The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1546: break the formation

Bone Star Officer frowned. He was not born with bones. Over the years, he plundered the bones of many genius monks and integrated them into his own body. , become your own skeleton soldier.

"Slaying Evil God Thunder" happens to be the nemesis of this supernatural power!

Where the golden thunder passed, the white bone skeleton was chopped black, and the soul refined by the bone star official with evil methods was also annihilated in ashes in the thunder.

Soon, the entire army of skeletons fell apart, hundreds of skeletons were shattered into pieces, and turned into two white bones in mid-air. There were dense cracks on the bones, and it seemed that they were seriously injured.

"My bones!"

Gu Xingguan let out a loud shout, his expression full of regret.

He moved his hand, and the two white bones immediately flew back. Liang Yan wanted to intercept, but was blocked by three gray lights condensed from the "Twelve Yuan Magnetic Array".

These three gray lights may seem ordinary, but in fact they have a great origin, and they are the essence of the formation.

Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Light can not only absorb magic weapons, but also be used to destroy enemies. It can be said to be the strongest killing move in this formation. Before that, the Bone Star Officer didn't think highly of Liang Yan, he just felt that if he didn't pass through a difficult level of cultivation, even if he had some powerful supernatural powers, he could easily deal with it.

But when he saw Liang Yan using two types of divine thunder one after another, he finally changed his mind.

The first task now is to guard the formation and trap Shen Nonghu to death. Among these intruders, Liang Yan's strength was the most mysterious, and he hadn't seen through the other party until now, so he had to go all out to do so.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, Gu Xingguan used the strongest ultimate move of the Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation: "Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Light", which was specially used to deal with Liang Yan! Three streaks of gray light came through the sky at an extremely fast speed, arriving nearby in just a split second. Liang Yan's face was serious, he knew that this supernatural power was hard to resist, and he had to avoid the truth and deal with it.

"Everyone, this person has launched a large formation ban, and the target is me. You can act accordingly!"

After secretly transmitting the sound to Jia Yi and the others, Liang Yan steered Lao Jin, turned into a golden light, and galloped away.

Lao Jin practiced wind spells, and he was a big monster like birds, especially good at speed. Under his maneuvers, the three "Essential Magnetic Extinction Lights" did not catch up with Liang Yan at the same time, but staggered. According to the distance, it is divided into three divine lights: front, middle and back.

Liang Yan saw the opportunity, and with a flick of his sleeve, the "Taiyin God Thunder" was released, hitting the first "Magnetic Extinction Divine Light" directly!


There was a loud noise in the air, and the divine light of the formation collided with the "Taiyin Divine Thunder", and the powerful force turned into a chaotic vortex, which spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

Seeing this, Lao Jin hurriedly changed direction and galloped towards the sky with Liang Yan, narrowly avoiding the aftermath of the supernatural explosion.

And under the cover of the aftermath of the explosion, Jia Yi, Ding Feng and the other four also started to move, each using their magical powers, and quietly approached the mountain behind Gu Xingguan. This mountain is the last eye of the "Inner Three Talents". As long as it is destroyed, Shennonghu will be able to get out of trouble.

"Do it!"

With Jia Yi's sound transmission, the other three immediately understood and each used their unique moves.

In mid-air, the golden bull roared, the talisman danced, and the two brothers Xu Da and Xu Er attacked the mountain peak behind Gu Xingguan almost at the same time.

"Hmph, you four mice want to destroy my formation?"

Gu Xingguan sneered, the four bones in his chest pierced the skin and turned into four bone spears, aiming at Shennonghu's four apprentices at the same time.

At this moment, a small white beast in the shape of a civet cat suddenly appeared in the void behind him.

"His grandma's bone spirit, watch me burn you to death!"

The little white beast uttered human words, and just as the words fell, it suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed, and the five-color flames burned blazingly, instantly turning into a sea of ​​flames, covering Gu Xingguan's entire body in it.

Gu Xingguan was submerged in the sea of ​​flames, his aura disappeared, but the magical powers of Jia Yi and the other four were no longer hindered, and they all hit the last mountain peak!

"It's done!"

Ding Feng is the most excited

, Seeing that his bull demon force was hitting the mountain firmly, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

But this excitement only lasted for less than a breath.

After a breath, when he saw the black barrier around the mountain peak, he stood there in a daze.

"what happened?"

He wasn't the only one who asked this question, the other three were equally dumbfounded. The mountain peak that should have been smashed into **** was still intact at this time, and a black barrier appeared around the mountain peak, blocking all the magical powers of the four people outside.

