The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1182: goodbye sunbu 2

When Liang Yan heard him say that someone still recognized him, his heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely thought of something.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard a chuckle in the forest, and then a thin man walked out slowly.

This person was wearing a Confucian robe, tall and thin, with a jade belt tied around his waist. Although his appearance was quite different from that of the past, Liang Yan recognized it at a glance.

The person in front of him is his old rival Sun Buer!

"I see!"

The moment he saw Sun Buer, Liang Yan immediately understood the whole thing.

He originally thought that Gou Qi and his companions disguised as Huiming and Huijue, and took the initiative to invite Ying up the mountain, in order to find some treasure to suppress the injury, but now it seems that their real goal should be themselves!

"I said, how can Gou Qi and the others have such a scheming, it turns out that you are behind the scenes, it's not surprising, it's not surprising..."

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, his expression indifferent between joy and anger.

"Haha, Brother Liang! I haven't seen each other for many years. I didn't expect that we would meet again here, and I didn't expect you to become the True Monarch Tongxuan. It's really gratifying!"

Sun Buer's smile was sincere, and it seemed that it was indeed congratulations from the heart. If someone who didn't know them met, they would have thought that the two were friends for many years and reunited after a long absence.

"Hmph, Your Excellency is not bad!"

Liang Yan snorted coldly, and did not plan to reminisce too much.

He has long seen the person of Sun Buer, even if he calls you a brother on the surface, but when it comes time to stab you in the back, he will definitely not be soft-hearted!

There is absolutely nothing to talk about with this kind of person.

But one thing that surprised Liang Yan was that Sun Buer's cultivation realm had reached the middle stage of Tongxuan!

You must know that you can only have this kind of cultivation speed with the help of the Heavenly Dao Foundation and the Qi Luck of the Eight Sects of the Unparalleled Domain. Could it be that this Sun Buer also has some heaven-defying physique and chance to have the same cultivation as himself?

"Brother Liang, Brother Liang, although I haven't seen you for so many years, I have never underestimated you!"

Sun Buer laughed at this moment: "It's you who never seem to take me seriously? Since you know that my Sun Buer is in Guangling City, do you think I'll sit back and wait, and don't know the reasoning that it's better to strike first? ?"

"It's your character! You have to strive for an opportunity in everything, and never fall behind."

Liang Yan nodded, as if he saw the handsome young man who fought with him for the fragments of the "Dao Sword Classic" in the Yunxiao Palace.

"It seems that the two of us know each other, so we don't need to talk too much."

Sun Bu'er's face was indifferent, he clapped his hands lightly, and another person appeared in the black woods.

This person is a woman, wearing a white veil skirt and a pearl hairpin on her head. She has a good figure and a delicate face, but her expression is indifferent, and she has a feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away.

She walked out of the shadows of the woods, and stood with Gou Qi, Sun Buer, and Hui Ming each in a position, and blocked all four directions in the south, south, north, and west, as if to trap Liang Yan in the middle.

"Transforming Tribulation Realm!"

Liang Yan's brows wrinkled slightly. After the woman in white appeared, her aura was not hidden in the slightest. He saw it at a glance, it was a monk in the realm of catastrophe!

It's just that this woman's breath is weaker than Fang Jun's. If it's not surprising, it should be a monk who has just stepped into the realm of catastrophe and has only survived the first difficulty.

"It seems that you already knew that Liang was coming, and made this decision ahead of time. If I guess correctly, there should be someone from you in the sixth princess' mansion, right?" Liang Yan suddenly said lightly.

"Haha, Brother Liang is really insightful!"

Sun Buer laughed loudly, clapped his hands and said, "Brother Liang, you know me well. Sun never fights unprepared battles. The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. The whereabouts of you and Xuanyuan Lingwei have long been known to me. It is already known, so you are seeking your own death today!"

"You said 'we'?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, and suddenly understood, I am afraid that Sun Buer's game today is not just for himself, he also counts Xuanyuan Lingwei into it!

With Sun Buer's character, he had to use a bull's knife to kill chickens, not to mention Liang Yan's thorn in the side.

There are so many people in the Luowang Chamber of Commerce, and there is only one monk in the robbery realm guarding here, so where the others went, you don't need to think about it.

"You sent all your staff to deal with Xuanyuan Lingwei?" Liang Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Brother Liang, are you still caring about others even when you die? Could it be that the beauty of the sixth princess has fascinated you?"

Sun Buer smiled and continued, "You guessed right, but there is someone else who is going to deal with her today. I'm just helping out. The biggest target, of course, is you!"

