The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1349: The top of the cloud!

In the Jinguang Temple, Liang Yan saw the opportunity and killed Jinguang Buddha and Yu Dongyang successively, but Yu Linglong reacted alertly and escaped.

She suddenly escaped from the dark cage, and she was still a little unclear about the situation for a while.

Liang Yan was not merciful, and Rongqing was not merciful. Taking advantage of the opponent's unsteady footing, he pinched the sword in his hand, and the three swords of Zilei, Dingguang, and Mayfly slashed at Yu Linglong at the same time.

This round of attack has stimulated all the power of Jianying, and there is no holding back. Judging from the strength Yu Linglong has shown before, it is certain to die!

However, at this moment, behind him, outside the Jinguang Temple, suddenly came the sound of breaking the sky.

Liang Yan reacted almost instantly.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

Someone wanted to be that oriole, and attacked him from behind while he was killing Yu Linglong!

Liang Yan's thoughts turned, without any hesitation, the sword technique in his hand changed. He only used the Zilei and Dingguang swords to kill Yu Linglong, and took the Mayfly Sword Pill back.


The cyan sword light cut through the sky, and Liang Yan turned around and slashed behind him with a sword.

It was at this moment that he clearly saw the supernatural power of sneak attacking himself.

I saw a huge fire bull, stepping on the flames, aggressive, smashed through the gate of the temple, and rushed in from the outside of the Golden Light Temple!

The Fire Bull is not an entity, but a condensed supernatural power, and the power of flame contained in it is actually much more tyrannical than Li Xiaosong in the Taixu Gourd!

The cyan sword light had already flown out at this moment, slashing towards the fire bull with a sword.

The magical powers of the two sides collided together. Although there was no sound, there was a fiery wave that spread around, and the destructive power contained in it, even the Golden Light Temple could not resist, and was destroyed by this power.

Liang Yan was also taken aback by the powerful force.

He didn't have time to think about it, he used this anti-shock force to fly backwards, several dozen feet in a row, and instantly came to the vicinity of the remnant body of Golden Light Buddha.

Looking back, Yu Linglong had stabilized his position, and the jade pendant Bailong showed great power, firmly resisting his Zilei and Dingguang double swords.


Liang Yan secretly sighed.

Just now was the perfect time. Yu Linglong was trapped by Jin Guangfo's "Thousand-hand Buddha" barrier, and attacked by himself. Before the other party didn't respond, there was a chance to kill this woman here.

But now, due to a sneak attack by an unknown person outside the Jinguang Temple, Liang Yan lost his chance, and Yu Linglong has stabilized his position.

At this moment, it is almost impossible to defeat it in a short period of time.

Although he lost a great opportunity, Liang Yan did not feel any regret in his heart.

Between thoughts and electricity, his eyes turned to his right.

Golden Light Buddha was a puppet. After being beheaded by his own sword, he did not make a single sound, but just lay quietly on the ground.

His huge head rolled around a few times until it hit a pillar, and then he opened his mouth and spit out two rays of light.

One of the rays of light wraps a jade box, and the other rays of light wraps a runestone.

The surface of the jade box was overflowing with spiritual energy, and it was obvious that there were treasures hidden inside, and there were powerful spatial fluctuations coming from the runestone, which was most likely the key to the next floor.

In an instant, Liang Yan had already made a decision.

His purpose is to break into the next floor, not to kill other geniuses.

There is no point in entanglement with Yu Linglong anymore, and the situation outside the Jinguang Temple is not clear.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, he jumped up and grabbed both the treasure box and the runestones in the glow.

After acquiring these two things, Liang Yan did not rush to check the treasure box, but released his divine sense and carefully checked the runestones in his hand.

After a while, his fingers exerted a little force, and actually crushed the runestone directly!


With a crisp sound, a powerful space force poured out from the shattered runestones, and thousands of silver threads wrapped around him, forming a small vortex.

Although all of this is a long story, it actually happened between lightning and flint.

At this moment, the silver light in the hall is getting brighter and brighter, and the power of space is getting stronger and stronger.

Just when the scenery around Liang Yan gradually turned into a lake, he glanced out of the corner of his eyes and saw a person rushing in outside the Jinguang Temple.

