knife whizzing, Meng Qibai's eyes were slightly narrowed, and a fierce look suddenly appeared on his face.

   saw him pinch the Jue with one hand, and let out a weird low growl.

At the next moment, countless black haze suddenly appeared all over this person, and an extremely strong magical energy spread out. It actually held the blue and white giant swords in mid-air at the same time, and let them go again. I can't make any progress.

At the same time, a river of blood also appeared in front of him, engulfing the unintentional 19 indulgences and the phantom of the blood knife guest's long knife. After the two's magical powers fell into the blood river, there was no more magic weapon. There was a little movement.

   Looking at Meng Qibai again at this moment, he has already changed into a calm expression on his face, where there is still the slightest bit of the hard support just now.

   And strange black magic lines appeared on his face and arms. This middle-aged scholar, who was originally elegant and handsome, has transformed into a domineering man of magic.

   "Meng Qibai, you really did that magic skill!"

   Yuanzhongzi screamed, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.


   Meng Qibai laughed loudly and said, "Didn't you guess it a long time ago? The old man practiced, how can he stand me?"

   After he said that he pinched a magic trick with one hand, everyone only heard a deafening roar, and the next moment, a huge ghost head appeared in the air.

   This demon has nine pupils, wings on the back, short torso, and extremely big head.

   "Zhu Demon Great Array? Hey, how can there be absolute things in the world? The so-called Dao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot tall! If you want to be a demon, you must first think about whether you will be condemned by the demon!"

   Meng Qibai gave a sneer, and pushed his hands imaginarily, the phantom of the demon head turned into a black light and rushed straight towards the phantom of Taoist priests condensed by the six great emissaries.

The two phantoms collided in one place, erupting a dazzling black and white halo, and then saw the Taoist phantom under the attack of the demon, just supporting a few breaths, then collapsed and turned into A little bit of crumbs.


   Yuanzhongzi, Ma Qingnian, and Tan Gong vomited a large mouthful of blood at the same time and flew out backwards.

  The six people who cast the spell were all severely injured, and the blue and white giant swords in mid-air also began to fade, and finally disappeared into invisible.

   "The Dao Sect Enmity Demon Great Formation is nothing but you!"

   Meng Qibai sneered, but his face was a little pale and his breath was a little unstable.

   Obviously, just now, in order to break the "Blue Sky Double Swords and Demon Slayer Array", he secretly used magic arts and secret techniques, which also affected him somewhat.

   But Meng Qibai didn't seem to be worried. He raised his hand and waved, and a red flag flew out of his sleeve.

   Nine magic patterns were drawn on this flag, and Meng Qibai grabbed it in his hand and waved it slightly, and the whole "Splendid Terrace" suddenly shook strangely.

"what happened?"

  The people who were fighting against each other in the field stopped at this moment and looked around with a surprised look.

   Some monks who were originally on the edge of "Splendid Terrace" and were very alert, immediately drove the light and flew out of the ship.

However, the next moment, a blood-red light appeared instantly, covering the entire sky above the "Splendid Terrace", and the monks who were trying to flew away when they encountered this blood-colored light, they turned into a scream before they could even make a scream. Tan Xueshui.

   When the monks behind those people saw this, they all stopped in horror and looked at the red light in front of their foreheads in horror.

   "Leader, what does this mean?" someone turned his head and shouted.

   "Yes, lord, we are all humeral ministers who are loyal to the Feixing League. I don’t know what the lord’s move means?"

   After Meng Qibai heard this, he smiled slightly and said: "Since you are loyal to the Flying Star Alliance and loyal to me, why not just stay here?"

   As soon as his words fell, he immediately raised his hand to play a few magic tricks, everyone was shocked, and they looked down at the same time.

   I saw that the huge wooden boat under the feet was distorting and deforming. In just a few breaths, the red wooden boat before it turned into a **** tripod!


   In the middle of the air, Meng Qibai laughed loudly and said: "Black blood is the tripod, all beings are the furnace, cast my magical power, break the shell and be born again!"

