The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1403: Lin Fan's weirdness

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Just as Liang Yan and Wuxin were secretly communicating through voice transmission, Lin Fan had already checked the entire "Huoyun Cave", and it seemed that they did not find the existence of the two.

But Liang Yan didn't let his guard down, because he was very afraid of the black ancient ring in Lin Fan's hand.

On the third floor, this ancient ring saw through his disguise once, and finally led Lin Fan and Xuanxuan to join forces to deal with Liang Yan, leaving him in a passive position for a long time.

At this moment, when he met Lin Fan again, Liang Yan couldn't guarantee that he could hide the ancient ring in his hand.

But fortunately, there was only one person on the other side, and he still had no intentions on his side. Taking the "Sanqing Holy Spirit Pill" just now had recovered a lot of strength, and it should be more than enough to deal with one Lin Fan.

"He doesn't seem to know that we are here, he didn't come for us..." Wuxin observed Lin Fan and asked secretly, "Should we strike first?"

"No hurry." Liang Yan shook his head secretly, and said through a voice transmission: "Lin Fan is practicing fire-attribute exercises, and this is the cave residence of "Honorary Huo Yuan". If I guess correctly, he should It is for the inheritance here. Let's not be in a hurry, maybe we can get some benefits from him later? "

After listening to Liang Yan's analysis, Wuxin rolled his eyes and said in a secret voice: "It's your loss, let others help us go through the trial of "Honorable Master Huo Yuan", and you will follow behind to prepare for robbery.. .........”

After listening to Liang Yan, he just smiled lightly and said nothing.

In fact, he and Lin Fan had never met before, there was only a battle of chance, and there was no deep hatred, but for some reason, this person was always staring at him, as if he was the only one among the top ten talents who had hatred with him.

Liang Yan racked his brains, but couldn't think of anyone he knew in the past who could match Lin Fan's seat.

However, this did not affect his attack on Lin Fan.

If you don't understand it, you don't have to think about it. The other party has already driven the knife to his neck. Of course, he is the enemy that will never die.

For the enemy, Liang Yan was never kind.

He secretly pinched a magic formula, and the four sword pills in the Taixu gourd stood by at the same time, as long as the black ancient ring showed the slightest difference, he immediately greeted Wuxin to do it!

But this time, the black ancient ring did not seem to find the existence of Liang Yan.

At this time, Lin Fan had already slowly walked into the "Huoyuan Cave", and when he came to the Flame Avenue, he observed the road ahead with a solemn expression.

After a while, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said without warning: "Long-winded! I'm not timid, I'm being cautious! Anytime, it's always right to be careful!"

After a pause, Lin Fan said impatiently, "I know, I know, if I didn't trust you, I would have rushed to the "Tianshu District", how could I have come here? "


Lin Fan kept talking in the cave, and Wu Xin was completely confused.

"What's the matter? Is he talking to himself?" Wuxin whispered.

Liang Yan was silent for a while, and said solemnly: "It's not talking to himself, maybe someone is talking to him, but we can't see or hear this person."

"You mean...someone is instructing him?" Wuxin said in surprise.

Liang Yan nodded, a light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes fell on the black ancient ring in Lin Fan's hand.

At this time, Lin Fan seemed to be a little irritable, and he actually quarreled with that mysterious existence. The two sides were deadlocked for a while, and Lin Fan suddenly became calm again, squinting his eyes and saying:

"You always say that I am over-hearted, but have you noticed that you have been a little abnormal recently."

After saying these words, the atmosphere instantly became a little cold. The mysterious existence didn't seem to answer immediately, and Lin Fan also remained calm.

After a while, that person should have asked him back, only to hear Lin Fan sneer:

"Hmph, what do you mean? Do you still need me to say it clearly? Ever since you met that surnamed Liang in "Flying Fish Fifteen Continents", you have been like a demon, and you have asked me to chase and kill this person over and over again, even disregarding the overall situation, let me Lost in this opportunity competition. I'm a little curious, does this person really have treasures and opportunities? and him

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What deep hatred do you want me to avenge for you? "

Hearing this, Liang Yan and Wuxin, who were hiding in the dark, were slightly startled.

