The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 812: Congratulation

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe with a high nose and wide lips came striding over from a distance.

   Behind him, there were more than a dozen monks who were in the foundation-building period. These very popular monks raised their heads and chests upright, each carrying a huge box on their shoulders.

   Liang Yan frowned slightly. Qingshuangtang is a force of Li Ziqing, one of the Seven Star Venerables. He invited some powers that have made good relations with Yunyanhui this time on stage, and Qingshuangtang is not on the list of invitations at all.

   However, the Baili Kuangsha in front of me is uninvited!

Before Liang Yan could think about it, the Baili Kuangsha over there was already handing over and laughing and saying: "Qingshuangtang congratulates the envoy Liang Zun on the stage ceremony. A pair of Yangyan Yupo, three pots of Jiuhan Mingshui, iron Five hundred catties of bone rock... and ten boxes of immortal stones!"

Liang Yan was stunned when he heard that Yangyan Jade Soul and Jiuhan Mingshui were extremely precious treasures in this underworld. Yunyanhui and Qingshuangtang had nothing to do with it. Li Ziqing gave it away as soon as he said it was really great. Handwriting.

   "Li Zun envoy is such a generous gift, Liang Mou is ashamed!" Liang Yan smiled slightly, winked at Leya who was on the side, Xiao Nizi understood, and immediately arranged for someone to carry those gifts down.

"Haha, Liang Zunshi, you are so unreliable!" Baili Kuangsha said with a smile: "Everyone is a member of the Flying Star Alliance. They are all in the same spirit, but the grand ceremony is such a grand event, Liang Why didn't the envoy tell us Qingshuangtang?"

Liang Yan made a haha, and laughed: "The words of fellow Baili Daoist are very bad, and the Yunyan Meeting is only a short while. Li Zungui is one of the seven stars. How can Liang's stage ceremony dare to disturb him? "

"Neither!" Baili Kuangsha shook his head: "We, Li Xingzun, have always admired your Excellency very much. If it is not for the delay of important things in the hall, we have to come to join us in person today! Before I left, his old man Qiandang Wan told me that I must abide by the etiquette and have a good relationship with Yunyan Association."

   Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to say something, but he heard a loud shout:

   "Tianyuan Pavilion Fei just came to watch the ceremony!"

   As soon as the words fell, I saw an old man in sackcloth, driving a carriage slowly approaching from the gate of the city.

   Although the carriage was traveling on flat ground, it was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it arrived near the high platform in the middle of the city.

   The old man in sackcloth kicked his legs and jumped from the carriage onto the high platform. At the same time, with his big sleeves, dozens of huge boxes flew out of the carriage.

  "Tianyuan Pavilion congratulates the envoy Liang Zun on his stage ceremony, with a gift of a Buddha's eye of the rising dragon, two coins of the dragon palace soul, ten Xuanyan eggs...20 boxes of immortal stones!"

   Liang Yan was taken aback. The leader of Tianyuan Pavilion Guibayan is also one of the seven star venerables. Today, his subordinates are not invited to come, and they also send valuable gifts.

   Before he could react, the announcement sounded in the distance again.

  "Bai Fengxuan Linger came to watch the ceremony!"

   "Nan Dou Yuan Ye Tianming is here to watch the ceremony!"

   "Admiralty will come to Tiemu Mountain to watch the ceremony!"

   "Ma Yuan of Shenfeng Villa is here to watch the ceremony!"

   As if they had already discussed it a long time ago, among the Seven Star Venerables, except for Li Yan, who has died, the forces of the other six are all here today!

   And these six forces, without exception, have all given extremely valuable gifts. The immortal stones they sent alone are enough to cover their Yunyan Society's expenses for three years.

   "These people, what kind of medicine are sold in the gourd?"

   Liang Yan's expression on the surface did not change, but he murmured in his heart.

   You must know that he is completely unfamiliar with the leaders of these six forces. In the fifteen years since he was missing, Wuxin has not had much contact with them.

  Yunyanhui has risen rapidly in recent years, and it is inevitable that it has divided up some of the benefits that should belong to them.

   Logically speaking, even if these six forces don't hate them, they shouldn't be so affectionate.

   But looking at their grand gesture today, they really look like old friends for many years, who have come to give gifts.

   Liang Yan doesn't believe that he has such a big face, he sees many things about hiding a knife in a smile, didn't Sun Buer smile and stabbed Dugu Jiannan in the back?

