The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1598: Forced shot

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about!"

Yu Xuanji stared, feigned anger and said: "Master, my life is still long, don't curse Master."

Although he pretended to be angry, he couldn't continue speaking halfway through.

Because, he had already seen a trace of sadness in Liang Yan's eyes.

"You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from yourself. Master, you should know better than me..."

Liang Yan sighed and said, "Before at Qidou Peak, you only said half of what you said. If I come back twenty or thirty years later, maybe I won't be able to see you?"

Hearing this, the smile on Yu Xuanji's face gradually faded, and a trace of despair appeared in his eyes.

"Oh boy, I can see everything so clearly, can't I let Master pretend to be confused?"

As Yu Xuanji said, he took a wine gourd from his waist, raised his head and took a sip, then suddenly smiled and said:

"Speaking of it...Master, I was also considered a genius disciple in the sect back then. I stood out among the disciples of the same generation in the Yungang Sect. I thought I could point the sword to the Dao, but I didn't want the way of heaven to be unpredictable. In the end, I still failed to cross this threshold! "

After Liang Yan heard this, his expression was a little complicated.

The road of cultivating the Tao is to compete with the sky for longevity, just like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Before Liang Yan left Nanchui, Yu Xuanji was already at the late stage of Golden Core, but now more than two hundred years later, he is still only at the peak of Golden Core.

Obviously, Yu Xuanji had been stuck in the bottleneck of Tongxuan Realm for more than two hundred years, and with the passage of time, his lifespan was about to run out.

Not only Yu Xuanji, but the suzerain of the Yungang Sect, Jiang Shanhe, is probably at the end of his life.

Back then, he had the opportunity to break through the entrance and achieve Tongxuan, but unfortunately, at the critical moment, the people of Jiuyou League made a move, which made him fall short.

The path of cultivation is like this.

Sometimes, there are some opportunities, this kind of waiting, may be a lifetime...

Time passes, years pass by.

Looking at the two former friends, Liang Yan was full of spirits back then, but now they are gray at the temples, and he has mixed feelings in his heart.

After a long silence, Liang Yan's voice said leisurely, "I'm not talented, I want to make a move to help master and uncle break through the profound entrance and prove the Dao of Tongxuan."


As soon as Liang Yan finished speaking, the expressions of Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai changed drastically.

"My good apprentice, what did you just say? You want to help us two old men forcefully break through?" Yu Xuanji asked as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Master, you heard me right, I want to help you break through the bottleneck of the Tongxuan Realm." Liang

Yan's face was calm.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Yu Xuanji shook his head violently, and said seriously: "Forcibly breaking the bottleneck for others is a violation of the taboo of heaven! Even if you have a high level of cultivation and can do such a heaven-defying thing, you will suffer the backlash of heaven and affect you. Your own path!"

Shan Hezai also said beside him: "Junior Brother Yu is right, this is not a joke! Your master and I are already half-buried, and there is no hope in this life. To have an apprentice like you, Junior Brother Yu must be very relieved, and you must not let your road to the Great Dao go to waste just because of the little extravagance of the two of us."

After listening to the persuasion of the two, Liang Yan remained calm and said with a slight smile, "Master, uncle, you don't have to worry about me. Since I have made this decision, I am naturally not afraid of the backlash of heaven. You are the ones I respect the most. If I don't have this ability, it's fine, but if I have the achievements I have today, but if I refuse to save my teacher, I'm afraid my heart will be damaged in the future. "No way!"

Before Liang Yan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yu Xuanji.

"If I say no, then I can't! Your realm is higher than mine, and you should know better. The backlash from the heavens is inevitable, and the higher your cultivation base, the stronger the backlash! Master is just an old man, his life energy is exhausted, and he can't break through. , This is fate! I shouldn’t let my fate affect you!”

Having said that, Yu Xuanji glared at Liang Yan, turned around with a flick of his sleeves, and wanted to leave with Shan Hezai.

Liang Yan looked at the backs of the two and sighed softly.


"Since this is the case, master and uncle, this disciple has offended me."

As soon as he finished speaking, two streaks of blue light flew out from his sleeves, one on the left and one on the right, respectively involving Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai.

Yu Xuanji had just taken a few steps, and was about to soar into the air with his fists in hand, when he suddenly felt a powerful force coming from behind him. This force locked all the meridians and spiritual power in his body, and he couldn't move for a while.

Looking at the mountains beside him, he was bound by this force just like himself, floating in the air uncontrollably.

