The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1544: bone star officer

Hearing Lao Jin's words, Liang Yan pondered and said, "You are right. If the three masters of the Yeming Sect are together, it would be a bit tricky. Fortunately, the mouse spirit came out to die by himself, and now only Zi Lan and the other leader... we don't need to fight hard, we just need to destroy the formation and rescue Shen Nonghu, these people should not be his opponents."

"This is the only way..." Lao Jin nodded slightly.

"Let's go. If my predictions are correct, the other four have already arrived at the 'Nai Sancai'. We can't fall too far behind."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liang Yan put Li Xiaosong back into the Taixu gourd, and he landed on Lao Jin's back.

The latter did not hesitate when he saw this, turned into a ray of light, and continued along the route just now...

After about a quarter of an hour, the fog gradually dissipated, and a large mountain appeared in the distance. This mountain is extremely steep, straight up into the sea of ​​clouds, and there are three hills floating around it out of thin air. There are faint shadows on the hills, and there seem to be a large number of monks.


Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because of the mystery of the "Twelve Yuan Magnetic Array", he didn't dare to have the slightest carelessness in his heart, so he slowed down Lao Jin's escape speed from a long distance away, and at the same time used the "Tianji Orb" to hide their aura.

Looking from a distance, the top of the mountain seemed to have a layer of sunlight. If the prediction was correct, Shen Nong Hu should be trapped inside!

"The Yeming Cult is a big battle!"

Lao Jin took a look and exclaimed: "Counting the mouse spirit just now, there are hundreds of Golden Core Realm monks, nine Tongxuan Zhenjun and two Huajie Patriarchs, as an external force, gathered here The monks you have are probably the full strength of the Yeming Sect, right?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "The opponent is Shen Nong Hu, how dare the Ye Ming Sect be careless, the power of the entire Sect is invincible..."

Speaking of this, his brows suddenly frowned, and he muttered again: "The only strange thing is that Zi Lan is not there when dealing with Shen Nong Hu?"

"It's not surprising. In the battle of the underground palace, Zi Lan was seriously injured. Although she had prepared a way out in advance, she won't be able to recover from her injuries for a while." Lao Jin expressed his opinion.

"Your analysis makes some sense, but this woman is very scheming, she was able to lurk in Shennong Mountain for hundreds of years, and at the same time she instigated Yun Shengtian, one of the three elders, and her methods are definitely not bad. We must pay attention to it. I caught her trap!" Liang Yan said slowly.

"That makes sense."

Lao Jin nodded, secretly activated his supernatural powers, and moved a lot closer to the mountain.

Liang Yan could already vaguely see the appearance of the person in the main formation. It was a sickly and skinny man. This man was sallow and emaciated. He seemed to be dying, but in Liang Yan's eyes, he was a very powerful master.

"This person is not simple. Judging by his breath, he should have survived the second disaster, and his supernatural power is definitely not weak, not much worse than Zi Lan." Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

After hearing this, Lao Jin frowned and said: "Since the key to controlling the formation is not on the mouse spirit, it must be on this person. He is not weak, and he has the 'twelve yuan magnetic formation' to help him. Smart move."


Liang Yan nodded, and thought to himself: "'The twelve yuan magnetic array has weakened me too much. I can't use the sword pill. It's like cutting off my arm. There are too many people here, and Shennong Hu is also nearby. It is impossible to use the supernatural powers of 'Yin' and 'Ku' Erquan, now it seems that we can only place our hope on the 'Shenxiao Yin'."

The Shenxiao seal is the inheritance of Nangong Xiao. Nangong Xiao is the founder of the Shenxiao sect. This seal was created by him, so its power is naturally not weak.

But Liang Yan is not a Leifa cultivator, his physique does not match, and he doesn't have any foundation in Leifa, so he can't exert the full power of the "Shenxiao Seal". I am afraid that the sick man in the array is powerless.

Just when Liang Yan was hiding in the dark and his thoughts were turning sharply, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance:

"Dog thief, don't hurt my teacher!"

As soon as the words fell, a bright light lit up outside the formation of the "Inner Three Talents", and then four figures appeared at the same time.

Liang Yan fixed his eyes

At first glance, I saw that these four people were the four personal disciples of Shennong Hu: Jia Yi, Ding Feng, Xu Da, and Xu Er!

It turned out that these four people broke through the "cart" and "horse" formations one after another, and just like Liang Yan, they hurried on their way, and soon left the "Outer Nine Palaces".