   However, it was at the stage ceremony at this time. Even if he had doubts in his heart, he couldn't show it on his face. He could only smile and said with his hands:

"Six stars sent people to watch the ceremony at the same time, and gave out so many treasures. Liang is really ashamed. I have prepared a banquet. After the ceremony is over, I also invite fellow daoists to stay and have a drink. Let Liang do his best as a landlord."

   What he said were all polite words on the scene. After all, people who cultivated their true self didn't have that much etiquette, and generally no one would stay to drink his two glasses of wine.

   Unexpectedly, the six people present all nodded their heads again and again after hearing this, and Baili Kuangsha laughed and said, "Envoy Liang Zun is really a man of temperament. It seems that I am going to get drunk today!"

   Liang Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard it. He really didn't expect that these six people would actually agree to it.

   But his heart moved immediately, and he suddenly woke up.

   "These six people came here at the same time today. I am afraid that there are some things to discuss with me, but this matter is quite obscure, and it is difficult to say clearly in the public, so they can only talk to me privately after the ceremony is over."

   After figuring this out, Liang Yan also clung his hands and said with a smile: "Today is so lively, six fellow Taoists come to my Yunyanhui, naturally or I won't be drunk!"

The other monks in the field naturally agreed with a smile. Seeing that the six star powers all came to congratulate with such a grand etiquette, they felt that the future of Yunyanhui was bright and there was faintly the largest power of the Feixing League. a feeling of.

   In the respectful eyes of everyone, Liang Yan also started this seal.

  According to the list drawn up by him and Wuxin, the three who followed him first: Bloodblade, Luo Wu, and Mrs. Miaoyan were named the three elders who were in charge of the seal, in charge of the internal and external affairs of the Yunyan Club, as well as patrol and defense.

   Order five elders to set up the knowledge, seven command elders, nine guard elders, and twelve worship elders.

   All the Juyuan realm monks of the Yunyan Huihui were appointed by appointments. They were in charge of all the affairs of the society, and everything seemed to be in order.

   After half an hour passed, the conference process was almost completed. Liang Yan took a step forward and walked towards the center of the high platform.

   On a jade table there is a square blue seal depicting the sun, moon and stars.

  The last step of the ceremony is to remove the seal that symbolizes the power of the flying stars.

   At this moment, everyone was quiet, except for the sound of Liang Yan's footsteps. He slowly walked to the front of the seal and stretched out his hands.

   But at this moment, a voice rang in the distance:


   Everyone was slightly surprised when they heard it. At this most important moment, it is generally not allowed to be interrupted.

   Everyone looked in the direction of the source of the sound, wanting to see which monk was the one who made the sound.

   Liang Yan also looked up, and saw a monk in a white gown and stepping on a snow-white crane outside Yunyan City, coming with his hands behind his back against the wind.

   "Xu Yuan is one of the three palm seal envoys of the lord!" Someone in the crowd recognized the white-robed monk at a glance.

   "Why did he come?" There was a lot of discussion next to him.

   In the mid-air, the crane spread its wings, and with a long cry, Xu Yuanren had already flown over the high platform.

   When everyone present saw it, they all frowned slightly. You must know that the monks who came to visit the Liang Yan stage ceremony today all walked into the city to show their respect.

   Even if it is the messenger of the Seven Star Venerables, there is no exception.

   This Xu Yuan was the only one who actually stepped on a bird and came from a high altitude. Even at this moment, he was still floating above everyone's heads.

"Although Xu Yuan is one of the leaders of the ambassador, but there are so many people with high cultivation bases here, he is too indifferent, right?" Among the cultivators under the high platform, a rather young cultivator whispered. Discussed.

   "Shhh, silence!"

A middle-aged Confucian next to him seemed to be his friend, and quickly said through a voice transmission: "Do you know what the palmprint envoy means? Seeing this person is like the leader! Although there are many masters on the scene, no one dares to bend him. "

   The young monk curled his lips, as if he was a bit disapproving, as if he had to say something more, but saw the white robe monk in mid-air suddenly turned his eyes and stared at him coldly.

   Before he could react, Xu Yuan waved his sleeves, and a white light flashed, hitting him with blood and flying out!


   Xu Yuan snorted coldly, never looking at other people again. Instead, he turned his head and smiled at Liang Yan: "Envoy Liang Zun is on stage today. Xu is on the order of the lord, congratulations!"

   Liang Yan smiled faintly: "It turned out that it was the leader of the leader, so lucky to meet!"

   "Leader Meng values ​​you very much, this time you are on stage, he specially ordered me to send three congratulations." Xu Yuan said loudly.

   "Oh? I don't know which three kinds of gifts?"