Although Sun Buer was reluctant to say more, Liang Yan also understood.

When I saw Xuanyuan Lingwei for the first time back then, I had heard from her that the city lord Xuanyuan was in seclusion all the year round, and now the government is controlled by the second prince.

There is already competition between these princes and princesses, especially the two factions of the second prince and the sixth princess, which have almost reached the point of incompatibility.

In this "Wentai Doubao Conference", in order to show their abilities, everyone secretly supported a chamber of commerce. Among them, the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce was allied with the sixth princess Xuanyuan Lingwei, and the Luowang Chamber of Commerce was allied with the second prince.

Since Sun Buer appeared here and uttered wild words, there is no doubt that the person who will attack Xuanyuan Lingwei is definitely the second prince of Xuanyuan City!

Liang Yan didn't want to pay attention to Xuanyuan City's broken affairs, but he didn't expect that this trip to Cumulus Mountain would still be involved in the royal family struggle in Xuanyuan City...

"How did these people get in? Could it be that the monks of Luofeng Temple were bought by them? And the monk in the cave of 'Wang Xian Ya', does he know about this?"

A series of questions flashed through Liang Yan's mind, but he didn't have time to think about it at this time, only to hear Sun Buer's voice sounding again:

"Brother Liang, for the sake of our acquaintance, as long as you take the initiative to hand over the first chapter of the "Dao Jian Jing" and the Aoki flying sword, I can give you a chance to reincarnate, otherwise you will quit Blame Sun for being ruthless!"

As soon as Sun Buer's voice fell, Gou Qi next to him immediately opened his mouth and said:

"Young Master Sun, don't forget what you promised me, the black lotus sword in this kid's body is mine! After everything is done, I will use your relationship in Xuanyuan City to send us out of the Unparalleled Realm!"

"Haha, fellow Daoist Gou, don't worry, I have no interest in this kid's other flying swords. As for sending you guys out of Xuanyuan Yu, it's easy for me." Sun Buer chuckled lightly.

"Hui Ming" who was standing in the east suddenly said, "I'm also a little curious about this kid's Buddhist practice. Wait, don't let him die too fast, I'm going to personally search for his soul!"

At the same time as he spoke, a flash of spiritual light appeared all over his body, showing his original appearance, which was the eagle-nosed old man Liang Yan had seen in the Taoist temple that day.

The three of them regarded him as a turtle in a urn and began to discuss the distribution of benefits after the incident. Only the woman in white standing in the north had a calm expression and never said a word from beginning to end, looking like an ice sculpture.

Facing the siege of the four, Liang Yan's face did not show the slightest panic.

While the other party was talking, his eyes swept across the crowd secretly.

Three sword lights, divided into purple, silver, and black, all slashed toward the eagle-nosed old man's chest.

"Sword Gang? No!"

The eagle-nosed old man seemed to be very familiar with Jianxiu's methods, and he could see at a glance that these three swordsmanships were not ordinary.


There was a loud noise in the air, and a golden circular wheel descended from the sky. The edge of the golden wheel was inlaid with numerous sharp teeth, and each sharp tooth was engraved with a strange rune.

As the golden wheel rotates, countless golden lights converge in the center, turning into a huge vortex, engulfing all the three sword gangs of Zilei, Dingguang, and Heilian.

brush! brush! brush!

Countless sword qi galloped across the golden vortex, although there were great supernatural powers and great mana to dissolve the sword qi of Feijian, but Liang Yan relied on the prototype of the sword baby in his body to motivate the flying sword, and the power of the sword gang could not be eliminated at all.

Just holding on for a breath, the golden vortex suddenly burst, and the three swords were like a tiger out of a cage, unstoppable, and slashed straight to the top of the eagle-nosed old man's head.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing that the other party's supernatural powers were so vulnerable, Liang Yan knew it in his heart. It seemed that the information from the Nine Palaces Chamber of Commerce was correct. Although this eagle-nosed old man was a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, he was seriously injured and his cultivation level almost dropped to the Tong Xuan Realm. Below.

In the face of a four-person siege, the first thing to do is to find out the weaknesses of the other side. The eagle-nosed old man's cultivation is the weakest among the four. Liang Yan will use him first, and kill him with thunder to protect himself. Get the upper hand!

The speed of the three swords was extremely fast, falling from the sky, and almost instantly reached the top of the eagle-nosed old man's head.


Seeing that this person was about to be killed, there was a low roar not far from the side, and then a yellow dragon galloped out and stopped directly in front of the eagle-nosed old man.

