The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1347: Buddha in temple

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then pointed to the golden oil lamp in the old man's hand, and then asked, "Is the oil lamp in the old man's hand also going to be sent to the Golden Light Temple?"


The puppet old man nodded, looking no different from the real person, and said solemnly: "I have been supporting this golden lamp at home for ten days, and I am going to send it to the Golden Light Temple today. Please protect our family from the Golden Light Buddha. Small."

"I see."

Liang Yan smiled slightly, thought about it, and said, "Old man, I also admire Jinguang Temple, can you take me with you?"

"Of course you can!" The puppet old man smiled and said, "They are all people who worship and worship Buddha. This little bit of work should be done. My little brother is by my side, and I will take you to the Golden Light Temple."

"it is good."

Liang Yan nodded and said nothing, silently following the puppet old man and walking down the street.

The two were speechless all the way, wandering around, and after walking for a few hours, the road ahead gradually opened up, revealing a magnificent and magnificent temple.

This temple is a hundred feet high, as if a hill is floating in the air. There are people from all directions who come to worship the Buddha.

When Liang Yan arrived here, he became more and more certain.

Because he found that almost all the puppets who entered the temple were carrying a golden oil lamp.

And in the oil lamps, there is a strange black gas that is difficult to detect!

"It seems that the clue is hidden in the temple!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and looked up at the Golden Temple in mid-air, with a look of vigilance on his face.

The closer you are to the clues, the more cautious you must be. Since you can find it here, other geniuses can also find it here.

"Brother, why don't you go, hurry up."

Seeing Liang Yan standing there and pondering, the puppet old man also stopped in front of him and turned back to urge.

However, Liang Yan was expressionless at this time, and did not respond to the other party at all.

As soon as he pinched the magic formula in his hand, the Heavenly Secret Pearl in his body spun rapidly, instantly disappearing his breath, and the whole person became ethereal and ethereal.

The puppet old man called out twice, but found that Liang Yan's breath had disappeared, and his face couldn't help showing a dazed look.

But soon, the puppet old man returned to normal, turned around, and continued to walk towards the Golden Light Temple in mid-air.

At this moment, Liang Yan had already concealed his figure and breath, like a wisp of ghost, walking up the steps all the way, and after a while, he had arrived at the gate of Jinguang Temple.

The Jinguang Temple is magnificent, the door is open, the inside is resplendent, and the style is extraordinary.

Liang Yan carefully observed the surroundings, and after confirming that he was not being followed by anyone, he carefully crossed the gate and entered the interior of the Golden Light Temple.

The Jinguang Temple is extremely magnificent. There are at least a dozen treasure halls in it, and one of them is particularly grand. Those puppets with oil lamps came from all directions and finally entered this treasure hall.

Without hesitation, Liang Yan followed the crowd and walked into the largest palace.

As soon as I entered, I heard the sound of chanting sutras and preaching the Dharma. I saw a golden giant Buddha in the treasure hall, with a huge body, about three people tall, sitting on the lotus throne, with a fat head and big ears, and a kind face.

In front of the golden giant Buddha, there are hundreds of devout believers, all puppets in the city, all kneeling on the tattered futon, listening to the Buddha's teaching.

"...When you think about it, there are false and wrong. If you think about it, it is called the true nature. Those who realize this law are the prajna law; those who practice this practice are the prajna practice. No Cultivation is ordinary, one thought of cultivation, oneself is like a Buddha.”

When the Buddha said this, he looked at the crowd, hehe smiled and said, "Everyone has heard this, can you understand anything?"

Among the crowd, a man in plain clothes kneeled on the ground reverently, and said in a respectful voice: "Thank you Jinguang Buddha, I have repented a lot, like waking up from a dream."

After the rest of the people listened, they also respectfully said: "Thank you Jin Guang Buddha for your advice!"

"it is good."

The Buddha nodded slightly, his face very pleased.

"Today I open a forum to teach the Fa, and the purpose is to purify all sentient beings. I am very relieved that you can understand something. It's just..."

Speaking of this, the conversation changed, with a meaningful smile on his face, and he slowly said: "Why do some people secretly hide in the dark to listen to the Dharma of this seat, but dare not show up to see it?"

As soon as these words came out, the believers in the hall immediately exploded, and many people stood up and looked around, their faces full of anger.

"Who has the guts to eavesdrop on the Dharma in the dark?"