Just when everyone was surprised and inexplicable, a gloomy laughter came from the sea of ​​flames:

"Hehehe...You little mice, you have a lot of tricks! Unfortunately, I will host the twelve-element magnetic array, and I will definitely not let you destroy it!"

The owner of this voice is none other than Gu Xingguan.

It's just that the voice is sharper and harsher, and it sounds a little different from before.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this voice, and they couldn't help looking into the sea of ​​flames, only to see a figure gradually appearing in the depths of the sea of ​​flames of five colors.

This person no longer has flesh and blood and skin, and his whole body is composed of white bones. In the gaps between the white bones, one can faintly see a heart beating regularly.

"He turned out to be like this!"

Jia Yi and the others stared wide-eyed, their scalps slightly numb.

The Bone Star Officer glanced at them, laughed and said: "Refining skin and flesh is not as good as refining bones! Flesh and flesh are no more than shackles, discarded like grass, bones and gods are the perfect body of a monk!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Gu Xingguan waved the command flag in his hand again, and the aura flashed in the flag,

The runes changed, and countless spiritual power gushed out crazily, falling on the mountain behind him, making the black barrier even thicker.

"It turns out that he still has this kind of means to protect the formation. No wonder Liang Daoyou just used a sneak attack to destroy the two formation eyes!"

At this moment, everyone finally understood Liang Yan's intentions.

The "Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation" has no way to change. If the person in charge of the formation is on guard in advance, it will be difficult to destroy it with their strength. Just now Liang Yan used one of the three thunders of the gods, the "Taiyin Divine Thunder", which is Afraid of any accidents.

It's a pity that the "Nei Sancai" has three formation eyes. Although Liang Yan destroyed two of them by surprise, there is still one left, so he can only rely on a frontal attack.

"Listen, you bastards! This array is guarded by me, Qi, and no one can crack it. Since you are determined to die, then I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Xingguan's body suddenly swelled up, and every bone that made up the body began to extend outward, and in the process of extending, it split into countless identical bones.

In just a few breaths, within a hundred miles, they are all covered by the bones of the bone star official!

A huge bone prison just appeared out of thin air, the bones on it were indestructible, covering Jia Yi, Ding Feng, Xu Da, Xu Er, and even Liang Yan in it!

"not good!"

Jia Yi and the others yelled, urging Dunguang to use their own life-saving supernatural powers, trying to escape from the bone prison.

But these bones are the result of many years of cultivation by the Bone Star Official, even if it is the natal magic weapon of the monks in the Transformation Tribulation Realm, I am afraid it is not as hard as these bones.

boom! boom! boom!

Following a series of loud noises, it was everyone's supernatural powers that hit the bone prison. Some of these supernatural powers were bounced backwards, some exploded on the spot, and some directly turned into a wisp of green smoke, but no matter what kind of spells, they did not leave the slightest trace on the bones.

"It's useless... This bone prison is too hard, we can't escape at all!"

Jia Yi shook his head, a hint of despair appeared in his eyes.

In the twelve-element magnetic array, everyone's magic weapons were banned, and it was impossible to break through the bone barrier of the bone star official only by relying on their own supernatural powers.

At the same time, under the spell cast by the bone star official, the huge bone barrier began to shrink inward, and countless bone spears galloped from all directions, besieging every monk in the barrier!

These bone spears are extremely sharp and overwhelming, everyone has to face

Facing hundreds of bone spears, all escape routes are blocked, there is no way to avoid it!

"Evil thief, I will fight with you!"

When facing desperation, Ding Feng roared out.

He was not as desperate as the others, but he made a tactic with both hands, covering his whole body with the demon energy of the bull, turning himself into a huge golden bull, and rushed towards the direction where the bone star officer was.


The huge ox horn did not hit Guan Xingguan's body, but was stopped by the bone prison.

Although Niu Mojin is powerful and powerful, when it encounters the bone cage of the bone star official, it is like a wooden sword meeting an iron shield. Not only is there no crack on the bone, but the horn of the bull is knocked inward bending.

Ding Feng has an upright temper and is eager to save the teacher, regardless of whether he is hurt or not, he turns into a golden bull and keeps hitting the bone cage, even if he hits his head and bleeds, he doesn't stop.

Outside the bone prison, the bone star officer watched this scene with great interest.

"Interesting, interesting!"

This person let out a morbid laugh, clapped his hands and said: "My favorite thing to watch is the battle of trapped beasts. The more you struggle, the more desperate you will be in the end, and the more excited I will be! Anyway, you are going to die, why don't you die before you die?" Have some fun for me"

Just when he was full of ambition, there was a slight sound behind him.