   "This is the first thing, it is the purple seal!" Xu Yuan raised his hand as soon as he finished speaking, and saw a simple and simple seal made of purple gold flying out of his sleeve.

   Everyone on the stage changed their expressions. Someone whispered: "Purple and Golden Seal! This is something only the Star Venerable can have!"

Xu Yuan smiled slightly, ignoring everyone, and instead said to Liang Yan: "From today onwards, Yunyanhui will replace the Fentian Mansion and take over the Zijin Seal. Liang Zun, congratulations and congratulations, from now on. From now on, you will be one of the Seven Star Venerables!"

When the cultivators of other forces in the field saw this, they all showed a hint of envy. You must know that the forces of the Seven Star Venerables will carve up a lot of resources in the alliance every year. Only if they eat the leftovers will they be passed on to other forces. .

   Liang Yan smiled slightly, with a noncommittal look on his face. He turned his hands behind his back, did not touch the purple and gold seal, but let the two seals be placed on the table at the same time.

   Xu Yuan saw this, thinking he was waiting for his next words, and immediately patted his waist storage bag and took out a scroll.

   He unfolded the scroll slowly, and everyone looked at it attentively, and saw a map depicting most of the flying league, among which twelve long lines were the most obvious.

"This is the twelve veins of the Feixing League. Three of them originally belonged to Burning Heaven Palace, and the other nine belonged to Qingshuangtang, Tianyuan Pavilion, Baifengxuan, Jinzhonghui, Nandouyuan, and Shenfeng Villa. Now these are all included. Yunyan will have it all."

   As soon as Xu Yuan said this, the audience was in an uproar, and many monks began to whisper, because the things he just said were the forces of the Seven Great Stars.

   "The leader not only sealed the position of Liang Zun's envoy, but also assigned him the mineral veins of other stars. What is the intention?"

   "I don't know! I don't know! I'm so old, I can't understand the situation in the league anymore."


Xu Yuan coughed in midair, raised his hand to suppress the noise of the crowd, then turned his head to look at Baili Kuangsha and others, smiled slightly and said: "Yunyan will be a newly rising power, and everyone is me. The veterans of the Feixing League, everyone will help each other together. I think the Star Venerables behind them will not have any opinions, right?"

Unexpectedly, the envoys sent by the Star Venerable Baili Kuangsha and Fei Gang did not have the slightest disapproval on their faces. Instead, they smiled and echoed: "What Xu Zhangyin said is extremely true, Yunyan will rise up. , It is also a great help to our Feixing League. Everyone is in the same spirit, and these mineral veins will be taken away!"

   This move made Liang Yan, who had been watching coldly, also slightly puzzled.

   If you want to say that these star veterans are generous, and sending so many treasures of heaven, material and earth to make friends with him, it can barely make sense.

   But the immortal stone veins are related to the life and death of all, and are the foundation of all forces. How can they be given away?

   "What's the problem in this?"

   Liang Yan frowned slightly, but Xu Yuan, who listened in midair, spoke again: "Liang Zunmei, as for this third, you need to get it yourself."

   "Oh? What do you say?" Liang Yan asked calmly.

Xu Yuan smiled slightly and said: "After half a year, there will be a Hundred League Conference once at a time. At that time, the envoys of all forces will go to the Galaxy Palace where the Feixing League is located. When Liang Zun is there, he naturally knows this. What are the three gifts!"

   After listening to Liang Yan, he snorted, and then said lightly: "So, then I would like to thank the Meng leader for his gift!"

"Hahaha, Emperor Liang doesn't need to be polite!" Xu Yuan stepped on the crane and laughed loudly in the air: "The gift of Meng's lord Xu has been delivered, so he won't stay here for long. When he meets in the Galaxy Palace, Let’s talk to the Envoy Liang Zun again!"

   As he said, he arched his hands towards Liang Yan, and the cranes under his feet cried a long time, and then he flew away through the air, leaving Yunyan City in a blink of an eye.

   This Xu Yuan went up and down, not paying attention to everyone present, except that he was quite respectful of Liang Yan.

  The monks who came to participate in the ceremony were more or less unhappy in their hearts, but this person represented the only golden core monk in the Flying Star Alliance. No matter how domineering they were, they just dared not speak.

   Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, he was not afraid of Meng Qibai, but there was no need to deliberately befriend this person.

   Xu Yuan sent two congratulatory gifts as soon as they came. Although the deep meaning was worthy of scrutiny, Liang Yan would not shoot the smiley people just because of his slight attitude.

   "This matter seems to have to be discussed with Wuxin..." Liang Yan secretly said.

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