The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1625: sanctification

After hearing Ning Bugui's memories, Liang Yan's face revealed a thoughtful expression. "It seems that this matter has something to do with Feng Wujiu. As far as I know, he is now a saint, and he has also inherited the position of the city lord of Eternal Night City." Liang Yan said slowly.

"I know what you said."

Ning Bugui sighed: "Things back then were very strange. Apart from Gongsuntu, several of my disciples were also suspicious, but they did it very secretly. I don't have any evidence, and I dare not return to Eternal Night City. So I can only linger on this small island in the southern border."


Liang Yan nodded slightly. He understood Ning Bugui's situation and also understood his difficulties. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Senior, where did you get hurt back then, so that you cut off your own path?"

If this problem is placed at any other time, it can be said that it has violated the taboo of others.

Because no monk would take the initiative to speak out about his hidden illness.

But not now.

Just now Ning Bugui made it very clear that Liang Yan was the one who brought him a turnaround, that is to say, Ning Bugui has something to ask of him now, so Liang Yan asked without any scruples. Ning Bugui listened to Liang Yan's question, sighed softly, and said, "I'll tell you everything you want to know, but this matter is extremely secret, let's talk in another place."

As soon as the words fell, he flicked his big sleeves, and the surrounding scenery turned dizzy, and with just a breath, the two of them had already appeared in a simple thatched hut. "There is my enchantment here, and no one will be able to eavesdrop on our conversation unless the saint comes in person."

Ning Bugui said, sat down in front of a simple stone table, brewed a cup of spiritual tea for Liang Yan and himself.

Faint smoke drifted between the two of them.


Liang Yan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ning Bugui raising his hand.

"I know what you want to ask, but before you can figure out this question, you need to understand another question."

"what is the problem?"

"How to be holy."


Liang Yan's heart moved, he tried his best to keep calm, and asked, "Senior, do you want to tell this junior the method of sanctification?"

"Hehe." Ning Bugui saw what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "You don't have to get excited, it's not a secret. Everyone knows it, but what everyone can't do is the most difficult thing!"

"Appreciate further details."


Ning Bugui stroked his beard, and said slowly: "First of all, you need to know that monks are divided into law cultivation, physical cultivation, sword cultivation, etc. The conditions for becoming a saint are more or less different for monks with different cultivation methods. Among them Sword cultivation is an extreme method handed down from ancient times, most of which have been lost. Looking at the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent, there is not a single monk who has become a saint of sword cultivation. As for physical cultivation... this method is also difficult, and the initial stage of cultivation may be good, but the more It will be more difficult to cultivate in the future, and in the Antarctic Immortal Continent today, there are probably less than three people who have become saints through physical cultivation."

"Thus, the sanctification that everyone talks about usually refers to the cultivation of the Dharma. The four major traditions of Buddhism, demons, Taoism, and Confucianism in the human race, plus the hundreds of schools of thought, almost all follow this path."

"Dharma practitioners practice the Three Thousand Ways and use the power of laws. This is also the orthodox way, and it is most likely to be accepted by the Dao of Heaven."

"However, the limit allowed by the Dao of Heaven is up to Yasheng."

"The so-called 'three disasters and nine disasters', the previous disasters may vary from person to person, but once a monk is promoted to the sub-sage, everyone's third disaster is the same, that is, they will be ruthlessly obliterated by heaven!"

"Destroyed by the Dao of Heaven?" Liang Yan was startled when he heard this, and his expression became serious.


Ning Bugui continued: "Before Yasheng, every time you survived a catastrophe, you would be baptized by luck and filled with spiritual energy from heaven and earth. This is because you have not violated the bottom line of the law of heaven. Get through, you will not escape death after all.”

"And after you die, no matter how high your cultivation level was in life, the luck of heaven and earth gathered on you will be fed back to this world.

The Tao will also absorb the power of law from your body and supplement it into the Dao, so as to achieve a balance. Such an endless cycle of life and death is the way of heaven. "

"But once someone becomes a saint, he can live forever and gain endless lifespan. This obviously violates the principles of the way of heaven. Therefore, when a monk becomes a sub-sage and tries to go further, the way of heaven will personally kill him !"