This man was wearing sackcloth and linen, with a medium height and plain appearance. He wore a simple black ring on his hand. It was Lin Fan who had made an alliance with him!

"It's him!"

Liang Yan was slightly surprised, and as far as his eyes could see, Lin Fan also looked at him.

The two looked at each other, and there was a flash of light in their eyes.

The next moment, the surrounding silver light was extremely bright, and before Lin Fan could react, Liang Yan disappeared in place...

"Run for him!"

Lin Fan's face became extremely gloomy when he saw this scene.

When the two of them made a covenant on the "Flying Fish Fifteen Continents", Lin Fan used a ghost seed to leave a mark on each other's body unknowingly.

He followed the imprint all the way, just to kill Liang Yan, so as to seize the opportunity on the other side.

Just now, there was still a few hundred meters away from Jinguang Temple. He sensed that Liang Yan was fighting with someone, and Lin Fan decided to attack without thinking.

That fiery cow was condensed from his life's true fire, and it was powerful. Among the monks of the same realm in the past, no one could stop this move.

However, he did not expect that Liang Yan would be able to save himself even if he was attacked.

What he didn't expect was that the other party actually found the key to the next floor here. After he arrived at the Golden Light Temple, Liang Yan had already crushed the rune stone, which stimulated the power of space inside and took him to Qianqian. The next floor of the Machine Magic Tower.

Lin Fan hurriedly hurried, but in the end he was a step late, and his face couldn't help but show annoyance.

"Damn it! This person's luck is too good, and he has only found the key to the next floor after entering the city for so little time!"

"Hmph, I reminded you a long time ago that your opponent is not easy!"

The old man's voice sounded in Lin Fan's heart: "Do you think he is just lucky? This person's supernatural powers and ingenuity are not bad. It is not for him to find the key to the next level in a short period of time. What a difficult matter, this person must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless trouble!"

"But he has gone to the next floor now, how do we go after him?" Lin Fan frowned.

"Stupid! The Thousand Machine Magic Pagoda is the trial ground for the core disciples of Tianji Pavilion. How can there be only one key? The most urgent task is to find another key as soon as possible!" Ji Lao's voice was already a little impatient.

"I know, I know."

After being reprimanded by Jie Lao, Lin Fan's expression became extremely gloomy.

His eyes slowly swept across the main hall of Jinguang Temple, and he saw Yu Dongyang and Jinguang Buddha who had been beheaded, and finally fell on Yu Linglong, with a bad look in his eyes...... ...


In Jinguang Temple, Liang Yan couldn't see any disputes between Lin Fan and Yu Linglong.

At this moment, he felt that the world was spinning for a while, his consciousness was still limited, and he couldn't see the surrounding situation.

If it weren't for his cultivation base not weak, and the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan Guards", I am afraid that he would have been torn to shreds by the power of this space.

I don't know how long it took, just when Liang Yan was secretly frightened, the power of the surrounding space suddenly dissipated, the soles of his feet stepped firmly, and he fell back to the ground.

"It's the second floor!"

Liang Yan moved in his heart and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as I entered my eyes, I saw clouds and mists, misty waves of smoke, as if I was in the clouds of Jiuxiao, and all around were hazy.

Looking down again, I found myself standing on a huge wooden stake!

The wooden pile was submerged by the sea of ​​clouds, and only exposed a length of more than 100 feet. It looked like a pillar that reached the sky, and it was inserted into the clouds from the ground!


Liang Yan's face showed a vigilant look, and he looked around secretly.

It was found that there were many identical columns around, all of which were submerged by the sea of ​​​​clouds, and only the upper part was exposed.

There are mountains in the distance, the grass is green and green, and the green forests are like the sea, but the mountainside is also covered by clouds and fog, so you can't see the whole picture.

Just when Liang Yan was secretly frightened, countless clouds and mists gathered around the stake where he was, and finally formed three big characters in front of him:

"Top of the cloud!"

"Top of the Cloud......"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart, "It seems that this is the name of the second floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda! I just don't know what the customs clearance test on the second floor is?"

Before he could think about it, the cloud and mist in front of him rolled over, and a line of small golden characters appeared immediately.

Liang Yan looked at it intently, and saw that this line of small characters read: "Looking for the person who refines the treasure."

