The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1540: 12 yuan magnetic array

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"I didn't expect...there is really something hidden here, it seems that he has guessed it!"

Ding Feng glanced at Liang Yan, his face changed slightly.

Among the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain, although his cultivation base is not the highest, his spirit is the highest.

In the meeting hall before, Ai Zhong entrusted an outsider like Liang Yan with a heavy responsibility, but made their four disciples obey the transfer order, which made Ding Feng very dissatisfied. Therefore, his original plan was that if Liang Yan was exaggerating and exaggerating, then he would not have to stick to his orders in subsequent actions, and he could completely make his own decisions and act cheaply.

But now, the thinking has changed a little bit...

At the same time, Liang Yan stared at the vortex in front of him. After observing for a long time, he slowly said:

"Although this barrier is not difficult to break, its function is not only to block intruders, but also to serve as an early warning. Once the barrier is broken, the people inside will know immediately, which may affect our rescue operations .”

"Liang Daoyou is right... There is a mystery in this barrier!" Jia Yi and others also saw the tricks hidden in the barrier.

"I'll try!"

Ding Feng walked out from the crowd.

He turned his right hand, and there was an extra magic weapon, which was strange in shape, a bit like a farmhouse's iron plow hook, with a golden plow tip, and a few talismans stuck on it.


Ding Feng flicked the magic weapon, the iron plow hook flew into the black hole, the plow tip pierced into the barrier, the golden light became more brilliant, and countless streams separated out, like thousands of golden needles, wandering in the barrier of the black hole.

During the whole process, Ding Feng's face was serious, he made a formula with his hands, and he was also muttering words.

Suddenly, he flicked his sleeve and pointed forward with his hand, all the talismans on the iron plow hook exploded, turning into layers of halos and spreading outwards, soon covering the entire black hole barrier inside.

"It's done!"

Ding Feng looked excited, lowered his voice and said: "I added another layer of enchantment on top of the enchantment with secret technique, the original enchantment has been temporarily sealed by me, if we break in now, within half a stick of incense , won't alarm anyone!" "Okay!"

There was a hint of satisfaction on Liang Yan's face.

Although Ding Feng's strength may not be very strong, he still has a lot of achievements in the secret technique of banning one. Although he can break the barrier if he does it himself, it is difficult to do it silently like him.

"Since Junior Brother Ding has already sealed their barrier, let's go in now without delay?" Jia Yi asked.


Without hesitation, Liang Yan rushed into the black hole first with a simple word, and the rest of the people followed closely after seeing this.

The barrier of the black hole is not complicated. Perhaps it is extremely difficult for monks below the transformation realm to break through this barrier, but for Liang Yan and other monks of transformation, it is not difficult to pass through the barrier.

Within a few breaths, everyone had already broken through the blockade of the enchantment. Because of Ding Feng's actions in advance, even if the enchantment was broken, no breath leaked out.


With a flash of light, Liang Yan was the first to pass through the black hole.

The surrounding darkness receded like a tide, replaced by a misty space.

Liang Yan pressed down the light and landed with his feet on the ground. He found that it was on a huge rock, surrounded by white mist, and the voice was lonely. It looked very strange. Before he could take a closer look, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him, but it was the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain who arrived one after another.

"where is this place…"

After Jia Yi landed, he looked around with a vigilant expression, and had no intention of acting rashly.

On the contrary, Ding Feng's personality was a little impatient. As soon as he landed, he waved his hand and drew out the magic weapon shaped like an iron plow hook again, as if he wanted to let this magic weapon explore the way in the mist.

But just as his magic weapon appeared, there was a huge suction force in the mist, and the iron plow hook was out of control and flew out of Ding Feng's hand.

"Whoosh" sound!

The iron plow hook was like a golden rainbow, its speed was unbelievably fast, it got into the mist in the blink of an eye, and disappeared completely.

"My Spirit Wolf!"

Ding Feng roared, his face anxious, and subconsciously wanted to urge Dun Guang to chase after him, but Liang Yan held him down from behind.

"What are you doing? That is a magic weapon that I have spent hundreds of years refining!" Ding Feng turned around and roared, looking like he wanted to break free from Liang Yan's palm.

"Brother Ding, calm down."

Liang Yan only had five short words, and at the same time, the golden light in his right hand was flowing, and he did not let go. No matter how hard Ding Feng struggled, he still couldn't get rid of the suppression of "Vajra Divine Power". Just when the two were in a stalemate, a whirlwind suddenly blew out from the mist. In the vast mist, this whirlwind was like an undercurrent under the river. Although the momentum was not obvious, the dark energy contained in it was very strong.

