The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1312: pacify the army

After killing the ancestor of Huangshi, Liang Yan pocketed all the treasures of the other party.

The "Yellow Stone Seal" was handed over to Lao Jin, and as for the "Yellow Stone Puppet", it was included in his storage ring.

As soon as the ancestor of Huangshi died, no one in the Seven Star City army could resist Liang Yan. There was no suspense in this battle.

"Go, go back and see how the two armies are fighting."

Liang Yan gave an order, and Lao Jin immediately turned into a golden lion camel, carried him on his back, and flew in the direction of the Peerless City army.

The distance of 800 miles is nothing to Lao Jin, and it took only half a day to fly.

Seen from a distance, all kinds of lights roared and roared in mid-air. During the three-day battle between Liang Yan and Huangshi ancestors, the Wushuang City army was also fighting fiercely with the Seven Star City army.

On the Wushuang City side, thousands of monks from the Primordial Gathering Realm are all well-trained. Every hundred people form a team, led by the Jindan cultivator.

Looking at the seven-star city, it does not look like an elite army. Although the number of cultivators is large, they are defeated by the army of Peerless City.

Liang Yan saw this scene from a distance, nodded secretly, and said to himself:

"It seems that Bihai Palace still has a profound background. Even I have never seen such changes in the military formation. It should be left by the previous old palace master..."

Due to Guwangshan's rebellion, Bihai Palace suffered a great change, the old palace master died tragically, and Lin Yueque, who succeeded him, had a ghost, and was finally beaten to death by Linghu Bai.

Two consecutive palace masters died tragically, so that the current Bihai Palace has only Ning Xia, the ancestor of the robbery, and it seems that it is indeed declining.

But from today's battle, Liang Yan has seen the background of the Bihai Palace. As long as he can stabilize the situation, he can still carry forward the Bihai Palace in the future.

Lao Jin's speed was extremely fast, and at the moment when Liang Yan's thoughts turned, he had already brought him to the vicinity of the battlefield.

At this moment, in the high sky, the True Monarch Tongxuan of Bihai Palace, the four suzerains of the Anti-Monster Alliance, and the True Monarch Tongxuan of Seven Star City are also fighting fiercely. All kinds of magical powers, magic weapons, you come and go, and you have a lot of fun.

Due to the joining of the Anti-Monster League, the Tongxuan Zhenjun of Peerless City has overtaken the opponent, but the people of Seven Star City are obviously higher in cultivation. burden.

Liang Yan rode the golden lion camel with his hands behind his back and came from the clouds, which surprised everyone in Seven Star City.


"Palace Master Liang!"


When the monks in Wushuang City saw him, they naturally cheered, especially the four suzerains of the Anti-Monster Alliance. They treated Liang Yan not simply with respect, but in shock!

From their perspective, Liang Yan single-handedly fought with a cultivator who had overcome all five hardships. After three days and three nights of fighting, he came back unscathed.

If it weren't for the fact that they were in front of them, they would almost have thought that they had fallen into an illusion!

Xiong Jie, Zhou Rui, You Boshe, and Song Hezi looked at each other, and they all saw surprises on each other's faces. They had decided to follow Liang Yan before, but they were still a little uneasy in their hearts, not knowing whether this choice was correct.

But at this moment, everyone was determined.

Liang Yan is the person they want allegiance to!

As for the people in Seven Star City, all of them were horrified at this time. You looked at me and I looked at you, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"What's the matter, why don't you see the ancestor of Huangshi?"

"Yeah, our ancestor has been gone for three days and three nights, how come only the master of Bihai Palace came back?"

"Could it be..."

A terrible thought came to everyone's mind.

"No, it's impossible! What kind of cultivation is the ancestor of Huangshi? How could he possibly be defeated in the hands of a cultivator in the Profound Realm? This must be an illusion, yes, it must be an illusion! The people of Peerless City want to deceive us, I thank Anhe. You won't be fooled!"

Among the True Monarch Tongxuan in Seven Star City, a man in white shook his head and laughed. He didn't seem to believe that Liang Yan would be able to come back alive.

"Xie Anhe, since you said it so firmly, why don't you try it out to see if this person is an illusion?"

Behind the man in white, a short man in linen said with a smile.

Almost everyone knew his thoughts, that is, he wanted Xie Anhe to be the first bird, but Xie Anhe didn't know.

He glanced at the short man, and said sarcastically, "Ma Laoliu, you are short-sighted and timid as a mouse, Xie does not care about you, and sees me breaking this man's illusion and serving my Seven Star City army. Cheer!"

