The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1219: magic change

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The scorching sun shines brightly in the sky.

The fiery red crane spread its wings and flew high, and thousands of streams of gold fell from the sky. The power of pure yang was like a vast ocean, shrouding Liang Yan below.

Liang Yan's long hair was flying, and his face was flushed red, but his eyes were not afraid.

He only has a green light to open the way in front of him. Wherever the sword edge passes, even the mighty pure Yang force has to retreat, and it is not the enemy of the blue sword edge.


In just a few breaths, the cyan sword light has already cut through the sky and rushed into the sky. Immediately after the sword's edge turned around, a green light pierced through the clouds and slashed on the flying crane.

A roar came from the clouds, and the fiery red crane ate the sword, its wings fluttered, and its feathers fell off, turning into lumps of magma, dyeing the sky red, and burning the cumulus mountain below. .

Zhu Youqing's face changed greatly. He never imagined that even with all his pure yang power, he would not be able to suppress this person!

Seeing that the second sword was slashed again, he did not dare to use the crane to meet the enemy, and hurriedly took out the two water-splitting thorns in his hand and took the initiative to meet it.

"Haotian Shengong" is the sect-suppressing practice of Haotian Sect. It tempers the flesh with the power of pure yang. As the deputy sect master, Zhu Youqing has cultivated this practice to the top level long ago. Every move has the power of pure yang. It can destroy gold and break stones, and it is unbelievable!


A crisp sound came, but it was Zhu Youqing who used the double thorns to hold Liang Yan's mayfly sword pill.

The sword pill was held up by him with the sword, and it spun endlessly, the violent sword qi gushing out like a tide, forming a sword qi whirlwind in front of Zhu Youqing, as if a **** mouth would involve him in it.

In the face of such a close threat, Zhu Youqing's face was solemn, his whole body was flushed red, lines like meridians appeared on the surface of his skin, and a fire suddenly erupted all over his body.


The huge pure yang power was like a volcanic eruption, melting all the sword qi that came from the lasing, and a fiery red whirlwind flew out from behind Zhu Youqing, mixing with the sword qi whirlwind.

In an instant, the power of pure yang and the mayfly sword energy scattered and danced in all directions! Half of the sky is occupied by a whirlwind of blue and red!

This is the first time Liang Yan has fought since he cultivated into a sword baby. The two of them have no reservations. They use sword energy to attack Chunyang. .

But the two of them are very calm, without the slightest slack, and have not revealed the slightest flaw from beginning to end, so that they still can't tell the winner after a hundred strokes.

"Boy, I don't think it's easy for you to cultivate, why do you need to come to this pool of muddy water?" Zhu Youqing asked while he was busy.

"Hand over the beads, Liang will leave immediately!"

Liang Yan replied indifferently to him, but Feijian was not slow at all, but instead slashed at the opponent while speaking.

Zhu Youqing knew that there was no possibility of negotiation, and he didn't say much. He danced his double thorns with the power of pure yang and fought Mayfly Jianwan in mid-air.

The two sides fought for another 30 moves. Liang Yan was thinking about how to defeat the enemy, but Jing Yuan suddenly went crazy and threw the ghost lamp in his left hand.

Although Zhu Youqing had pure yang body protection, the ghost energy was also vicious and pervasive, and while he was fighting with Liang Yan, he penetrated the body protection aura and flew towards the back of his head.

The chill behind him was faint, and Zhu Youqing was taken aback. He was fighting with Liang Yan at the moment, and he had no time to take care of what was behind him. In a crisis, he suddenly slapped himself on the door and shouted loudly:

"Patriarch save me!"

As soon as the words fell, a talisman flew out from the back of his head, rushed into the air, turned into a fiery red long sword, and slashed at the ghostly sword.


The red sword light swept across the sky, and the ghosts behind them were swept by the sword, and immediately turned into nothingness, as if they had never appeared before.

After the ghost qi was swept away, the red sword edge continued to gallop forward, and finally slashed on Jingyuan's ghost lamp.


With a crisp sound, the wick of the ghost lamp shattered, turned into pus and blood and fell into the air, and the long sword above Zhu Youqing's head disappeared without a trace after the blow.

Fu Lu and Ghost Lantern perished together, Jing Yuan was even more angry, screamed again and again, and the nine-ringed sword in his hand was full of blood, like a slaughtering knife that slaughtered thousands of people, slashing from a distance.