   With the appearance of the black cauldron under the feet, the surrounding temperature rose sharply. At the same time, black flames appeared out of nowhere near everyone.

These black fires are like tarsus maggots. Some people accidentally contaminated them. Even if the magic weapon is exhausted and the gods are exhausted, it cannot stop the spread of the black fire. It can only be slowly burned into a cloud of blood in the screams. .

   And these blood mists will be absorbed by the black furnace cauldron under the feet, thereby generating more black magic fire.

   The original mahogany painting boat with laughter and singing and dancing has now become a purgatory on earth, and everyone is in the black furnace, like lambs to be slaughtered.

   "Meng Qibai! I have been in the Feixing League for more than a hundred years and have been loyal to my duties. I am looking forward to you. Why should we kill us today!" the honorable envoy angrily rebuked.

Others were begging for mercy in a low voice: "Leader Meng, we fought side by side before you formed a pill. At that time, you promised us that one day you would take us out of the underworld. Have you forgotten all this? ?"

   "I didn't forget!"

   Meng Qibai's face changed in mid-air, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "You don't understand anything at all! Only I...only I can hope to leave here."

When he said this, there was a madness on his face, and he laughed and said: "When I refine you all, you will become a part of me. In the future, I will leave the underworld, which is equivalent to taking you away. That's not a breach of promise!"

   "This man is crazy!" Wuxin frowned and said: "He does not distinguish between the enemy and me, he wants to kill everyone!"

   "Well, this is his real killer move!"

Liang Yan looked at the black flames all around, and shot a golden light in his hand, covering everyone in the Yunyanhui, before continuing: "This person can't see through my reality, so I have been showing the enemy's weakness just now. You want to lure me to take action. If you didn’t take the attack just now, I’m afraid he would continue to hide."

   "Since there is no ambiguity, shall we also take action?" Wuxin asked in a low voice.

   "Not in a hurry! It's good to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but there is still one person who didn't make a move?" Liang Yan replied lightly.


   Wuxin listened for a while, and before she could react, she saw a black light suddenly lit up in the field, and the speed was amazing, and in a blink of an eye, she was behind Meng Qibai.

This sneak attack can be said to be quite scheming. Meng Qibai had just cast his spell with all his strength and broke through the six star slayers with the phantom of the demon head. Then he expended spiritual energy and spurred the black blood giant cauldron. At this moment, it is secretly. When adjusting the interest rate.

   If it was an attack by a monk in the ordinary Ju Yuan realm, it would be nothing, Meng Qibai could easily resolve it.

   But this black light was extremely strange, Meng Qibai urged the river of blood in front of him, but still did not stop it from moving forward.


There was a loud noise, and the black light shook away Meng Qibai’s condensed blood and directly hit his body guard spirit shield, shocking the golden core monk by dozens of times. Husband.

   At the same time, the black light also rolled back and fell into the hands of a young man in black, turning into a folding fan.

   And this young man holding a folding fan is exactly what Liang Yan had visited at the Timu Mountain of Yunyanhui when he was on stage!

   Meng Qibai's face was pale by the attack, blood surged in his chest, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

   He turned his head and looked at Tiemu Mountain, who had just made a sneak attack, with an incredible look in his eyes.

   "Xuanyin Raksha Fan! You are...impossible!"

   "How can it be impossible?" Tiemushan smiled slightly: "My dear brother, don't come here unharmed?"

   As soon as his voice fell, his aura suddenly rose, and he was actually a golden core monk!

   Meng Qibai looked at his eyes at this moment, as if he had seen a ghost, and muttered to himself: "Impossible, impossible! Aren't you dead? You are already dead!"

"Hahaha! My dear brother, of course you thought I was dead, after all, I was killed by you." Tiemushan laughed and said, "In order to monopolize the magic power, you secretly killed the brother. It's a pity. You didn't expect that brother, I have noble people to help, not only recovered a life, but also successfully broke through to the Golden Core Realm!"

   "Nonsense, my senior brother died when he broke through the golden core. Who are you and why do you pretend to be my senior brother?" Meng Qibai shouted.

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