"Bastard, what are you doing!"

Yu Xuanji floated in mid-air, turned to stare at Liang Yan, and shouted angrily. "Master, uncle."

Liang Yan got up, bowed to Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai a few times, respectfully said: "You are worried about the disciple, you would rather sit down than break through, but the disciple can't just watch you die like this. Please forgive me for being rude. Use the skills you have learned in your life to break through the profound gates for the master and uncle, and prove the profoundness!"

"Bastard! You..."

Yu Xuanji was furious, and wanted to curse again, but the cyan light around him suddenly rose, enveloping him in it.

The rest, of course, can't be heard

Liang Yan's expression was serious, and he pinched the magic formula with both hands urgently, and spiritual power gushed out rapidly, continuously merged into the blue glow.

There is an extremely high threshold from Jindan to Tongxuan.

Because the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm is already the limit allowed by the Dao of Heaven, once one enters the Tongxuan Realm, one is no longer a worldly person, and is called a "True Monarch". Although the way of heaven is silent, it is the most fair. In the eyes of Heaven, thousands of living beings are ordinary, but anyone who wants to become a "true king" and try to surpass thousands of living beings will feel the restriction of Heaven.

Therefore, everyone has a porch in their body. Only when the cultivation level reaches the peak of the Golden Core, can one touch this profound entrance. This is the suppression of all beings by the Dao of Heaven!

If one wants to break through to the Profound Realm, one must break through this level of profound entrance, jump out of the cage of heaven, and understand the true self.

And this level of entrance, I don't know how many genius monks are trapped. Throughout the ages, many people have been unable to break through for hundreds of years throughout their lives. In the end, they can only drink hatred and die in depression

Tonight, what Liang Yan has to do is to use his supernatural powers to help Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai break through the profound entrance, and prove that they are connected to the mysterious!

He now has the cultivation of the Tribulation Transformation Realm, which is far higher than the two of them, but this alone is still not enough.

The reason why Liang Yan has the confidence to do this kind of thing is because he is familiar with the "Shen Nong Emperor Jing", and his understanding of the meridians and acupoints of the human body is far superior to that of his peers. By using the means in the "Shen Nong Emperor's Classic" and combining with his own cultivation level, it is possible to help Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai break through the situation by force.

It's just that the risk of this matter is not small. If the breakthrough fails, it is very likely to cause backlash to Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai.

In order to prevent accidents, Liang Yan raised his hand and played a few spells, and set up a protective formation on the top of Guanyu Peak, so that if the breakthrough fails, he can also protect his master and uncle from being backlashed.

A moment later, Liang Yan floated up into the air and sat cross-legged in the moonlight.

His hands kept making talismans, shooting out a series of spiritual powers, and began to help Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai to dredge the meridians and acupoints, preparing for the upcoming breakthrough. Time passed, the full moon set, the sun rose, and the view of the peak of Yufeng Always be shrouded by a large array.

There were few people here, but after Liang Yan's ten-day sermon, most of the people returned to their caves and began to concentrate on cultivation, and no one came to watch Yufeng at this time.

In this way, Guanyufeng spent three days in a quiet atmosphere.

On the night of the third day, the moonlight fell on the peak of Guanyu Peak, reflecting a **** formation.

If anyone entered the formation, they would be speechless in shock, because there were actually two huge silkworm chrysalis here.

These two silkworm chrysalis are surrounded by black silk, one layer after another, covering an unknown number of circles, and they are still expanding and shrinking regularly, like a heartbeat. In front of the silkworm chrysalis is a man in gray.


There was a cyan aura flashing on his body, and as the spells in his hands continued to change, the aura also formed complex seals, which entered the two silkworm chrysalis on the opposite side.

Suddenly, the man in gray opened his eyes with a very serious expression.

He stopped making grammatical formulas, put his left and right hands together, and pointed forward with the **** in the middle of the food. The blue spiritual light behind him poured out, divided into left and right strands, and poured into the two silkworm chrysalis at the same time.

The silkworm chrysalis began to vibrate, and the monk inside seemed to be suffering from great pain, and his breath became extremely chaotic.

On the other side, beads of sweat dripped from Liang Yan's forehead.

He knew that this was the most crucial step, he had done his best, and the last step could only be relied on the perseverance of Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai.

If they can endure this kind of pain, they will be able to open the door, see themselves clearly, know their true selves, and advance to the "true king"!

If they couldn't take this last step, then they had no choice but to use the prepared formation to keep their souls and bodies, and prevent them from being severely backlashed.