However, there is still a distance for his deity. With this gap, Zhu Youqing shouted and rose to the sky, dodging Liang Yan's attacks one after another, and then stabbed the double stab back and held Jing Yuan's long knife.

Liang Yan originally wanted to pursue the victory, but when his mind moved, his consciousness spread, and he immediately found a nine-bend galaxy appearing above his head.

"Stardust transforms into river energy!"

Liang Yan didn't even think about it, he stabbed with a backhand sword, and with a crisp sound of "Dang!", he was slashing on the wind and fire golden wheel.

In mid-air, the four of them fought chaotically, sometimes Jingyuan fought against Liang Yan, sometimes Zhu Youqing fought against Jingyuan, and sometimes Liang Yan fought against Ling Chongxiao. The Cumulus Mountains have collapsed!

At this moment, Xuanyuan Lingwei, Zheng Gongbu and the others, as well as the Seven Sages of Zhulin, all retreated from a distance, for fear of being involved in this battle.

"Today is really an eye-opener!" Zheng Gongbu blew his beard and looked at the fierce battle in the air with an incredible look on his face.

Even Ye Shan, who has always been rebellious, widened his eyes and couldn't help shouting, "I've been cultivating for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen Tong Xuan Zhan Hua Jie, and the people who fight him are not ordinary people!"

"I thought I already knew him very well...I didn't expect that I still didn't know enough..." Xuanyuan Lingwei looked at the figure in the air at this time, and gently Sighed.

On the other side of them, the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest were also discussing.

"Brother, I'm afraid we won't be able to avenge this revenge today..."

"This person's strength is unfathomable. It would be good if I can save my life. Why don't I just retreat and return to our Purple Bamboo Forest, and don't get involved in this imperial power whirlpool again." Voices.


The seven sages of the bamboo forest communicated through voice transmission, and soon reached an agreement. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the four people fighting in the sky, the six of them each rode an escape light and quietly left the Cumulus Mountain Range.

This scene was seen by Xuanyuan Lingwei. She did not step forward to stop her. Although she said that one of the Seven Sages in Zhulin had been abolished and the other six were seriously injured, if they really had to fight, there were only four of them on her side. Steady victory.

And in this situation, the life and death of the seven sages in the bamboo forest have nothing to do with the overall situation, and whether they can defeat the Confucian gods is the key.

Once the Confucian gods will be captured, it is equivalent to breaking the arm of the second prince, and then waiting for the arrival of the flying dragon god, then the big thing can be accomplished!

Xuanyuan Lingwei figured this out, and turned a blind eye to the departure of the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest, but focused all her attention on the sky above Cumulus Mountain.

Although with their strength, it is impossible to intervene in this level of battle, but the four people in the air are evenly matched and evenly matched.

If the four of them keep fighting, and there is no winner or loser, then there will eventually be a moment when their spiritual power will be exhausted.

At that time, the cultivators of the Profound Opening Realm like myself will be able to come in handy.


Xuanyuan Lingwei's thoughts turned very fast, but the four people in the air didn't realize it, or they didn't have the intention to pay attention to her at all.

At this moment, the battle between the four has reached a white-hot stage.

The four colors of blue, red, black, and blue are divided and combined in mid-air, the power of pure yang, the power of the sword baby, the evil spirit of the devil, and the power of the star dust. Even some sects a hundred miles away noticed it.

Liang Yan smashed Zhu Youqing's flaming palm print with a single sword, and his right eye suddenly turned gray. When he turned around, death energy appeared ten feet away, and wiped out all the inkstone soldiers who had attacked him.

After this series of fights, Liang Yan's right shoulder was already swept away by Jing Yuan's blade, and the aura of countless unjust souls remained in the wound, constantly gnawing at his own body.

Fortunately, his body was strong, and he sealed the wound with sword energy in time, so that the injury did not spread to the whole body.

Looking at the other three, it's not too bad either.

Ling Chongxiao's face was stabbed with water, leaving a long and narrow bloodstain, deep to the bone, and still bleeding.

Zhu Youqing's left leg was penetrated by the sword qi, and it was completely numb at this moment. If he hadn't sealed the meridian in time with the power of pure yang, I was afraid that the sword qi would have penetrated the heart channel upward.

As for the old monk Jingyuan, this person has been enchanted, and he has no moves to speak of. With his brute force, he slashes randomly, and his moves are all fatal.

Therefore, his injuries were the most serious. Liang Yan, Ling Chongxiao, and Zhu Youqing all left scars on him.

But Jingyuan didn't realize it, and still opened up and closed, and even aroused boundless murderousness, and the murderousness increased instead of decreasing!