"There are still people who are disrespectful to Golden Light Buddha!"

"Go find this man!"


There was a riot in the hall, but the Golden Light Buddha was the old god, and he waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Don't panic, everyone, and watch me use my magical powers to invite out the people hidden in the hall."

As soon as the words fell, he waved his hand, and the entire hall suddenly vibrated, and countless tiny golden streamers sprinkled from the beams, covering the entire hall in an instant.

As the golden streamer sprinkled, the three figures showed their bodies in the hall at the same time.

One of them is tall and straight, with broad shoulders, wearing a gray long shirt, it is Liang Yan who has been pursuing all the way here!

At this time, Liang Yan was also surprised.

He didn't expect that, with the cover of the Heavenly Secret Pearl, he could still be seen through.

But after thinking about it, it was not the Golden Light Buddha who saw through him, but the prohibition in the Golden Light Temple.

Although the Heavenly Secret Pearl could hide his breath, Liang Yan did not escape into the void. When his fleshly body entered the Golden Light Temple, he was discovered by some invisible restriction.

Although Golden Light Buddha knew that there were people hiding in the hall, he didn't know where the other party was hiding, so he stimulated the prohibition of the temple and revealed their figures.

Liang Yan, who appeared, was not flustered at all, his eyes only stayed on Jin Guangfo's body for a moment, and soon he looked to his left and right sides.

He did not expect that in addition to himself, there are two Tianjiao entering the Golden Light Temple at the same time!

One of them is a young man with a handsome face and unrestrained romance, like a wealthy grandson in the world; the other is a woman with a long white dress and flying blue silk, like an ice fairy.

"Yu Dongyang! Yu Linglong!"

Liang Yan looked at the other two and said with a slight smile, "I didn't expect the two fellow Daoists to come here too."

"Hehe, everyone is looking for clues to the next floor, so it's not surprising to gather here." Yu Dongyang laughed and said with a smile: "But fellow Daoist's concealment is really wonderful, and he is clearly in the main hall. Among them, Yu could not feel it at all."

"Each each other."

The smile on Liang Yan's face did not change, but there was a flash of light in his eyes.

I was in the hall just now, but I didn't find the other two people hiding, indicating that these two also have superb means of hiding their breath.

Both are the top ten talents, no one should be underestimated!

The three were on guard against each other and secretly distanced themselves from each other.

At this moment, the Golden Light Buddha who was sitting on the lotus throne smiled slightly and said, "The three of you came uninvited, but you want to listen to my Buddha's teaching?"

"Haha, Master's Dharma is profound and profound, and it really makes people feel stunned." Yu Dongyang replied very perfunctorily, but his eyes never looked at Jin Guangfo from the beginning to the end, but stared at Yu Linglong and Liang Yan. two people.

Obviously, in his heart, this Golden Light Buddha is far less threatening than the other two.


Golden Light Buddha glanced at the three of them, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly shouted:

"Since you see my Buddha, why don't you worship?"

This loud shout was like Hong Zhong Dalu, and the thunderous sound resounded throughout the entire Golden Light Temple, attracting the attention of the three of them to him.

At the same time, those believers who sincerely worshipped also gathered around, with strange black light flashing in their eyes, and said in unison:

"Since you see my Buddha, why don't you worship?"

"Since you see my Buddha, why don't you worship?"


Hundreds of letters were pressing on foot, but none of the three Tianjiao present moved a step.

"Noisy, you're worthy of making us bow down?"

Yu Linglong's face was cold, and the guqin flipped over behind her and landed in her hands.

Ding Dong!

With the sound of a crisp piano sound, the invisible waves spread out, instantly knocking the hundreds of puppets around into powder.


Golden Light Buddha glared angrily and shouted loudly: "Demon girl, how dare you kill my believers, I will let you know the Buddha's anger today!"

As soon as the words fell, he urged the lotus throne and flew into the air, but went to the top of Liang Yan's head.


This was unexpected, and Liang Yan did not expect that this Golden Light Buddha kept saying that he wanted to kill Yu Linglong, but when he really did it, he came after him!

At this time, it was too late to dodge, and in a hurry, I could only use the Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword to fight head-on.


The Purple Thunder Sword Pill came out of its sheath, turned into a lightning bolt, and headed straight for the Golden Light Buddha.


