The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1494: save lives

Leaving orthodoxy in Shennong Mountain was something Liang Yan had never thought of before. Even if he takes Gu Xingyun as his disciple, he still wants to take him out of Langhuan Continent.

If it was before, Liang Yan would never agree. But now he has something to ask Shen Nong Hu. After rejecting the other party's solicitation just now, he had to think carefully at this time.

After pondering for a while, Liang Yan said slowly, "Thanks to the kindness of the mountain master, it is not impossible for me to preach in Shennong Mountain, but I have two requirements."

"Fellow Daoist, please speak."

"First, I have a predestined relationship with Qingqing, so my swordsmanship is only passed on to Qingqing. As for whether she will pass on the swordsmanship to others in the future, then I don't care. And I will not call her master and apprentice, I just lead her in, as for how far she can cultivate, it depends on Qingqing's own fortune."


Shen Nong Hu nodded slightly, he probably could guess what Liang Yan was thinking.

Because Liang Yan held a high position in Wushuang City, without the permission of the city lord, he rashly left orthodox traditions in Juntian City, which is also one of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities, is a taboo thing in itself. That's why he asked not to be called master and apprentice, but only to teach swordsmanship.

"What about the second request?" Shen Nong Hu asked.

"I want to ask the mountain master to help me heal two people."


Shen Nonghu raised his brows, slightly surprised, "Fellow Daoist is not alone?"

"To be honest, there are several people with me, and two of them are seriously injured. Although I can revive them with my cultivation, it is easy to damage the foundation of the Dao. I know that Shennong is good at medicine, so I implore the mountain lord to help me heal these two people."

"I see…"

Shen Nonghu nodded, and after pondering for a while, he smiled and said, "Since it was the fellow Taoist who opened the mouth, of course I can't refuse. Where are the two people you mentioned now? Fellow Taoist, take the old man to have a look. "

"It's in my gourd."

As Liang Yan spoke, he raised his hand and typed out a formula, the white light of Taixu Gourd flashed, and there were two more people in the yard the next moment.

These two were naturally Wuxin and Li Xiaosong, they were still in a coma until now, and they were sitting in the shade of a thousand-year-old tree in the courtyard with their backs.

"This is the person you want the old man to save?"

Shennonghu stood up, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The next moment, he raised his hand and typed out a formula, and a breeze blew in the quiet courtyard, and the leaves moved against the wind, making a rustling sound.


In the middle of the sky, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.

Liang Yan's eyes were fixed, and he looked carefully, only to see that emerald green threads had been pulled out from the leaves of the thousand-year-old tree. These threads were so thin that they were almost invisible to the naked eye.

As Shennonghu's spells continued to hit, half of the leaves had already been drawn into silk threads, and these threads hung down from the tree, piercing Wuxin and Li Xiaosong's bodies like silver needles.

The two people who were in a coma seemed to have sensed something, and their brows frowned slightly.

The next moment, a silk thread drawn from a leaf came out from the other end of the trunk and landed in front of Shennonghu.

Shen Nonghu put his **** and ring finger on the silk thread as if he was checking the pulse, and his face became more and more serious as the fingers kept sensing.

Suddenly, Shen Nong Hu seemed to have noticed something, looked at Liang Yan, and said in surprise: "You Liang Daoyou, these two friends of yours are not ordinary people...... One of them is a big demon, the other One is... a witch?"

"That's right."

Liang Yan did not deny it, but admitted it frankly.

"Juntian City hangs alone in the sky, does not participate in the disputes in the cultivation world, and the mountain master has a broad mind, so he must not have any prejudices, right? Although the two of them are not human races, one is my spirit beast, and the other is my Dao My partner, please ask the mountain master to take action no matter what, Liang is very grateful!"


After hearing Liang Yan's words, Shennonghu smiled slightly: "Young Daoist Liang, you underestimate me, Shennonghu. This old man is not a defender of morality. Since they are important people to you, this old man will definitely help."

After finishing speaking, Shen Nong Hu began to flick the silk thread in his hand again, carefully checking the injuries of Wuxin and Li Xiaosong.

This time, it took a long time, and as the pulse diagnosis deepened, Shen Nong Hu's face became more and more serious.

Suddenly, Wuxin and Li Xiaosong under the shade of the tree snorted at the same time, and the silk threads behind them "buzzed" and trembled. Before Liang Yan could figure out what happened, he saw a faint golden light rushing from behind the two of them. out, and go up along the silk thread retrogradely.


