The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1360: unexpected person

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Hongwu is a member of the spirit-affiliated clan, and is born with a strong ability to control magic weapons.

When he was in the sandbar before, Hongwu used his natal supernatural power to "enchant the spirit" on the Tianqiu clan's warship, and directly controlled the opponent's warship.

At that time, Liang Yan could see that Hongwu's talent was extraordinary, because the first time this person came into contact with the battleship of the Tianqiu Clan, he had already controlled it perfectly. It's a pity that the magical powers of the spirits can only be used once in a lifetime. This amazing talent is like a flash in the pan, and it will fade away in an instant.

Liang Yan obtained the "Heavenly Workmanship Jade". He was not good at operating puppets, and he was unwilling to part with his soul, so he immediately thought of Hongwu.

Hongwu not only has a powerful talent, but his body has been destroyed, and his soul is dying.

If he can enter the "Heavenly Godly Jade", he will definitely be able to keep him from dying. In this way, he can not only save Hongwu, but also better tap the potential of "Heavenly Godly Jade".

After listening to Liang Yan's analysis, Hongwu just pondered for a moment, and immediately agreed.

When he was in Shazhou, he didn't want to die, just to repay Liang Yan's life-saving grace. If there is a chance to not die, who will let it go so easily?

"Liang Yan, I am willing to sign a contract with you and enter this 'Heavenly Workmanship Jade'. Although I have no physical body, I can use this precious jade as my physical body...... .The little old man has been trapped in the 'Flying Fish Fifteen Continents' for a lifetime, and he has to go to the outside world to see it no matter what."

"Okay, without further ado, let's start now."

Liang Yan didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand lightly, a light burst from his fingertips, and instantly got into the soul altar.

As this spiritual light entered, the soul-raising altar immediately made a "humming" vibration, and the jar began to shake violently. It took about half a cup of tea before it gradually calmed down.

"It's done!"

Liang Yan could feel that he had signed a contract with Hongwu, and he could understand what Hongwu was thinking with a single thought.

"Next, please enter the 'Heavenly Workmanship Jade'. "

"it is good!"

Hongwu didn't hesitate, the soul raising altar slowly opened, a wisp of soul so faint that it was almost invisible, flew out from the jar, and instantly got into the "Heavenly Workmanship Divine Jade" on the stone table.

With the entry of Hongwu, a dazzling white light immediately erupted from the inside of Baoyu, and mysterious runes flickered in the sky above the jade. In the dim grass hut, it was as colorful as the stars in the night sky.

It didn't take long for the white light to gradually recede, and the jade disappeared, replaced by a small man the size of a thumb.

This person's limbs, facial features, torso, and whole body are all made of pure white and flawless jade, which looks crystal clear, but only the nose is bright red, which looks rather funny.

This red-nosed old man is naturally the red black after being reborn with the help of "Heavenly Workmanship Jade".

At this time, Hongwu's face was full of excitement. He looked up and down at his body, and was full of praise:

"Wonderful, this 'Heavenly Workmanship Jade' is truly a rare treasure! The little old man has lived for such a long time, and he has never seen such a mysterious treasure! It seems that I have stayed in the 'Flying Fish Fifteen Continents' for so many years, It is indeed a frog at the bottom of the well......"

Speaking of this, Hongwu suddenly bowed deeply to Liang Yan, and said solemnly:

"The little old man originally had a deep prejudice against the human race, but the journey with you has changed my opinion. From now on, you are the master of the little old man. I am willing to continue to walk with you, see Take a look at the big world outside."

"it is good!"

Liang Yan nodded with satisfaction.

He knows Hongwu's character. This person is worthy of his gratitude and trust.

And Tiangong Shenyu has obtained the soul of the spirit clan, and Liang Yan is looking forward to how far it will grow in the future.

"The matter here has been resolved, the treasure is in hand, and now is the time to go out."

Liang Yan pondered for a moment in the grass hut, pinched his fingers, and found that a day had passed since he entered the third floor.

According to the information disclosed by the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi from "Top of the Cloud", there will be at most one day before three more Tianjiao will enter the "Palace of Mountains".

The situation here will be more chaotic by then.

There is only one key to the "Palace of the Mountain", and Liang Yan doesn't want to waste time here, but he is now facing a problem, he has seized the opportunity of Xuanxuan, and the other party must hate him to the core.