Before the whirlwind approached, the dark energy was already rushing in. Everyone felt as if they were facing a towering mountain, and the heavy force rushed in, hitting their bodies upside down, and their internal organs seemed to have moved.

"What a strong force!"

The crowd was forced back hundreds of feet by the dark energy, they were all terrified, and they all used their supernatural powers to resist this overwhelming force.

With Ding Feng's lessons learned, no one dared to sacrifice the magic weapon, but only stimulated the spiritual power in the body to cast supernatural powers to defend themselves.

Liang Yan didn't use the sword pill either, he let go of Ding Feng, pinched the formula in his hand, and cast "All Dharmas and Empty Appearances", a golden halo enveloped himself and Ding Feng in it at the same time.


Huge force hit everyone's magical powers. Wherever they looked, they saw flying sand and stones, howling winds, and spiritual power rushing around. Even the space was squeezed and deformed.

Such a fierce collision lasted for three breaths.

After three breaths, the gust of wind gradually stopped, and the dark energy hidden in the mist gradually disappeared

"so close…"

Jia Yi and the others let out a long sigh of relief.

Although there was only a short period of three breaths just now, the dark energy in the mist has already caused great pressure on them, especially Ding Feng. He was disturbed by the destruction of his magic weapon just now, and he almost got hit. Liang Yan used the "Vajra Divine Power" to protect this person in time, otherwise he would definitely be injured.

At this time, Ding Feng also realized his recklessness just now, and his face was very ashamed. "Junior Brother Ding, this place is weird and dangerous, we'd better obey Liang Daoyou's orders." Jia Yi said after adjusting his breath for a while.

"What my sister said is very true..."

Ding Feng looked ashamed and ashamed, turned to Liang Yan, bowed deeply and said: "Just now Ding was eager to protect the treasure, and his words and deeds were a little impulsive. Brother Liang, please don't blame me." I won't do anything to save you." Liang Yan waved his hand, not seeming to care.

After Ding Feng heard this, his face became even more ashamed, and he silently retreated behind Jia Yi, without further words.

Jia Yi frowned at this moment and said: "This foggy space is very strange, Junior Brother Ding's

‘Although the magic weapon of the spirit wolf is not a top-grade magic weapon, at least he spent a hundred years refining it with painstaking efforts. How can it be gone if it’s gone? There is also the whirlwind at the back, the dark energy contained in it is even more strange, even with my cultivation base, it is difficult to resist... Liang Daoyou, I wonder if you have any ideas? After Liang Yan heard this, he pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "If I read correctly, this should be the Confucian School's 'Twelve Yuan Magnetic Formation,'"

"A twelve-element magnetic array?"

Jia Yi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Although their cultivation bases were not low, they had never left Juntian City in their life. How could they know the methods of various factions in the Human Race Continent?

In fact, this formation belongs to the essence of Confucianism, and Liang Yan could not touch it at all, but Linghu Bai, the owner of Wushuang City, is a Confucian monk, so there are many Confucian classics in the city. After Liang Yan became the lord of Bihai Palace, by chance, he read this formation in the Sutra Pavilion in the palace. He was very interested and studied it a little.

"The twelve-element magnetic array, with the divine power of the original magnetism mixed with the two auras of Yimu and Houtu, acts as the three talents of the nine palaces, and is used for the debate between yin and yang."

Liang Yan opened his mouth slowly, explaining the mystery of the "twelve-element magnetic array" for everyone:

"...The strange thing about this formation is that the divine power of Yuan Magnetic absorbs everything. As long as the magic weapon is shot, it will be sucked away by the divine power of Yuan Magnetic. Instead of breaking the formation, it becomes

Nutrients for this formation. "

Hearing this, everyone's face was gloomy.

Human monks, apart from physical and martial arts monks, who doesn't rely on magic weapons? Thinking back to the ancient war and the rise of the human race, the monsters and demons were defeated by various magic weapons. Now even the monsters and demons have begun to imitate the human race in refining treasures, which is enough to show the importance of magic weapons.

But at this moment, in the twelve-element magnetic array, the magic weapon cannot be used, which is tantamount to cutting off an arm!

"Brother Liang, since you know the mystery of the twelve-element magnetic array, do you know how to solve it?" Jia Yi asked.

"It's not difficult to crack." Liang Yan said with a slight smile: "The 'twelve-element magnetic array' is based on the nine palaces and three talents, and is divided into the 'outer nine palaces' and the inner three talents. Among them, the 'inner three talents' are the most powerful. If As I expected, your mountain master is trapped in the 'inner three talents,'"

When Jia Yi heard this, he exclaimed in surprise: "The mountain lord 'Yasheng' is trapped in this formation, how do we break it?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't get excited, just listen to me speak slowly."

