The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1286: Zhan Yun Suyi!

"Looks like you already knew I was here."

Above the bamboo forest, ripples appeared in the calm void, and a cold woman said indifferently.

After listening to Liang Yan, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Sect Master Yun is the leader of the faction, and Liang came to visit, but he didn't dare to come to see him. Instead, he instigated a junior to lead the charge. If this matter spreads out, it will inevitably be ridiculed by others, right?"

"What nonsense!"

With an angry shout, two female figures appeared above the bamboo forest.

One of them was tall and had a thin shirt, and it was Yun Suyi, the current sect master of Su Xinzhai. Behind her was a middle-aged Taoist nun who was her disciple Lin Chunxia.

Looking at the man standing in the bamboo forest, Yun Suyi's face was thin and angry, and she said lightly: "Palace Master Liang, you are too arrogant! Not only did you arrest my disciples, but you dared to come to the door to provoke me. No one can do it?"

Liang Yan glanced at her and said calmly: "It was these disciples under your sect who violated the city lord's order and massacred the two great cultivation families of the Sima and Zhu families. I will send them to the Shura Palace for their release during this trip. will be heard."

"you dare?!"

Yun Suyi raised her eyebrows and said angrily, "My disciple has made a mistake, and I am the head of the sect. It's not your turn to take over! If you are sensible, then quickly release my disciple, otherwise don't let it go. Blame me for not giving you the face of the Palace Master of the Bihai Palace!"

"Are you here to discipline?" Liang Yan's face showed a hint of a smile but not a smile, and he said lightly: "Exactly, I heard Ning Xuanqing say that the task of slaughtering the Zhu family this time was given by your suzerain, I don't know if it was Isn't it?"

"What if it is, what if it isn't?"

Yun Suyi didn't take his problem to heart, her face was very cold.

"There's a big difference here." Liang Yan smiled and said, "If Ning Xuanqing took the initiative to kill the Sima family and the Zhu family, then I'll just **** them back to the city, but if it's you Given the order, Liang had no choice but to **** the Sect Master back to Peerless City."

As soon as this statement came out, Yun Suyi didn't get angry immediately, but was stunned for a while, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

But soon, she was sure she had heard it right.

"You want to **** me to the Shura Palace as well?"

Yun Suyi seemed to have heard the most absurd thing in the world, and laughed in anger.

"Palace Master Liang, I call you 'Palace Master'. That's for the sake of City Master Linghu. You won't really think you're right, and take a chicken feather as an arrow, right?"

These words were extremely rude, but Liang Yan did not show any anger, but calmly said:

"Don't be noisy, just answer me, have you given the order to slaughter the family?"

"Hmph, what if it's my life?" Yun Suyi snorted coldly: "There is a competition between the major powers of self-cultivation. In the past, Xuanguang Mountain Villa fought with our sect, and also slaughtered the aristocratic sects that belonged to us. Now that Xuanguang Villa is destroyed, we Su Xinzhai take back some resources as compensation, what's wrong with this?"

After listening to Liang Yan, he shook his head and said: "There is no right or wrong in the battle between the sects, but you are wrong. Knowing that Linghu City Lord has ordered, but he still does not stop, he will go his own way, slaughtering people, this move will definitely Cause turmoil! Since Liang was ordered to be the Lord of the City of Linghu and was named the Lord of the First Palace, I can't stand idly by when I bump into this matter."

"Good one can't 'stand by'!" Yun Suyi's eyes were extremely cold, and she said lightly: "It's useless to talk more, what do you want?"

"Of course I'll take you back!"

As soon as the word "go" came out, Liang Yan took a step forward, and a azure light flashed from the Taixu gourd around his waist, rising up into the sky, and in an instant in front of Yun Suyi.

Yun Suyi did not expect that this person would take action when he said it. Facing her cultivator in the calamity realm, she did not have the slightest sense of awe.

"Good boy, you are courting death!"

Yun Suyi was furious, she turned her left hand over, an extra white jade whisk appeared, and when she glanced at the sky, a white vortex formed around it.

An air of ice filled the vortex, and it was transmitted through Feijian's mind sense.

"Ice jade art!"

This practice method has been seen before in the fight with Ning Xuanqing, but Ning Xuanqing's Taoism is too shallow and his skills are not enough, so he can't play the mystery of this practice method.

Now displayed by the head of Yun Suyi, the power of ice cover covers the entire valley, and the vortex composed of cold air is getting bigger and bigger in the air, like a wild beast, trying to swallow all the enemies in front of it!