Wuxin did not expect that the conversation between Lin Fan and that mysterious being would actually involve Liang Yan next to him! Liang Yan was even more surprised, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"No wonder he was chasing me like a mad dog... It turned out to be someone instructed, who is this person behind the scenes? What does it have to do with the black ancient ring on his hand?"

Lin Fan was a sinister and cunning person, and coupled with that mysterious existence, Liang Yan suddenly felt like a light on his back.

This is a scourge that has to be removed!

It's just that it's not the best time yet, since he met Lin Fan here, Liang Yan would like to see how many secrets he still has.

Just as he and Wuxin were thinking about it, the conflict between Lin Fan and that mysterious existence had also escalated to a climax.

"Hmph, don't say I'm a rat stomach and chicken intestines, I will repay my kindness! Over the years, you have helped me step by step from a concubine to where I am today. Of course I am grateful to you. But I, Lin Fan, are not fools! Do you think I can't see it? The reason why you are deliberately trying to help me improve my cultivation quickly, is there no purpose of your own?"

"The spell you taught me is quick, but it has a lot of hidden dangers. If I guess correctly, even if I can successfully advance to the Tribulation Realm, the road to the future will be a hundred times more difficult than others. Heaven will die under three calamities and nine calamities, and then your goal will be achieved, right?”

The more Lin Fan talked, the more excited he became. In the end, he seemed to be crazy. It seemed that these things had been suppressed in his heart for many years, and today they finally broke out.

"I, Lin Fan, aren't stupid! I can guess what you're thinking, but unfortunately I was just average in talent back then, and those **** in my family were waiting to see me die. If it wasn't for your appearance, I might not be able to survive today, so I still Thank you. But if you want to completely dominate me, don't even think about it. The big deal is that we will die and the net will be broken. I, Lin Fan, are not the ones who resign!"

A series of roars of filial piety came from Lin Fan's mouth. He was so emotional that he seemed to have completely fallen out with that mysterious existence.

But the next moment, Lin Fan's excited face gradually calmed down, not knowing what the mysterious being said.

At this time, Lin Fan stood on the spot with his hands behind his back, as if he was listening carefully to the other party's explanation, and did not shout any more.

After a long time, Lin Fan sighed softly and said, "Is what you said true?"


"Okay, since you're open and honest, then I'll trust you for a while... The inheritance in the "Huoyuan Cave" is indeed a bit tempting, wait for me to take down the treasures here first, Make plans for the future. "

When Lin Fan said this, he suddenly remembered something, and then continued: "But the next thing, I need to judge by myself, you can only help me, but you can't point fingers, understand?"

It seems that he got the affirmative answer from that person, Lin Fan nodded, and there was a hint of satisfaction on his face.

"Okay, now that we are united again, let me see what the mystery of this "Honorable Huo Yuan" trial is! "

As Lin Fan said that, he smiled slightly, stepped forward, and stepped onto the Flame Avenue without hesitation.

As he stepped on it, the entire road instantly became extremely red, the surrounding fire was soaring into the sky, and a scorching breath swept the entire cave.

"What a powerful fire energy!"

Wu Xin secretly stuttered, this "Huo Yuan Venerable" really deserves to be a "sub-sage", even if he died for many years, the power of Huo Yuan left here is still so strong, which shows how powerful he was back then.

Liang Yan ran the Heavenly Mystery Bead and pinched a magic trick without a trace, keeping the oncoming heat wave three feet away.

This little action didn't attract Lin Fan's attention, because at this moment, his attention was all on the Flame Avenue.

Lin Fan's back was a little hunched, as if he was being suppressed by some powerful force. Nearby, the power of fire energy turned into flaming lotuses, blooming continuously on the road in front of him, bursting with gorgeous halos.

"Venerable Huo Yuan, is this your first dismounting?"

Despite being suppressed by this powerful fire energy, Lin Fan did not panic.

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The corners of his mouth rose, revealing a smile.

"Interesting... Everyone is a fire cultivator, I would like to see what is the difference between you and me!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fan had already slowly taken his own pace.

Although his pace was slow, there was a crimson streamer flashing above his feet. Every time he lifted his foot, a mysterious flame rune appeared on the sole of his foot, and every time he stepped down, it would trample the flame lotus near the road. .

The road of testing set by Venerable Huo Yuan is being conquered by Lin Fan with every single step!