The four of them fought for a while. From the day to the night, the other three were fine, but Jingyuan's injury became more and more serious. The whole person was like a wounded bull, with a low and strange roar from his throat.

Suddenly, the old monk seemed to have gone mad, and crashed forward into the center of the battle. The nine-ringed sword in his hand was churning with blood, as if condensed with boundless suffocation, and he slashed at Liang Yan, Ling Chongxiao, and Zhu Youqing at the same time.

"Is he crazy?"

This was the thought that came to the three of them at the same time, but after thinking about it, they felt that something was wrong. After all, this person had already lost his mind, but he was not so crazy before.

But now is not the time to think so much. Before the blade's edge has arrived, the murderous intent has arrived, and everyone's heart is stunned.


A dull loud noise came, but it was Ling Chongxiao who blocked the blade with the "Tiger Waiting Pointing Inkstone". The nine golden rings on the blade vibrated constantly, causing everyone to feel annoyed and unreasonably arrogant.

Not only that, as the golden ring vibrated, the three felt that the primordial spirit in their bodies began to turmoil, as if they were out of control, they wanted to break through the body and fly towards the knife!

"What a treacherous long knife!"

Liang Yan was taken aback, the Hunyuan Jindan was spinning rapidly, all the spiritual power in the body was transformed, and the Buddhist golden light flashed again and again, and it was difficult to stabilize the primordial spirit.

Looking at it again at this time, the **** blade was already in front of him, and he didn't dare to be slighted. He hurriedly pinched the sword and used the blue sword glow to hold the long blade, and the whole person flew back.

Jing Yuan fights three with one. Although this sword is infinitely powerful, his deity is open wide, full of flaws, and rushes among the three, which undoubtedly becomes the target of public criticism.

Liang Yan was okay, thinking about the origin of Jing Yuan and his teacher, he just blocked the long sword with his sword, and did not counterattack.

But Ling Chongxiao and Zhu Youqing didn't think so, such a rare opportunity, how could these two be willing to let it go, they must kill!

In an instant, the Wind Fire Golden Wheel and the Chunyang Crane flew out at the same time and hit Jing Yuan directly.


The power of wind and fire and the power of pure yang broke out at the same time. Jing Yuan used an old trick. At this time, he had no time to defend. He could only let the magical powers of the two ravage his own body, and the dazzling halo dyed the whole sky red. It hurt the consciousness of everyone below.

With such a powerful power, Xuanyuan Lingwei, Zheng Gongbu and the others did not dare to look at it again, and all bowed their heads.

However, just when everyone was secretly frightened, a roar suddenly sounded in the air. The voice was manic, penetrating the rays of light and clouds, and the entire surrounding of the Cumulus Mountains seemed to tremble because of this roar.

"what is that?"

Xuanyuan Lingwei was taken aback and looked up in the air, only to see the clouds dyed red by the power of pure yang and the golden wheel of wind and fire dissipated like a tide, revealing a tall man with a height of nine feet in the halo.

This person is dark all over, his muscles are knotted, and he has three heads and six arms.

His appearance has completely changed, but there is still a little monk lying on his shoulders. At this moment, his eyes are slightly closed, his brows are furrowed, and he looks very painful.

But even so, the little monk was still lying on the man's shoulder, showing his white teeth and biting his shoulder tightly.

"what happened?"

Liang Yan was looked at the pitch-black man, and then at the little monk. Thoughts were spinning in his mind, but he couldn't understand what was going on right now.

Also shocked by him were Ling Chongxiao and Zhu Youqing, who also took a step back in unison.

You must know that the blow just now, both of them took the opportunity and didn't hold back at all, they really hit Jing Yuan firmly.

But why is the other party still standing there, just changing his appearance, without leaving the slightest injury on his body?

While thinking about it, Jing Yuan's three heads suddenly turned in unison, and six pairs of eyes looked at the little monk on his shoulder at the same time.

As if feeling the gaze of the other party, the little monk's brows furrowed deeper and his teeth clenched more tightly.

However, in the next moment, in the strong evil spirit, a palm the size of a palm fan stretched out and pulled the little monk off his shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, the other five palms also stretched out at the same time, grabbing the hands, feet and neck of the little monk respectively, and suddenly pulling them in five different directions!

Under the shocked gazes of Liang Yan, Ling Chongxiao, and Zhu Youqing, the little monk was torn to pieces, and then five palms were rubbed together, and flesh and blood spilled from the air......

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