As time passed, Liang Yan stared closely at the two silkworm chrysalis in front of him.

In fact, when he himself breaks through the realm, his heart is often calm, but seeing Yu Xuanji and Shan He's breakthrough, he is on the contrary worried.

In a short period of time, it seems that several springs and autumns have passed.

Suddenly, the two silkworm chrysalis stopped vibrating at the same time, and then, a powerful breath spread from the silkworm chrysalis, and soon swept the entire mountain.

"It's done!"

Liang Yan's face brightened, and he looked intently.

I saw a yellow glow and a black glow erupting in the two silkworm chrysalis on the left and right respectively. It didn't take long for the two rays of light to break through the blockade of their respective silkworm chrysalis and soar upwards into the sky!

Xiaguang pierced through the night and also broke through the formation at the top of Guanyu Peak.

The powerful aura spread to the surroundings, and with just a few breaths, all the monks of the Yungang Sect felt the strangeness of Guanyu Peak.

"Someone broke through?"

"This so strong, has someone entered the Golden Core Realm?"

"Little brother, what you said seems wrong. I was also in the sect when my uncle broke through, but I didn't have such a big aura. I'm afraid it wasn't this aura."

"It's not what? Don't hesitate to speak!" the previous man complained.

"I'm afraid our Yungang Sect will have a second Tongxuan Patriarch!"


In the Yungang Sect, one after another, the escape lights lit up, and they all rushed to Guanyu Peak.

There was a lot of discussion on the road, the disciples with low cultivation still couldn't feel anything, but the disciples with cultivation above Yuan Gathering Realm were full of excitement.

Because the aura of the person who broke through this time is too strong, it is very likely to be Patriarch Tongxuan, and some disciples who are not weak have already sensed that there is more than one person who made the breakthrough, which made them even more overjoyed.

In the night, a ray of light pierced the sky, from far to near, and soon came to the peak of Guanyu Peak.

The first person to arrive here was the Supreme Elder of Yungang Sect, Yuan Ya Laodao.

He floated on the top of Guanyu Peak, looked up, and saw two familiar figures under the moonlight, one of them was his nephew Yu Xuanji, and the other was his disciple Shan Hezai.

The aura of the two of them now seems to have broken through the limit of the Golden Core Realm!

At this moment, Yuan Ya's old Taoist face revealed an expression of disbelief. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes, then took a closer look at the two of them, and said in surprise, " have already broken through the entrance and proved to be able to pass through the mystery?" Yu Xuanji and Shan Hezai looked at each other with a smile, nodded and said, "That's right, Was it Liang Yan who helped us break through the entrance?"


Yuan Ya looked down at the top of Guanyu Peak, where a man in gray was sitting cross-legged in the night, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was exercising.

"He has such unpredictable abilities!"

Old Daoist Yuan Ya exclaimed, and the expression of astonishment on his face grew even stronger.

"Yes." Yu Xuanji sighed softly with a complex expression, "The bottleneck of the Tongxuan Realm has already trapped the two of us."

After a hundred years, seeing that the end is approaching, I originally planned to die in peace. But I didn't expect Liang Yan to have this kind of ability to help the two of us forcefully break through the bottleneck! "

"Ashamed!" Shan Hezai also said with emotion: "The two disciples are not good at learning, and they are already old, but they want their own apprentice to help. If he forcibly interferes with the way of heaven, it will definitely cause the backlash of the way of heaven, which may be detrimental to his future practice. ah."

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Yuan Ya took a deep breath, brought Shan Hezai and Yu Xuanji down from midair, and came to Liang At this moment, Liang Yan was still meditating with his eyes closed.

Helping people break through the bottleneck is not a trivial matter. He wasted a lot just now, and his blood was also churning. Now he can only use the exercises to slowly calm the blood in his body and regulate the spiritual power in his meridians.

Yuan Ya Laodao, Yu Xuanji and others also probably guessed his current state, so they stood aside, not daring to speak, for fear of disturbing Liang Yan.

After about half a stick of incense, Liang Yan slowly opened his eyes.

"Stinky boy, are you okay!" Yu Xuanji was the first to speak.

He broke through the bottleneck, and opened a new chapter in the path of self-cultivation that had come to an end. Although he was very pleasantly surprised, he couldn't laugh at this moment.

"Congratulations, master and uncle, from now on, you will be True Monarch Tongxuan!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, his voice seemed a little weak.

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