The lotus throne fell from the sky and collided with the purple thunder sword pill, the thunder sword intent rushing in all directions, and the lotus leaf golden light did not show weakness, covering the sword pill's sword qi, trying to use the boundless Buddha Dharma to resolve the murderous aura in the sword.

The two sides fought head-to-head and were evenly matched in a brief collision.

But before Liang Yan could make the next move, a red thread shot from behind the lotus throne, but it wrapped around his right ankle, and then a chilly aura entered the body from the red thread. .

"Yu Dongyang!"

Liang Yan had already seen the supernatural powers of Dongyang for a long time, and of course he would not admit his mistake at this time.

Looking up, sure enough, behind the lotus leaf throne, Yu Dongyang was chanting with one hand, chanting words in his mouth, while a red thread was wrapped around the tip of his right finger, and the other end was tied to his ankle.

Ding Dong!

There was another sound of the piano, and invisible fluctuations came from all directions, but this time it was aimed at Liang Yan alone, as if an invisible big hand wanted to completely imprison his physical body and spiritual power.

Up to now, Liang Yan still didn't understand, and while Jin Guangfo took advantage of him, the other two arrogances also chose to besiege him without hesitation.

In fact, this is also reasonable and reasonable. If you are yourself, if you have such a good opportunity, you will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of a competitor first.

"Hahaha! Shuzi, this is God's death!"

In the laughter, the Golden Light Buddha stepped on the lotus throne, and his huge body was like a hill, sitting on top of Liang Yan's head.


Facing the joint strike of the three, Liang Yan snorted coldly, his right eye suddenly turned gray, and a deadly gray gas appeared on the red line that bound his ankle, like a maggot attached to a bone, following the red line all the way. Going up, it was at Yu Dongyang's fingertips in an instant.


Yu Dongyang's Tong Kong shrank, as if seeing a poisonous insect and beast, he hurriedly swung his right hand, and the red thread fell off immediately, but a small part of the death energy still wrapped around the tip of his right finger, immediately turning half of his palm into a A lot of bones.


After screaming in agony, Yu Dongyang stepped back several dozen steps, his left palm turned into a knife, and he directly cut off his right palm by his wrist, which stopped the erosion of death energy.

After retreating to Dongyang, Liang Yan kept moving, the tactic changed again, Zilei Jianwan flew back upside down, turned into a giant thunder sword, and went to the back of Jin Guangfo's head.

This move was the surest way to save the enemy, Jin Guangfo had no choice but to give up attacking Liang Yan, turned around to use his great mana, condensed a thick golden wall, and blocked the thunderbolt of Zilei Jianwan.

At the same time, Liang Yan's mind moved, and a silver sword light flew out from the Taixu gourd, and instantly disappeared into the surrounding disappeared without a trace.


Yu Linglong, who was playing the guqin, changed his face, as if he had sensed some danger. He pressed the sound of the guqin, turned around, and appeared on the beam of the hall in the next moment.

And just at the moment she just disappeared, in the void behind her, a silver sword light galloped past, and the sword energy was so strong that it made people shudder.

"so close........"

Yu Linglong glanced back and knew that if he had slowed down by half a step just now, he might have been injured by this invisible sword.

After a round of confrontation, the four have their own temptations.

But in the blink of an eye, Liang Yan easily deciphered the joint strike of Jin Guangfo and the two Tianjiao, and he couldn't help but impress the other three.

At this moment, Yu Dongyang and Yu Linglong's faces were extremely solemn, and their eyes looking at Liang Yan were full of vigilance.

But Jin Guang Buddha laughed:

"Good boy, really amazing!"

Although he was praising Liang Yan, he had already turned around and slapped it with a backhand. A huge golden palm print shot up into the sky, but it rushed towards Yu Linglong on the roof beam.

Yu Linglong also did not expect that this Golden Light Buddha was attacking Liang Yan a moment ago, and the next moment he would attack him, he couldn't help being frightened and angry, and shouted: "Great monk, be as cunning as you can!"

Her feet lightly touched the beam of the house, and her whole body floated and retreated. At the same time, she gently fiddled with the guqin with both hands. The sound of the violin spread out, and the Golden Light Buddha was actually imprisoned in place.

Liang Yan could see clearly that the so-called "Golden Light Buddha" was actually just a puppet. For him, the other three were all outside testers, and his mission was to defeat all the testers.

Since everyone is an enemy, there is no such thing as cunning. Only when you see the hand, who is better to attack.

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