"Not to mention, this person's accomplishments in fire-type exercises are indeed extraordinary."

Liang Yan looked at Lin Fan's back, and secretly said, "This flame path is an assessment set by the "Honorable Master of Fire Origin". A person with a strong talent for fire magic. You and I are not Fire Dao cultivators. If you rush into this path, you will definitely suffer a strong backlash, but Lin Fan is different. He is a genius who cultivates flame spells, and he must be able to pass the assessment of the "Honorable Master of Fire Origin". "

As he spoke, Lin Fan was already walking further and further along the Avenue of Flames. His figure came to the depths of the cave, turned a corner, and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

"What shall we do next?"

Seeing Lin Fan disappear, Wuxin frowned and looked at Liang Yan beside him.


Liang Yan did not hesitate.

After Lin Fan stepped on that flame road, the flame lotus flowers that originally contained powerful power on the road had already withered and withered, and had no power at all.

Now this Flame Avenue is just an ordinary road to Liang Yan and Wuxin.

Liang Yan turned the Heavenly Secret Bead to the extreme, carefully concealed his breath, and then embarked on the road of trial with no heart.

The two followed Lin Fan's trail, entered the depths of the cave, turned a corner at the end of the road, and found a huge flame square in front of them.

At this moment, on the square, Lin Fan was fighting with three huge flame monsters.

The strange man is ten feet tall, with long arms and thick arms, and an ancient rune is printed on his chest.

"Is this a puppet?" Wuxin asked secretly.

"No." Liang Yan shook his head and said: "This should be the supernatural power of "Honorable Huo Yuan", similar to the Daomen's bean-scattering into soldiers. These flame monsters are extremely powerful. It seems that this test does not test aptitude, but It's hard power. "

"The requirements of this "Honorable Master Huo Yuan" are quite high, I don't know if Lin Fan can pass the test. "

"Don't worry...even if he is not strong enough, there will be someone to help him." Liang Yan smiled.

While they were talking, the battle between Lin Fan and the three flame monsters had reached a fever pitch.

As one of the top ten talents, Lin Fan's strength should not be underestimated. His flame spells are ever-changing, and his control of his own fire energy is even more handy. And cast a sharp counterattack.

In just a moment, a flame monster was injured, and Lin Fan's flames burned his chest black.

But these flame monsters didn't know how they formed. Not to mention their thick skin and flesh, they also had a strong self-healing ability. Even if they were injured by Lin Fan, they could quickly complete their self-healing and fight uninterruptedly.

After all, Lin Fan was flesh and blood. At the beginning, he was able to suppress three monsters, but as time passed, one became weaker and the other gradually changed from offensive to defensive.

"Jie Lao, still haven't shot?"

Lin Fan was a little irritable, and suddenly shouted.

At this moment, the black ancient ring on his right thumb suddenly lit up with a ray of light. This ray of light went up along Lin Fan's arm and soon merged into the Baihui Point on the top of his head.

As if he had received some nourishment, Lin Fan's face was excited, and he reached out and patted his top door lightly.

The next moment, a crimson fire dragon flew out from the top of his head, roared in mid-air, the speed was as fast as lightning, and instantly rushed towards one of the flame monsters.

The strange man was fighting with Lin Fan, and the appearance of the fire dragon caught him off guard.

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wrapped around.


The weirdo let out a struggled hard, trying to break free from the shackles of the fire dragon, and even the other two weirdos rushed over, ready to step forward to help.

However, the speed of the fire dragon was faster than theirs. I saw the dragon claws stick out, directly into the flame monster's chest, and took out a fist-sized flame crystal core and threw it to Lin Fan.


Just as the flame core left the body, the flame monster seemed to lose consciousness, and the huge body fell backwards and lay directly on the ground.

Next, the fire dragon did the same, and before the remaining two flame giants reacted, they took out a flame crystal core from their backs and the top of their heads.


The three eccentrics fell to the ground one after another, and the fire around the square instantly brightened, indicating that Lin Fan had passed the assessment here. . . .

Provide you with the fastest update of "Blue Gourd Sword Immortal" by the great **** Zhulin Jianyin!

Chapter 1403 Lin Fan's Weird Free Read: https://,!


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