Gu Xingguan turned his head suddenly, but saw a white light flickering non-stop on the mountain peak. It took only a moment for the white light to continuously deform and finally turned into a huge puppet.

This puppet has a lion-headed human body and holds two long knives. It looks mighty and majestic, with extraordinary momentum.

"The puppet of the catastrophe realm!"

Gu Xingguan was taken aback. Although he had no flesh and no expression, the two eyeballs in his eye sockets still conveyed a look of shock.

Before he could react, the puppet had already rounded the two long knives in his hand, and slashed towards the mountain in front of him!


Huge power descended from the sky, breaking the black barrier left by Gu Xingguan,

Where the blade passed, the rocks were chopped into pieces, and dozens of nearby Jindan monks and a Tongxuan Zhenjun were all smashed to ashes by this knife.

Seeing this, the rest of the monks on the mountain peak were all terrified, and some of them wanted to abandon their responsibilities and escape from the mountain peak.

But the Gu Xingguan's face turned ruthless, he didn't care about the life and death of these people, and waved the command flag in his hand, all the monks on the mountain were immediately fixed in place.

At the same time, a strange force came from the formation. The Ye Ming Cult monks who had assisted in setting up the formation all showed pain on their faces. Strands of souls began to fly out of their celestial caps, and flew towards the barrier on the top of the mountain

The black enchantment absorbed the soul power of everyone, and the aura surged rapidly, and the damaged gap was quickly repaired, blocking the puppet general outside.

At this moment, another voice said faintly: "It turns out that the so-called 'inner three talents' actually use the souls of the monks in the formation as nourishment..."

Hearing this voice, Gu Xingguan was startled.

"Is there any help?!"

He followed the sound and saw a woman's figure outside the bone prison, not far from the puppet.

It's just that this woman is a little weird, her figure is erratic, and she can't tell the distance, like a wisp of faint green smoke, which may disappear into this world at any time.

"Ghost repair!"

Gu Xingguan saw the woman's details and was even more surprised.

He thought that everything was under his control, but he didn't expect that there were so many masters hidden, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"It's a bit of a waste to use so many souls as nourishment for your formation.

Why don't you give it to me. "

The woman sighed softly, pinched a formula in her hand, and the souls that had rushed towards the barrier immediately changed direction, and all flew towards the woman's mouth.

"Gulu, Gulu!"


The voice was clearly audible, and the woman closed her eyes, looking very enjoying it.

"You bastard, how dare you destroy my formation, die for me!"

The bone star officer looked furious, holding a sharp bone spear, his figure flashed, and appeared directly above the woman's head.

He raised the bone spear in his hand and stabbed down, but was held back by the puppet general's two knives. The two fought fiercely in mid-air. In just a short moment, they exchanged dozens of moves, but neither side was made of flesh and blood. , In a short period of time, life and death cannot be distinguished at all.

At this moment, a long howl came from the bone cage.

Gu Xingguan squinted and saw that Liang Yan had already dispelled the three "Essential Magnetic Extinction Divine Lights" one by one, and he was only about a hundred feet away from him at this time.

Although there was a bone cage in the middle, the bone star officer still felt a strong crisis.

"Damn it, how did this kid decipher the "Essence Magnetic Extinction Divine Light"? "

Bone Star Officer cursed secretly in his heart, wanted to wave the command flag and control the formation again, but was tightly entangled by the ghostly woman and the puppet general, and there was no gap at all.

At this moment, Liang Yan waved his hand, and a thunderbolt as clear as water flew out of his sleeve.

This thunderbolt pierced through the air, and when it encountered the indestructible bone cage, it actually ignored it and passed through it directly.

The whole process is like flowing water passing through the cracks in the stones.

"Soulless Divine Thunder!"

At this Gu Xingguan's pupils shrank suddenly.

The thunder was shaped like a stream of water, changing at will, and the bone cage couldn't stop it, so we could only watch it rush out of the cage and reach the top of the last mountain peak.

Because of the ghostly woman's soul-absorbing power, the black barrier is already very weak at this time.

The Wugou Divine Thunder fell, and the black barrier couldn't resist it. It shattered inch by inch in the thunderous power, and finally turned into a cloud of gray smoke.


The thunder exploded, and the electric snake danced wildly!

The powerful force destroyed the entire mountain, and all the Yeming Cult monks on it were also annihilated in this thunder

"It's over..."

Seeing this scene, Gu Xingguan muttered to himself.

The next moment, a powerful coercion spread out from the center of the formation...

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