The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1304: chase

Ye Tianling was full of despair at the moment.

The five gods of war from the back land that he had condensed with a thousand years of cultivation were actually beheaded by Liang Yan with a single sword!

The "five gods" in the body collapsed, and the thousand-year-old cultivation base was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Not only that, but now he can't fight but can't, and can't run if he wants to!

Not long ago, it was his own order to ask True Monarch Hongyun to help him buy ten breaths, but now only three breaths have passed.

Three breaths... There are still seven breaths left before True Monarch Hongyun unlocks the spell!

Ye Tianling has never felt this way before...... The time is so long!

The remaining seven breaths of time, to him, seemed to never end!

"Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasma" blocked in front of him and blocked the entire space. Even with his cultivation at the peak of Tong Xuan, there was no way to break this barrier in a short period of time.

"Damn, old thief Hongyun, you killed me......"

This was Ye Tianling's last thought before his death.

The next moment, he felt a piercing pain in his waist, the lower part of the body still kept a forward-forward posture, but the upper part of the body flew up involuntarily.

A blue-green sword light pierced through the sky and slashed towards his waist, instantly severing the Lingxiao Zhenjun, who was at the peak of Tongxuan's peak, into two pieces!

After beheading Ye Tianling, the sword light remained unabated, and cut to the surface of the "Three Immortals and Red Cloud Miasmas"...


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the courtyard.

True Monarch Hongyun heard the sound, frowned slightly, and let out a light whimper.

"Strange? It's not even ten breaths, why is there such a big movement? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao has already succeeded?"

Thinking like this, True Monarch Hongyun narrowed his eyes and looked towards the middle of the courtyard.

I saw the clouds and mists rolling in there, and the huge power surged in, actually tearing a gap in my "Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasma".

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a hook nose emerged from it. It was his partner on this trip, True Monarch Ling Xiao Ye Tianling!

"Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao, why are you so reckless!"

Seeing Ye Tianling, True Monarch Hongyun rolled his eyes and said with a displeased expression: "I know that you have captured the Palace Master Bihai Palace, and you are very excited, but you can't destroy my 'Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasma', just need to After waiting for ten breaths, this seat will naturally unlock the magic barrier."

When he saw Ye Tianling showing his head, he was preconceived, thinking that the other party had captured Liang Yan and couldn't wait to leave here, so he forcibly broke his "Three Immortals and Red Cloud Miasmas".

But when True Monarch Hongyun was halfway through speaking, he immediately discovered something was wrong.

Because this Ye Tianling's eyes were sluggish, he didn't even look at himself at all, and his arms stretched out forward.


True Monarch Hongyun let out a sigh, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The next moment, Ye Tianling saw Ye Tianling emerge from the red cloud. The strange thing was that he only had the upper half of his body, and there was no trace of him below the waist, and the incision was even, and it looked like he had been cut at the waist by some kind of sharp object.

brush! brush! brush!

Behind Ye Tianling's half body, a primordial spirit appeared, but before he could escape, countless cyan swords swarmed out from the red cloud, instantly smashing his primordial spirit to ashes!

"Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao!"

At this time, True Monarch Hongyun finally recognized a fact.

The True Monarch Ling Xiao, who claimed to be able to capture the opponent within ten breaths, not only did not defeat Liang Yan, but within three breaths, he was cut down by Liang Yan to the point that not even his Primordial Spirit remained!

Thinking of this, True Monarch Hongyun felt a chill on his back.

His cultivation strength is not as strong as that of True Monarch Ling Xiao, and he had planned to escape because of the other party's words that he reluctantly stayed. Unexpectedly, the person who swore in front of him to capture the master of the Bihai Palace actually died in front of him in a blink of an eye!

"No, Shuzi hurt me! My life is over!"

Seeing Ye Tianling's tragic state, True Monarch Hongyun was so frightened that he didn't dare to stop for a moment, turned around and flew out of the house.

"I want to go now, don't you think it's too late?"

Liang Yan's voice came out of the clouds and fell into the ears of True Monarch Hongyun, as if an evil ghost was demanding his life.

As soon as the words fell, a sword light flew out from the red cloud, rushing straight to the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it was behind Zhenjun Hongyun.

At this time, True Monarch Hongyun was pale and sweating profusely. Although he knew the sword intent behind him was monstrous, he didn't dare to look back.