This yellow dragon is ten feet long, and its whole body is full of sword energy. Liang Yan took a closer look and found that every dragon scale on the dragon's body is actually composed of sword energy.

And in the mouth of the dragon head, there is actually a khaki pill!

"Jianwan! Yellow Dragon Sword Art?"

Liang Yan remembered the information he had obtained in the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce that day, and he did not dare to be careless. Three swordsmen burst out with fierce sword energy, and fought with the khaki-colored Jianwan for three swords.


A series of sword sounds came from mid-air, Liang Yan and Gou Qi's expressions remained unchanged.

Dog seven out of the sword, not for meritorious service, but only to protect people. And Liang Yan doesn't seem to be in a hurry. The three swords and gangs echo each other, and he fights with Gou Qi for several tricks, all of which are tepid.

Seeing the flaw, Sun Buer quietly walked around behind Liang Yan, and as soon as he pinched the magic formula in his hand, he was about to make a sneak attack.

But just as he raised his hand, Liang Yan's figure swayed gently and disappeared directly in place.


Sun Buer was stunned for a moment, obviously not responding.

"Be careful, son!"

Originally taciturn, the white-clothed woman standing in the north without the slightest movement suddenly sounded a reminder.

Her voice was very clear, and before she finished speaking, she pointed her jade hand forward, and saw a circle of white ripples appear above Sun Buer's head.

The white ripples rippled slightly, and after a while, an equally snow-white jade hand stretched out from it and gently grabbed the void in front of Sun Buer.


With a loud noise, Liang Yan's figure reappeared in the air.

Golden light flickered all over his body, his right fist was punched forward, and an overwhelming aura swept out, and the divine power of King Kong was even more condensed like a mountain, rushing forward!

However, this powerful punch was pressed down by the jade hand that appeared in the ripples.

The fists and palms intersected, and a golden and white halo erupted, razing the surrounding hundred zhang radius to the ground!

This time, neither side had the upper hand.

Although the woman in white was silent and seemed harmless to humans and animals, her cultivation was a real tribulation realm.

Liang Yan's right fist was caught in the opponent's hand, and a cold air came from the opponent's palm, trying to invade his meridians and damage his inner organs.


Liang Yan snorted coldly, and the golden light in his body turned, blocking all the cold air in the opponent's palm. At the same time, he patted the Taixu gourd around his waist with his left hand, and a green light immediately shot out.

The speed of this green light was surprisingly fast, and it only came to Sun Buer in an instant.

"Sword Pill!"

Sun Buer's pupils shrank. Back then, Liang Yan used this Aoki Flying Sword in front of him, which left a deep impression on him, but at that time, he hadn't completed the sword pill. This step!

"You're not the only one who has become a sword pill!"

Sun Buer gritted his teeth, and hurriedly pinched the sword in his hand. A purple sword pill flew out of his sleeve and slashed toward Liang Yan's mayfly sword pill.


In mid-air, the two swords fought head-to-head, and circles of sword energy spread around, and a few fell to the ground, immediately creating a bottomless gulf.

Two sword pills, two completely different sword intents, fought fiercely in mid-air, and there was a trace of similarity in the changes in their moves.

This trace of similarity is naturally the "Sword Fighting Chapter" of the "Dao Jian Jing"!

"This person is a genius. He obviously didn't have the 'Sword Raising Chapter', but he was able to forcibly practice the 'Sword Fighting Chapter' through his own understanding, and finally successfully condensed the sword pill!"

Liang Yan was also very surprised in his heart. He used a scheming just now and pretended to attack the eagle-nosed old man, but in fact the real target was Sun Buer.

Although the Eagle-nosed old man is the, killing this person will not have much impact on the entire battle situation, but Sun Buer is different.

He is the young master of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce, and the female cultivator in white is his subordinate. If he can capture Sun Buer and take him as a hostage, then the female cultivator in white will definitely be against the mouse.

At that time, you can be invincible.

Therefore, Liang Yan attacked the eagle-nosed old man first, just to hide people's eyes and ears, because he knew that the moment he made a move on this person, Gou Qi would definitely come to the rescue.

After diverting everyone's attention, Liang Yan deliberately sold a loophole, attracting Sun Buer to come to sneak attack, and then approached this person with the power of thunder, trying to capture him alive with the power of King Kong.

Although all of this was well calculated, it is a pity that the female cultivator in white did not rush to take action from beginning to end, but put all her attention on Sun Buer......

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