With this person's character, it is very likely that he will squat near the cave. If he goes out at this time, wouldn't he want to collide with him?

Liang Yan was not afraid to fight Xuanxuan, but he didn't want to fight a meaningless battle.

The treasures here have already been obtained, and it would be superfluous to entangle with Xuanxuan. If the time is delayed, when other Tianjiao arrives at this layer, there will be many more variables.

"Now is not the time to start, the top priority is to find the whereabouts of the 'Wuya Divine Monarch' first..."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan squeezed the tactic in his hand, turned the Heavenly Secret Pearl in his body to the extreme, and used magic to hide his figure. Only then did he get out of the grass and walk out along the space passage where he came... ......

There is only one intersection in the place where Yunhua lays treasure, and Liang Yan can only go back the same way. After a whirl of space teleportation, he returned to the cave again.

At this time, Liang Yan was extremely cautious. As soon as his feet landed, he immediately released his consciousness and scanned the entire cave.

Contrary to his expectations, the cave was actually empty, and there was no half-person figure.


Liang Yan was a little surprised. According to his original guess, Xuanxuan should be ambushed in the cave, ready to attack him at any time.

But Xuanxuan is not in the cave now, which seems a little unreasonable for this person's character.

"There seems to be something wrong..."

Liang Yan was vigilant in his heart, spread his consciousness to the limit, and then slowly walked out of the cave.

When I came to the corridor, I found that there were traces of fighting along the way, and judging from the aftermath of the magic on the walls and the ground, the fighting should be very fierce.

Liang Yan and Xuan Wei once fought, and they recognized at a glance that the person who fought must have Xuan Wei.

"It seems that after I entered the place of inheritance, someone else came to the cave. This person and Xuanxuan had a big fight, and their strengths were equal."

Liang Yan came to his own judgment, was more careful, hid his breath to the extreme, but walked outside the cave.

Near the entrance of the cave, you can see the prohibition of the formation that Xuanxuan had arranged before, but this formation was damaged. Obviously, the person who came was not as cautious as Liang Yan, and the restriction was triggered, which also alarmed Xuanxuan.


Just when Liang Yan was secretly vigilant, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the entrance of the cave, and a huge flame fell from the sky, smashing at a distance of about thirty feet outside the entrance of the cave.

As the heat wave hit his face, a powerful flame force also rushed into the cave. Even with Liang Yan's cultivation, he could not ignore this power.

In desperation, he could only secretly pinch a magic formula to operate the magical power of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to block the power of flames for himself.

Before the power of the flame was completely dissipated, a rough voice came from outside the entrance of the cave:

"Little thief, I didn't expect you to have such a means, but this uncle looked down on you before!"

This voice is very familiar, it is from Xuanxuan.

As soon as the words fell, a slightly mean voice responded: "Xuanxuan, you are just a brainless man, thinking that you can make progress by stealing Luo Tianshan and Wuzhuang Mountain? Hmph, in my opinion, it's that ghost hand. Scholars who have no eyes will list you as one of the top ten talents!"

Hearing this voice, Liang Yan moved in his heart, walked quickly to the entrance of the cave, and looked up.

I saw two figures standing on the hillside in the distance, above two tall trees.

One of them was naked and rough in appearance. It was Xuanxuan who had just competed with him for a chance. As for the other, he was wearing sackcloth and sackcloth, with an ordinary appearance and a simple black ring on the index finger of his right hand. Lin Fan of the Covenant!

When Liang Yan saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He did not expect that Lin Fan, like himself, was one of the first Tianjiao to enter the "Palace of the Mountain".

You must know that when he was on the first floor, he was one step ahead of this person and found the key before him.

Now, it seemed that Fang Ruhui was blocking his time too much, and Lin Fan's experience in the second floor was very smooth, so he was able to catch up later and enter the third floor at the same time as himself.

However, he was not surprised by the fight between Xuan Xuan and Lin Fan.

As early as when the top ten arrogances of the Broken Void Mountain gathered, the two had a quarrel. At that time, the two sides refused to give in to each other, and they seemed to have the idea of ​​a showdown.

Entering the Thousand Machines Magic Tower now is like giving them such an opportunity.

Sure enough, when Xuan Xuan heard Lin Fan's sarcasm, his face immediately showed anger.