There was a loud noise, and the thousand-year-old tree in the courtyard was blown into powder. At the same time, a fierce force surged along the emerald green silk thread, and it reached Shennonghu's fingertips in an instant.

Shen Nonghu's **** holding the silk thread trembled visibly as if struck by lightning!

The next moment, all the silk threads were turned into fly ash, and Shennong Hu also abruptly withdrew his right hand and took a step back, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Seeing this, Liang Yan quickly took a step forward and asked, "Shanzhu, how is it?"

Shennonghu stood still at the same spot, looked at Liang Yan, and exclaimed, "I have lived in Shennong Mountain for a long time, so I seem to be ignorant... I never thought that there is such a strong spiritual power in this world." !"

"Master Mingjian, the injuries suffered by the two of them all came from the divine power of the Vajra of Buddhism."

"Vajra divine power... Could it be from the lineage of the angry monk?"

"Exactly." Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

"No wonder..." Shen Nonghu's face showed a look of surprise, and he said slowly: "It is said that the angry monk's lineage uses strength to break through tricks, but I have never been able to see it. Although today is a glimpse of the leopard, but also It can be regarded as having seen the rumored divine power of Vajra."

As Shen Nonghu said, he looked Wuxin and Li Xiaosong up and down again, and asked with some doubts: "Since it was the angry monk who made the move, how could the two of them still have breath? Could it be that they were lenient?"

"The one who injured them was not the angry monk, but a person who betrayed the teacher." Liang Yan said calmly.

"Oh, that makes sense...."

Shennonghu nodded slightly, glanced at Wuxin and Li Xiaosong, then put his hands behind his back, and started pacing back and forth in the yard.

Liang Yan knew that he was thinking about the method of healing, so he didn't bother him anymore, but quietly waited aside.

After half a cup of tea, Shen Nong Hu suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"The Lord of the Mountain has thought of a cure?" Liang Yan asked hastily.

"Hmm... Actually, it is not difficult to save them. The difficult thing is that after the treatment, they will not damage their foundations or affect their future path." Shen Nonghu said in a deep voice.

"That's true." Liang Yan agreed with this deeply, nodded and said, "I was afraid of damaging their foundation, so I didn't dare to rescue them rashly. I heard that Shen Nong Tuo tasted hundreds of herbs to save the world. Shen Nong's medical skills must have It is unique, please think of a way, Lord Mountain.”

Shen Nonghu thought for a moment after hearing this, and said in a deep voice: "The divine power of the Vajra is as strong as the yang, entrenched deep in their meridians, like saltpeter and gunpowder buried in dry land, it can be said to explode at a single touch! So whether it is Entering the body with spiritual power or medicinal power will cause a riot of the vajra divine power. Even if special measures are used to suppress it, these divine powers will still affect Daoji. Therefore, the key to healing them is how to dissolve this part of the remaining vajra divine power , as long as the King Kong divine power is forced out of the body, and then the meridians are repaired, and the blood is replenished, those are extremely simple things."

"How to resolve it?" Liang Yan asked.

"There is an underground yin river in Shennong Mountain. It was originally developed by the second generation of mountain owners to cultivate Yin-type spiritual materials, but after tens of thousands of years of evolution, the yin and coldness inside has accumulated to a terrifying level. Even the cultivators of the Transformation Tribulation Realm did not dare to go deep. The previous Lord of Shennong Mountain sealed this Yin River for safety reasons. Now, if he wants to dissolve the Vajra Divine Power in their bodies, he may need to use this Yin River. The cold power of the river will do it."

"Then where is the location of this Yin River? Can the seal of the previous mountain master be broken?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, the former mountain master had a delicate mind. Although he sealed the Yin River, he also left a gap. The purpose is for future disciples to collect the Yin River's Yin Qi when they need it."

Hearing what he said, Liang Yan knew that both Wuxin and Li Xiaosong had been saved, so he couldn't help showing a gleam of joy on his face.

"Where is that rift? Without further ado, let's start now?"


Shen Nonghu knew that these two people were very important to Liang Yan, so he nodded and said, "The entrance to the rift is nine hundred miles south of here, in a mountain stream in a valley. Fellow Daoist Liang will bring them along, and follow the old man."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Nonghu raised his hand and pinched a formula, which turned into a yellow light and flew to the south.

Seeing this, Liang Yan didn't hesitate at all, and with a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, Wuxin and Li Xiaosong were swept up with the escape light, and followed closely behind Shennonghu...