"Boy, don't think that if you beat Yu Xiaolong, you will be mad in front of this seat! No matter how high Yu Xiaolong's talent is, it is only at the Xuanxuan realm. This seat has survived one disaster and three disasters, how could it be you? What can the boy compete against?"

Yun Suyi's voice came from high in the sky, and her tone was full of sarcasm.

"Humph, Bingyu Gong? But err!"

Liang Yan's expression remained the same, and he snorted coldly. The Sword Baby and Jiuzhuan Jindan in his body were activated at the same time.

Yun Suyi swallowed Liang Yan's sword pill with a vortex of cold air, and was secretly practicing, and wanted to freeze the sword pill, but before she could exert her strength, the blue sword pill had already swept up a storm, and just before her own cold vortex Inside, the storm is getting bigger and bigger, gradually turning into a towering giant pillar.


With a muffled sound, the vortex of cold air condensed by Yun Suyi's own icy cold power was smashed from the inside by a cyan storm, and countless sword qi scattered out, like a stream of fireflies filling the sky and the earth.

"Sword Baby!"

After all, Yun Suyi is a master of the faction, no less than Ning Xuanqing, Yu Xiaolong and the like, and she can see Liang Yan's methods at a glance.

"How is that possible?! The lineage of Jianxiu has long since been broken, and the entire Peerless Domain does not have the cultivation technique of the Sword Infant Realm. How did you practice it!" Yun Suyi's face was full of disbelief.

"Break the inheritance? That's not necessarily!"

Liang Yan sneered, the "Fish and Dragon Dance" he practiced was a secret of the Bihai Palace, and Lin Yue lacked all his efforts back then, and even plotted against his own master to get this exercise. This shows that "Fish and Dragon Dance" Dragon Dance is extraordinary.

Yun Suyi was not a monk in Wushuang City, so naturally she didn't know the inside story. She thought that there was no Sword Infant Realm technique in Wushuang Domain, but she didn't know that Liang Yan had obtained the inheritance of the sword art of Bihai Palace and was worthy of the name of the master of Bihai Palace.


It was Yun Suyi's stupefied effort that the cyan sword light had broken through her ice power, descending from the sky and slashing with a sword.

"not good!"

When Yun Suyi arrived at this time, she finally knew that the person in front of her was not "a new born calf who is not afraid of tigers", but a cultivator with real strength and calamity.

She didn't dare to be careless any more, she hurriedly pinched the magic trick with both hands, and a full moon rose high behind her head.

Liang Yan stared at it and found that the full moon was actually a sharp ring, the center was hollow, shrouded in the white brilliance of the moon, and there was a circle of blades as thin as cicada wings on the periphery, spinning non-stop in mid-air, buzzing. .

At this time, the Mayfly Sword Pill was falling from the sky and slashed with a sword. Facing the sharp sword energy, Yun Suyi didn't flinch, she stretched out her hand, and the "full moon" behind her head flew out.

This "full moon" is her natal magic weapon, called "Magic Sky Slash".

It is said that after Yun Suyi broke through the Tribulation Realm, she once went to the extreme west of the whole continent alone, and got a chance in an abandoned cave. She used precious materials such as glazed ice silk, Wannian Yunzhi, and Wuji soil to repair ancient times. A broken magic weapon left by the cultivator, which is now the "Magic Sky Slash".

This Phantom Sky Slash is extremely sharp, and ordinary magic weapons can't resist its slashing, and ordinary magical powers such as wind, fire, water, and thunder can't hurt it. Many Hua Jie ancestors were terrified.


In mid-air, Mayfly Sword Pill and Huankong Zhan fought each other, and the two sides flew back each other without the slightest damage.

However, while Huan Kong Zhan was going backwards, it hummed and trembled, apparently because Yun Suyi lacked stamina and was taken advantage of by Liang Yan's sword energy.

"What a strong sword energy! The realm of the sword infant really lives up to its reputation!"

Yun Suyi's complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly changed the tactics. The Magic Kong Zhan swayed gently in the air, dividing into two, dividing into four, and dividing into eight.

Eight identical full moon scimitars scattered in eight directions, both true and false, all exuding powerful power.


Liang Yan squinted his eyes, and his consciousness spread out, trying to find out the true position of Fa Bao.

However, he was surprised to find that the magic weapons in these eight directions were actually infused with spiritual power, and they all looked real.

"Boy, cultivator fighting is not only about the power of supernatural powers, but also depends on scheming means. Today, I will let you learn a lot!"

Yun Suyi pondered secretly in her heart, and hurriedly pinched the magic trick in her hand. Eight "Magic Sky Slashes" were launched at the same time, and the gas of ice turned into a sharp blade, cutting towards Liang Yan's position.