"Little thief, I really want to open a dye shop after giving you some color! I wanted to tear up your stinky mouth when I was outside! Anyway, I'm bored waiting here anyway, so I'll kill you, this little thief, and then Kill that villain!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuanxuan jumped up from the treetops with strength in his legs. As the Buddhist Sanskrit characters on his right arm lighted up one after another, a golden lotus flower appeared in his palm.

"Palm Lotus?"

Lin Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, apparently also recognizing Xuanxuan's supernatural powers.

However, he didn't have the slightest change, just smiled and said: "Luo Tianshan's thirty-six stunts are famous, but I don't know how much of the essence you have learned, a traitor who stole your skills?"

"Hmph, this uncle's method, you will know after you try it!"

Xuan Xuan snorted coldly, and pushed his right hand forward, and the golden lotus galloped out, rushing towards Lin Fan's position.

"Good come!"

Lin Fan was not afraid, shouted loudly, his hands formed seals, and the Confucian spiritual power in his body rushed out, turning into a flaming lotus in mid-air.

"Xuanxuan! Come and see if your Buddhist golden lotus is stronger, or my Confucianism fire lotus is stronger!"

In his loud roar, the flame lotus blossomed, turned into a streamer, and slammed into the golden lotus that was galloping.


Two completely different lotus flowers collided, and a powerful aftermath of mana erupted, and the golden and red halo spread out, shaking the surrounding rocks into pieces.

After the aftermath of the mana dissipated, the figures of the two appeared unharmed.

Xuanxuan's eyes narrowed, he was thick and thin, although his personality was furious and he was eager to retaliate, he was not a reckless person.

The Lin Fan in front of him was by no means simple. The other party, like himself, hid most of his strength in the Ghost Realm Ten Killing Formation. The flaming lotus flower that was transformed with the spiritual power of the Confucian sect was actually no weaker than his own. "Palm Lotus"!

Putting away his contempt, Xuan Hao secretly activated his spiritual power. The Taoist mantra on his left arm and the Buddhist Sanskrit script on his right arm lighted up at the same time. He seemed to be looking for the opponent's flaws, brewing the next ultimate move!

Lin Fan also frowned, and seemed to be very afraid of Xuanxuan's opponent.

His left hand quickly choked, and groups of flames gradually appeared around them, converging together to form a river of flames.

Although on the surface, this flaming river is very calm, and there is no dangerous atmosphere, but Xuanxuan is a child hole shrinking, obviously from this river to detect an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Both of them held their breaths and waited, but just as the second round of battle was about to break out, the black ring on Lin Fan's right index finger suddenly flashed a faint light.


Lin Fan snorted lightly, then his eyes swept over, and he landed directly at the entrance of the Who is it? "

With a loud shout, the flaming river beside Lin Fan set off a huge wave, followed by a wave that rushed towards the entrance of the cave.


A powerful tidal wave of flames covered the entire entrance of the cave, and all within a radius of 100 zhang were burned to fly ashes. A figure could no longer be hidden and emerged from the void.

The moment they saw this figure, both Xuan Xuan and Lin Fan's expressions changed.

"It's you!"

"Liang Yan!"

The two of them drank almost at the same time.

"Hehe, are you two fellow Daoists safe?"

Liang Yan was forced to show up, but his face was light and cloudy, and he didn't look flustered at all.

But this is only the surface. In fact, he is very puzzled in his heart. How could he be seen through?

When he found out that Lin Fan and Xuanxuan were fighting with each other, Liang Yan was still secretly delighted in his heart. Neither of them were good birds, so let them bite the dog, and he could pick up the leaks by himself. This was a godsend opportunity!

But who could have guessed that the two of them would only fight for one move, and Lin Fan would find out.

He had already activated the Heavenly Mystery Pearl and used magic to hide his aura. Even an ancestor who survived the second disaster might not be able to see through him. How did Lin Fan do it?

After just pondering for a moment, Liang Yan turned his attention to the black ancient ring on Lin Fan's right index finger.

At that moment just now, there seemed to be a slight fluctuation in the ring.

Lin Fan and Xuanxuan fought each other, and when all his consciousness was released, he didn't realize his existence. Instead, it was only after the ring flashed a ray of light that Lin Fan discovered his position.

"That ring is weird!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, and instantly guessed the key to the problem!

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