As soon as the words fell, Xie Anhe fluttered and flew forward, holding his hands in the air.

A purple glow gathered in front of him, and finally turned into a hundred-zhang-long magic sword, which descended from the sky and slashed at Liang Yan's head.

"Hmph, mere illusion, still want to hide from our Seven Star City? Let's see Xie Anhe smash it!"

Before he finished speaking, the long knife had already reached the top of Liang Yan's head.

Liang Yan was standing on Lao Jin's back at this time, with his hands behind his back, looking at the purple magic knife above his head, a strange look appeared on his face.

On the way here just now, he was still thinking about how to deal with the army of Seven Star City.

Is it to kill them all, or to give them a chance to survive, lest the unparalleled city and Qixing City become incompatible.

This matter involves the face of the two major forces, and any inappropriate choice may lead to war.

I was still hesitating at first, but now it's better, and the other side moved first.

The strange look on Liang Yan's face disappeared in a flash, and the next moment it became cold.

He didn't lift his head, just waved his big sleeves, and a sword qi swept out of his sleeves, instantly smashing the purple magic knife over his head into pieces.

Xie Anhe was flying in the air at this time, holding the handle of the purple magic knife, thinking about how to change his moves in the future if he missed a hit.

But before he could figure it out, the other party just waved his sleeve, and the purple magic knife that he had condensed with his lifelong cultivation base collapsed in an instant.


Xie Anhe roared loudly, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

The next moment, a large amount of blood spit out from his mouth, and his body fell down like a kite with a broken string.

The magic knife was destroyed, and Xie Anhe was also attacked.

Liang Yan glanced at him, without the slightest hint of pity, and flicked his fingers again.

brush! brush! brush!

Several streaks of cyan sword energy burst out from his fingertips and landed on Xie Anhe's body, instantly smashing the "Magic Blade True Monarch" into countless pieces.

one move!

With just one move, Liang Yan killed the general Tongxuan in Seven Star City!

Everyone was stunned!

Liang Yan's face was calm, he looked at the Tongxuan True Monarchs in Seven Star City, and said:

"Has he always been so brave?"

After listening to the seven-star city heroes, no one dared to refute. Facing Liang Yan, who came slowly on the golden lion camel, the entire Seven-star city army was silent!

Seeing this, Liang Yan stepped down from Lao Jin's back, put his hands behind his back in mid-air, and took a step forward.

As he took this step, as if there was invisible pressure, the entire Seven Star City army, more than two thousand cultivators who had experienced hundreds of battles, even retreated ten steps!

If Liang Yan enters again, Seven Star City retreats again!

The remaining seven Tongxuan True Monarchs, hundreds of Jindan cultivators, and more than 2,000 cultivators gathered in the Primordial Realm, in front of Liang Yan alone, did not even dare to let out the air.

Looking at the restless and worried people below, Liang Yan smiled and said:

"Three days ago, I gambled with the old thieves of Yellowstone, and now three days have passed, and everyone must know what the result will be."

As soon as these words came out, the sound of lamentation immediately came from the Seven Star City army.

Originally, they had guesses in their hearts, but at this moment, they felt extremely frustrated when they heard Liang Yan's own admission, which verified the guesses in their hearts.

The commander-in-chief of the army was beheaded, and the entire Seven Star City army lost their morale and had no fighting spirit. Facing the high fighting spirit of the Wushuang City army, there was no resistance at all.

Liang Yanao stood in mid-air, although his face was calm and his voice was not loud, but he had a powerful aura, pressing on the heads of everyone, so that the monks in Seven Star City didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Seven-star city violated my border and broke the covenant of the three cities without authorization. As the palace master of the Unparalleled City Bihai Palace, I have the right to kill all of you here..."

When Liang Yan said this, the seven-star city army immediately wailed, and many cultivators collapsed in their moods.

"Please, Palace Master Liang, be gracious outside the law and leave us alive......"

The seven Tongxuan True Monarchs in mid-air also all pressed down at this time, no different from those ordinary soldiers, and also knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Palace Master Liang is merciful, I have already known the divine power of Wushuang City, and I will never dare to do it again from now on. Please open the door and leave us a way to live..."

True Monarch Tongxuan and Jindan cultivator from Seven Star City opened their mouths to beg for mercy, but Liang Yan shook his head and said sternly:

"When the two armies are at war, how can you be merciful? Today I let go of your monks in Seven Star City, will you let go of my peers in Peerless City in the future?"