I don't know what material the disc was made of. The water waves on it flowed, the rays of the sun were overflowing, and there were faintly mysterious runes looming around.


With the force in his hand, the jade plate was crushed by True Monarch Hongyun, and a white scorching brilliance enveloped his whole body.

Cyan Jianguang arrived just at this time, just like killing True Monarch Ling Xiao, he slashed at True Monarch Hongyun's waist with a sword.

If True Monarch Hongyun uses any magical power or magic weapon to defend, there will only be one end, that is, he will be cut in half like Ye Tianling.

But he didn't use any means to defend, and let the sword light come to a distance of about three feet behind him, and the white burning light burst into flames, and he disappeared in place with him.


This time, when it comes to Liang Yan, there is a voice of surprise.

In the courtyard, the "Three Immortals and Red Cloud Miasmas" slowly faded away because no one was controlling them, revealing Liang Yan's figure.

He was looking at the sky at this time, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Void Escape Technique, there are still residues of space power around... This is not an ordinary spell, there are people nearby who are responding to them!"

Liang Yan pondered for a moment in the courtyard, then suddenly shouted, "Where is Bai Qingruo?"

"The disciple is here!"

With a clear female voice, Bai Qingruo's figure appeared behind him.

At the same time, Cang Yueming, Situ Kuangsheng, Xiong Jie, Zhou Rui and other Tongxuan True Monarchs also appeared one after another, leading the army of the Bihai Palace and the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance to rush over from all directions.

"Can you trace the True Monarch Red Cloud based on the residual traces of this space power?" Liang Yan asked.

"Disciple can give it a try." Bai Qingruo thought for a while.

"Okay, do your best!"

Liang Yan nodded, his face suddenly became serious, he glanced at the Bihai Palace and the army of the Anti-Monster Alliance, and said solemnly: "Everyone, this is not the only stronghold in Seven Star City, there may be a large number of people nearby. What we are about to face is probably an army from Seven Star City.”

"The army of Seven Star City!"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the field.

Especially those cultivators of the Anti-Monster Alliance, they originally thought that they were only fighting against ordinary monsters, and never thought that there would be an army of Seven Stars City stationed at the border.

Liang Yan was not in a hurry to speak, and let everyone discuss for a while, and then waved his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone, since I have discovered the movement of Seven Star City and expel the foreign enemies, it is my duty as a monk of the Bihai Palace! As for the righteous people of the Anti-Monster Alliance, if you don't want to go there, you can leave now. I, Liang Yan, swear here, I will never Follow up! And those who are willing to follow Liang will be a member of my Bihai Palace after this battle!"

"Eternal God Emperor"

After these words, there was another commotion in the army.

Unlike the barrenness of the border areas, Wushuang City has more abundant cultivation resources. Joining Wushuang City is definitely a good thing for the monks on the border.

And not only does their personal cultivation resources increase, but even the sect they belong to can also increase their prestige.

Some people in the Anti-Demon League were eager to move, but some people shook their heads and sighed.

In the eyes of those who sigh, no matter how good the resources are, they must have their lives to fight for them.

If it is to fight against the demon clan, they are duty-bound, but now they are facing the army of Seven Star City. If they catch up at this time, there will be a big battle.

In the war between Seven Star City and Wushuang City, the monks of these small sects are probably just cannon fodder, and the Seven Star City army is overwhelmed, and there may be an ancestor of Hua Jie in the army. If that is the case, I am afraid they will all go. No return.

There were whispers in the crowd. At this time, it was no longer a death battle between the human race and the demon race, and many people began to think about themselves.

Liang Yan was also a loose cultivator, so he naturally knew their concerns, so he didn't force it at such a time, but left the choice in their own hands.

"This battle is for the unparalleled city. You can choose to stay or stay, and Liang will never interfere. As for those who stay behind, although Liang can't guarantee your life and death, he can promise that no matter whether the monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance or the The monks of my Bihai Palace, Liang will treat them equally, and there will never be any partiality!"

These words were loud and clear, and many people looked at them.

Since the tragic death of the previous two palace masters, the Bihai Palace has been declining in recent years. After Liang Yan took over the Bihai Palace, the situation has not improved.

That's why he chose to take command of the expedition in person. One is to show off his prestige, and the other is to attract manpower.