They didn't encounter the mouse spirit, and they didn't delay time on the way, so they were one step ahead of Liang Yan. Since they were eager to save their master, the four of them didn't wait for Liang Yan, but used a secret treasure from Shennong Mountain: "Hidden Lamp". , hiding his aura, and quietly approached the "Inner Sancai" formation.

Seeing Shen Nong Hu's haggard face and weak breath, Ding Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and was the first to roar out.

The whereabouts were exposed, and the four of them did not hesitate, and shot almost at the same time.

Ding Feng's spiritual power soared into the clouds and turned into a golden bull with a length of hundreds of feet, with countless runes looming on his body. With his pinching of the magic formula, the golden bull fell from the sky and pointed at the tall man sitting on the stone pillar with its horns. skinny man.

Jia Yi's colorful sleeves fluttered, and countless clusters of aura fell from the sleeves, falling on the side of the tall and thin man, and immediately turned into sealing runes one by one, locking the space around him.

Looking at Xu Da and Xu Er, these two were originally brothers, because of their extremely high talents, they worshiped under Shennong Hu's sect to practice together, and they have long learned the art of joint strikes, which can be described as superb.

The two of them didn't use any supernatural powers and spells, they just stretched out one palm, closed it in the middle, and at the same time made a fist with the other hand, and struck forward.

Surging power gushed out from the two people, and they merged into one, turning into a huge blue fist shadow, which descended from the sky and punched the tall and thin man on the stone pillar.

The four of them had the same supernatural powers, and the vision among the clouds suddenly appeared!

However, the tall and thin man on the stone pillar had the same expression as usual, he didn't even take a look at it, he just sneered and said:

"You rats, after hiding for so long, are you finally willing to show up?"

As soon as the words were finished, the tall and thin man raised his hand and waved, the formation of "Inner Three Talents" turned, and countless rays of light shot out from the three mountains, turning into a huge chaotic vortex, absorbing all of Jia Yi's sealing runes into it.


Jia Yi's face changed slightly, and with a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, hundreds of runes exploded in the vortex at the same time, slowing down the speed of the vortex's spread.

But this still couldn't stop the operation of the formation. With the three surrounding hills, hundreds of Ye Ming Cult monks cast spells at the same time, the vortex of the formation roared like a sea tide, and swallowed Ding Feng's golden bull into it.

In the twelve-element magnetic formation, everyone could not use magic weapons, but could only use their own supernatural powers, which greatly weakened everyone's combat power.

Ding Feng has a special physique. Although there are three fewer acupoints in his body than ordinary people, there is a "false meridian" in his right hand. "Magic Power" was passed on to him. Niu Mojin accumulates spiritual power through the "false meridian" of Ding Feng's right hand, and moves like a bull demon descending into the world, unstoppable! At this moment, in mid-air, although the golden bull was swallowed by the chaotic vortex, it still roared again and again, unwilling to be captured. When the bull's horns came, the world collapsed, and even the chaotic vortex was knocked out dozens of gaps!

"The disciples of Shennong's lineage really have some strength!"

The tall and thin man nodded slightly, but his face did not change at all.

He waved the banner in his hand, and the three surrounding mountains were full of sunshine, and countless spiritual powers soared into the sky, and turned into a hundred-foot-long sword.

There are countless grimaces on the knife, all roaring ferociously at this moment, looking extremely bloodthirsty.


The long knife fell from the sky and slashed on the neck of the golden bull, which actually broke the aura of the golden bull's body protection. This knife cut into the neck, and the blade's edge penetrated into the flesh with a length of seven feet!

Seeing that the huge bull's head was about to be cut off by a long knife, brothers Xu Da and Xu Er were furious.

With a roar, the huge fist shadow that was originally hitting the tall and thin man changed direction and punched the long knife in midair.

These two were born of compatriots, and they had a tacit understanding in critical moments, and the green fist shadow was mighty, and the late strike came first, and soon hit the long saber.


Amidst the loud noise, the Baizhang long knife condensed by the "Inner Sancai" formation was shattered by the joint punch of the two brothers

, the long knife turned into a phantom, and the phantom scattered into countless auras, which scattered from the midair.


The tall and thin man snorted coldly, one hand was still controlling the magic circle, and the other hand pinched a magic formula.

The skin on his right shoulder was cracked, and a white bone protruded from the shoulder. The tip of the bone was as thin as a hair, like a bone spear, extending rapidly in mid-air, and arrived in front of Ding Feng in an instant.

The speed of this bone spear is too fast, and Ding Feng's natal supernatural power is still trapped by the twelve yuan magnetic array, and he cannot use any magic weapon in the array, so when he faced this weird bone spear, his face showed The color of horror.