Liang Yan said lightly: "Although the 'Inner Three Talents' are extremely powerful, they are based on the 'Outer Nine Palaces'. When we sneak in here, the people from the Ye Ming Sect must not have noticed it. We only need to count according to the Nine Palaces and destroy the 'car at the same time. ,, 'horse', 'dragon, three grids', 'outer nine palaces' will not be able to complete the closed loop, when the breath leaks out, it will affect the foundation of 'inner three talents', we will join forces with the mountain lord and exert strength at the same time, this The formation can be broken!"

What he said was concise and clear, but he did his best to break the formation. After listening to it, everyone was in high spirits.

At this moment, the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain had already completely convinced Liang Yan.

"Brother Liang really has a lot of knowledge, you come to command, our four brothers are all at your command!" Ding Feng blurted out.

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this. Among the four, Ding Feng was the most rebellious. Now that even he said that, it showed that the four of them were sincerely obedient.

"Okay, now that we all work together, things will be much easier."

Liang Yan glanced at the crowd, and then said: "The key to breaking the formation lies in the 'chariot,' horse, and 'dragon'. The three grids must be destroyed at the same time, because if any one is damaged, the main formation will be destroyed immediately. If you are vigilant, it will be difficult to destroy the other two formations when the time comes."

"Liang Daoyou means... we have to divide our troops into three groups and destroy three formations at the same time?" Jia Yi said in a daze.


Liang Yan took out four flags from his sleeve and handed them to four people respectively: "At that time, we will use the command flag as a sign, and when the red light in the flag lights up, we can break the formation. Once we succeed, we will rush to the center of the formation. We reunited in 'Nai San'."


After hearing this, Jia Yi, Ding Feng, Xu Da, and Xu Er didn't have the slightest objection. They each stepped forward and took a flag from Liang Yan's hand.

Liang Yan counted his fingers on the spot, glanced at the crowd, and said slowly, "According to my calculations, the formation of chariots in the Outer Nine Palaces is not far from here, and should be about thirty miles to the southeast. This formation will be handed over to Jia Yi and Ding Feng are going to break it!"

"Yes!" Jia Yi and Ding Feng took orders at the same time.

"'The formation of horses is in the opposite direction, fifty miles to the west from here, there should be no formation obstacles on the way, this formation is relatively simple, let Xu Da and Xu Er brothers go."

"Yes!" The remaining two also took orders.

"As for the final 'Dragon Formation,' there are some ingenious changes, so I'll be able to crack it by myself."

When Liang Yan said this, his eyes turned and fell on Ding Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Ding Feng, you go with Jia Yi, you must listen to her advice, and you must not act recklessly!"

"Yes..." Ding Feng bowed his head in response.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Liang Yan's arrangement has his own intentions.

Because Ding Feng acts recklessly, has a hot temper and is prone to bad things, so someone needs to persuade him. Jia Yi has a stable personality, and is the senior sister among the four. She and Ding Feng can walk together, and she can control Ding Feng so that no troubles will arise.

As for brothers Xu Da and Xu Er, although they have the lowest level of cultivation and have only survived one difficulty, they are twin brothers

The strike technique is very tacit, and the "horse" formation is the simplest formation, so there shouldn't be any accidents if you leave it to them to break it.

After Liang Yan allocated the manpower, no one had any objections.

" The task of this trip is arduous, and it is related to the rise and fall of Shennong Mountain. I hope everyone can proceed carefully. We will be among the top three at that time. Goodbye!" Liang Yan clasped his fists with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother Liang, goodbye!"

The four major disciples of Shennong Mountain clasped their fists at the same time, and without further ado, Jia Yi and Ding Feng formed a group, Xu Da and Xu Er formed a group, and they turned into two or two escaping lights, and flew to the southeast and west respectively.

Seeing that the four of them disappeared, Liang Yan also looked away, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and flew to the northwest.

The twelve element magnetic array is based on the Jiugong Yishu, and the essence is the transformation of the three talents. It can be described as a mysterious and unpredictable array.

Considering the strength of the four major disciples of Shennong Mountain, Liang Yan chose the most difficult path for himself. Fortunately, he had studied this formation before. Although he only mastered 30% of the changes, it was enough to deal with the ultimate move of this path.

After a quarter of an hour, Liang Yan finally arrived at the target location.

In the mist ahead, hundreds of stone pillars appeared, each of which was engraved with strange runes, and in the depths of the mist, there was a faint sound of dragon chant...

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