The monks of the Anti-Monster Alliance have resisted the demon clan for ten years at the border without receiving support, which is enough to show that these people are determined and cooperate tacitly, and they are definitely not a mob.

In particular, Zhou Rui, the head of Yuchan Cave, Xiong Jie, the head of the Tuotian School, You Boshe, the head of the Fengshen School, and Song Hezi, the head of the Chisong Temple!

These four Tongxuan True Monarchs were able to maintain their original intentions even when someone around them was bribed, and they never betrayed Wushuangyu in the end, which shows that these four people are very reliable.

Liang Yan intends to attract people, so he will say what he said before, but he also knows that the melon is not sweet, and he will not stop the monks who are unwilling to stay.

Sure enough, the crowd whispered for a long time, and some people started to leave one after another.

These people are monks who are unwilling to continue to take risks, and chose to retreat bravely and protect themselves.

After about half a cup of tea, the riots in the crowd gradually subsided, and the entire army calmed down again.

Liang Yan glanced roughly and found that most of the cultivators of the Anti-Monster League had left, and only less than one-third remained.

This is also within his expectation. Wushuang City recruits city disciples, which has always been expensive and not expensive. It is enough to have one-third of the monks who are willing to follow him. And those monks who left were either not determined enough or too selfish, so it might not be a good thing for them to join the Bihai Palace.

Another thing that makes Liang Yan fortunate is that Zhou Rui, Xiong Jie, You Boshe, and Song Hezi, the four Tongxuan True Monarchs, all chose to stay. Four Tongxuan True Monarchs have appeared.

"Everyone, you trust Liang, and Liang will not let you down. After this battle, you are all heroes of Peerless City, and you will never be treated badly by then!"

Liang Yan's voice resounded in all directions, and after listening to the remaining monks in the Anti-Monster League, they also shouted in unison:

"Liang Gongzhu Shenwei, I am willing to follow, go through fire and water, and do whatever it takes!"

"it is good!"

Liang Yan nodded with satisfaction and looked at Bai Qingruo beside him.

This woman is concentrating on casting spells. She has a bloodline of emptiness, and her perception of the power of space is different from ordinary people, so Liang Yan asked her to track True Monarch Hongyun.

After waiting for a while, Bai Qingruo's face finally showed a happy look.

"found it!"

The woman turned around and told Liang Yan: "True Monarch Hongyun went to the southwest. At this time, he was already thousands of miles away, and he was not the only one there!"

"That's the person who was sent by Seven Star City to meet up. The distance of a thousand miles should still be within the border of our Peerless Domain..."

Liang Yan had expected this for a long At this time, he looked at the southwest direction, and after pondering for a while, he suddenly ordered loudly:

"Everyone obeyed the order. Now the army will set off immediately to track True Monarch Red Cloud. They must be intercepted before they leave the border, and these seven-star city cultivators who dare to invade our territory will be wiped out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, both the monks from the Bihai Palace and the Anti-Monster League responded in unison:

"Swear to follow Palace Master Liang to the death!"

"Expel the enemy bandits, return my mountains and rivers!"

"Swear to kill foreign thieves!"


Two days later.

In the area close to the southwest border of Wushuangyu, four rays of light are traversing rapidly.

The four were three men and one woman. One of them was an old man with a short stature and flaming red hair. It was the True Monarch Hongyun who escaped from Liang Yan that day!

"I said fellow Daoist Hongyun, do we need to be in such a hurry? As far as I know, the palace master of the Bihai Palace is only at the Profound Opening Realm. How could he scare you like this?"

During the flight, a black-clothed man smiled softly, with a hint of cynicism on his face, shook his head and said, "In my opinion, it's fine if this guy named Liang Yan doesn't come, if he dares to come, hehe, just Let him see the methods of my Black Tiger True Monarch!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

True Monarch Hongyun interrupted him impatiently, and said in a low voice, "Even fellow Daoist Ling Xiao died at this person's hands. With your cultivation level, don't make a fool of yourself! If you want to survive, just Boost!"

"What? Ye Tianling is dead?"

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the other three changed at the same time.

When True Monarch Hongyun crushed the jade plate and was brought over by these three people, he didn't say anything, just urged them to run for their lives. Only now did he reveal some news that Ye Tianling had already died in battle!

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