"I see.…"

Liang Yan nodded thoughtfully.

He has already passed the first three difficulties of the Transformation Tribulation Realm. Although there are a pair of invisible hands behind these disasters, the people and things he fought with are still within the scope of his cognition.

As for the "Way of Heaven" that Ning Bugui said, Liang Yan had never seen it before. He was a little curious, and wanted to take a look if he had the chance.

"Senior Ning, since the third disaster is so dangerous, how will Yasheng survive?" "Hehe."

Ning Bugui blinked at him, and said with a smile: "Your progress is so fast, you broke through from the foundation-building stage to the catastrophe stage in just two hundred years, you should know the truth that the greater the risk, the greater the opportunity, right?"

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this, but did not speak.

Ning Bugui continued: "Although Heaven's Dao attack is extremely dangerous, it also contains unimaginable opportunities. Because when Tian Dao makes a move, it will reveal the original power of the Dao, and this original power of the Dao is to help monks become holy key!"

"The original power of the Dao?"

When Liang Yan heard this, his heart moved, and he couldn't help asking: "What is this?" All you have is the power of law, and when you advance to the sub-sage level, your own power of law has reached a peak. If you want to go further, you must grasp the origin of the Dao that you have cultivated."

"There are three thousand laws in the world, and there are three thousand sources of the Dao in the way of heaven. For example, monks who practice the law of flames will have no power to resist once they encounter the power of the source of flames. And these sources of the avenue are all controlled by the way of heaven. Wait until you can't touch it at all." "The only chance is when Tiandao personally kills you. Since it reveals its true body, you have traces to follow, 'it, if you want to kill you, you can also do it the other way around. Steal 'it, the source of the avenue."

"So the key to the third disaster is whether it is the way of heaven that kills you first, or you first **** the source of the way and integrate it into a saint!"

Liang Yan could not help but feel emotional ups and downs when he heard him say this in one breath, unable to calm down for a long time.

"It turns out that this is the condition for sanctification! You want to **** something from Tiandao! The difficulty of sanctification is simply beyond imagination!"

"Hehe, what else? How many years of history have there been in the Antarctic Immortal Continent, and how many saints are there in total today? There is an insurmountable gap between them. How many people went forward and succeeded, but finally died at the last step!"


Liang Yan nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and gradually calmed down.

"Let's go back and say that this practice is holy..." Ning Bugui continued: "Heavenly Dao personally made a move, even if we are sub-sages, it is impossible to resist. In ancient times, countless human monks died in this calamity, and many The ancestors went forward and succeeded, but in the end they were all ruthlessly obliterated by the Dao of Heaven, until someone created a method."

"Oh?" Liang Yan frowned, and couldn't help asking, "What method?"

"The method of Taoism."

"The way to solve it?"

Liang Yan murmured, his face a little confused, because he had never heard of this method.

"The method of Taoism is tantamount to suicide."

As Ning Bugui spoke, his face gradually became serious: "Since the monk's physical body cannot resist the power of the heavenly law, he should simply commit suicide before the heavenly law descends. It's just that this method of suicide is a bit special. The body melted into countless clusters of small power of law, these power of law shone faintly like fireflies, and the world called it 'Daoying'."

"Monk Dao" means "Dao Ying, after that, the body and soul will no longer exist, but I will keep a little bit of myself

true spirit. To a certain extent, the monk is dead, so all kinds of methods of the Dao of Heaven cannot be used, but in order to prevent the monk from becoming holy, it will use the corresponding source of the Dao to absorb these "Dao Ying", and at the same time use various means to eliminate them. The true spirit of a monk. "

"This is a head-to-head confrontation with Heaven, either'it, destroys your true spirit, and **** away all your' Daoying', or you succeed in snatching' it's original power, and helps yourself reshape From now on, the physical body will unite with the Dao and achieve the status of a sage.” After hearing this, Liang Yan suddenly said, as if waking up from a dream, “So this is the method of ‘the solution of the Dao’, put it to death and then be reborn... the wisdom of the ancestors made me people admire!"