"The person who refines the treasure..."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, and said in his heart: "The Thousand Machine Magic Pagoda has been floating in the void for many years, this 'refining treasure' should not be a monk, but a puppet like the first floor... ......I don't know what's hidden in this 'Top of the Cloud'?"

Thinking of this, he tentatively released his consciousness, and found that the same as the first floor, the consciousness was also suppressed by a powerful force, and it could only spread to a distance of more than a hundred meters at most, and then he knew nothing. .

And in the range of more than 100 feet, there are only white clouds and huge wooden stakes in the clouds.

"The top of the cloud... It seems even weirder than the 'Machine City'!"

Liang Yan shook his head and suddenly remembered that at the last moment in Jiucheng just now, he seemed to see Lin Fan who rushed in from outside the Jinguang Temple.

Judging from the situation at the time, the only person who attacked him was this Lin Fan!

This person disregarded the original alliance covenant and chose to attack himself instead of besieging Yu Linglong with him.

This shows what?

"This Lin Fan, the person he's targeting is me!"

Liang Yan has already reacted at this time, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and his face shows a contemplative color.

"He doesn't seem to be looking for the key... Otherwise, he can hide in the dark and grab the key to the customs while I kill Yu Linglong. At least he can negotiate with me. After the alliance agreement, you can use this key together."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan carefully recalled the details of the time, and secretly said: "This Lin Fan seems to know that I am there, and he has been pursuing it all the way, and he has already planned it. Others have not yet arrived at Jinguang Temple. I found my flaws in the distance, and decisively attacked my rear with magical powers."

This is a major doubt. It must be known that the materials of the palaces in Jicheng City are extraordinary, and Liang Yan's consciousness cannot spread more than 50 feet, let alone penetrate the walls of the Golden Light Temple.

Lin Fan's ability to sense Liang Yan's flaws in advance was definitely not due to his divine sense.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's Tong Kong shrank.

"No, he left a mark on me!"

Almost instantly, Liang Yan had already guessed the outline of the matter.

Without any hesitation, he immediately sat cross-legged on the spot, the "mirror of Bodhi" began to operate, and all his spiritual consciousness was absorbed into his body, and he began to carefully examine all parts of his body.

After half a stick of incense, Liang Yan's head was already emitting green smoke, and there was a little bit of sweat on his forehead.

Suddenly, he slammed open his eyes, opened his mouth, and spit out a turbid air from his mouth.

In the turbid air, there was a black ball the size of a fingernail. As soon as it came out, it was firmly clamped by Liang Yan's two middle fingers.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The black ball was still wriggling, making a rat-like cry, and countless tiny tentacles protruded from the inside of the black ball, twisting looked very anxious.

"It turns out that it was you, the calamity, who finally forced you out!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, sword qi burst out from his fingertips, and instantly pierced into the black ball's body.


The black ball let out a scream, and then there was no movement.

Liang Yan rubbed his hands again, and the black ball turned into powder and sprinkled from his fingertips.

"What a clever method! I've been lurking in my body for so long, and I didn't even notice it. If it wasn't for his eagerness to succeed this time, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark."

Liang Yan secretly exclaimed in his heart, and became more vigilant towards Lin Fan.

"No wonder you wanted to make an alliance with me at the beginning. Now it seems that it was the hands and feet that were done in my body at that time..."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's face showed a strange color.

In fact, when the alliance was formed, he also played tricks in Lin Fan's body, but he was taking precautions and had no plans to take the initiative. This move was just in case.

Now it seems that Lin Fan is not really forming an alliance. On the contrary, this person seems to be plotting against himself.

"Among the top ten geniuses, there are quite a few cultivators who are blessed by nature. I ask myself that I'm still low-key, and I haven't attracted anyone's attention before. Why is Lin Fan just staring at me?" Liang Yan thought of this, his face showed Understand the color of incomprehension.

Obviously, Lin Fan came prepared, he seemed to care more about Liang Yan than the key to the next floor.

But the two didn't know each other and didn't have any grudges at all, so Lin Fan's actions were somewhat intriguing.

After thinking about it for a while, Liang Yan still couldn't guess Lin Fan's intention, so he could only give up temporarily, and thought to himself:

"Hmph, you have my restraint in your body, so don't bother me. If you meet me again, you will be crushed to ashes!"

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