"Brother Ding, be careful!"

Xu Da and Xu Er spoke at the same time, as if speaking alone.

As soon as the words fell, the two brothers flashed in front of Ding Feng, clasped their palms together, and punched forward at the same time.


The powerful force, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, hit this inconspicuous white bone. According to the prediction of the two brothers, this white bone would definitely shatter into slag.

But a strange scene appeared. Not only was the bone not damaged at all, but countless bone spurs grew on the bone. The bone spurs spread outward and turned into a bone cage, trapping brothers Xu Da and Xu Er inside!


Seeing this, Jia Yi and Ding Feng's expressions changed drastically, and they attacked almost at the same time.

The former made a tactic with one hand, muttering words in his mouth, and countless butterflies flew out from behind and got into the bone cage, trying to corrupt the opponent's supernatural powers; The tide of the tide hit the bone cage.

However, no matter how Jia Yi and Ding Feng cast spells, they still couldn't break through the bone cage of the tall and thin man. They could only watch helplessly as the cage gradually shrunk, compressing the aura of the two brothers Xu Da and Xu Er's body protection to ten Zhang range. "Hahaha! Useless!"

The tall and thin man laughed loudly and looked at the four people in front of him with a sarcasm.

"Just because you still want to save people? It's really beyond your control! In this twelve-element magnetic array, you are just fish on the chopping board, and you can only be slaughtered by me!"

After saying that, his eyes turned and fell on Xu Da and Xu Er, he said with a sinister smile: "You two have good bones, just use them for my practice, since I have sent them to my door, I will accept them with a smile! "

Before he finished speaking, the tall and thin man stretched out his right hand and spread his five fingers. As the kung fu worked, a circle of strange ripples spread out, quickly enveloping Xu Da and Xu Er.

The two brothers who were trapped in the cage had nowhere to hide. The moment they were covered by the ripples, a strange itchy feeling emerged from their bodies.

There was nothing at first, but soon, this itchy feeling has spread to the whole body, and the bones of the whole body are creaking, as if there are thousands of ants crawling on it, making the two want to tear their own flesh and blood, use The blunt knife scraped hard at his own bones.

Although Xu Da and Xu Er don't talk much usually, they both have a tenacious temperament. Even though there are thousands of ants crawling in their bodies, and the itching is unbearable, they still grit their teeth desperately and endure without saying a word.

But the bones in their bodies don't seem to be very obedient.

As the tall and thin man cast the spell, bumps appeared on the skin of the two brothers, and several of them were cracked, exposing thick white bones.

It seems that these bones are no longer under the control of the two brothers, and they want to leave their bodies and fly into the palm of the tall and thin man!

"Sure enough, she is a talented and beautiful jade!"

Seeing the white bones protruding from the bodies of Xu Da and Xu Er, the tall and thin man licked his lips, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

However, just when he was full of ambition, a strange aura suddenly appeared in the distance.


His first thought was, the ghost star official has been gone for so long, could there still be fish that slipped through the net?

But the next moment, he sensed that something was wrong. The ghost star officer had been away for too long and hadn't come back yet, which was a bit abnormal.

The most important thing is that I didn't notice this sudden aura just now, until the other party walked into the "Nei Sancai" circle,

With the help of the hub of the magic circle, I caught a trace of the breath leaked by the other party.

"It's not easy to come here!"

The tall and thin man narrowed his eyes slightly, not caring about Shen Nong Hu's four disciples, so he hastily turned his eyes and looked intently.

I saw a young man in sackcloth suddenly appearing above a mountain top not far

This person glanced at himself with a half-smile, and then waved his sleeves, a pitch-black thunderbolt fell from his palm and struck the sky above the mountain!


Amidst the loud noise, most of the mountain top was smashed to pieces by the thunder, and the top of the mountain howled in misery. The three Tongxuan Zhenjun and dozens of Jindan monks were almost killed and injured! Only a few monks on the edge did not die immediately, but they were all left with broken bodies and limbs, falling to the ground and moaning in pain.

"Taiyin God Thunder!"

The tall and thin man saw this scene from a distance, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he gasped.

Seeing that the other party pinched the magic formula in his hand and wanted to use another sharp hand, the tall and thin man's expression changed drastically, he could no longer keep calm, and jumped up from the stone pillar.

"What a thief, how dare you destroy my three-talent formation!"

Before the words fell, the tall and thin man had already turned into a ray of light and flew towards the opponent's location...

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