Although this sentence was not loud, it fell into the ears of everyone below, but it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Palace Master Liang!"

The seven Tongxuan True Monarchs were so frightened that they were sweating like rain, and they wanted to say something else, but when they saw Liang Yan wave his hands, he said in a daze: "Okay, I will give you a way to survive, the monks below the Jindan realm, If you are willing to abolish your cultivation, and swear that you will never be an enemy of Wushuang City again in this life, I can let you go."

As soon as he said these words, the Seven Star City army immediately burst into an uproar.

More than 2,000 cultivators from the Primordial Gathering Realm, when you look at me and I look at you, they all have complex expressions on their faces.

Self-abandoning cultivation means that hundreds of years of penance are destroyed in one fell swoop!

No one can accept this kind of thing, but if you don't do it, there will only be a dead end......

In fact, this choice is not difficult, if the cultivation base is gone, you can practice again, but if the life is gone, there is nothing left! This time, it was their Seven-Star City that crossed the border first. Liang Yan was right. According to the rules, he could kill everyone in Seven-Star City.

Now Liang Yan has given them a choice, and the only choice, although this choice is a bit cruel, but at least it can save their lives!

After being silent for a while, someone in the army of Seven Star City suddenly stood up. It was a tall and thin man whose cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Yuan Gathering Realm.

"Reincarnation Paradise"

"I, Guan Peiran, swear here that in this life and this world, I will never be an enemy of Wushuang City, and I will never be an enemy of Palace Master Liang!"

After saying that, he slapped a palm on his forehead, the aura in his body dissipated crazily, his cultivation slowly dissipated, and finally he reached the peak of Qi training.

Below the foundation-building stage, there is no difference from the secular martial artist. This person has achieved this step, even if he has fulfilled the requirement of "self-destruction and cultivation" as Liang Yan said.

With this person taking the lead, people stood up one after another, swore an oath in front of Liang Yan, and then scattered their own cultivation base and fell to the level of Qi refining.

In a short period of half a column of incense, among the seven-star city army, more than 2,000 monks in the Yuanyuan realm have all become Qi-refining period, and each has sworn by the demons that they will never be enemies with Wushuang City in this life.

"Okay, now that you have completed my request, you can disperse on your own."

Liang Yan's voice floated from the air, without a trace of emotion.

"Thank you, Palace Master Liang!"

The ordinary soldiers in Seven Star City breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Liang Yan on the ground for not killing them, and then slowly retreated in the direction of the Seven Star Region.

The crowd rushed in, and there were hundreds of monks left. At this time, they were all kneeling on the ground, trembling in fear, not even daring to breathe.

"Liang...Palace Master How are you going to deal with us." A beautiful female nun asked boldly.

Liang Yan glanced at these people and said coldly: "This time the Seven Star City violated my border, you and others are the masterminds. According to the law of Peerless City, you should have died, but I can make the decision and leave you a way of life... …”

Hearing the word "life", the seven Tongxuan Zhenjun were all refreshed and did not dare to interrupt.

I only heard the cold voice and continued: "As long as you take the initiative to let go of the soul, let the subordinates of my Bihai Palace plant a brand in your soul and become the servants of my Bihai Palace, I can save your life."

"Soul Brand!"

The expressions of the seven Tongxuan True Monarchs and the more than 300 Jindan cultivators in Seven Star City changed drastically.

If this kind of thing is planted by others, it will be at the mercy of others in this life.

One side is the death of the body, and the other side is a slave.

Everyone fell into silence, and it was difficult to make a choice for a while.

"You have no choice. This is the only way to survive. Otherwise, according to the rules of the war between the two armies, I will kill you all."

Liang Yan's voice sounded again, and at the same time, there was a cyan sword glow on his fingertips.

When everyone looked up and saw this scene, they all remembered the tragic situation of Xie Anhe, and suddenly there was a feeling in their hearts, as if the sword beam was about to fall on them in the next moment!

Cold sweat fell from the forehead, and the seven Tongxuan True Monarchs looked at each other, and finally made up their minds.

"We are willing to follow Palace Master Liang, and in this life and this life, we are willing to fight for Bihai Palace!"

With these seven True Monarch Tongxuan taking the lead, the remaining 300 or so cultivators in the Jindan realm no longer resisted, and expressed their willingness to let go of their souls and let the cultivators of Bihai Palace plant their soul imprints in their bodies.

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