After half a stick of incense passed, two rays of light galloped towards a valley in Shennong Mountain, and finally landed in the sky above a mountain stream in the valley.

"It's here."

Shennonghu pointed to the mountain stream below, and said to the people behind him.

"What a strong cold air!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the mountain stream at his feet. Although it was only a ditch, the water flow in it was almost still.

The smoke visible to the naked eye emerges from under the water surface, which actually gives people a feeling of emptiness. Liang Yan knows that this is not an illusion, but that the cold air under the spring water is so overbearing that it freezes the void, making people feel empty in the air. There is an illusion of space.

Sensing the surprise in Liang Yan's eyes, Shennong Hu smiled slightly and said, "Young Daoist Liang, it's too early to be surprised. This is just a bit of cold air from the lower reaches of the underground Yin River, and most of it is blocked by the seal. Only the outer edge of the crack leaks out." Just a breath of air."

After Liang Yan heard this, he nodded and said, "The thicker the cold air in the Yin River, the better the effect on healing Wuxin and the others. The power of the Vajra is no small matter, and it really takes a very strong cold air to force it out."


As Shen Nonghu said, he raised his hand and struck out a formula, and the water flow that was originally stationary now appeared circles of ripples.

Not long after, the ripples of the water parted, and a talisman floated up from the bottom of the mountain stream. Shennonghu grabbed it and put it in his sleeve.

As the talisman left the water, the water in the mountain stream gradually dried up, revealing an underground fissure.

"let's go."

Before Shennonghu could finish his sentence, people had already got in first.

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then protected Wuxin and Li Xiaosong with a flash of spiritual light, and then followed Shennonghu into the ground in a flash.

The underground space was very dark, and it took a full quarter of an hour to sink before Liang Yan saw a faint light appearing in front of him.

It was a spring, and the spring water exuded a light blue light, gudong gudong emerging from below. The strange thing was that it couldn't fill the Lingquan, and it always remained at about half of it.

The moment he got close to the spring, the bone-piercing cold force swept from all directions, almost freezing the blood in his body.

"Be careful." Shennong Hu said in a deep voice: "This place has entered the Yin River crack and lost the protection of the seal. Even monks like me in the Tribulation Realm must cast spells to protect our bodies."

"Thank you for the reminder, Mountain Master." Liang Yan nodded slightly, raised his hand and typed out a formula, covering his whole body with spiritual light.

"What about the two of them?" Liang Yan looked at Wuxin and Li Xiaosong, and asked a little worriedly.

"No problem."

Shen Nong took out a piece of jade from the storage ring, exerted a little force with both hands, and the jade was immediately split into two halves.

The two halves of jade flew out automatically, emitting a pale yellow glow, one of which landed on top of Wuxin's head, and the other on top of Li Xiaosong's head.

"This is the 'Pure Yang Lingyu', which can protect the bodies of the two of them. They will not be in danger for at least half an hour."

Liang Yan swept his consciousness and found that it was indeed the treasure of pure yang. He couldn't help but feel relieved, nodded slightly and said, "Then there will be Master Laoshan."

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry."

As Shen Nonghu said, he raised his hand and typed out a spell, sending both Wuxin and Li Xiaosong to the Lingquan.

A faint cold air rose from the bottom of the spring water and turned into light blue mist, which quickly enveloped the figures of the two of them.

Shen Nong Hu's face was solemn, and he kept doing tricks with both hands. Waves of spiritual light flew out from his fingertips, mixed with the cold mist, and finally pierced into the large acupuncture points on Wuxin and Li Xiaosong.

Following Shen Nonghu's spellcasting, the cold power of the underground Yin River was drawn into the bodies of Wuxin and Li and began to encircle and suppress the remaining vajra power.

Liang Yan has been watching from the side. Although he has no medical skills, he still has vision.

The vajra power is as strong as yang, so forcibly suppressing it will only be counterproductive. The only way is to use softness to overcome rigidity. After all, there is not much vajra power remaining in the meridians. As long as there is enough yin and cold energy, it can be expelled.

"The medical skills of Shennong's lineage are really good!"

Liang Yan praised sincerely in his heart.

As time passed, Wu Xin and Li Xiaosong's originally pale faces showed a tinge of blood.

Still daring not to be careless, Shennong Hu reached out and took out a wooden box from the storage ring. The box lid was opened, and inside were thirty-six silver needles, each with a silk thread behind it.


With a wave of Shennonghu's sleeve, thirty-six silver needles pierced the two of them at the same time.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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