Seeing that the eight magic weapons were attacking at the same time, Liang Yan couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

"Southwest? No! Southeast....No!"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the huge power of consciousness rushed out like a tidal wave. Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Neither right!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Mayfly Sword Pill turned into a sword light with a length of 10 feet, and gently picked it up behind him.


With a muffled sound, the void behind him was twisted, and a round moon was picked out by the sword light, hanging in the air, spinning non-stop!

At the same time that this round of the full moon appeared, the "phantom slashes" in the eight directions around them all stopped in place, and after a while, they all disappeared with a slight shake.


Yun Suyi saw this scene from a distance, her face was extremely horrified.

Her "Illusory Slash" is a magic weapon left by the ancient monks. It is strange and peculiar. It can not only cover up her own whereabouts, but also conjures up eight identical magic weapon afterimages.

The afterimages of these magical treasures are enough to mix the fake with the real, even the monks in the realm of catastrophe are difficult to distinguish the real and fake, let alone find the real location of the "phantom slash".

According to Yun Suyi's idea, the reason why Liang Yan was able to fight with the cultivators in the transcendence realm was entirely due to the power of Jianying, but his own realm was still in the Xuanxuan realm, and the power of divine consciousness was naturally inferior to that of the robbery realm cultivators. .

So she was sure that Liang Yan would not be able to crack this trick!

But she didn't know that Liang Yan was no ordinary cultivator of the Profound Opening Realm.

First of all, he has the "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" in his body, the supreme secret method of Buddhism, and the "mirror of Bodhi" can remove the false and retain the true, and distinguish right from wrong.

Secondly, Liang Yan absorbed Xuanyuan Qi's power of consciousness. In order to escape from Xuanyuan Potian's hands in the battle of Guangling City, Xuanyuan Qi gave up the cultivation of his body and flesh for so many years, and only focused on refining his soul with secret methods, so this person's power of consciousness is extremely powerful. , After being assimilated and absorbed by Liang Yan, it also made Liang Yan's spiritual power surge to an incredible level.

The combination of the Buddhist secret method and the power of divine consciousness gave Liang Yan an extraordinary perception ability, so he was able to judge that the eight "magic sky cuts" around him were fake in just a few breaths. And the real one is hidden in the void behind him!

"Hehe, is this the method of Su Xinzhai Sect Master? But Er'er!"

Liang Yan's sword hit the "Phantom Sky Slash", and countless sword qi swarmed out, slashing this magic weapon with a buzzing sound.

Yun Suyi's face changed greatly, she hurriedly activated her spiritual power, and wanted to recall her own magic weapon, but at this time she found that her magic weapon had been blocked by the opponent's sword energy, and no matter how hard she tried, she did not respond at all.

Liang Yan laughed loudly, used his sword to carry the "Illusory Sky Slash", stepped into the void, and strode forward.

"Sect Master Yun, if you have any other moves, just use them!"

As soon as the words fell, he raised his hand and shook, and three sword qi emanated out of thin air, slashing towards the top of Yun Suyi's head.

Na Yun Suyi lost his life magic weapon, and the square inch was in chaos. The magic trick in his hand was eagerly pinched, and he repeated the old technique, turning the power of ice cold into a long sword, and slashing the three swords above his head.

However, she had just started to use the tactic when she saw a vertical eye split between Liang Yan's eyebrows in mid-air. The "celestial vision" was displayed, the pupils turned slightly, and a black beam of light shot from high in the sky.

"This is......."

As soon as Yun Suyi's thoughts turned, she was enveloped by this black light, the speed suddenly slowed down, and the operation of the internal exercises also experienced a momentary delay.

In normal times, this moment of hysteresis might not have any effect, but under Liang Yan's sword energy is like the wind, as long as it slows down for a moment, it is a world of difference!

The three sword qi easily bypassed Yun Suyi's cold ice blade, galloped down, and entered Yun Suyi's body in an instant.

puff! puff! puff!

With the three muffled sounds, Yun Suyi's body-protecting aura was broken, sword energy entered the body, and blood flowed like a stream.

The Sect Master of Su Xinzhai was disheveled at this time, and his face was embarrassed. He hurriedly mobilized all the spiritual power in his body to suppress the sword qi in the body. However, the three sword qi were like maggots attached to the bones, and they kept making chaos in her body.

"Hehe, it turns out that Sect Master Yun has nothing but a good magic weapon himself!"

In the air, Liang Yan's sneer came.

In his eyes, although this Yun Suyi is in the same realm as the Confucian gods, in terms of supernatural power, it is far less powerful. If it weren't for a strange magic weapon, I'm afraid it won't last now.


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