Ning Bugui nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Now you know, why do you say that 'the saints are all ants, right? The monks in the holy realm have integrated the original power of the Dao, which is equivalent to saying that the saint is a part of the Dao. Heaven walks the way."

"For example, if a monk who practices the law of fire meets a saint who has fused with the source of the Dao of Flame, then the law he cultivated cannot be used at all, and he may even play with fire and burn himself to death. This is a kind of Absolute crushing, there is no possibility of confrontation at all.”


After hearing Ning Bugui's words, Liang Yan finally understood that there was an insurmountable gap between the saint and the sub-sage.

Yasheng is not a saint after all, what he cultivates is still the power of law, but he has cultivated the power of law he has grasped to the extreme.

But the sage already possesses the origin of the Dao, that is, the body is in harmony with the Dao, and he is a part of the Dao. If you want to borrow the power of the law in front of him, it is wishful thinking. Even if the two practiced differently, Yasheng would be suppressed by the way of the saint, and it was impossible to defeat him.

"Then how does physical training become holy?"

Liang Yan was a little curious and couldn't help asking.

"Physical training is much more difficult, because they don't cultivate the power of the law, they can't use the method of 'Tao Jie', they can only temper their physical bodies to the point of defying the sky, so as to resist the origin of the heavenly law, and use the physical body to form Holy! Anyone who can do this is tyrannical, and he is definitely the best among saints."

"What about the sword cultivator?"

"Sword cultivation is a method of self-cultivation in ancient times. Many inheritances have been cut off. Looking at the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent, there are very few monks who can advance to the realm of catastrophe with sword cultivation, and there are no ones who become saints with sword cultivation, so the old man also I don’t know the method of becoming a sword cultivator.”

At this point, Ning Bugui paused for a while, and continued: "However, no matter what system of monks, they must face the way of heaven when they become holy. This is for sure! It's just that the way of fighting against the way of heaven is different. .”

After Liang Yan heard this, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

The path I chose is really difficult. There are not many precedents to refer to along the way. After thinking for a while, Liang Yan bowed his hands to Ning Bugui, and said, "Thank you senior for telling me the method of sanctification, this junior has benefited a lot today! But let's go back to the question at the beginning, where exactly is senior injured?" Why do you say that you are not destined for the Dao?"

Ning Bugui coughed, and said lightly: "Since you already know the method of sanctification, you should know that the first condition for sanctification is to practice the principles of the Dao that you have grasped to the extreme."

"Not bad!" Liang Yan nodded.

"Most of the world's laws are impure. After Faxiu becomes a sub-sage, something called 'spiritual source' will appear in the body, and it will be stored in the dantian. Its function is to purify the power of its own laws."

Ning Bugui said slowly: "The power of the law after purification is extremely powerful, which is also the reason for the huge difference in strength between the sub-sage and the ordinary monks in the tribulation realm. Because only after the Nine Difficulties are completed, the 'spirit' will appear in the monk's body." source, and 'Lingyuan, once it appears, the power of the same move will not be the same!"

"In the Battle of Broken Ruins Mountain, I was plotted first, and the exercises went wrong, and I was finally defeated by Feng Wujiu. This person was extremely vicious. He not only severely injured me, but also destroyed the center of my dantian with secret techniques. My 'spiritual, once the spiritual source is destroyed, I will lose the possibility of surviving the catastrophe and becoming a saint, and I will no longer be connected with the Dao."

Liang Yan listened

After Ning Bugui's words, he finally understood where his injury was and why he didn't dare to cross the catastrophe.

"It turned out to be the spiritual source, which was destroyed

Liang Yan thought for a while, then asked: "May I let the junior check the injury?" "Of course!" Ning Bugui nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

"excuse me."

Liang Yan saluted again, then raised his hand, and the leaves outside the thatched cottage were drawn into strands of black hair and flew in front of him.

One end of these black hairs landed on Ning Bugui's body, and the other end landed in front of Liang Yan.

Liang Yan stretched out his fingers and fiddled lightly, and his spiritual thoughts quickly entered Ning Bugui's body. When he sank down to the dantian, he found a slightly dim ball of light.

"It seems that this is the source of spirit..." Liang Yan muttered to himself.

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